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Zehev Tadmor, Engineering Research Center, Western Electric Co., Inc.

, Princeton, New Jersey

Non-Newtonian Tangential Flow in Cylindrical Annuli

For engineering calculations, the most popular model is
IV. the Ostwald-de-Walle, i.e., “power law” model. The rea-
son is its relative simplicity:

‘)=mi 4 $ ~ ~ * ) r (4)
T angential flow in cylindrical annuli is of interest in
the extrusion theory of polymer melts. Polymer melts
in flow exhibit a non-Newtonian viscosity, normal
The two constants m and n are temperature and pres-
sure dependent. The flaws in this model and its insuffi-
ciency to represent the shear stress and shear rate rela-
stresses and time dependent effects. Inclusion of the last tionship over the whole range of shear rates were pre-
two phenomena in a screw extrusion theory leads to viously discussed (3, 4a). An important deficiency is
great diaculties due partly to the complex geometry that at zero shear rate it predicts infinite apparent vis-
that is involved. It is, therefore, not surprising that most cosity for a pseudoplastic fluid, while polymer melts
of the attempts to further elaborate on the existing tend to a Newtonian behavior at low shear rates. There-
theories concentrate upon the inclusion of the first phe- fore, for those flow situations where the shear rate at-
nomena, i.e., non-Newtonian viscosity, although normal tains very low values or passes a value of zero, a certain
stresses may have a great significance due to their un- error can be expected in the flow rate calculations. A
symmetrical distribution across the channel, while visco- rough approximation of this error is carried out in Ap-
elastic effects may be especially important in a compres- pendix 1. Pressure flows between two infinite parallel
sion-relief type screw. plates of two fluids are compared: one fluid is assumed
A constitutive equation that describes a non-New- to obey the “power law” over the whole range of shzar
tonian viscosity but excludes normal stresses and time rate, while the other obeys it until the shear rate be-
dependent viscoelastic effects is ( l a ) : comes smaller than a certain value after which the fluid
is assumed to be Newtonian. The results indicate that
even for a very pseudoplastic fluid (n = 0.25) the error
- becomes significant only when the Newtonian range
where 7 and aare the stress and rate of deformation covers more than half of the cross section. Considering
tensors respectively and 9 is a scalar, which for an in- the shear rate profile in a real extruder, it often will
compressible fluid is a function of the second and third happen that the shear rate will not pass a zero value
invariants of 2 defined in Equations 2 and 3, respec- nor will it attain very low values. This is shown in
tively. Appendix 2. Somewhat encouraged by these results, and
- -
- - furthermore, being aware of the fact that only a rela-
lg=A:A (2) tively simple model such as the “power law” provides
- results that can be presented and plotted in a simple
I, = det (3) form, the “power law” model was applied in the calcu-
In simple flows, such as axial flow in a tube, Couette lations presented below. Relatively simple results that
flow, I8 vanishes. However, Tanner (2) has shown re- can be plotted as graphs are important for practical de-
cently that for an axisymmetrical flow in a duct of vary- sign purposes.
ing diameter, I, will vary. Such a situation exists in the The conventional screw extrusion theory is based upon
compression zone of a screw extruder. But, since the a Newtonian flow between infinite parallel plates. The
dependence of 7 on I, is unknown, it is usually assumed solution of the flow equations results in two independent
that r ) is a function of I, only. Experimental observations terms-ne for the drag flow and the other for the pres-
led to several models for this function with two or more sure flow. These independent terms are then separately
adjustable parameters. Bird (3) reviewed these models corrected for wall effect, curvature, and radial tempera-
in relation to the rheological behavior of polymer melts. ture distribution in order to account for some of the sim-


plifying assumptions. The superposition, i.e., the linear equation of motion, r component
addition of drag and pressure flow, was a convenient
concept that was carried over to non-Newtonian fluid v 0' ap
flow, where it does not hold. Jacobi (5) and others as- r ar
sumed the error to be small. Recently Kroesser and Mid- equation of motion, 0 component
dleman (6) have shown that the error is significant and
the throughput of pseudoplastic polymers in extrusion l a__
- i -
p +- a (r'~=
~ ~0 )
calculations is considerably overestimated. These authors' r ae r' ar (7)
calculations were based on a "power law" model fluid
flow between infinite parallel plates, previously solved The pressure gradient in Equation 6 is due to centrifu-
by Rotem and Shinnar (7). A more realistic flow model, gal forces and for a slow flow it can be neglected. There-
than that between parallel plates, would be tangential fore, the pressure P is a function of e only and the pres-
flow between concentric cylinders, which is a limiting dP
sure gradient -in Equation 7 is constant.
case of a screw with zero helix angle. The flow of a dtJ
Newtonian fluid between concentric cylinders was dis-
cussed by Booy (8). In the following derivation, one
of the cylinders is assumed to rotate with constant angu- The Stress Profile
lar velocity (for extrusion calculations it will be the Equation 7 can be integrated for the shear stress pro-
outer cylinder) and an arbitrary, constant angular pres- file
sure gradient is maintained. Shear stress profile, velocity K, 1 dP
profile, and flow rate equations are derived. The error Tru = R12pa-- -
2 de
involved in the superposition of drag and pressure flow
is calculated and plotted in the form of a correction fac- where K, is an integration constant and p = r/Ri. By
tor. The pressure flow between parallel plates is com- 1 dP
pared to that between concentric cylinders, thus obtain- defining a new constant P such that K, 3 - -Ri'F
2 de
ing another correction factor for curvature similar to that Equation 8 becomes:
for drag flow presented by McKelvey (9a). Finally, it
should be pointed out that by eliminating the error in
the superposition of drag and pressure flow in extrusion
calculation, it does not eliminate the possible error in- Equation 9 indicates a physical meaning to the con-
volved in the separation of cross channel and down stant 5". When p = [, the shear stress, and shear rate
channel flows. become zero, and the angular velocity profile has an
analytical maximum. This will be the case if 1 4 5" 4
,k?, where fl = R,/R,, i.e., the radius at which this oc-
The Flow Equations and the Simplifying curs is within the flow regime, otherwise 5' has no physi-
Assumptions cal meaning. The value of ,$* is determined by the geom-
etry of the system, the fluid properties, Ve and the pres-
The tangential flow oc- sure gradient. An equation to calculate its value will be
curs between two infinite- derived below.
ly long concentric cylin-
ders with radii R, and R,
for the outer and inner The Velocity Profile
cylinder, respectively. The
outer cylinder's wet sur- Equations 4 and 1 in cylindrical coordinates are ( l c )
face has a constant tan- respectively:
gential velocity Ve in the
Figure 1. Concentric cylin- positive, counter clockwise
der model. direction. A cylindrical co-
ordinate system (r, 8, z) is used. This is shown in Fie- 0

w e 1 . Furthermore, it is assumed that: a) the fluid is

incompressible; b) the flow is steady state in time; c) Equation 9 and 11 yield the following differential equa-
the flow is laminar; d) the flow is isothermal; e) there tion:
is no slip at the walls; f ) end effects are neglected; g)
gravity is neglected; and h) there is no flow in the r
and z directions, i.e., v, = v. = 0.
The equations describing the flow are the equation of
continuity and the equation of motion. These equations with the following boundary conditions:
in cylindrical coordinates and with the above assump-
tions simplify to ( l b ) : ve = 0 at p = 1.0 (13)
equation of continuity ve = Ve at p=/3 (14)
The pressure gradient in Equation 12 can be positive
-- or negative. A positive pressure gradient causes the pres-
a0 sure flow to be opposite to drag flow. In a real extruder


both positive and negative pressure gradients exist (10).
Further classification of the solution is necessary ac-
cording to the sign of the shear rate because of the ab-
solute value in Equation 12. A detailed solution follows
(1--$)"1] l"p'j3 (20)
for a case where -> 0 and 1 p < 8". Solutions for
dB Both Equations 19 and 20 hold if p = 8 and by com-
other cases are presented in Tables I and LL. paring the solutions an equation for e,
which up to this
point was an unknown constant, is obtained:
a) In the region 1 4 p L E T~~ A 0 and m

The absolute value in Equation 12 can be eliminated
by rewriting it as:
[ =--(--1)
1 d P e (15)
When the value of r for a given fi and s is such that 5"
= 1, the shear stress at the inner cylinder is zero. These
dP RIP 2m dB p- I' values can be calculated from Equation 21 by substi-
which after some rearrangement and integration of the tuting 5" = 1. If the pressure gradient is increased to
left hand side gives: very high values or if the velocity 1%is decreased to-
P ward zero, a pure pressure flow is obtained. For this
case Equations 19, 20, and 21 become:
=u- 2pr A(C-l)'dp (16)
vu 1 P P -

1 dP (- 1)1"
where s = l / n and the dimensionless group r is defined
Ri 1 dP '
2V, 2m dB
The integral in Equation 16 cannot be solved in
closed form for all real s, but by expansion into an in- a
1 dP 1
finite series an open form solution can be obtained. De-
fining a new variable Z = --r - 1 Equation 16 becomes
[ ( I-$)"' -(1-$)'"] E"p'/? (23)

and is calculated from

The term -
can be expanded into an infinite, uni-

formly convergent power series that can be integrated (24)

termwise provided 0 A Z < 1. This inequality will be
satisfied if 1 4 5" < 2, a condition that exists in extrucl- Some typical velocity profiles for a pseudoplastic (s =
ers where usually @ < 2. 2.0), Newtonian (s = l . O ) , and dilatant ( s = 0.5)
The velocity profile is fluids are shown in Figure 2. The net flow rate in all
these cases is about one half of the pure drag flow rate.
All the numerical calculations were done on a 7094 IBM
computer. The infinite series were summed until the last
term was less than one hundred thousandths of the par-
tial sum. The number of terms required depends on how
($-l)s+i] l L p L [ (19) much the variable Z is smaller than 1.0.
%<2 For a Newtonian fluid s = 1.0, 5' in Equation 21 con-
verges to:
b ) In the region [ 6 p 6 fi T~~ 6 0 and
fa =
B In (PI - f i h
Equations 19 and 20 for s = 1.0 with Equation 25
The absolute sign in Equation 12 can be dropped and converges to the independently obtainable Newtonian
by following the same procedure as in the previous case velocity profile:
with the difference that the new variable is defined as
Z=l-- 5" (in this case the inequality 0 4 Z < 1 is
always satisfied) the following velocity profile is ob-


Table 1. Stress Profiles, Velocity Profiles, and Flow Rate for Tangential Combined Pressure and Drag Flow
when the Outer Cylinder Wet Surface has a Tangential Velocity VOand a Constant Angular Pressure
Gradient -
is Maintained

Shear Stress
Profile Tangential Velocity Profile Equation to Solve for p

i + integer

_ _ ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~

Table II. Stress Profiles, Velocity Profiles, and Flow Rate for Tangential Combined Pressure and Drag Flow
When the Inner Cylinder Wet Surface has a Tangential Velocity Ve and a Constant Angular Pressure
Gradient -
is Maintained

Shear Stress
Profile Tangential Velocity Profile Equation to Solve for p
v a =p- pr C -[s + I
( p - 1 >'+I -('- P 1)"' 3
1 L p L E e"<2


The Volumetric Flow Rate
The flow rate per unit width is:
E 3
Qpd= R1
v,dp + RI vsdp (27)

By substituting Equations 19 and 20 respectively into

the first and second integral in Equation 27 and inte-
Vohnetric Flow Rate Per Unit Width grating the following result is obtained:

[ ( 1-5)"' + (- 1)' ( r - I)"'] (28)

P <2 1'5"<2
The integration in detail is in Appendix 3. As in the case
of the velocity profile at high pressure gradient or when
L7@ = 0 a pure pressure flow results:

[ + (-l)'(r-l)s+q (29)
Finally, for a Newtonian fluid, Equation 29 with Equa-
tion 25 converges, as before, to the independently ob-
tainable solution:

The flow rate of a pure drag flow was derived before

Solutions for conditions that give 0 6 t24 1 and f'

6 0 are shown in Table 1. Solutions for a case that the
inner cylinder is rotating rather than the outer cylinder
Volumetric Flow Rate Per Unit Widti!
2re tabulated in TubZe ZZ. All these solutions are similar
to the one presented in detail above.

Discussion and Conclusion

The flow rate QPd calculated from the equations sum-
marized in T u b b I and normalized by dividing it by Q,,
(Equation 31) is plotted versus rllnin Figure 3. Equa-
tion 17 shows that r*'' will be directly proportional to
the pressure gradient. The curves that correspond to
non-Newtonian fluids exhibit inflection points. These in-
flections would probably be hard to detect in extrusion
experiments with pseudoplastic polymers, such as poly-
ethylene, due to the scattered data that results. This
could explain the often observed linear relationship of
flow rate versus pressure gradient even in non-New-
tonian fluids. Furthermore, Figure 3 shows that a flow
rate versus pressure gradient plot for a non-Newtonian
fluid should not be expected to show as a convex curve
as suggested from equations d,erived on the basis of the
superposition of pressure and drag flow. The error in
superposition is even more emphasized in velocity pro-



I1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

'8' '8 '8 "8 ' 8 "8

Figure 2. Tangential oelocity profiles in a combined drag and pressure flow between two con-
centric cylinders. Full line shows the exact profile, broken line shows the profile calculated by
superposition of drug and pressure flow. Q P d / Q d l/i, and /3 = 1.6.

files and flow rate calculations. Figure 2 compares the +

drag flow, when (Qd Qs)/Qd = 1, r converges to 1.0
velocity profiles calculated from the equations in Table for all values of s, as expected. Similarly, for high values
1 and those calculated by superposition. The computa- of Qp when the flow becomes a pure pressure flow Q
tions were made for = 1.6 and r values so chosen to again converges to 1.0. This is also the case for New-
give QDd/Qd ? h a tonian fluids where E = 1.0, regardless of the flow con-
The difference between these profiles for non-New- ditions. Between these limiting cases a rather complex
tonian fluids is very significant. In order to investigate behavior of E can be noticed. In extrusion only positive
this error quantitatively a correction factor E defined as net flow rates of a usually pseudoplastic fluids are of in-
terest. For these cases, Figure 4 shows that flow rates
calculated by superposition are highly overestimated
compared to the real flow rates. This conclusion agrees
with that of Kroesser and Middleman ( 6 ) . In particular
was calculated and plotted versus (Q. + QP)/Qe in it is interesting to note the sharp convergence of E to a
Figure 4. In other words E is the correction factor to value of 1.0 as pure drag flow is approached. This im-
multiply the net flow rate calculated by linearly adding plies that even for very small pressure gradient or pres-
pressure and drag tangential flows of a "power law" sure flows, the correction factor may be significantly
model in order to obtain the true flow rate. For a pure lower than 1.0. In Figure 4, E is plotted for two curva-



3 1.5



-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0


0 2 4 6 8 10 Figure 4. Correction factor to account for the superposition

r"' of drag and pressure flow between concentric cylinders ver-
sus the volumetric net flow rate calculated by supelpodtion.
Figure 3. Volumetric flow rate per unit width versus PI6. Full lines @ = 1.6, broken lines @ = 1.02.


8.W Ri

Figure 5. Correction factor to account for curuature in a Figure 6. Correction factor to account for curvature in a
pure pressure flow versus p. The angular pressure gradient pure pressure flow versus 8. The angutar pressure gradient
was compared to the linear pressure gradient at the circum- was compared to the linear pressure gradient at the arithmetic
ference of the outer cylinder. mean circumference of the cylinders.

tures, /3 = 1.02 and /3 = 1.6 which shows that the in- ders, therefore, an additional correction factor 5 was
fluence of curvature is mild in general except when drag derived defined as:
flow is approached. Experimental quantitative verifica-
tion of the error in superposition in extrusion calcula- 5 = Qp/Qp, between parallel plates (33)
tions is not easy because the pressure gradient varies Qp is shown in Equation 29 and pressure flow of a
along the screw (10) and the flow is not isothermil. power law fluid model between parallel plates can be
However, if the exact experimental temperature and easily derived (9b). The value of 5 depends on the cir-
pressure profiles along the screw are available, one can cumference along which the angular pressure gradient is
select a portion of the screw where isothermal conditions compared to the linear one between parallel plates.
prevail and a linear pressure gradient exists and coin- Figure 5 shows [o versus /3 when the comparison was
pare the calculated flow rate in that section with the made at the outer cylinder circumference, and Figure 6
experimentally measured flow rate. This work is in prog- shows tY versus /3 when the comparison is made at the
ress in our laboratories. Essentially the same is being arithmetic mean circumference of the two cylinders. In
done by including the superposition correction factor in the later case the correction factor is close to 1.0 except
a computer program that simulates screw extrusion per- for high values of /3 and very pseudoplastic fluids. This
formance (11).In this case the correction factor has was concluded previously by b o y (8) for the specific
to be evaluated for negative pressure gradients as well case of Newtonian fluids.
since this is the case in different sections in the extruder.
This would mean an extension of the curves in Figure 4
for (Qd QD)/Qd > 1.
Estimation of the error involved in using the
In conclusion, for engineering design purposes, the 11
drag and pressure flows can be superimposed provided power law” model fluid for a polymer melt.
that the so obtained net flow rate is multiplied by the A pressure flow between two infinite parallel plates
correction factor E . It must be remembered, however, is considered. Figure 7a shows the velocity profile for a
that other correction factors commonly used, such as “power law” fluid model. Figure 7b shows the velocity
those which account for channel shape, and for radial profile when the fluid behavior is described by the
temperature distribution, were derived separately for “power law” model in the region h 4 1x1 6 H and is a
drag and pressure flows and may introduce additional Newtonian in the region 0 6 1x1 6 h. In other words it
errors. is assumed that at 1x1 < h the shear rate becomes small
Pressure flow calculations between parallel plates are so that the fluid behaves as a Newtonian fluid. The
much simpler than tangential flow in concentric cylin- higher the pressure gradient the smaller the ratio h/H




x=- n

"power law'

at which this transfer occurs. The stress profile for the
case in Figure 7h is:

rill = - -X

~ =' -~

since at x = & h ?Ix.= PX.and at x = 0

From the constitutive equations
0 6 1x1 6 h

h L 1x1 6 H



= 0.

Figure 7. a ) Pressure flow of *I 'power law" model fluid be-

tween parallel plates.
b ) Pressure flow of a fluid that obeys the "power
law" model for h 6 I x I 6 H and i s Newtonian for I x h, If dv,' dP
between parallel plates. -p-=-- O"(x(6h (37)
dx dZ

The Newtonian viscosity can be expressed in terms of
the stress and shear rate at x = h

Substituting Equation 38 into Equation 37 and inte-

grating Equations 36 and 37 with the boundary condi-
tions: x = & h, v." = v.' and at x = H veil = 0 *

0.5 1 I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I.0
h/ H

Figure 8. The ratio of the volumetric flow rates of the flow

situations shown in Figures 7 ( b ) and 7 ( a ) versus h/H.

where v.,,,,.~ is the velocity at x = 0 for a "power law"

The volumetric flow rate per unit width is:

0 h

Substituting Equations 39 and 40 into 43, followed by

integration gives:
4=2 [+(-,)I dP H""

-I .o
0.0 0.5 I .o
Vz Vz.mox.

Figure 9. The velocity profiles of the flow situations shown in

Figures 7 ( a ) (full line) and 7 ( b ) (broken line). The flow rate per unit width of a "power law" model


fluid is:

(Q)h=o = 2 [
;(-%)Is H" (45)
l o o 0 lloo

By dividing Equation 44 with Equation 45 the following
result is obtained:

4 represents the error involved in calculating the flow

rate of a non-Newtonian fluid with the "power law"
model, while the fluid really starts to behave as a New-
tonian fluid in the region 1x1 & h in which the shear
rate becomes smaller than a critical value.
Figure 8 shows $ for various s values and - ratios.
For pseudoplastic fluids the error in using the "power
law" model fluids becomes significant only after more
than in one half of the cross section the fluid i s New-
tonian. In particular, for a fluid that has an exponent n
= 0.5 when in 75% of the cross section it behaves as 10I I I I I
I 1.0
a Newtonian fluid the error is only 10% . 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25

Figure 9 compares two velocity profiles, a "power law" PL r/Ri

model fluid (s = 2.0) and a fluid that is Newtonian in
Figure 10. Shear rate and shear stress distribution across the
the region 1x1 h,
= 0.5 . ) channel in a screw extruder. (For extrusion conditions see
Appendix 2 . )
It should be pointed out that in this case the profiles
differ from each other at the high velocity range while
in an extruder channel this will often occur at the low APPENDIX 3.
velocity range and the error in the flow rate calculation
will be decreased. Details of the solution of Equation 27.
Substitution of Equation 19 and 20 into Equation 27
subsequent to integration of some terms is:
The shear rate distribution across the metering
zone channel in a typical extrusion process.
A polyethylene that behaves as a "power law"' model
fluid in the range of shear rate 10 sec-' to 3000 see-'
has the following parameters at 495°F: (257°C) n =
0.401, m = 1.68 lb,sec"~"/in." (1.1583 X loKgr/sec'.""
cm) (12). The polymer was extruded in a 2.5" extruder,
with a barrel temperature of 477°F (247°C) and a fre-
quency of rotation of 60 RPM. In a section of the meter-
ing zone with a constant channel depth of 0.144 in.
(0.365 cm) there was an isothermal polymer flow at
495°F and a linear pressure gradient was measured in
the helical direction with a value of 39.85 Ibf/ina/in By substituting Z =- - 1 into the first integral in
(1.0817 x 10" gr/cm sec'/cm). The calculated value of P'
the dimensionless group r from Equation 17 is 31.5 and Equation 49 followed by integration by parts:
the computed value of 6 is 0.9268. The shear stress pro-
file from Equation 9 is:

r,8 = 49.82 (-
- 1) t 47)
The shear rate profile is positive over the whole range
and it is:

rre and Are are plotted in Figure 10. The shear rate
at any point falls within the range of shear rates in 2 b-1 I- 1)'dZ (50)
which the polymer obeys the "power law" model.


N0 MENC LATUR E x rectangular coordinate, in. (cm.)
z rectangular coordinate, in. (cm.)
h = the limiting value of x, below which the fluid is New- Z = variable defined in the text, dimensionless
tonian, in. (cm.)
H = half the distance between parallel plates, in. (cm.)
l2= second invariant of the rate of deformation tensor,
defined in Equation 2.
1 dP
2R, 2m de
, dimensionless
Is= third invariant of the rate of deformation tensor, de- -
A = rate of deformation tensor, set.?
fined in Equation 3.
A I J = ij component of the rate of deformation tensor, sec.-l
IG = integration constant. e = - Q), = corrrection factor for superposition
m = parameter in Ostwald-de-Waele model, Ibr sec."/in.Z
of drag and pressure flows
(gr. sec.""/cm.)
5 = Qp/Qp-between parallel plates = correction factor
n = parameter in Ostwald-de-Waele model, dimensionless.
for curvature for pressure flow
P = fluid pressure, Ibf/in.' (gr./cm. sec.3
{R = QJQ,, between parallel plates. The angular pressure
Q = volumetric flow rate per unit width, in."/sec. in.
gradient is compared to the linear one at the circum-
[cm?/sec. cm.)
ference of the outer cylinder.
I,, = volumetric angular net flow rate per unit width, in?/
{M = Q,/Q, between parallel plates. The angular pressure
sec. in. (cm.Ysec. crn.)
gradient is compared to the linear one at the arith-
Qp = volumetric angular pressure flow rate per unit width,
metic average circumference of the cylinders.
in?/sec. in. (cm?/sec. cm.)
6 = angle in cylindrical coordinates, radians
Qn = volumetric angular drag flow rate per unit width, in?/
11 = non-Newtonian viscosity, Ibl sec./ in? (gr./cm. sec.)
sec. in. (crn.81sec. cm.)
p = Newtonian viscosity, Ibr sec./in? (gr./cm. sec.)
r = radial distance in cylindrical coordinates, in. (cm.)
E = transformed dimensionless integration constant, de-
RI = radius of the inner cylinder, in. (cm.)
fined in the text
R, = radius of the outer cylinder, in. (cm.)
p = r/R1
s= l/n
PS = density, Ib.lin.8 (gr./cm?)
vr = velocity component in r direction, in./sec. (cm./sec.) -
V. = velocity component in z direction, in./sec. (cm./sec.) z = stress tensor, Ibr/in.P (gr./cm. sec.?)
Ve = velocity component in 6 direction, in./sec. (cm.lsec.1 z l j = i j component of the stress tensor, Ib,/in? (gr./cm.
Ve = tangential velocity of one of the cylinders' wet sur- sec.'
face, in./sec. (cm./sec.) I) = Q/(Qh:O, Equation 46.

By expanding 1/(1 Z) in the integral in Equation 50
into an infinite series followed by a termwise integration,
a series is obtained for each term.

dZ = [ sfl
- -+

+ ... 1'
Substituting Equation 52 into Equation 49 followed by
a similar solution of the second integral in Equation 49
gives the flow rate presented in Equation 28.
dZ=[ --
+ References

+...I" f2-I
1. Bird, R. B.,,, Stewart W. E., and Lightfoot, E. M., "Transport
Phenomena John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1963. (a) p.
102 (b) p 's5 (c) 89
2. Tadner, R: I.,'Ind.%ng.'Chem. Fundamentals, 5, 55 (1966).
3. Bird. R. B.. A.I.Ch.E., Chem. Eng. Progress Symposmm Series,
3rd 61 86 (1965).
4. B e h a r d t E C., "Processing of Thermoplastic Materials," Rein-
z"'2 hold Pubiishing Corporation, New York, 1960. (a) p. 29, (b) p.
j - d Z1= [ z
Gl + 171, (c) p. 173.
5. Jacobi, H. R., "Screw Extrusion of Plastics," Iliffe Books, Lon-
don 1963.

+...I0 +,
6. Krohsser, F. W. and Middleman, S., Polymer Eng. and Science, 5,
231 (1965).
7. Rotem Z. and Shinnar R Chem. Eng. Science 15 130 (1061).
8. Booy, M. i.,Soc. Plasti& I&.Journal:, 19, 176 '( 1983).
9, McKelve J M "Polymer Processing John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New Y o r c i96z" (a) p. 232 (b) p. 106.
The solution of the integral will be obtained by summing 10, Marsball D I., Klein, I., aGd Uhl, R. H.,SOC.Plastics. Eng. Jour-
nal 21 i192 (1965).
all the terms 11. Imhch'Klein and D. 1. Marshall, July 1966 Polymer Eng. & Sci.
. . m 12. Klein, I.. Marshall. D. I., and Friehe, C. A., SOC.Plastics Eng.
Journal, 21, 1299 (1965).
(- I)'+' dZ =
The author wishes to express his gratitude to Drs. D. I. Marshall
and I. Klein for helpful discussions, to MI. I. Duvdevani for his helpful
criticism and su gesting the calculations in Appendix 1, to Mr. K. E.
Larson for proofreading the mathematical derivations and to Messrs.
Substituting Equation 51 into Equation 50 gives: F. R. Cadic and F. J. Cammarano for aid on numerical computations.


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