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Future Life Forms among Posthumans

Jose' Luis Cordeiro

World Future Society

As we begin to ride the wave into human redesign, the destination is still largely unknown. But despite all the unanswered
questions, we have a number of clues that can help us speculate as to what we truly mean by the posthuman organism - including
the striking acknowledgement that in all likelihood not just one type of posthuman awaits us, but several.
We will re-engineer our biological constitutions, and introduce silicon, steel, and microchips into ourselves. Some may choose
to reside in computers as conscious wave patterns, while others will convert themselves into durable robots and venture out into
space. Simultaneously, we will create entirely new forms of life, including artificial intelligence and perhaps even a global con-
Humanity's monopoly as the only advanced sentient life form on the planet will soon come to an end, supplemented by a
number of posthuman incarnations. Moreover, how we re-engineer ourselves could fundamentally change the ways in which our
society functions, and raise crucial questions about our identities and moral status as human beings.

Popular culture is abuzz with new terminology. transcendental change has been described by some
Genetic engineering. Cyborgs. Artificial intelligence. experts as analogous to when apes evolved into humans.
Consciousness (mind) uploading. Nanotechnology.
Singularity. Transhumanism. Posthumanism. In particu-
larly, the terms "transhuman" and "posthuman" seem to
be gaining more and more currency with each passing As the possibility for conscious human redesign has
year - especially in the media and academia, and among emerged, so too has a philosophical movement that con-
the techno-intelligentsia. siders the implications. This approach to future-oriented
Yet, as futurists make these grand prognostications, thinking, known as transhumanism, works on the prem-
do we really know what's in store for Homo sapiens? Just ise that the human species does not represent the end of
how will we "improve" ourselves? What do we really human evolution but, rather, its beginning (see, for
mean when we refer to the posthuman physical condi- example, Transhumanism is
tion? Just what, exactly, is the grand potential for intelli- an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and eval-
gent life? What does advanced intelligence look like? uating the possibilities for overcoming biological limita-
The world is moving fast towards a fourth wave (fol- tions through scientific progress. Ultimately, transhu-
lowing the terminology of US futurist Alvin Toffler) in manists hope to see technological opportunities expand-
which humans will become transhumans, and then ed for people, so that they may live longer and healthier
posthumans, thanks to the multiple and simultaneous lives and enhance their intellectual, physical and emo-
advances of technology. We could redesign ourselves in tional capacities.
any number of ways, and we have to examine radical Transhumanism emphasizes that we have the
scenarios for the evolution of the human species. Such a potential not just to "be" but to "become." Not only can

Journal of Futures Studies, November 2003, 8(2): 65 - 72

Journal of Futures Studies

we use rational means to improve the human In the biological sciences, similar achieve-
condition and the external world; we can also ments have been made since the discovery of
use them to improve ourselves, the human the DNA structure in 1953, including new medi-
organism. And we are not limited only to the cines, bioengineering and cloning technologies.
methods, such as education, which humanism In 2002 a living creature - polio virus - was
(its philosophical precursor) normally espouses. assembled piece by piece with several bio-chem-
Rather, transhumanists argue, we will have the icals by US scientists J. Cello, A. Pauli and E.
means that will eventually enable us to move Wimmer in the New York State University.
beyond what most would describe as human. Cryonics and nanotechnology, for example, were
Transhumanists believe that, through the also totally unknown just a few decades ago.
accelerating pace of technological development Indeed, many years ago, British scientist and
and scientific understanding, we are entering a writer Arthur C. Clarke said that "any sufficiently
whole new stage in the history of the sapient advanced technology is undistinguishable from
species. Advances in artificial intelligence, robot- magic."
ics, bioengineering, cloning, cryonics, nanotech- The pace of change is not only very fast but
nology, new energies, mind uploading, dietary it is also accelerating. Some experts like US engi-
restriction, "designer babies", cyborgs, molecular neer Ray Kurzweil even talk about a coming "sin-
chemistry, telecommunications, space explo- gularity" where artificial intelligence and artificial
ration, virtual reality, life extension and immor- life forms will overtake human intelligence and
tality will lead to substantial physical and mental human life in the coming decades. Slow biologi-
augmentation, possibly converging at a "singular- cal evolution seems to be approaching fast a
ity" point. dead end: our species will continue changing but
The historical human desire to transcend not through the old and slow biological evolu-
bodily and mental limitations is deeply inter- tion but through the new and fast technological
twined with a human fascination with new evolution.
knowledge, which might be both inspiring and Today many boundaries are blurring.
frightening. How these technologies are used Boundaries between birth and death, between
could fundamentally change the ways in which virtual and real, between morality and immorali-
our society functions, and raises crucial ques- ty, between truth and falsity, between inner and
tions about our identities and moral status as outer worlds, between me and "non" me,
human beings. between life and "non" life, even between natural
and "non" natural. What is life? What is death?
What is "non" life? What is natural life? What is
Advancing Technologies, Advancing "non" natural life? What is artificial life?
Possibilities These are all deep questions for a new
deep world of transhumanism and subsequent
New developments in science and technol- posthumanism. The answers are complicated
ogy are occurring so fast that some might begin and they might be so difficult for us to compre-
to overwhelm our capacities to adapt to change. hend as many of our current problems might
Personal computers did not exist 30 years ago, seem to monkeys, or even to ants. British writer
cell phones did not exist 20 years ago, and the H.G. Wells said it very well about a hundred
Internet (actually, the World Wide Web, www) years ago: "all that the human mind has ever
did not exist 10 years ago. What will come in the accomplished is but the dream before the awak-
next 10 years? And in the next 20 years? And ening."
beyond that? The British-born engineer and sci-
ence fiction writer Arthur. C. Clarke claimed that:
"people tend to overestimate the short term Many New Emerging Species
impact of new technologies and to underesti-
If we believe that biological evolution has
66 mate the long term impact."
reached a limit, what will come next? Finnish
Future Life Forms among Posthumans

engineer Pentti Malaska tried to answer this the pipeline of evolution. Malaska described two
question in 1997 during a speech in Brisbane, major kinds of species (carbon-based humies
Australia, while he was president of the World and silicon/information-based high techies, as a
Futures Studies Federation (WFSF). He talked rough simplification) and four minor kinds of
about human-made non-human generations in global persona sapiens, as can be seen below:

In such a posthuman world beings of other active member of the WFSF, further talks about
kinds, different from us (bio-orgs of Homo sapi- terrestrial and non terrestrial Forms Of Life (FOL).
ens), may well be within the bounds of human Wildman uses the concept "borg" in its historical
invention. Malaska defined the other intelligent and generic sense to identify a "Bionic" (i.e.
and conscious beings as: human made) "ORGanism", and defines five such
Bio-orgs or Homo sapiens - a protein- terrestrial FOL borgs:
coded bio-organism in the earthly infra- Orgoborgs - organic FOL, including "tradi-
structure as their "natural" surrounding. tional" Humborgs (like Homo sapiens) and
Cyborgs - a cybernetic organism - a combi- new and hybrid bioengineered Bioborgs.
nation of techniques and human biology GEborgs - Genetically Engineered FOL.
mainly for the earthly infrastructure and Cyborgs - human/machine composite FOL.
the near space. Symborgs - symbolical and symbological
Silorgs - a silicon organism - a humanlike FOL, including Conscious/External (such
non-human, fashioned by coding artificial as cultures and corporations) and
DNA onto silicon compounds with ammo- Unconscious/Internal (such as myths and
nium as a solvent and aimed basically for archetypes) FOL.
outer space infrastructure. Technoborgs - technological FOL, includ-
Symborgs - a symbolic organism - self- ing Exoskeletalborgs (with an external
reflective, self-reproducing, self-conscious, insect like skeleton) and Siliborgs (silicon-
"living programs" within the Internet as based FOL).
their "natural" infrastructure with According to Wildman, some of these new
advanced interface functions with the FOL already exist in a technical sense, since 12%
other species. of the current USA population could be consid-
According to Malaska, Cyborgs of ered incipient "cyborgs" that use electronic pace-
Cyborgkind, Silorgs of Silorgkind, and Symborgs makers, artificial joints, drug implant systems,
of Symborgkind are "gestating, waiting to be implanted corneal lenses, artificial skin, etc. All
brought to life." Finally, there is the Grand the previous FOL are our creations and will be
Pa'&Ma' Internet - a global mind with superior populating our world and remaking us genetical-
intelligence and wisdom. This Grand Pa'&Ma' ly and mechanically and thereby changing our
Internet could be a Quantum Global Brain. consciousness forever.
Australian economist Paul Wildman, also an Wildman also briefly described other four 67
Journal of Futures Studies

non terrestrial FOL. They are Macrorgs (macro- quences.

cosmic FOL), MVorgs (Micro Vita - microscopic The FFF is also doing some important work
FOL), ETorgs (Extra-Terrestrial FOL), and Psyorgs on the future evolution of humankind through
(psychic FOL). Obviously, these exotic FOL its seminars Humanity 3000 and the preparation
depend very much on what definition of life is of its television series "The Next Thousand
being used; but several unknown or not yet cre- Years," which is expected to be broadcasted in
ated intelligent and conscious entities will defi- 2006 with biannual program updates thereafter.
nitely pass the test of being "alive," and will satis- While the opportunities and possibilities
fy most criteria under several concepts of "life." for the future are mind boggling, the risks and
Other authors have written about even threats to life itself are also very real. World
more life forms in a possible posthuman future, renowned scientists like Albert Einstein and
from the very physical to the very ethereal. A Robert Oppenheimer were once deeply con-
simple classification between carbon-based and cerned about the perils of a nuclear holocaust,
silicon-based organisms seems like a good place which we have managed to escape from so far.
where to start. Such concise system allows to Those were the days of the Cold War, but many
incorporate not just humans but also several of those concerns are reappearing now with the
types of robots, cyborgs and symborgs (includ- rise of global crime and terrorism.
ing different logical entities, both physical and There is always the possibility of a complete
non physical). collapse due to global warming, a new Ice Age,
an Asteroid collision or major Gamma Ray
bursts, among many real threats to civilization.
Into the Future Several science fiction works and the scientific
US futurists Jerome Glenn and Theodore literature and also cite other existential threats
Gordon review possible scenarios for humanity to humankind, like the development of a non-
in the year 3000 in the "State of the Future 2000" friendly artificial intelligence or the "gray goo"
published by the Millennium Project (of the effect caused by nanobots spreading out without
American Council for the United Nations any control. All these challenges have to be seri-
University). They reviewed six scenarios with the ously considered by both current and future sen-
following names: tient life forms in order to survive and thrive. In
1. Still Alive at 3000. fact, UK scientist Stephen Hawking has warned
2. End of Humanity and the Rise of the that we need to consider moving to space if we
Phoenix. want to avoid the extinction of human knowl-
3. It's About Time. edge.
4. The Great Divides. New technologies certainly bring new risks.
5. The Rise and Fall of the Robot Empire. On the one hand, US scientist Bill Joy wrote a
6. ETI Disappoints After Nine Centuries. controversial article "Why The Future Doesn't
These fascinating scenarios include fright- Need Us," where he worries about robotics,
ening possibilities like the collapse of the human genetic engineering and nanotechnology. His
civilization to intriguing comments about the answer is to relinquish and stop the develop-
expansion of different forms of intelligent life to ment of these new technologies. On the other
the rest of the universe. The scenarios were hand, US engineer K. Eric Drexel, usually called
developed through a two-round questionnaire the "father" of nanotechnology, argues just the
sent to a special panel selected by the opposite: in order to avoid the problems of
Millennium Project nodes and the Foundation emerging technologies, we have to do more
for the Future (FFF). Several factors were consid- research and understand them better.
ered (from, for example, a global ethical system The debate is open, but one thing is cer-
to the ability to destroy humanity) and their tra- tain: humanity has always advanced thanks to
jectory over the next 100, 500 and 1000 years, science and technology. In fact, what makes
68 with special attention to "unexpected" conse- humans different from other animals is the
Future Life Forms among Posthumans

development of different technologies. This has "upload" a mind into a robot. Similarly, US scien-
been true since the very early prehistoric times tist Marvin Minsky, one of the fathers of artificial
when fire, the wheel, agriculture and primitive intelligence at MIT, wrote his very famous 1994
writing first appeared on the face of our planet. article "Will robots inherit the Earth?" in Scientific
American, where he concludes: "Yes, but they
will be our children. We owe our minds to the
Moral Implications deaths and lives of all the creatures that were
While humanity will undoubtedly express ever engaged in the struggle called Evolution.
itself in a number of different incarnations, it will Our job is to see that all this work shall not end
subsequently give birth to an entirely new form up in meaningless waste."
of life: Artificial intelligence. The future will be More recently, UK cybernetics professor
populated by several different forms of intelli- Kevin Warwick has been implanting his own
gent life, and humanity is already attempting to body with several microchip devices and pub-
reconcile the implications, particularly those in lished in 2003 a book titled I, Cyborg explaining
the moral realm. his experiments. Warwick is a cybernetics pio-
The word "robot" was created in 1921 by neer who claims that "I was born human. But this
the Czech playwright Karel Capek in his book was an accident of fate - a condition merely of
R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots. It was immor- time and place. I believe it's something we have
talized in 1950 by Russian-American scientist the power to change... The future is out there; I
and writer Isaac Asimov in his book I, Robot am eager to see what it holds. I want to do
where he created the Three Laws of Robotics: something with my life: I want to be a cyborg."
1. A robot may not injure a human being, As these authors and thinkers suggest, we
or, through inaction, allow a human being to need to start preparing ourselves for the coming
come to harm. robot and artificial intelligence realities. To ease
2. A robot must obey orders given it by the transition into a posthuman condition, we
human beings except where such orders would must ready ourselves for the distinct possibility
conflict with the First Law. that Earth will be inherited by not one, but sever-
3. A robot must protect its own existence al forms of highly intelligent and sentient life
as long as such protection does not conflict with forms.
the First or Second Law.
Asimov eventually improved his system and The Human Seed
extrapolated the Zeroth Law: A robot may not
injure humanity or, through inaction, allow The human body is a good beginning, but
humanity to come to harm. He also modified the we can certainly improve it, upgrade it, and tran-
other Three Laws accordingly. scend it. Biological evolution through natural
On a separate front, US futurist Phil McNally selection might be ending, but technological
and Pakistani-born futurist Sohail Inayatullah evolution is only accelerating now. Technology,
wrote The Rights of Robots in 1987, and US femi- which started to exhibit some dominance over
nist Donna Haraway published A Cyborg biological processes for the first time some
Manifesto in 1991. Both are important docu- 100.000 years ago, is finally overtaking biology
ments that defend robots and cyborgs on their as the science of life.
own right. These concepts imply a continuum As US fuzzy logic theorist Bart Kosko has
based on previous ideas concerning animal and said: "biology is not destiny. It was never more
human rights. than tendency. It was just nature's first quick and
US robotics expert Hans Moravec wrote dirty way to compute with meat. Chips are des-
two books about robots and our/their future: tiny." And photo-qubits might come soon after
Mind Children in 1988 and Robot in 1998. standard silicon-based chips, but even that is
Moravec argues that robots will be our rightful only an intermediate means for eternal intelli-
descendants and he explains several ways to gent life in the universe. 69
Journal of Futures Studies

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Journal of Futures Studies


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