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IntematiMMl EiuMmtk ^eanul (1990) 23,40-45

Root canal anatomy of mandibular second molars.

Partn C-shaped canals

S. A. MANNING Department ofRestorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Science, Universityof

Melbourne, Melbmme, Victoria, Australia

Summary. The root canal anatomy af 19 Neanderthal race were predecessors of the
dibular second molars with C-^aped canals was Mongoloid race (Tratman 1950), which
investigated by rendering the roots transparent and includes Asian populations.
allowing the canal system to be observed by black Indo-European teeth were compared with
ink infiltration. The presence of three root canals
was most frequent, and lateral canals were found
teeth from Asians of Malaysia, and a number
in all roots. Transverse anastomoses were found in of differences were noted, including the find-
15 of the 19 roots. The apical foramen was most ing of G-shaped roots and root canals in many
commonly situated awayfromthe apex, and apical mandibular second molars (Tratman 1950);
deltas were found in 16 of the 19 roots. The C- also noted was a third root in mandibular first
shaped canals were found more frequently in Asians and third molars. Teeth with C-shaped roots
than in other racial groups (P < 0.02). were originally classified as taurodents. The
The formation of C-shaped roots and their racial term taurodontism was invented in 1913
predilection is discussed. A case report of the root (Keith 1913) to liken teeth with C-shaped
canal treatment of a C-shaped canal is included and roots to those seen in cud-chewing animals
suggestions are made concerning suitable pro- (taurus is the Latin word for 'bull'). The
cedures for use in root canal treatment of these
definition of teeth that fit this description has
complex canal systems.
since been changed.
The shape and number of roots is deter-
Introduction mined by Hertwig's epithelial sheath, which
C-shaped roots and root canals were first bends in a horizontal plane below the ameio-
docutnented in 1908 (Keith 1913) and 1911 cemental junction and fuses in the centre
(Keith & Knowles 1911), after examination leaving openings for roots (Orban & Mueller
of the skeletal remains of members of the 1929). Fused roots may form either by coalesc-
Neanderthal race. The mandibular second ence due to cementum deposition with time,
molar showed a C-shaped root and, on sec- or as a result of failure of Hertwig's epithelial
tioning, a C-shaped root canal (Fig. 1). The sheath to develop or fuse in the furcation area
roots and canal anatomy of these teeth was (Pederson 1949). Failure to fuse on the buccal
quite different to that found amongst so-called aspect would result in formation of a groove on
'modem man'. These findings were cited the lingual aspect, and failure to fuse on the
in support of the argument that Neanderthal lingual would give a buccal grove. Fusion fail-
man was not a predecessor of modem man but ure on both the buccal and lingual aspects
a collateral species that had become extinct would result in formation of a conical or
(Keith 1913). During investigations of the prism-shaped root.
dentition of East Greenland Eskimos, C-
Investigations ofroot development in mouse
shaped roots and root canals in mandibular
molars showed that roots were formed by the
second molars were observed (Pederson 1949).
meeting of dentine leaflets (Flschlschweiger &
These findings disproved the theory that
Clausnitzer 1988). The fusing of these leaflets
Neanderthal man was a species collateral to
was sometimes irregular, forming accessory
modem man, and it is now thought that the
catuls and occasionally, especially in the third
Correspondence: Mr S. A. Manning, 1 Lister molars, the leaflets failed to form. In the case
House, 11-^12 Wimpole Street, London W1M7AB, of mandibular molars such failure of dentine
UK. leaflet formation resulted in a C-shaped root

Root canals ofmandibular second molars 41

A' A'"
Fig. I. Description of Neanderthal and modem English mandibuiar second molars (Keith & Knowles 1919):
A, labial aspect of second lower molar of Brelade dentition (Jersey); A', its chewing surface; A", distal aspect;
JK'", section of root; B, labial aspect ofthe same tooth of a modem English dentition; B', the distal aspect of
the same. (This text is not covered by copyright and the authors are deceased.)

and canal. It was p<Ktulated that trauma, such Table I. Number of teeth with different canal
as radiation or chemical interference, could configurations in C-shaped roots
cause this irregular fusion of leaflets
(Fischlschweiger & Ciausnitzer 1988). The Canal tj'pe'
failure of leaflet formation, resulting in the
development of C-shaped roots in the lower Cana! type 1 2-1 1-2-1 2 1-2 3
molars, is likely to be of genetic origin rather Number 3 4 1 1 3 7
than being related to trauma, because of its
previously documented racial predilection.
•Canal type: 1, single canal; 2-1, two canals that
C-shaped canals were first documented in join apically; 1—2—1, one canal that divides but
the endodontic literature by Cooke & Cox rejoins apically; 2, two separate canals; 1-2, one
(1979) in three case reports. Similar reports cana! that divides apically; 3, three separate canals.
have since been published (Wells & Bemier
1984, Rabie 1985, Barnett 1986). Studies of water immediately after extraction. Infor-
the root canal anatomy of mandibular second mation concerning the patient's age, sex, race
molars from Japanese (Kotoku 1985), Chinese (Caucasian, Asian, Indian or other), and the
(Yang et at. 1988) and Hong Kong Chinese side of the mouth from which the tooth
(Walker 1988) populations have found a high originated, was recorded at the same time.
incidence of C-shaped roots and their canals.
Teeth were prepared and rendered trans-
Investigation of the root canal anatomy of parent using the techniques described pre-
mandibular second molars likely to have orig- viously by Manning (1990). The roots were
inated from Caucasians found that most were examined with a stereo dissecting microscope
two-rooted, with an absence (Ainamo & Loe (magnification x 20) and data were collected
1968, Tamse & KaflFe 1981, Vertucci 1984) or according to the following categories: canal
near absence (Weine et al. 1988) of C-shaped type; apical foramen position; presence and
roots. position of transverse anastomoses; presence
The aim of this investigation of C-shaped of a delta of canals at the apex.
canals was to provide further knowledge of
their root canal anatomy to aid root canal Results
treatment. Of the 149 mandibular second molars
collected, 33 had one root, and of these 19 had
C-shaped canals. A variety of canal types were
Materials and methods found within the G^haped canals, die most
One hundred and forty-nine mandibular frequent havii^ three canals (Table I). Lateral
second molars were collected and stored in canals were found in all 19 roots with C-
42 5'. A. Manning

Fig. 2. .\n apicai delta. Fig. 3. .\ type 1 canal .system with an apicai delta.

shaped canals, while transverse anastomoses

were found in 15 of these roots. The apicai
foramen was positioned away from the apex in
17 roots, and apical deltas occurred in 16 roots.
Figures 2, 3 and 4 illustrate some ofthe com-
plex shapes of G-shaped root canals that were
observed. C-shaped canals were found more
frequently (P<0.02) in Asians.
The root canal anatomy of teeth with C-
shaped canais has only been reported once
previously (Yang et al. 1988), when first and
second mandibular molars from a Chinese
population were examined using a transparent
technique (Robertson et al. 1980). C-shaped
roots occurred in 2.3 per cent of first molars
and 31.5 per cent of second molars. It was
found that roots with separate canal orifices
formed separate canals, and C-shaped orifices
formed separate canals as well as true C-
shaped canals. The latter, which were
described as roots having a C-shaped canal Fig. 4. Transverse anastomoses in the middle and
from the orifice to the apex, occurred in 7.4 per apical third ofthe root.
cent of the sample of mandibular second
molars. result of age changes due to deposition of den-
The observed variation in C-shaped roots tine on the walls of C-shaped canals, forming
described by Yang et al. (1988) is probably a separate canals.
Root canals ofmandikular second molars 43

t r

Fig. 5. Preoperative radiograph of lower left second Fig. 6. x it».u«iiw jji^pttFation ofthe canal
molar. system.

Fig. 7. Radiograph following rootfillingofthe type 1 C-shap^J ^i.». .-ilii i-l.J ^tercha and AH26 cement.

In the present study, all root canals that dentine with time in a single canal, forming
conformed to the general structure of a ' C and several canals with channels between them.
occurred in a G-shaped root were described as Additional precautions are necessary to
C-shaped root canals, whether or not a separ- clean the entire canal system effectively,
ate canal or orifice was observed. The classifi- especially if it contains necrotic debris and
cation system of canal types described in Part I bacteria in the canal irregularities. The effec-
(Manning 1990) was also used to describe the tiveness of cleaning procedures in relation to
canal system in C-shaped roots. In a type 1 C-shaped root canals has not been investigated
canal, a single canal is present from orifice to to date. However, in single rooted teeth the use
apex. A type 1 canal in a C-shaped root is a of sodium hypochlorite and EDTA irrigants,
single C-shaped canal from orifice to apex. ultrasonic acti%'ation of the irrigants and
This has been described as a true C-shaped calcium hydroxide-containing intracanal
canal (Yang el al. 1988). Other more complex medicaments provide a cleaner and more fre-
canal types were found in C-shaped roots; the quently sterile canal sj'stem (Cameron 1983,
type with three canals, which did not necess- Bystrom & Sundqvist 1985, Bystrom et al.
arily combine, occurred most frequently. 1985, Sjogren & Sondqvist 1987).
The high frequency of transverse anasto- The finding of lateral canals is more diffi-
moses may be explained by the deposition of cult to explain. Lateral canals are probably

formed by the irregular fusing of dentine leaf- The canal was prepared over two appoint-
lets at the root formation stage. If one leaflet ments, and an intracanal dressing of Pulpdent
is missing altogether then the formation of paste^, a non-setting calcium hydroxide
dentine may be more irregular. paste, was used. The canal was filled using
Teeth with G-shaped canals requiring root laterally condensed gutta-percha and AH26
canal treatment present a challenge to the cemenr (Figs 6 and 7).
clinician. Not only are normal procedures for
canal preparation sometimes unsuitable, but
the presence ofa high incidence of transverse References
anastomoses, lateral canals and apical deltas AiNAMO, J. & LOE, H . (1968) A stereomicro-
makes it difficult to clean and seal the canal scopic investigation of the anatomy of the root
system adequately. apices of 910 nttaxillary and mandihular teeth.
Odontologiska Fareningens Tidskrift, 76,
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