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Cartilla para el fortalecimiento de

competencias en pruebas saber 11

Tu clave para lograr los más altos puntajes en el examen de estado

INGENYUS SOLUCIONES EDUCATIVAS. Todos los derechos de autor reservados ©.
Todo el contenido es propiedad exclusiva y reservada de “INGENYUS SOLUCIONES EDUCATIVAS” y es el resultado de investigaciones y obras
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Esta información no podrá ser alterada, modificada o enmendada

Coordinación de la publicación:
Ingenyus Soluciones Educativas
Esta cartilla se construyó colectivamente en
equipos de trabajo conformados por expertos en
evaluación y medición, docentes en ejercicio de
instituciones de educación básica, media y Equipo de gestores de Pruebas:
superior y asesores expertos en cada una de las
competencias y temáticas evaluadas. Las Ingenyus Soluciones Educativas
preguntas pasan por un proceso técnico de Revisión de Estilo:
construcción, revisión, validación y actualización,
en los cuales, participan los equipos antes Ingrid Liliana Delgado Bohórquez
mencionados. Con la aplicación rigurosa de los Diagramación:
procedimientos se garantiza su calidad y
pertinencia para los procesos de evaluación. Víctor Alexis Méndez Bohórquez

Esta cartilla está diseñada para la gente que quiere llegar a la “U”. Es una herramienta poderosa diseñada
para adquirir destreza y precisión para responder, a la vez que repasas y fortaleces los aprendizajes que
debes adquirir en tu bachillerato, y obtener así, los puntajes más altos en la prueba SABER 11.

La cartilla contiene xxxx preguntas tipo SABER 11 sobre todas las áreas evaluadas organizadas por bloques.
Cada desafío trae una programación para que organices tu tiempo y repasos en tu materia, una hoja de
respuestas y las correspondientes respuestas a cada cuestionario.

Aquí esperamos brindarte información cada vez más completa sobre las pruebas externas que realiza el
ICFES, la cual confiamos sea un aporte a la comprensión de las mismas en pro del mejoramiento de la
calidad de la educación.


Competencias y afirmaciones de la prueba
Distribución de preguntas por competencias y componentes
Niveles de desempeño



Para facilitar tu proceso de preparación para la prueba SABER 11, te presentamos un modelo para que ejecutes el
desarrollo de la cartilla:
1. Repasa los contenidos específicos de la cartilla en cada etapa planteada.
2. Al finalizar cada etapa, vas a encontrar las preguntas modelo que te evaluarán estos aprendizajes adquiridos.
El objetivo de esta cartilla es darles a los estudiantes la información básica conceptual que fundamenta las
pruebas SABER 11. La cartilla tiene 3 grandes bloques dividos así:

En el primer bloque, se presenta la estructura general de la prueba, lo referente a las sesiones y preguntas.
En el segundo bloque, se desarrollan los referentes conceptuales necesarios para que el estudiante
fortalezca estos y pueda afrontar de una mejor manera la prueba. Finalmente en el tercer bloque se
presentan algunas preguntas modelo para familiarizarse con el tipo de preguntas del examen SABER 11.









Respuestas a los desafios


A continuación te presentamos una serie de “TIPS” para que los tengas en cuenta en las pruebas SABER 11.
De esta manera, tendrás más probabilidades de éxito en tu examen.

 Lápiz de mina negra No 2, borrador y  Carro o moto.
sacapuntas.  Celulares, audífonos, equipos electrónicos.
 Documento de identificación válido  Ningún tipo de folletos, hojas, revistas, etc.
 Ropa cómoda.  Bolsos ni morrales.


 Maneja la ansiedad.
 Descansa muy bien en la semana que corresponde al examen.
 No te embriagues ni trasnoches.
 No tomes cosas para el estrés.
 Cuida tu alimentación, nada de comidas pesadas.
 No repases el día anterior.
 Visita el sitio de aplicación de prueba o entérate de la ubicación.

 Debes estar atento(a) de las recomendaciones del jefe de salón.
 Revisa el cuadernillo que este completo y verifica que los números del cuadernillo y hoja de respuestas
 No es recomendable desdoblar el cuadernillo pues se dificulta el manejo. Al final del cuadernillo hay
indicaciones para para pasar a la siguiente página.
 Lee las instrucciones del folleto y las preguntas.
 Llena los espacios de la prueba con moderación. El examen SABER 11 no es una prueba de velocidad,
pero si haces un buen manejo del tiempo (recuerda que tendrás un tiempo aproximado de 2 minutos
por pregunta) tendrás más tranquilidad y te evitará afanes de última hora.
 Si te equivocas no hay problema, borra bien.
 No marques más de una respuesta.
 Revisa que contestas en el número que corresponda (cuida de no saltarte en la hoja de respuestas, pues
de lo contrario alteras el orden estricto de secuencia).
 Cero atención a las leyendas urbanas.
 No te desesperes si eres el último del salón, utiliza todo el tiempo.
 Realiza pausas activas.
 Adecua la postura en tu asiento.
 Programa bien el tiempo de ida y regreso.

 Verifica el material del examen antes de depositarlo en la bolsa.
 Guarda silencio cuando abandones el salón.
 Si llevas tu celular, no lo enciendas hasta cuando salgas del sitio de aplicación.
 Consulta los resultados de la prueba en WWW.ICFESINTERACTIVO.GOV.CO

En la prueba SABER 11 se utilizan preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta. Las preguntas de
selección múltiple con única respuesta están conformadas por un enunciado (que presenta una situación,
contexto, texto, etc.), la formulación de una tarea de evaluación (aquello que se le pide al estudiante
realizar) y cuatro opciones de respuesta, codificadas como A, B, C y D, de las cuales solo una es correcta o
válida para el planteamiento dado. Debes seleccionar entre estas opciones la que consideres acertada.
Recuerda que las preguntas se responden en la “Hoja de respuestas” (no en el cuadernillo), rellenando
completamente el círculo correspondiente a la opción de respuesta que consideres correcta.

FIGURA 1. Ejemplo de cómo debes rellenar completamente el óvalo


El examen SABER 11 se realiza en dos (2) sesiones, cada una ellas tiene un tiempo total de cuatro horas
treinta minutos (4 h y 30 min). En la siguiente tabla puedes observar cuántas preguntas tiene cada una de
las pruebas y el cuestionario de contexto1:

PRIMERA SESIÓN (Jornada de domingo por la mañana )

Matemáticas 1 25
Lectura Crítica 41
Sociales y Ciudadanas 1 25 131 4 h y 30 min
Ciencias Naturales 1 29
Cuestionario de Contexto 1 11
SEGUNDA SESIÓN (Jornada de domingo por la tarde )
Sociales y Ciudadanas 2 25
Matemáticas 2 25
Ciencias Naturales 2 29 137 4 h y 30 min
Inglés 45
Cuestionario de Contexto 2 13
GUÍA DE ORIENTACIÓN Saber 11.°2017-2. 5ª Edición. Publicación del Instituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación (Icfes). Abril de 2107. 113 p.

1 El cuestionario de contexto indaga por características de tu núcleo familiar (composición, estatus laboral y educativo); condiciones de tu hogar (dotación de
bienes dentro de la vivienda, situación económica, estrato socioeconómico, disponibilidad de internet y servicio cerrado de televisión); consumo de ciertos
alimentos y dedicación familiar a entretenimiento. No se le asigna ningún puntaje sobre el resultado global del examen.
2 Este número refiere a un cuadernillo estándar de Saber 11, que puede variar según la aplicación (Pre Saber 11, población general, población validante y

población individuales).

La prueba de inglés está conformada por 45 preguntas de selección múltiple con única respuesta,
distribuidas de la siguiente manera:


1 5 11
2 5 11
3 5 11
4 8 18
5 7 16
6 5 11
7 10 22

A. Parte 1: En esta parte de la prueba se indaga por el conocimiento pragmático del estudiante. En
particular, el estudiante debe reconocer el propósito comunicativo de un aviso y el lugar donde este puede
aparecer, según ese propósito. Para ello, se le presentan al estudiante cinco avisos y él debe decidir dónde
podría encontrarlos. En cada pregunta hay tres opciones de respuesta, A, B o C, una de las cuales deberá
marcar en su Hoja de respuestas.

B. Parte 2: Esta parte evalúa el conocimiento lexical del estudiante. A partir de este conocimiento, el
estudiante debe comprender una serie de descripciones con el fin de relacionarlas con una lista de palabras.
En esta parte, el estudiante encuentra una lista de ocho (8) palabras clasificadas de A a H y una serie de
enunciados. Cada uno de los enunciados describe una de las ocho (8) palabras y el estudiante debe buscar
la relación correcta entre palabras y descripciones para asociar cada enunciado con su letra
correspondiente (A a H) en su Hoja de respuestas. Hay más palabras (A a H) de las que el estudiante

C. Parte 3: La parte 3 evalúa al estudiante en su conocimiento comunicativo. En concreto, el estudiante

debe elegir la intervención más adecuada que un interlocutor 2 haría frente a lo dicho por un interlocutor
1. Lo anterior se relaciona con la pertinencia del lenguaje usado en situaciones particulares recreadas en
pequeñas conversaciones.
En consonancia con lo anterior, en esta parte el estudiante encuentra cinco (5) conversaciones cortas que
debe completar seleccionando la respuesta correcta de las tres (3) opciones, A, B o C, en su Hoja de

D. Parte 4: Con base en un texto, en esta parte se evalúa del estudiante su conocimiento gramatical.
Puntualmente, se trata de elegir las palabras más adecuadas para completar el texto. Para ello, el
estudiante debe leer el texto prestando atención a una serie de espacios y, para cada uno de ellos, debe
seleccionar la palabra correcta entre las tres (3) opciones, A, B o C, en su Hoja de respuestas.

E. Parte 5: En esta parte de la prueba, el estudiante debe realizar un ejercicio de comprensión de lectura
literal, de un texto. Este ejercicio consiste en seleccionar la paráfrasis que permite responder
correctamente a cada pregunta sobre el texto. El estudiante debe seleccionar la respuesta correcta, para
cada pregunta, entre tres (3) opciones, A, B o C, en su Hoja de respuestas.

F. Parte 6: Con base en un texto, en esta parte el estudiante debe llevar cabo un proceso de lectura
inferencial. Se plantean distintas preguntas sobre la intención del autor y los aspectos generales y
particulares por destacar del texto. El estudiante debe seleccionar la respuesta correcta, para cada
pregunta, entre cuatro (4) opciones, A, B, C o D, en su Hoja de respuestas.

G. Parte 7: A partir del texto que integra esta parte de la prueba, se evalúa del estudiante su conocimiento
tanto gramatical como lexical. El ejercicio consiste en elegir las palabras más adecuadas para completar el
texto. Para ello, el estudiante debe leer el texto prestando atención a los espacios y, para cada uno de ellos,
debe seleccionar la palabra correcta de las cuatro (4) opciones, A, B, C o D en su Hoja de respuestas.

Los niveles de desempeño consisten en una descripción cualitativa de las habilidades y conocimientos de
los estudiantes que se ubican en determinado nivel. En Colombia existe población que se encuentra por
debajo del primer nivel del Marco Común Europeo (A1), lo cual ha llevado a incluir en la prueba de Inglés
de Saber 11 un nivel inferior a A1, denominado A– o –A1, que corresponde a aquellos desempeños mínimos
que involucran el manejo de vocabulario y estructuras básicos. De igual forma, se incluye un nivel superior
al B1 para aquellos estudiantes que superan lo evaluado en este nivel. Este nivel se denomina B+. En la
tabla se pueden observar los distintos niveles de desempeño conforme a su puntaje:

–A1 Puntaje en la prueba 0 a 47
A1 Puntaje en la prueba 48 a 57
A2 Puntaje en la prueba 58 a 67
B1 Puntaje en la prueba 68 a 78
B+ Puntaje en la prueba 79 a 100

Ejemplos de preguntas
Los ejemplos que se presentan a continuación conservan las características generales de las preguntas que
los estudiantes encontarán en las siete (7) partes que componen el examen. En cuanto a la numeración de
los ejemplos, esta retoma la posición de las preguntas en aplicaciones anteriores, por lo tanto, no presenta
un orden consecutivo.

Parte 1
En esta primera parte de la prueba, el estudiante debe responder la pregunta inicial sobre la ubicación de
los cinco (5) avisos que va a encontrar a continuación. En el momento de leer cada aviso, el estudiante
tácitamente identifica la función o el propósito comunicativo de cada uno de ellos y con base en estos elige
la opción correcta en cada pregunta.
¿Dónde puede ver estos avisos?

A. in a café
1. B. in a bank
C. in an office

A. in a classroom
2. B. in a library
C. in a bookstore

A. in a lake
3. B. in a pool
C. in a waterfall
A in a station
4. B in a café
C in a zoo
A on a hill
5. B in a forest
C at a beach
A in a office
6. B in a hospital
C in a bank
A on a bus
7. B in an elevator
C in a park
A in a train station
8. B in a parking lot
C in a library
A on a book
9. B on a envelope
C on a newspaper

A in a car park
10. B in a school
C in a hotel a police station

11. a tourist information office a fast-food restaurant a library
12. B. at an airport a shop a shoe shop
13. a sports center a guest-house a restaurant
14. a bank a post office
A. on milk
15. B. on bread
C. on ice cream

A. in a school
16. B. in a playground
C. in a bathroom

A. on a boat
17. B. in a house
C. in the street
A. on a train
18. B. in a park
C. in a shop
A. in a hall
19. B. in a flat
C. on a beach
A. in a soccer class
20. B. in a drawing class
C. in a computer class
A. in a shop
21. B. in a library
C. in a hotel

A. in a museum
22. B. in a hotel
C. at a market
A. in a classroom
23. B. in a museum
C. in an office

A. in a school
24. B. in a hospital
C. in a department store
A. in a theater
25. B. in an airport
C. in a station
A. in a shop
26. B. in a bank
C. in a library
A. in the forest
27. B. in a market
C. in a garden

A. on a board
28. B. on a computer
C. on a bookcase

A. in the street
29. B. in the playground
C. in the garden

A. in a living room
30. B. in a bedroom
C. in a classroom
A. in a flat
31. B. in a shop
C. in a kitchen
A. on a bike
32. B. on a boat
C. on a bus
A. in a store
33. B. at a beach
C. on a plane

A. in a park
34. B. at a school
C. on a train
A. in a park
35. B. in a cinema
C. in a supermarket
A. beside a football stadium
36. B. beside a library
C. beside a lake
A. at a toy shop
37. B. at a sport center
C. at a movie theater
A. at a dinner
38. B. at a computer shop
C. in a bank
A. in a hotel
39. B. in a bank
C. in a cinema
A. at a beach
40. B. in a kitchen
C. on a tub
A. at a airport
41. B. on a farm
C. in a stadium
A. in a cafeteria
42. B. at a hospital
C. at a news station
A. in a pólice station
43. B. next to a river
C. at an internet café
A. In a school
44. B. in a fireplace
C. In a park
A. At a lab
45. B. At a public bathroom
C. at a bank entrance door
A. in the park
46. B. in a house
C. in a store
A. in a pet shop
47. B. On a gas station
C. in a library

A. in a house door
48. B. in a cheap hotel
C. in a five star hotel.
A. In a car dealer
49. B. In an airplane
C. in a department store
A. In a pub
50. B. In a meeting room
C. in the street
A. At an enterprise parking lot
51. B. At a post office
C. At an airport

A. In a fishing lake
52. B. In a water fountain
C. In a cafeteria

A. in a restaurant
53. B. in a skating rink
C. in a frozen lake

A. On a road
54. B. In a store
C. In a bank
A. in a grocery store
55. B. in a drugstore
C. in a boutique
A. In a bus stop
56. B. in a gas station
C. In a ticket office
A. In a park
57. B. in a bookshop
C. In a library
A. In a playground
57. B. In a discotheque
C. In a church
A. At a railway station
59. B. At a gas station
C. At a stadium
A. On an envelope
60. B. On a book
C. On a newspaper

A. At a train station
61. B. At a school
C. At a hospital
A. In a kitchen
62. B. In a five star hotel
C. In a dining room
A. In a park
63. B. In the zoo
C. In a vet shop
A. On a plane wing
64. B. At a travel agency
C. At the airport.
A. On an ice cream box
65. B. On a fridge
C. On a scarf.
A. in an art museum
66. B. on an ice cream box
C. on a scarf.
A. over a window.
67. B. over an elevator.
C. over a door handle.
A. in a night club.
68. B. in an amusement park.
C. in a school
A. on canned food
69. B. on a porcelain box
C. on carton of milk.
A. in a park
70. B. in a highway
C. on the street.
A. in a theater
71. B. in a bus stop
C. in a police station a zoo
72. a pet shop a forest

A. in a room with air conditioner.

73. B. in a shoping mall.
C. in a church.

A. on a window.
74. B. on a fire extinguisher cabinet.
C. on a fireplace.
A. on a soccer ball
75. B. on a building brick toy
C. on a bicycle.
A. in a garbage dump
76. B. in a park
C. in a wastebasket
A. in a diner
77. B. in a church.
C. in a stadium
A. on a box of cereal.
78. B .on a stereo
C. on a mirror.

A. on a book.
79. B. on a magazine
C. on a sell and purchase contract.
A. on a bottle of water.
80. B. on a can of soda.
C. on an insecticide bottle.
A. in a power plant.
81. B. in a light house.
C. in a skyscraper
A. at a department store.
82. B. at a pet shop
C. at a library
A. in a bus station.
83. B. in an airport.
C. in a train station
A. at a supermarket.
84. B. at a book shop
C. at a bank.
A. In the country club.
85. B. At the lawyer´s office.
C. In a bank.
A. At the airport.
86. B. In a T-shirt.
C. In a small toy.
A. in a car park
87. B. in a school
C. in a hotel

A. at a police station
88. B. at a tourist information office
C. in a fast-food restaurant
A. In a shoe shop
89. B. In a sports center
C. in a guest house.
A. in a restaurant
90. B. in a bank
C. in a post office

Parte 2
En la segunda parte de la prueba, el estudiante debe relacionar dos columnas, según se describe en la
instrucción inicial de esta parte. En la columna de la izquierda, el estudiante encuentra unas descripciones,
cada una de las cuales define solamente una de las palabras de la columna de la derecha.

A. Diary 2
1. Missing, away, not present. B. Butterfly 5
2. A book in which you write down what you do every day. C. Mosquito
3. A sweet juice found in some flower blossoms. D. Bee 4
4. An insect with four wings which makes honey and wax. E. Daily
5. An insect with large colorful wings. It likes flowers. F. Pollen
G. Absent 1
H. Nectar 3
A. dictionary
B. driving license 9
6. You usually put this inside an envelope before posting it.
C. letter 6
7. If you follow this, you won`t be late for class.
D. menu
8. People buy this to learn what has happened in the world
E. newspaper 8
9. The police may want to see this if they stop you in your car.
F. street map
10. You cannot travel on certain buses without one of these
G. ticket 5
H. Schedule 10
A coffee pot
11. We usually put food on this before we eat. B stove 15
12. People often keep things like cups here when they´re not using them. C cupboard 12
13. You cut food into small pieces with this. D fork
14. It is difficult to keep food cold without this. E fridge 14
15. You need this if you want to make food hot. F glass 16
16. When you drink juice, you can use this. G knife 13
H plate 11
A dictionary
17. You can choose what you want to eat from this. B driving license 21
18. You usually put this inside an envelope before posting it. C letter 18
19. If you follow this, you won't be late for class. D menú 17
20. People buy this to learn what has happened in the world. E newspaper 20
21. The police may want to see this if they stop you in your car. F street map
22. You cannot travel on most buses without one of these. G ticket 22
H timetable 19
A. ball 24
B. bike 27
23. All members of the same team wear this.
C. competition 25
24. You need this if you want to play tennis.
D. field 26
25. At the end of this there is usually one winner.
E. player
26. This is a place outdoors where you can play sports.
F. prize
27. If you travel on it, you will do exercise and save time.
G. stadium 23
H. uniform

A. glasses 29
28. Most business people wear this at work. B. jacket
29. You need these if you do not see very well. C. jeans 30
30. Young people usually wear these informal trousers all the time. D. skirt 33
31. People that study in the same place usually wear this. E. sneakers
32. People have this to tell the time. F. suit 28
33. Women usually wear this, but men don’t. G. uniform 31
H. watch 32
A. afternoon 34
34. This part of the day goes from twelve to six p.m. B. morning 36
35. You wear it to know what time it is. C. evening 37
36. This is when we wake up and have breakfast. D. dock
37. It starts after a work day and stops before going to bed. E. birthday
38. We all know it is the day before today. F. week 39
39. Its first day is Sunday and the last one is Saturday. G. yesterday 38
H. watch 35
A. bedroom 44
40. People use this to tell the time. B. blanket
41. This give you light C. clock 40
42. This is the name of the room where you cook D. desk 43
43. You can sit and write at this E. dining room
44. This is the name of the room where you sleep F. kitchen 42
G. lamp 41
H. pillow
A. afraid 47
B. angry
C. cold
45. If we feel like this, we want to eat something.
D. happy 46
46. We feel this way when everything goes well.
E. hungry 45
47.Some people feel this way when they see insects or spiders
F. sad
G. thirsty
H. tired
A. Book 48
C. Comics 50
48. It is what you get the most in a library.
D. DVD 49
49. You use this to watch videos
E. E-mail
50. You can read exciting stories that have many drawings in its pages.
F. Film
G. Map
H. Ticket
A. clown 51
51. When children see him, they are often happy B. doctor
52. You can see him in the countryside picking fruit. C. driver
D. farmer 52
E. nurse

En la tercera parte de la prueba, el estudiante encuentra conversaciones, cada una de las cuales consta del
enunciado que contiene lo dicho por el interlocutor 1 y de tres (3) opciones de respuesta, entre las cuales
se encuentra lo que el interlocutor 2 diría en relación con el enunciado.

A. I don’t know.
1. What else shall we buy? B. Two, please.
C. I have some money
A. Not at all.
2. We´re from London. B. Yes, please.
C. How interesting.
A. I hope he hasn´t.
3. I hate basketball. B. He usually gets it.
C. I´m sure he will.
A. You are, too.
4. I hope Andrew will get here soon. B. I do, too.
C. I can, too.
A. It doesn´t matter.
5. John´s broken this plate. B. Here you are.
C. That´s very good.
A. At school.
6. When do you study? B. In the evenings.
C. In the library
A. Certainly.
7. Iíd like the pasta, please B. I hope so.
C. Do you like it?
A. Good idea!
8. Shall we eat now? B. This is fine.
C. Itís the same.
A. Iíve seen it.
9. What do you think of modern art? B. I would like to.
C. I love it.
A. It started well.
10. Are you sure the match starts at two? B. It's all right.
C. I think so.
A. I suppose so.
11. I can't do this math problem. B. Let me see.
C. Certainly not

A. certainly
12. I´d like the pasta, please? B. I hope so.
C. Do you like it?
A. Yes, I do.
13. Be careful! B. I will.
C. What a pity!
A. Yes, she is.
14. Who’s that girl? B. That’s right.
C. My sister.
A. Great school!
15. What do you think of the teacher? B. I think so.
C. I love his class
A. Who?
16. Do you know Martha? B. Which?
C. How?
A. Here you are.
17. Can you pass me the salt? B. I like it.
C. It’s all right
A. Yes, inside.
18. Are you OK? B. Yes, please.
C. Yes, I am.
A. I don’t know.
Is your mother home?
19. B. That’s fine.
C. She’s a nurse.
A. We don’t.
20. Why don’t we go to the cinema? B. Sure, why not?
C. It’s fine.
A. Where is it?
21. I’ve got a pain. B. Why is it?
C. When is it?
A. It’s nice.
22. How would you like your steak? B. Not really.
C. Well cooked
A. I’m a pilot
23. What do you do? B. I’m a single
C. I’m a George
A. That’s great!
24. The bus is late again. B. It´s never on time!
C. I have no idea!
A. Last week.
25. How often do you visit your parents? B. Twice a month.
C. In two days.

A. I am sorry
26. I think i am getting stick B. I can too
C. Ineed it

A. New York
27. Where do you come from? B. School
C. Home
A. Maybe later.
28. Let's go to the cinema! B. You're welcome.
C. Here you are.
A. Have a nice day.
29. I'm tired, I want to go to sleep now. B. See you tomorrow.
C. So, let's begin.
A. Same to you!
30. Why don't we go to the beach? B. Nice to meet you!
C. Sounds nice!
A. Thanks!
31. Have a nice trip and good luck! B. Me too!
C. I love it
A. How come?
32. I've had a terrible day! B. Why not?
C. What for?
A. Have a rest!
33. I worked too much yesterday. I’m very tired! B. Good idea!
C. No, thanks!
A. It’s late.
34. Where is the closest bank? B. It’s on the corner
C. It’s eleven thirty
A. Yesterday morning
35. When do you start clases? B. Next week
C. Every day
A. Twenty
36. How many students are there in this room? B. Two o’clock
C. Thirty dollars
A. Are we?
37. We have time to show this video B. Was it?
C. Are you sure?
A. Yes, she can
38. May I help you? B. Yes, I like it
C. Yes, thanks you
A. There she comes
39. I need tho tickets for the opera, please. B. Here you are
C. I think so
A. Didn´t you?
40. I saw you at the cinema yesterday. B. Did you?
C. Were you?
A. Me too.
41. I am not in the mood for baseball. B. Let´s do it!
C. Me neither.

A. I think it is Maria´s.
42. Whose is this pencil? B. I think it´s black.
C. I think it maybe under the chair.
A. At American High School.
43. How do you get to school? B. By bus.
C. By foot
A. She is a nurse.
B. She likes dancing and reading.
44. What does your sister look like?
C. She is tall with long blond hair.
She is very beautiful.

En la cuarta parte de la prueba, el estudiante encuentra un texto con varios espacios numerados, cada uno
de los cuales corresponde a la respuesta de una pregunta. El estudiante debe elegir la opción correcta para
cada espacio, de entre las tres (3) opciones de respuesta de cada pregunta.


One of the (0)________ famous women in world history was Cleopatra. She was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.
She became queen of Egypt in 51 B.C. (1)________ the age of eighteen. She was a descendant of one of
Alexander the Great's generals. When she was twenty-one, Julius Caesar became (2)________ well-known
lover. Seven years (3)________ she met Anthony. The romantic tragic relationship continued (4)________
they died by suicide in 30 B.C.
Cleopatra was legendary. She was famous not (5)________ for being intelligent, but also for being beautiful.
She had brown eyes and they (6) ________ shaped like cat eyes.
Cleopatra was a woman of wonderful elegance and unusual intelligence. She was (7)_______ educated.
She (8)_______ proficiently in nine languages and also skilled in mathematics.

0. A. most B. much C. more

1. A. at B. a C. an
2. A. is B. her C. my
3. A. while B. ago C. later
4. A. on B. became C. until
5. A. only B. If C. the
6. A. were B. on C. a
7. A. highly B. high C. higher
8. A. speak B. spoke C. speaking


Before people started farming, they went to the forest to look (9) ………… plants or fruit they could eat. This
meant that people (10) ………… moving all the time to find food. But about 12,000 years ago, in the Middle
East, people (10) ………… to grow food. These people were the first farmers. Farming made (12) …………
possible for people to stay in (13) ………… place and slowly their villages got bigger.
Some people in the villages became free to do other work, like making clothes, (14) ………… the farmers
could grow food for everyone. Unfortunately, farming was difficult when the weather was bad and then
some people did not get (15) ………… food to eat.
Today, farmers (16) ………… grow more food and it travels thousands of kilometres from where it (17) …………
grown to our homes.

9. A. at B. on C. for
10. A. was B. been C. were
11. A. began B. begin C. begun
12. A. this B. it C. them
13. A. one B. the C. other
14. A. but B. or C. because
15. A. enough B. all C. many
16. A. need B. can C. have
17. A. be B. being C. is


The bear can (18) ________ a dangerous animal. The adult bear is very strong and it can kill a person. Bears
are good at (19) _______ trees and they can run very fast. But they cannot see well and, (20) ________
most animals, they find food by using (21) ______ noses.
There are seven kinds of bear. The (22) ______ is the white polar bear, which is almost three meters tall.
There are two kinds of black bear. (23) _____ lives in the forests of North America, and the other lives in
South-East Asia. But not (24 _____ black bears are black. They may be dark brown or a reddish brown.
Everyone loves the black and white panda bear, which comes from China. Not (25) _____ pandas live in the
forest today because (26) _____ is difficult to find food.

18. A is B being C be
19. A climbed B climb C climbing
20. A like B from C for
21. A them B those C their
22. A larger B largest C large
23. A Both B One C He
24. A every B all C each
25. A many B more C much
26. A there B anything C it

John Snow
John Snow (27) ________ born in 1813 in York, England and was the eldest of nine children. When he (28)
_______ fourteen, he started working for a surgeon and went on to study medicine.
In 1855, a lot of people started dying in an area of London of the illness cholera and John Snow went there
to study what was (29) ______. He discovered that the people who had died were drinking (30) _______
same water.
Before this study, no one (31) _______ how people got the illness. The results of his study (32) ______
important because they (33) ________ how the illness spread and also (34) ______ to start the science of
public health. John Snow (35) __________ very famous and (36) __________ many other studies about this
illness since then.

27. A. is B. was C.had

28. A.has B. had C. was
29. A. happen B.happened C.happening
30. A. a B. as C. the
31. A. knew B. was knowing C. knowing
32. A. is B. was C. were
33. A. explaining B. explained C. to explain
34. A. help B. helping C. helped
35. A. became B. become C. becomed
36. A. ther have been B. there is C. there will have


A girl 21): ____ disappeared 22): ____ she was eight 23)____ old has been found 24)____cambodia,
according to 25)____ father.
Eighteen years after she disappeared, a woman was 26)____ in a village in the Ratanakkiri province trying
to steal food.
The woman who was found looks 27)____ other members of the family.
She can´t speak 28)____ language that has been identified and is very frightened, but her family hopes that
she will adjust and settle down.

21. A. which B.who C. she

22. A. when B.while C. during
23. A. year B. years C. age
24. A. at B. in C. on
25. A. his B. her C. their
26. A.find B. found C.founded
27. A. as if C. like
28. A. any C. the


Researchers in Kenya have found 21)____ a fish could be an effective weapon in the fight to reduce the
spread of malaria. A fish that is 22)____ eaten was introduced to several places 23)____ the west of the
country. The fish eats mosquito larvae, 24)____ are young mosquitoes before they have wings.
People have known 25)____ a long time that this fish eats mosquitoes, but this was 26)____ first time that
researches had looked at how the fish could be used 27)____ control malaria, which 28)____ 300 million
people ill and causes a million deaths worldwide every year.
21. A. which B. who C. that
22. A. normal B. normality C. normally
23. A. on B. in C. at
24. A. which B. were C. that
25. A. since B. for C. from
26. A. at B. his C. the
27. A. for B. to C.under
28. A. makes B. make C. made


Many people all over the world like (0) ________coffee. In Britain, for example, people drink about 60
million cups of coffee (16) ________ day. In some countries, like Italy, people like (17) ________ small cup
of strong coffee, usually without milk. In other countries, like the USA, people have coffee made (18)
________ a lot of milk and sugar.
Coffee first arrived (19) ________ Britain in the 17th century. Many coffee houses (20) ________ then. But
only rich men went to (21) ________ places to meet friends, talk and do business. Women did not go to
coffee houses (22) ________ they were much too dangerous. Today, coffee is (23) ________ than before
and people drink it everywhere, at home, at work and in cafés.

0. A. drink B. drinking C. drinks

16. A. every B. all C. most
17. A. some B. the C. a
18. A. up B. with C. by
19. A. on B. in C. at
20. A. open B. opened C. opening
21. A. these B. this C. their
22. A. that B. or C. because
23. A. cheapest B. cheap C. cheaper


One of the most famous diaries (106)__English was written by John Parker. It gives a detailed and
interesting (107)__of everyday life in England (108)__1660 and 1669.
Parker writes about important stories of the time, like disease, an enemy navy (109)__ up the River Thames
and the Great Fire of London. He also writes about himself, even about his (110)__ - he often slept during
church or (111)__at the pretty girls.
He describes his home life - a (112)__ with his wife and how they became friends again, his worry about
her illness. As well as books, he liked music, the theatre, card (113)__ parties with good food and (114)__
of fun.

106. A. in B. from C. of
107. A. description B. notice C. story
108. A. between B. from C. to
109. A. driving B. flying C. sailing
110. A. accidents B. dreams C. faults
111. A. looked B. prayed C. talked
112. A. conversation B. discussion C. quarrel
113. A. games B. matches C. plays
114. A. amount B. plenty C. much

En la quinta parte de la prueba, el estudiante se encuentra con un texto escrito, con base en el cual debe
responder una serie de preguntas de comprensión de lectura literal a través del parafraseo

Ingrid McFarlane
Zoo Keeper

When I graduated from high school at eighteen, I got a job at a zoo as a student keeper. Now, five years
later, things have changed – I have passed my exams and I am a fully trained animal keeper.
The money is not good. I only get $15,000 a year. You have to be outside in rain and snow, which is hard
work, and you get very dirty. But this doesn't matter to me because animals are the most important thing
in my life!
There are a hundred monkeys and fifty deer in my part of the zoo and I give them their food and clean their
houses. I also need to watch them carefully to be sure that they are all well. In fact, rhinos are my favorite
animals and so last year I went to Africa with a colleague for a month to study them.
The zoo is open every day and I work five different days each week. I live in a small apartment twenty
minutes away and I get up at ten to seven and start work at eight. The first thing I do when I get home at
quarter after five is take a shower!

Ingrid graduated from high school

A. five years ago.
B. nine years ago.
C. eighteen years ago.

Ingrid would like to

A. take some exams.
B. earn more money.
C. change her job.

How does Ingrid feel about working in bad weather?

A. She hates getting dirty.
B. She doesn't mind it.
C. She likes the snow.

If Ingrid doesn't check the monkeys,

A. they may become ill.
B. they may get hungry.
C. they may run away.

The animals Ingrid likes best are the

A. monkeys.
B. deer.
C. rhinos.

Ingrid traveled to Africa

A. to have a month's vacation.
B. to visit a colleague there.
C. to learn more about some animals

The zoo is open

A. only five days a week.
B. seven days a week.
C. on different days every week.

Ingrid arrives at her apartment in the evening at

A. five fifteen.
B. twenty after five.
C. ten to seven


Stephen William Hawking, a well-known scientist from Oxford, studied physics at Oxford University. When
he was 21 and was doing studies on the universe at Cambridge University, the doctors found he had a neuro
motor problem. Later, his problem got worse but he wanted to finish his studies. He thought he was going
to live only a few months because most people like him only live for 18 months after diagnosis. In 1985, he
had an operation and lost his ability to speak. At firts, he could talk by spelling Word moving his eyes when
someone showed him a letter. Now he can choose words from a computer screen with a switch.
In 1988, his firts book, wich was about the universe, was very popular, but many people did not finish it
because it was difficult to understand. In 2005, he wrote a simple version called A brief History of Time.
“Before I got ill, my life was boring,” he says. But then he had dreams about giving something good to the
world, so he began to improve his work and now we can understand the universo better. He says his success
comes from the help of his wife and children, other people, and organizations. Now, Hawking Works as a
Lucasian Professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a job that Newton also had in 1663.

Stephen Hawking became a sick person when

A. he was a student.
B. he was born.
C. he was popular.

Today he can talk using

A. his face.
B. a machine.
C. some letters.

His second book was

A. easy to read.
B. for famous people.
C. very short.

Winter is dangerous because it's so difficult to know what is going to happen and accidents take place so
easily. Fog can be waiting to meet you over the top of a hill. Ice might be hiding beneath the melting snow,
waiting to send you off the road. Thecar coming towards you may suddenly slide across the road.
Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly. Uneven movements can make a car suddenly
very difficult to control. So every time you turn the wheel, touch the brakes or increase your speed, you
must be as gentle and slow as possible. Imagine you are driving with a full cup of hot coffee on the seat
next to you. Drive so that you wouldn't spill it.
Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen. The more ice there is, the further down the
road you have to look. Test how long it takes to stop by gently braking. Remember that you may be driving
more quickly than you think. In general, allow double your normal stopping distance when the road is wet,
three times this distance on snow, and even more on ice. Try to stay in control of your car at all times and
you will avoid trouble.
What is the writer trying to do in this text??
A. Give information about winter driving.
B. Warn people against driving in winter.
C. Advise people about safe driving in winter.

Why would someone read this text?

A. To find out about the weather.
B. For information on driving lessons.
C. To decide when to travel.

What does the writer think?

A. People should avoid driving in the snow.
B. Drivers should expect problems in winter.
C. Winter drivers should use their brakes less.

Why does the writer talk about a cup of coffee?

A. To explain the importance of smooth movements.
B. Because she wants drivers to be more relaxed.
C. To show how it can be spilled.

En la sexta parte de la prueba, el estudiante nuevamente se encuentra con un texto escrito, con base en el
cual debe responder un conjunto de preguntas de comprensión de lectura de un mayor nivel de
complejidad, dado que se trata de una lectura inferencial.

Smiling More Often

Smiling more often has many benefits. People who smile regularly can experience an increase in their health
and state of mind. Unfortunately, many people don’t smile enough. It’s a good idea to smile more often in
order to be more attractive.
Smiling brings health benefits. It increases natural substances in the body which improve your state of mind.
Besides, smiling helps your facial structure giving you a more youthful look; combined with healthy teeth,
smiling can make you seem more healthy and attractive. Smiling also has positive effects on the immune
and cardiovascular systems.
There are psychological benefits to smiling frequently. It makes you happy almost immediately. Many times
when we can’t smile, we find that anyone’s smile helps us feel better. Smiling can also reduce stress levels
since the body reacts quickly to it. A great way to make someone cheerful is to help them smile.
Smiling more often can also make you look more attractive and confident. In general, people like to show
happiness and be near those who are happy. Smiling in the presence of others shows you are a happy
person, and you can pass the feeling to them. People are naturally attracted to smiling; therefore, smiling
frequently can help you get the attention you want from others.
If you don’t smile much, find ways to smile more often; try to make others smile more often too. Smiling is
a fast way to feeling happy. Feeling happy and making others feel happy is very positive and will bring many
benefits. Although it seems difficult, it is in fact very easy; all it takes is moving some muscles and you are
happy almost immediately.

What can the reader find out from the text?

A. How smiling helps people to appear younger.
B. How smiling shows people you are interested in them.
C. When smiling makes people lower their stress levels.
D. When smiling helps people to be popular.

What can smiling cause in people?

A. It makes them react to funny situations frequently.
B. It helps them to know when they feel good.
C. It makes them want to help others to feel happy.
D. It helps them to feel happy very quickly.

Imagine if everyone in your street suddenly came out into the road one day and started singing together.
Singing teacher Ruth Black believes it would make everyone so friendly that they would never walk past
each other again without saying hello.

Singing helps people live in peace together, she says. All over the world people have always sung together
and in most places they still do, but in England it is no longer traditional. Nowadays, says Ruth, people only
sing together in churches and football grounds, although it could be done anywhere. Everyone is able to
sing, she says, but most of us either think we can't or have forgotten what we learned as children. However,
as with everything musical, you need to practice and the same applies to your voice. Ruth believes that
singing itself bring other benefits. It encourages good breathing, for example. Through singing, people often
become more confident and also learn to control stress. But more than anything, it brings people together.
When Ruth first started singing, there was little opportunity to sing with others. Then, through a friend, she
discovered an excellent singing class and became so keen that she started running her own classes. These
are held twice a month for all singers, whatever their level, and are now enormously successful.

What is the writer trying to do in this article?

A. explain why singing has become less popular everywhere
B. describe a teacher's ideas about the importance of singing
C. advertise a teacher's singing classes
D. encourage children to learn to sing

What can the reader find out from the article?

A. how singing is something anyone can do
B. where the best places to learn to sing are
C. why traditional singing has disappeared
D. how to improve your voice

How does Ruth think singing with other people can help you?
A. You learn to breathe more easily.
B. You are able to improve your speaking.
C. You can get to know other people.
D. You become a confident musician.

What made Ruth start her own class?

A. She couldn't find a suitable class.
B. She was asked to teach people she knew.
C. She wanted to improve her own teaching.
D. She enjoyed going to a singing class herself.

Breaking the Ice

Michael Sharp visits an outdoor pool
It’s just before 7 a.m. and I’m at an outdoor swimming pool in London, where the temperature of the water
is only 11 degrees above freezing! Amazingly, there are already eight people swimming.
I had intended to discover, by taking a swim myself, why anyone would want to swim in such cold water.
However, in the end, I decided to ask people instead. Peter Smith has been a swimmer here for three years,
coming every morning before work. ‘It’s wonderful on a cold winter morning,’ he says. ‘I thought it would
make me healthier and I haven’t been ill once since I started.’

All the swimmers here say the same thing. They all feel fitter. However, not everyone agrees with them.
Some doctors say it helps fight illness, while others say it could be dangerous, especially for your heart.
I asked Peter what they did on the days when the pool was frozen. ‘That’s easy,’ he said. ‘There’s a place in
the middle where the ice is thin and easy to break. You have to avoid the sides where the ice is thicker. I
did try to swim there once just to see what it was like, but I found that it was impossible to break through
the ice.’
I would like to be able to say that I too dived happily into the water and swam a couple of hundred metres.
But the truth is, fearing the worst, I walked very carefully into the pool, stood there almost in shock and
then got out again after 30 seconds before I became a block of ice!

What is the writer trying to do in this text?

A. explain why some people like swimming in the cold
B. prove an idea he has had about keeping fit
C. warm people not to go swimming in cold water
D. advise people on ways to stay healthy

What can a reader find out from this text

A. where to go swimming in London
B. what happened to the writer at the pool
C. how to keep warm in cold water
D. how often the wtiter goes swimming

What does Peter Smith say about his morning swim?

A. It has helped him recover from a recent illness.
B. He enjoys it when the pool is covered in ice.
C. It is the reason why he keeps well all year.
D. He thinks it makes him work better.

What did the writer feel about swimming at the pool?

A. It was as cold as he expected.
B. He did not like the ice.
C It made him feel healthier
D He enjoyed swimming up and down.

My Love of Traveling by Sam Harris

I grew up in Australia and was introduced to traveling at an early age. We moved around a lot because of
my father’s work. My main hobby was radios - I repaired old sets and listened to various programs from
around the world. I had a map of the world on my bedroom wall with pins on it and I wrote postcards to
foreign radio stations. I was an only child and I didn’t have many friends; instead I tried to contact the
outside world. We didn’t have a television, so what I learned came from the radio and from encyclopedias.
By the age of 13, I could draw maps of countries from memory and name all the capital cities.
I didn’t actually leave Australia until I was twenty-five, when I went on a long trip through Asia. I arrived in
Thailand thinking I was well prepared, but in fact, I knew little about its rich culture. Then I went to India,
where my taste for adventure and different experiences grew. Every city there was different; there were
cows on the streets, old cars, interesting food, and people everywhere.

I went from country to country without realizing how dangerous some of them were at that time. There
was very little advice available. But now it’s different - you can learn so much from the internet and just
about everywhere you go, you’ll find an internet café. It’s really changed the way people travel.
The things I now like most about a trip are eating and shopping. I also love sitting on trains and talking to
different people. I’m sure I’ll never get bored with traveling, even though I’ve explored most countries in
the world.

What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A. talk about the towns where he used to live
B. describe the people he met while traveling abroad
C. compare the different countries he has been to
D. explain how his interest in travel has developed

What can you learn about the writer from this text?
A. He had always wanted to work on the radio.
B. Very little surprised him on his first visit to Asia.
C. His early knowledge of the world came from the radio.
D. He liked sharing his interest in geography with other people.

What do we learn about the writer’s life as a child?

A. He spent time fixing radios that were broken.
B. His father was unemployed for long periods.
C. His friends thought he was rather strange.
D. He watched programs about people in other countries.

What does the writer say about traveling abroad?

A. There are many countries he would still like to visit.
B. Information about other countries has become easier to find.
C. The things he enjoys while traveling have not changed.
D. Knowing something about maps is useful when traveling.

Claudia says that all of her friends have a cell phone, but Claudia’s mom doesn't want to buy her one.
Claudia's mom doesn't want Claudia to play video games either. What is more, the Internet scares her.
Claudia's mom says, “If Claudia has a cellphone, how do we know whom she is talking to? Video games are
bad for you. The Internet is dangerous and uncontrolled. It’s like having a gun in the house. I'm not buying
her a cell phone until she is eighteen. This is the only way we can be sure that Claudia is safe."
Claudia’s dad disagrees with Claudia's mom. Although he agrees that there are some dangers to it, he likes
the Internet, and finds it to be very useful. “The trouble is,” he says, “We just can’t stop Claudia from using
the Internet, as this would put her at a disadvantage. What is more, I like video games. I think that, when
played in moderation, they are fun. Obviously, it is not good to play them without restraint or self-control.
Finally, I think Claudia needs a cell phone. We can’t take these things away.”

Which of the following best describes the difference between Claudia's mom and dad?
A. Mom wants to ban Marcia from using the computer, while dad likes to play video games.
B. Mom thinks technology is dangerous, while dad thinks it can be useful.
C. Mom cares little about Claudia's future, while dad is very supportive.
D. Mom is very strict while Dad is open - minded.

Which of the following best describes the similarity between Claudia's mom and dad?
A. Mom and dad both like technology.
B. Mom and dad both think video games are bad.
C. Mom and dad both think the internet is dangerous.
D. Mom and dad both care about Claudia's wellbeing.

In paragraph 1, Claudia's mom says, "It's like having a gun in the house." She says this in order to…
A. Support the idea that the Internet is dangerous
B. Reject the claim that guns can be safe if used responsibly.
C. Encourage Claudia's dad to purchase a gun.
D. Explain why the Internet is uncontrolled.

Claudia's mom can best be described as…

A. Ridiculous.
B. Careful.
C. Cruel.
D. Rude.

Claudia's dad can best be described as…

A. Shameless.
B. Foolish.
C. Wild.
D. Reasonable.

Which of the following would be the best way for Claudia to change the way her mom thinks about
A. Read her a newspaper article that talks about the importance of technology.
B. Provide her an instruction manual detailing how the latest cell phone functions.
C. Take her to the library and show her the top five most popular internet websites.
D. Spend the weekend playing video games with her.

En la séptima y última parte de la prueba, el estudiante nuevamente encuentra un texto con varios espacios
numerados, cada uno de los cuales corresponde a la respuesta de una pregunta. El estudiante debe elegir
la opción correcta para cada espacio, entre cuatro (4) opciones de respuesta para cada pregunta

Jacqui Swift has (0) _____ as a journalist for newspapers, a music magazine and TV programs. At the (36)
_____ , she is writing for a music website (37) _____ started last month.
“I (38) _____ to write for the internet because this is where you find the very latest information about
bands. I love the speed of the internet. I can write a piece in the morning and see it (39) _____ on the
website in the afternoon. The same story won't be in the newspapers (40) _____ the next day. It may (41)
_____ up to six weeks before you see it in some magazines.
I am a (42) _____ of a team. We have to work fast and mustn't make any (43) _____ , so it can be stressful.
But we all get along (44) _____ with each other. I find it really exciting to think that our work (45) _____
read all round the world!í

0. A. worked B. earned C. operated D. employed

36. A. period B. time C. moment D. date
37. A. which B. what C. who D. when
38. A. thought B. persuaded C. imagined D. decided
39. A. show B. appear C. attend D. display
40. A. over B. during C. towards D. until
41. A. take B. last C. stay D. remain
42. A. worker B. colleague C .member D. person
43. A. faults B. mistakes C. accidents D. failures
44. A. good B. strongly C. well D. happy
45. A. is B. will C. has D. does

San Francisco

San Francisco lies (0) ………… the coast of northern California. The earliest Europeans to discover the (36)
………… were led by a Spanish explorer (37) ………… name was Gaspar de Portolà.
He first saw it in 1769. Surprisingly, (38) ………… San Francisco Bay is a wonderful natural harbor, it was
discovered by land (39) ………… than by sea.
In 1849, people (40) ………… in San Francisco in their thousands (41) ………… to find gold. However, it was
not the men looking for the gold that got rich. The richest people (42) ………… their money from owning
banks and law firms and they built themselves large houses on one of the hills. This was (43) ………… as Nob

Nowadays, tourists are (44) ………… to San Francisco because there they can see famous places like
Chinatown and the Golden Gate Bridge. Many even (45) ………… the short boat trip to the island of Alcatraz
to see the former prison.

0. A. on B. in C. at D. to
36. A. area B. part C. space D. position
37. A. who B. whose C. what D. which
38. A. if B. unless C. although D. despite
39. A. except B. instead C. apart D. rather
40. A. reached B. arrived C. entered D. approached
41. A. wondering B. hoping C. considering D. depending
42. A. did B. became C. made D. brought
43. A. told B. called C. named D. known
44. A. interested B. attracted C. pleased D. excited
45. A. take B. spend C. go D. travel


In (0) ________ times wild elephants walked around Phuket Island, but as digging for minerals an rubber
plantations (36) ________ the natural environment, elephants slowly disappeared. As recently as three
years (37) _________the only elephants to be (38) ________ on Phuket were at tourist (39) _________ . In
late 1994, “Safari Nature Tours” began to offer visitors the opportunity to ride on an elephant on (40)
_________ property in the hills. Regulated and controlled properly “elephant riding” can (41) _________
the tourism industry, and make the money to keep thousands of elephants in (42) ________ condition.
The natural habitat of the Asian Elephant (43) ________ been reduced to the point that an estimated 2,ooo
stay (44) ________in the wild. This number is not large (45) _______ to prevent these animals from
disappearing. It is more important than ever for visitors to understand they can make a difference by
selecting a camp where elephants are safe.

0. A. former B. last C. recent D. past

36. A. brought B. caused C. built D. changed
37. A. afterwards B. ago C. already D. along
38. A. found B. caught C. contained D. taken
39. A. agencies B. plans C. attractions D. reservations
40. A. his B. our C. your D. their
41. A. provide B. support C. afford D. compete
42. A. extreme B. good C. strict D. changing
43. A. was B. are C. have D. has
44. A. alive B. busy C. cool D. close
45. A. quite B. much C. enough D. rather

It pains us to find that corruption (37)____ increased very much in our country. Everyday new cases of
corruption (38)____ unearthed. This is a sad sign (39)____ immorality (40)____ is eating our society like
white ants. Perhaps, it is the laxity of the administrative machinery that is indirectly responsible (41)____

37. A. has B. had C. have D. does have

38. A. is B. are C. were D.was
39. A. from C. of D: in
40. A. what B. that C. which D. where
41. A. about B. for C. by D. because

Laws are there 46)___ they are circumvented with impunity. Our education has failed to turn out citizens
of character. The culprits 47)____ be punished in accordance 48)____ the laws. Honest officers must be
rewarded 49)____ the dishonest punished. Only 50)____ we will be able to contain the rising corruption in
our society.
46. A.but B. because C. despite of D. though
47. A.mustn´t B.must C. should D. shall
48. A. to B. with C. by D.that
49. A. and B. also C. the same as D. as well as
50. A. then B. by C. also D.because

Child workers, some as young as 10, have been found working in a textile 41)____ in conditions described
as close to slavery to produce clotes that appear destined for one the major high street 42)____
Speaking to a British newspaper, the children described long hours of 43)____ work and threats and
The company said it was unaware that clothing intended for its 44)____ had been improperly 45)____ to a
46)____ that used child labor. It further announced it had withdrawn the garments involved until it had
investigated the alleged 47)____ of the 48)____ code it imposed on manufacturers three years ago.
The discovery of these children working in appalling conditions in the Shahpur jat area of Delhi has renewed
concerns about the 49)____ by some large ratail chains of their 50)____ production to india, recognized
by the United Nations as one of the world´s hotspots for child labor. According to one estimate, over 20
percent of India´s economy is dependent on children, which comes to a total of 55 million youngsters under
14 working.
Consumers in the West should not only be demanding answers from retailers about how their goods are
produced but also should be looking into their consciences at how they spend their money and whether
cheap prices in the West are worth the suffering caused to so many children.

41. A. facility B. factory C. office D. bureau

42. A. warehouse B.retailer C. warehouses D. retailers
43. A. inpaid B.unpaid C. without pay D. without payment
44. A.warehouses B. stores C. outlet D. branch
45. A. outsource B. outsourcing C. outsources D. outsourced
46. A. association B. sweatshop C. closed shop D. retailer

47. A. breaches B. errors C. mistakes D.wrong doings

48. A.ethic B.ethnic C. ethical D. ethnical
49. A. outsource B. outsourcing C. outsources D. outsourced
50. A.garment B. raiment C. garments D. raiments

Cartoon films have very (128)__ limits. If you can draw something, you can make it move on the cinema
screen. The use (129)__ advanced computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again
for people of (130)__ ages.
By the end of the 1970s, the cinema world had decided that cartoons were only for children. But soon
(131)__, several directors had some original new ideas. They proved that it was possible to make films in
which both adults and children could (132)__ the fun.
However, not (133)__ cartoon film was successful. The Black Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because
it was too frightening for children and too childish for adults.
Directors learnt from this (134)__ and the film companies began to make large (135)__ of money again.

128. A. few B. any C. little D. much

129. A. for B. of C. with D. by
130. A. more B. other C. all D. these
131. A. afterwards B. later C. next D. then
132. A. divide B. add C. mix D. share
133. A. every B. both C. any D. each
134. A.damage B.crime C.mistake D.fault
135. A.amounts B.accounts C.numbers D.totals

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