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Celtic Design Linoleum Block Printing

Students will learn about Celtic symbols and design. They
will create their own linoleum print using proper linoleum
printing tools to and a Celtic design of their choice.


Day 1: I will be introduced to the art of linoleum block printing. I will view the art of several
artists. I will participate in a class discussion: “What do you see in these prints?” “How do
they make you feel?” “Which do you prefer: Prints of landscapes or objects you recognize? Or
prints that are more abstract? ”Why or why not”.

Day 2-3: I will be introduced to Celtic design and symbols. I will view the Celtic knot, triskele,
etc. I will use technology to find a Celtic animal design or symbol of my choice.
I will make my image no larger than 5” by 4 “. I will print it. I will create a design using my
symbol. I will decide what I want to have color in my design and what I want to be blank or
the color of my paper. What I cut away with my lino-cutter will be colorless and what is
raised will get ink or paint.

Day 4: I will use charcoal to cover the back of my print. I will place my print on top of my
linoleum block with the image facing me and the charcoal facing the block. I will carefully
trace over my design with my pencil. I will use enough pressure for my design to transfer to
the lino- block.
I will begin using my lino-cutter to remove areas that I want to be
colorless. I will cut with the blade facing away from me for safety.
Day 5-6: I will continue to use my lino-cutter tools to create my design on
my lino-block.
Day 7: I will ink my lin- block using my brayer. I
will remove excess ink by rolling my brayer over
any areas that have too much ink. I will put my
paper on top of the block and apply pressure, carefully, so my paper
doesn’t move and smear the print. I will make 4 prints.

Day 8: I will create 6 prints on my final printing paper. I will carefully space
each print so they have clean paper around each print.

Day 9-10: I will learn about the principle of pattern and the element of
color. I will add color using water color paints, within the white areas of my
prints. I will carefully apply the paint so I don’t smudge my print. I will use translucent colors.
I will be using a wet brush and less paint so the color is light.
Celtic Design Linoleum Block Printing Rubric
Circle the number in pencil that best shows how well you feel that you completed that criterion for
the assignment.

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