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4 Positioning Commands for Branch Head/Tail

This session covers the relative and explicit positioning of Branch Heads and Tails.

4.1 Positioning Branch Head/Tail Relatively

To position branch Head/Tails relatively, select the branch within Model Explorer then select Move from
within the Tools group located on the Cable Tray tab to display the Move Branch form. This form allows the
user to position the Head/Tail in various ways, Distance, Through, Clearance and Towards.

The Distance tab allows the user to move

the current element so that its origin or
Distance nominated PPoint moves a distance in a
given direction.

The Through tab allows the user to move

the element in a given direction until it
Through reaches a point or is relative to a plane
perpendicular to the direction of movement
through another point.

The Clearance tab allows the user to move

the element in a given direction so that its
obstruction volume or a Ppoint is a given
Clearance clearance from another element. The
clearance is measured in the same
direction as the movement.

The Towards tab allows the user to move

the element a given distance in a direction
specified in terms of another element.

 These details are covered in depth within sections 3.6 to 3.6.4.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. 45
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816

4.2 Positioning Branch Head/Tail Explicitly

To position branch Head/Tails explicitly, select the branch within Model Explorer.

Select Branch from within the Modify group located on the

Cable Tray tab to display the Branch at Explicit Position form.
This form allows the user to position the Head/Tail through
East/West, North/South and Up/Down coordinates.

© Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

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