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Date : 7 July 2010

Time : 1150-1250
Class : Year 5 ALFA
Enrolment : Pupils
Topic : Investigating Force And Energy
Subtopic : Heat
Learning Objectives : 4.1 Understanding that temperature is indicator of
degree of hotness.
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
3.1.3 Measure a temperature by using the correct
technique state the metric unit for temperature.
3.1.4 State the metric unit for temperature correctly.
Duration : 60 minutes
Strategies : Experiment, Discussion.
Prior knowledge : Pupils know cold and hot.
Scientific Process/Manupulative Skills and Thinking Skills:
1. Observing
2. Comparing and contrasting
3. Relating
4. Classifying
5. Generating idea
6. Attributing
7. Communicating
Science Attitudes and Noble Values:
1. Being cooperative
2. Being confident and independent
Teaching and Learning Resources:
1. Water heater
2. Thermometer
3. Beaker
4. Water
Steps/Phase Contents Teaching and Learning Activities Remarks
Set Induction Teacher tell a story to pupil. SPS:
(5 minutes) Observation
0900-0905 Teacher tell pupil the topic will be Relating
learn on this lesson.
Generating ideas
Eliciting Idea Knowing the SPS:
(10 minutes) thermometer. Teacher ask pupil to guess what is the Generating ideas
0905-0915 name of the device that had been used Relating
by the prince in the story to measure
the heat.

Teacher write pupils answer on the


Teacher shows a mercury thermometer

to pupil and ask them to tell the name
of the thermometer.

Teacher write pupils answers on black


Restructuring Teacher explains to pupils about the SPS:

Ideas • Measure types of thermometer, function of Observing
(20 minutes) temperature thermometer and the right way to use Communicating
0915-0935 using the correct it: .
• The metric unit • A thermometer is used to measure SANV:
for temperature. how hot or cold a substance. Being confident
• Temperature is measurement of and independent
how hot or cold a things is,
• The metric unit for temperature is
degree Celsius ( 0C ).

Application Experiment Teacher ask pupils to form group. SPS:

(20 minutes) Teacher distribute the activity sheet to Making
0935-0955 pupil and read it together with pupil. generalization
Use and handle
Teacher ask pupil to set up the science apparatus
apparatus and do the activity. and substances.

Teacher monitoring pupils. Relating

Teacher discuss the result of the

experiment with pupils.
Closure Teacher summarizes today’s lesson by SPS:
(5 minutes) asking: Relating
0955-1000 1. What have you learn today?
2. What make water hot?
3. What make water cold?

Reflection :
Nama:___________ kelas: ____________


1. Isikan 100ml air ke dalam bikar.

2. Sukat dan rekod bacaan thermometer untuk suhu bilik.

3. Sukat dan rekod bacaan thermometer untuk air di dalam bikar.

4. Tambahkan 100 ml air panas ke dalam bikar.

5. Sukat dan rekod bacaan thermometer untuk air di dalam bikar

sekali lagi.

6. Semua bacaan direkodkan ke dalam jadual di bawah.

Bahan Suhu/ darjah Celsius ( 0C ).


Air paip

Air paip + air panas

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