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ESSENCE - International Journal for Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation

Volume VIII: No. 1 2017 [92 – 97] [ISSN 0975 - 6272]


Role of Supreme Court in Sustainable Development of Environment and its

protection in India (To Study of Uttarakhand State)

Kandwal, Nagendra Prasad

Received: April 2, 2017  Accepted: May 31, 2017  Online: June 30, 2017

Abstract Introduction
This paper study of the concept of sustainable Sustainable development is necessary and most
development and contribution of Indian important in all cases of environment and also
Supreme Court in establishing the norms of in all of the Nations of the world. Now a days
sustainability for the government and the sustainable development has protected
development of environment protection. environment and world. It make balance
between environment and development. It is
Keywords: Role of Supreme Court | true that in a developing country there shall
Sustainable Development | Environment have to be developments. Time has now come
Protection | Environmental law | Uttarakhand to check and control the degradation of the
State environment. Law Courts also have a duty
towards the society for its proper growth and
further development and also by reason of
definite legislations in regard thereto. It is a
plain exercise of the judicial power to see that
there is no such degradation of the society and
there ought not to be any hesitation in regard
thereto but does that mean and imply stoppage
of every development programme, the answer
is ‘NO’. There shall have to be proper balance
between the development and the environment
so that both can co-exist without affecting the
For correspondence: other. The Supreme Court of India has made
Department of Law, Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University,
immense contribution to environmental
Achrol, Jaipur Rajasthan jurisprudence of our country. It has entertained
quite a lot of genuine public interest litigation

Kandwal, Nagendra Prasad/Vol. VIII [1] 2017/92 – 97

(PIL) cases or class-action cases under Art. 32 administration, although a critical factor in the
of the Constitution. So have the High Courts success of any environmental management
under Art. 226 of the Constitution. These programme, has seen its share of problems of
Courts have issued various directions on a scale and definition. The essence of the
number of issues concerning environment as existing law relating to the environment has
part of their overall writ jurisdiction and in that developed through legislative and judicial
context they have developed a vast initiative. Since the latter is responsible for the
environmental jurisprudence. They have used most recent developments, this paper will
Art. 21 of the Constitution of India and attempt to lay the foundation for understanding
expanded the meaning of the word life in that through a discussion of legislation and
Article as including a right to a healthy administrative rules, and then detail
environment. Thus, the responsibility lies on development of the law and environmental
the Supreme Court and the various High principles through the discussion of judicial
Courts to deal with these cases with caution of decisions.
high degree. It is only then that we will achieve Meaning of sustainable development
our goal which is to secure a pollution-free
Sustainable development (SD) is a pattern of
development. Thus this study deals with the
economic growth in which resource use aims
role of these courts in Environmental
to meet human needs while preserving the
environment so that these needs can be met not
The development of Indian environmental law only in the present, but also for generations to
has happened, for the most part, over the last come sometimes taught as ELF-Environment,
three decades, with a significant level of Local people, Future. In 1987, the United
polarization around the latter half of this Nations released the Brundtland Report, which
period. Therefore, a paper detailing “recent included what is now one of the most widely
developments in India” would necessarily recognised definitions: "Sustainable
involve a thorough discussion of most relevant development is development that meets the
environmental issues and their consequences. needs of the present without compromising the
The development of the law in this area has ability of future generations to meet their own
seen a considerable share of initiative by the needs."
Indian judiciary, particularly the higher
Origin of the concept of sustainable
judiciary, consisting of the Supreme Court of
India, and the High Courts of the States. The
The concept of sustainable development is not
paper will dwell on this aspect and its effect on
a new concept. It came to be known as early as
the strength of the legal framework. Legislative
in 1972 in the Stockholm declaration. It had
schemes and initiatives have been created in
been stated in the declaration that:
most areas involving the environment, albeit
with some degree of overlap. The role of the
Kandwal, Nagendra Prasad/Vol. VIII [1] 2017/92 – 97

“Man has the fundamental right to freedom, "The right to development must be fulfilled
equality and adequate conditions of life, in an so as to equitably meet developmental and
environment of a quality that permits a life of environmental needs of present and future
dignity and well being and he bears a solemn generations." The main object behind the
responsibility to protect and improve the principle is to ensure that the present
environment for present and future generation should not abuse the non-
generation.” renewable resources so as to deprive the
But the concept was given a definite shape in a future generation of its benefit.
report by World Commission on Environment, II. The Precautionary Principle: This
which was chaired by the then Norway Prime principle has widely been recognized as the
Minister, Ms. G. H. Brundtland. The report most important principle of 'Sustainable
was popularly known as “Brundtland Report” Development'. Principle 15 the Rio
which had been further discussed under agenda declaration states that:
21 of UN Conference on Environment and "In order to protect the environment, the
Development held in June 1992 at Rio de precautionary approach shall be widely
Janeiro, Brazil. applied by States according to their
capabilities. Where there are threats of
At the World Summit on sustainable
serious or irreversible damage, lack of full
development in Johannesburg, the world
scientific certainty shall not be used as a
community agreed that poverty eradication and
reason for postponing cost
access to clean energy have to go hand in hand.
effectivemeasures to prevent environmental
At the Summit, the European Union took the
degradation."in other words it means
initiative to form a group of like-minded
1) Environmental measures by the state
countries which are willing to agree on
government and the local authority must
timetables and targets for increasing the use of
anticipate, prevent and attack the causes of
renewable energies. India was also invited by
environmental degradation.
some European countries to join this initiative.
2) Where there are threats of serious and
Various principles of 'Sustainable
irreversible damage, lack of scientific
certainty should not used as a reason for
Some of the basic principles of 'Sustainable
postponing measures to prevent
Development' as described in 'Brundtland environmental degradation.
report' are as follows: -
3) The 'onus of proof' is on the actor or the
I. Inter-Generational Equity: The principle developer to proof that his action is
talks about the right of every generation to environmentally benign.
get benefit from the natural resources. III. Polluter Pays Principle: Principle 16 of
Principle 3 of the Rio declaration states
the Rio declaration states that:
that: "National authorities should endeavor to
Kandwal, Nagendra Prasad/Vol. VIII [1] 2017/92 – 97

promote the internalization of environmental Review of Related Literature

costs and the use of economic instruments, The Supreme Court has interpreted the right to
taking into account the approach that the life and personal liberty to include the right to
polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of wholesome environment. The Court through its
pollution, with due regard to the public interest various judgments has held that Sustainable
and without distorting international trade and Development and the mandate of right to life
investment." includes right to clean environment, drinking-
It is quite obvious that the object of the above water and pollution-free atmosphere.
principle was to make the polluter liable not In Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum vs. Union
only for the compensation to the victims but of India: elaborately discussed the concept of
also for the cost of restoring of environmental sustainable development' which has been
degradation. Once the actor is proved to be accepted as part of the law of the land.
guilty, he is liable to compensate for his act
In the decision of the Supreme Court in
irrelevant of the fact that whether he's involved
Narmada Bachao Andolan v. Union of India
in development process or not.
wherein it was observed that “Sustainable
Sustainable development is a pattern of development means what type or extent of
resource use that aims to meet human needs development can take place, which can be
while preserving the environment so that these sustained by nature/ecology with or without
needs can be met not only in the present, but mitigation.” In this context, development
also for the future generations. The term was primarily meant material or economic
used by the Brundtland Commission which progress.
coined, what has become the most often-
Mr. M. C. Mehta brought a unique and historic
quoted definition of sustainable development
case before the Supreme Court of India for
as development that “meets the needs of the
including instruction of environmental
present without compromising the ability of
awareness as a compulsory subject in schools
future generations to meet their own needs.”
throughout the country.
Role of Indian Judiciary The Court ordered that:
The role of the judiciary is thus of the greatest
• Environmental Awareness has become a
importance. The judiciary, at a national level,
compulsory subject in all educational
is faced with the task of explicating the law of
institutions from school to University level
sustainable development, case by case.
all over the country.
Incrementally a body of environmental India is the only country where
jurisprudence is emerging. In performing this environmental awareness has become a
task, national judiciaries will be assisted by the compulsory subject in schools and colleges.
exchange of judicial decisions, information and
experience between jurisdictions.

Kandwal, Nagendra Prasad/Vol. VIII [1] 2017/92 – 97

• The cinema theaters are required to show Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum vs. Union of
environmental information for each India AIR 1996 SC 2715.
showing. Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendera v
• Television and radio networks must broadcast State of Uttar Pradesh AIR 1998 SC
regularly scheduling programming on 2187.
environmental issues. Millions of students in Ratlam Municipality vs. Vardihichand AIR
the country are being provided environmental 1990 SC 1622.
education as a resultof this case. More than a Godavaram, T.N.; Thirumalpad vs. Union of
million Eco-clubs have been established in India (2002) 10 SCC 606; Research
schools throughout India. Apart from Foundation for Science Technology
classroom studies, students are getting an National Resource Policy vs. Union of
opportunity to work at the grassroots level with India (2005) 10 SCC 510.(2006) 3 SCC
communities to strengthen the cause of 434.
environmental protection and Sustainable
A.P. Pollution Control Board vs. M.V.Nayudu
Development. Seeking information from
(1999) 2 SCC 718.
government agencies and public bodies will
help citizens to fight for their environmental Fertilizers and Chemical Tranvancore Ltd.
Employees Association vs. Law Society
rights and to force the policy makers to switch
over to Sustainable Development. of India (2004) 4 SCC 420.
Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action vs.
Union of India (1996) 3 SCC 212.
The courts have attempted to provide a
balanced view of priorities while deciding People United for Better Living in Calcutta v.
environmental matters. The environment and State of W.B. AIR 1993 Cal 215.
the development are two sides of the same coin Goa Foundation Goa vs. Diskha Holdings Pvt.
and anyone of these cannot be scarified for the Ltd. AIR 2001 SC 184.
other. On contrary, both are equally essential Ambica Quarry Works vs.State of Gujarat AIR
for our better future. In this situation, 1987 SC 1073.
responsibility lies on the Supreme Court and Ghosh, Subha Soura. (2008). Sustainable
the High Courts to deal with these cases with Development and Indian Judiciary,
caution of high degree, only then we will
achieve our goal to secure pollution free
2010. Petition seeks to declare National Green
developed country for our next generation.
Tribunal Act unconstitutional. The
References Hindu.
Narmada Bachao Andolan vs. Union of India
Available at:
AIR 2000 SC 3751...................................

Kandwal, Nagendra Prasad/Vol. VIII [1] 2017/92 – 97

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[Accessed 7 March 2012]. (Uttarakhand State) 10 dec 2015.
Samatha vs. State of A.P. AIR 1997 SC 3297. N.D. JAYAL vs.union of india(Uttarakhand
AIR 1996 SC 2715. AIR 1988 SC 2187. State)
1992 Supp (2) SCC 448. Subash kumar vs. State of Bihar and Others.
Nainitaal lake case (w.p. 694 of 1993).
(Uttarakhand State)
Alaknanda hydro power vs. anuj joshi &
ors on 13 august, 2013.
Jasvinder kour vs. Union of india original
application no. 382 of 2015.


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