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CE - Interna
ational Jourrnal for Envvironmentaal Rehabilitaation and Conservation
Volume VI: No. 1 2015 [67
[ – 70] [ISS
SN 0975 - 62722]

Biodiveersity of so
ome mediccinal plantts: a surveey in Bichaawa Patheer, District
Chindwwara (M.P P.)

m, S.M.1; Sa
Meshram awarkar, D..B.2 and Bhandarkar, S.V.
S 3

2, 2015 ⏐ Acccepted: April 19, 2015 ⏐ Online:

Received: February 22 O June 30,
3 2015

Abstractt Intrroduction
A laarge numberr of ethnomeedicinal infoormation
The ethnnic and the rural
r peoplee of India haave
mained endem mic to manyy regions orr people
traditionaal knowledg ge of mediicinal uses of
due to lack of communicat
c tion. The ethhnic and
plants grrowing arou und them. Bichwa
B Pathher
ruraal people off India havee preserved a large
being a tribal
t area iss surroundedd by the forrest
bulkk of traditiional knowlledge of medicinal
regions and
a the people (Gond Addivasi) residiing
usess of plants growing arround them (Yigra,
here still practices heerbal mediciine for treatiing
2010). This knnowledge iss handed down d to
various diseases. A large number of
gennerations thhrough worrd of mouuth and
ethnomeddicinal inforrmation rem mained endem mic
exteensively useed for the trreatment of diseases
to manyy regions orr people duue to lack of
andd conditions (Mishra et al., 2008). But this
communiication. Hen nce a surveey was carried
out Bichhawa Pather of Chhindw wara districtt to knoowledge trannsmission iss in danger because
of older
o and yoounger generration is nott always
collect innformation regarding medicinal
m plant
assuured. Therefore properr documentaation of
species used
u by thee tribal people for curiing
tradditional k
knowledge especiallly of
various external an nd internal diseases. TheT
present paper meddicinally usseful plants will be of o great
p enummerates abouut list of som me
impportance ass it can provide im mportant
medicinaal plant sp pecies with their corrrect
infoormation forr the modernn drugs. Eveen today
botanicall names, verrnacular nam mes, family and
this area holdss much morre hidden thhesaurus
plant parrt used to curre various diiseases.
(Josseph et al., 2011). Keeeping in viiew this
Keyword ds: Ethnomedicinal | Gond
G Adivassi |
objeective the present workk was underttaken to
Tribes | Bichawa
B Pather
colllect the traaditional infformation frrom the
For corresspondence: ruraal (Adivasi) people of Bichwa Patheer region
Departmennt of Botany, M.. B. Patel Collegge, Deori. Dist. Gondia
Departmennt of Zoology, SFS
S College, Naggpur about some medicinallyy importannt plant
Departmennt of Zoology, M.
M B. Patel Colleege, Deori. Dist.
speccies used by b them foor treating various
Email: sanjjaymeshram83@ diseeases.
Meshram et al. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/67 – 70 

Materials and Methods were hakims, priests, tribal people and the
Following methods were adopted during the common people who have knowledge of
course of investigation: the therapeutic value of the plants.
A. Ethnobotanical survey was conducted to E. Plant species were photographed and
collect information regarding medicinal identified using proper Flora.
trees used by the ethnic and rural people of
Bichawa Pather region. Result
B. The medicinal trees used for the treatment The present study focuses mainly on some of
of various diseases were collected by the the traditional trees reported by the tribal
investigators from the different study sites people of Bichawa Pather for their medicinal
from Jan-12 to March-13 uses. The data is the result of ethnobotanical
C. Field and survey work was made after survey conducted for 12 months (Jan 12 to
carefully planned field trips. During the March-13). About 34 Plant species were
field trip personal, interview was made recorded which are being used by the tribal for
between the authors and tribes of the curing various diseases. The list of which is
regions. being enumerated here.
D. Data regarding herbal remedies were
collected as per native informants who

S. No. Botanical Name Family Local Name Plant parts and uses

1 Acacia arabica Mimosaceae Hiwar Bark, for tooth infection and skin diseases
2 Acacia nilotica Mimosaceae Babul Bark, gum, leaves fruits used as antifungal,
antiplasmodial, anti-inflammatory agent
3 Albizia lebbeck Mimosaceae Siris Stem, Bark, To remove swelling and wound
4 Aegle marmilos Rutaceae Bel Young leaves, fruit, for stomach disorder,
5 Australian acacia Mimosaceae Australian Bark used for skin infection
6 Azardirachta indica Meliaceae Neem Roots, Stem, Leaves, fruit, seed, as antiseptic, for
toothache, blood purifier, antibacterial, for
preserving grains, for treating worms ,treatment of
7 Bauhinia variegata Caesalpinaceae Apta Bark, Leaves, flowers, seeds ,to cure diarrhea, to
treat tumors, antibacterial, antihelmentic, as laxative
8 Bombax ceiba Bombacaceae Sesamule Roots, stem, bark, gum, leaf, fruit, flower, seeds,
used as astringent, diuretic, effective in dysentery,
anti inflammatory, hepatoprotective
9 Butea monosperma Fabaceae Palas Bark, flower, gum, seed antidiabetic, diuretic,
10 Cassia fistula Caesalpiniaceae Amaltas Roots, Bark,, Fruit, as laxative, anti-inflammatory,
for swelling. Fruits used for asthma, diabetes and
11 Cassia siamia Caesalpiniaceae Kased Leaves, Root, used as purgative, for worms and
convulsions in kids. plant as avenue for
aforestation, food for cattle
Meshram et al. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/67 – 70 

12 Citrus lemon Rutaceae Nimbu Fruits rich source of vit c, used for stomach
problems, indigestion, for tooth problem. used in
making pickles, jams jelly, as preservative.
13 Dalbergia sisso Fabaceae Sissam Leaves for skin diseases, Wood and Bark for anal
disorder, blood pressure, leukoderma, burning
sensation, dysentery, and Dhaturoga.
14 Delonix regia Caesalpiniaceae Gulmohar Leaf extract used for diabetes, constipation,
15 Diospyrus Ebenaceae Tendu Bark for fungal diseases, fruits used for making
melanoxylon pickles.
16 Embilica Euphorbiaceae Amla Fruits edible, good source of vitamin-C, minerals,
officianalis amino acids and used to treat ulcer, anemia, gum
bleeding, to improve eye sight, pitta, in diabetes,
17 Eucalyptus Myrtaceae Nilgiri Leaves, for asthma, cold and flu, chest cognition,
citriodora bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory infection, liquid
18 Ficus bengalensis Moracaceae Bargad Bark, stem, for wound healing, treating ulcers
19 Ficus racemosa Moraceae Umbar Bark used for skin treatment and insect bites, fruits
used for treating intestinal worms, to purify blood,
leprosy, bowl complain, fatigue, etc.
20 Ficus religiosa Moracaceae Pipal Stem, Bark, as cardiotonic and skin disease
21 Madhuca indica Sapotaceae Mahua Flowers edible, used for making jam, jelly, sauce,
Bark used for diabetes and is antibacterial
22 Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Aam The bark is used in treatment of leucorrhea,
menorrhagea, dysmenorrhea and other menstraul
disorders and eczema. Flowers are used in treatment
of dysentery and they repel mosquitoes.Young
leaves are antidiabetic
23 Melia azedarach Meliaceae Bakneem Root, Leaves, Seed, Flowers used for vata, pitta,
headache, skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, worm
infestations, cough, diabetes, fever, vomiting,
burning sensation, urinary tract infections and
general debility.
24 Moringa oliefera Moringaceae Mungna Leaves, Bark, Cough cold, Uterine disorder
25 Peltophorum Caesalpiniaceae Pilagulmohar Bark used for dysentery, tooth powder, for eye
pterocarpum lotion
26 Pithecolobium Mimosaceae Chebelie Bark used to make herbal tea which is given in
dulce dysentery, eye infection and skin infection
27 Pongamia pinnata Fabeceae Karanj Bark and seed oil, for skin diseases
28 Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Jam/Amrood Leaves, fruits, for pyrosis of teeth, for diarrhea,
dysentery, antidiabetic, cardiovascular, antioxidant
29 Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae Jamun fruits, leaves, antidiabetic for stomach disorder
30 Tamarindus indica Caesalpiniaceae Emli Fruit, Seeds, fruit pulp used to flavor confection,
curry, sauce, Leaves as antioxidant, anti-
31 Terminalia arjuna Cambretaceae Arjun Bark used as cardio tonic, Diuretic
32 Terminalia chebula Cambretaceae Harna Fruit, Digestive probably antidysentry
33 Terminalia bellerica Cambretaceae Behda It is used for controlling Kapha. The fruit is one
among the triphala formula of ayurveda which is
commonly prescribed in treating asthma,
biliousness, bronchitis, inflammations, sore throat,
eye, nose, heart and bladder disorders.
34 Ziziphus jujube Rhamnaceae Ber Fruit extract used as sedation, in constipation and
in liver cancer

Meshram et al. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/67 – 70 

Discussion and Conclusion drugs can be used for the treatment of various
Ethnobotany is multidisciplinary science other diseases
defined as the interaction between plants and
people which records the history and current References
state of human kind evenwhile foretelling the Chaudhary K., Singh M., Pillai U. (2008):
future. In rural communities health care seems Ethnobotnical survey of Rajasthan-An
to be the first and foremost line of defense update. American Eurasian Journal of
(Chaudhary et al., 2008). The WHO has Botany.1 (2):38-45.
already recognized the contribution of Joseph, B., Justinraj S. (2011): A comparative
traditional healthcare in tribal communities. In study on various properties of five
the present work 34 plant species were medicinally important plants.
recorded from different sites which are used to International Journal of
cure various ailments. (Table 1) In this region Pharmacology. 7(2):206-211.
the general feeling is that the future of Mishra, S.B., Dwedi, S., Shashi, A. and
traditional medicine is bright, because it is Prajapati, K. (2008): Ethno medicinal
widely used and respected, especially by the uses of some plant species by Ethnic
rural population that constitutes the majority. and Rural peoples of the Salem dist.
The ethnobotanical survey of the area revealed With special reference to the
that the people of this area (Bichwa Pather) conservation of vanishing species;
possess good knowledge of herbal drugs but as Ethnobotnical leaflets, 12:873-887.
the people are in progressive exposure to Yigra, G., (2010): Ethnobotanical study of
modernization, their knowledge of traditional medicinal plants in around Almata,
uses of plants may be lost in due course. So it Southern Tigray, northern Ethopia.
is important to study and record the uses of Current Research Journal of Biological
plants by different tribes for future study. Such Sciences. 2(5):338-344.
studies may provide useful and important
information to scientific companies for
screening active compounds that can be
formulated into drugs. Further the isolated


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