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Ximena Pastor Navarro

Pediatric Oncology

Original Work Proposal

Table of Contents

Introduction and Statement of Purpose Pages 3-4

Review of Skills and Research Pages 5-7

Methodology Pages 8-13

Materials Page 14

Conclusion Pages 15-16

Calendar Pages 17-20

Product Proposal

Introduction and Statement of Purpose

I had always heard about the Make-A-Wish organization, St. Jude's, as well as ongoing

research to further pediatric cancer treatments. I became more acquainted with the

Make-A-Wish organization last year when one of my close friends shared with me what her wish

was. From that moment I was inspired to make someone as happy as she was about her wish.

Through my research in ISM this year I was also able to notice how underfunded research for

pediatric cancers truly is. For this reason, my original work will have two main components: a

fundraiser to raise money for pediatric cancer as well as a campaign to raise awareness for the

different types of pediatric cancer.

The fundraiser will be taking place at school specifically during the week of the Spring

Football game. I want to have a raffle during the game perhaps during halftime. Students will

have the opportunity to buy the raffle tickets during all lunches the week before the game as well

as the week of the game. During lunches, students can also make donations. I have the privilege

of having a cousin who is the manager of a hotel near Cancun, and he is willing to help. The

winner could win a free hotel stay in Cancun.his is only my first idea. I will also be meeting with

the Children’s fundraiser group in the upcoming 2 weeks. Meeting with the head of Children’s

fundraiser will allow me to get more ideas as well as more support in order to make the

fundraising happen.

The second component of my original work is raising awareness about the different types

of cancer. I believe it is important for people to know about the different types of cancer as well

as the common symptoms. As busy teenagers, we are prone to ignore symptoms and put off
going to the doctor. As growing teenagers and athletes we have symptoms that can be mistaken

for growing pains or a sports injury. I want to teach teenagers as well as kids about cancer as

well as make them aware of the symptoms. In order to do this, I will have a spirit week and each

day will represent a type of cancer. I plan to educate students about cancer by having a few

minutes on the announcements dedicated to teaching about the specific type of cancer. However

before I can do this I will have to get approval with the broadcast teacher, Mrs. Bagwell. During

broadcast, I will explain specific cancer, common causes, as well as symptoms. The pediatric

cancers I want to focus on are: Ewing's Sarcoma, Leukemia, Neuroblastoma, Lymphoma and a

type of brain tumor right now I am thinking Medulloblastoma however that could change. In

order to teach other types of cancer and raise awareness, I will need to do extensive research. I

will have to read different articles online, converse with my mentor and hopefully speak with

specialists for the specific types of cancer. I also want to educate middle schoolers about cancer

because I believe my kids are not adequately informed about cancer. I plan to go Maus Middle

School especially go to the Health and Science classes. I want to educate 7 and 8 graders

however I will not be educating 6th graders as many kids this age are too young and there could

be parent disapproval. Before I can go to the middle school I will have to get approval from the

school and teacher(s). I will also need to set up a meeting to discuss this with the principal.
Review of Skills and Research

Over the course of my ISM journey and research assessment, I have learned about

different types of pediatric cancers and their symptoms. During the course of this research, I

have noticed some of the symptoms remain the same throughout fatigue, loss of appetite, pain,

and weakness. During one of my research assessments, I learned about Ewing's Sarcoma, a

tumor that occurs in the bones and the surrounding area. Learning about Ewing’s Sarcoma

made me realize how similar the symptoms of this cancer and sports ~what~ were. Some of the

symptoms of Ewing’s Sarcoma are bone pain, weight loss, swelling, tenderness, bone fractures

(in some cases). I also read online that many times symptoms are mistaken for simple bruises

or/and sports injuries. At school, many students are involved in sports and I believe it is crucial

for students to get educated about the symptoms and when they should be a concern. This is

also important because as with many types of cancer the earlier it is diagnosed the better. Before

I can educate students I will need to do extensive research on Ewing’s Sarcoma,

Medulloblastoma, Leukemia, Neuroblastoma, and Lymphoma. I will use the National Cancer

Institute website, American Cancer Society website, and websites with current research to learn

about the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and histology. I will also use the Survivorship guidelines

website to learn about the aftercare of the disease. This will benefit because I will be learning

about everything that has to do with the specific cancers. I will be discussing my findings with

my mentor and discuss the best ways to teach this information. This will help me better

understand what I have learned as well as ensure I am teaching the information correctly and

the best way possible. To teach middle schoolers I will create and eye engaging powerpoint to

ensure the information is well received.

Another major thing I have learned through interviews and research is how underfunded

pediatric cancer research is as well how difficult it is to get treatments/new drugs approved. For

example, I learned that childhood cancer research receives less than 10% funds? from the

National Cancer Research. During my interview with my mentor, Dr. Aquino I was also able to

learn the strenuous process of getting a drug approved for treatment. For example, since 1980

less than 5 drugs have been approved for use in children. The reason for this is challenging

purpose is all the steps that must be taken before a drug is approved. The first step is testing the

drug on cells, next on mice, in mammals, then adult humans and finally kids. However before

moving to the next “test subject” the drug/treatment must pass certain requirements to ensure

its safety and effectiveness. This is beneficial research because it has made me familiar with the

process doctors must go through when participating in a research study. Before I can continue

with my fundraising I must research the different organizations and see their requirements for

donating money. I will also have to decide if I want to donate the money for research or


I will have to utilize the analyzing skills I have acquired through ISM to critically read the

articles and understand them. I will also have to use the networking skills in order be able to talk

to other doctors and get their input about the cancers. I will also have to network with

Children’s, St. Jude’s or Make-A-Wish if I want to donate the money there. ISM has helped me

learn how to network however I will have to step out even more out of my comfort zone to take

to more professionals. I will also have show my professionalism when speaking to the principals

and teachers when speaking with them in order for them to approve my teaching during school.

I will have to show them I am serious about this project and have a clear and detailed planned

out outline of what I will be doing, when and why it is important enough for them to take time
out of school to do this. Lastly, I will have to continue my presentation and communication skills

in order to make my presentation more engaging and clear. Along this is making a powerpoint

that engages middle schoolers attention but at the same time is educational and professional. I

will work on this by getting multiple peers to review it as well as my mentor.


I have decided the best way to this is by splitting it up into 3 distinct lists. The first one will cover

raising awareness at Heritage, the second one will cover educating middle schoolers and the

third one will cover the fundraiser.

1. I have already made a list of the what each day will represent and what students can wear

to show support. However before I can meet with Mr. Mimms again I will need to outline

of speaking points with Mr. Mimms to discuss the week the spirit week will take place,

what each day will signify as well as what students will be taught.

2. Set up a meeting with the broadcast teacher, Mrs. Bagwell in order to ask her if I could

speak on broadcast in order to teach students about the types of cancers. In order to this,

I will need to also come up with speaking points about what I will be discussing as well as

how long I plan to spend each day.

3. I have already come up with what types of cancer I want to focus on each day and how

students can show their support. I have also brainstormed what I will teach students

each day other than the symptoms. However, I will need to have my peers read this list in

order to make it more clear. So far my ideas are:

a. Monday: Leukemia- this day students can show their support by dressing as

tourists. I will also be teaching students about the symptoms as well as the

difference between Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

b. Tuesday: Awareness of Brain tumors (Medulloblastoma)- students will show

their support by twinning with their friends. This day I will talk about the

symptoms as well as the aftercare experience of this type of tumor.

c. Wednesday: Awareness for Neuroblastoma- since the cancer ribbon for

Neuroblastoma is purple students can show their support by wearing purple. I

will inform students about the symptoms as well as discuss the most common

ways parents figure out there is something wrong with their child.

d. Thursday: Awareness of Lymphoma. Students can show their support by wearing

their college gear. After discussing the symptoms I will talk discuss the difference
between Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and perhaps Bulk


e. Friday: Awareness of Ewing’s Sarcoma- students can show support with Nerds vs

Athletes. Ewing's Sarcoma I want to focus on athletes paying attention to

symptoms and educate them about when to be worried about the symptoms and

what steps they should take.

4. Create flyers to inform students about spirit week as well as make big posters saying

what each day is. I will also use social media in order to get as much of the student body

involved as possible.

5. Practice for going on broadcast and ask peers to criticize me in order to ensure I am

polished and professional.

6. Have a successful spirit week and take pictures of each day’s success. This pictures will

be included on the website as well as my portfolio.

7. Create talking points about successes/failures of spirit week during final presentation


8. Practice what I learned hand spirit week for final presentation night.

Second Part

1. My first step will be to call Maus Middle School as well as email the principal Mrs. Powell

to set up an interview to discuss educating the 7 and 8 graders. I believe Mrs. Powell will

say yes because I have a personal relationship and connection with her. She attended

Winter Showcase and was very excited to see what else I will be doing during my ISM


2. Make an outline of talking points to discuss why I plan to educate 7 and 8 graders, when

this will be taking place, why this will be beneficial and for how long I will be speaking. It

is important to have a clear outline of why this will benefit students especially since it

will be taking time out of the school day.

3. Continue research on cancers and decide what type of cancers I will be teaching.

4. Interview more professionals in order to get input about research and expand my

5. Share research with mentor and peers to get input as well as make a more precise and

clear outline that will allow me to teach kids who do not know anything about cancer in a

way that is understandable to them.

6. Make a powerpoint and talking points over what I will discuss.

7. Practice presentation during ISM class and get feedback.

8. Make a pre-quiz as well as post-quiz over information to see if students paid attention as

well as show what I did. This results can be put in a separate binder solely dedicated to

my original work.

9. Go to Maus Middle School and educate students as well as have them complete the pre

and post-quiz. I will also take pictures while at Maus Middle School in order to showcase

them on the website as well as portfolio.

10. Include experience at Maus during Final presentation night.

Last part: Fundraiser

1. Research Make-A-Wish, Children’s, and St. Judes to see requirements for donating if

there are any.

2. Make a T-chart comparing their pros/cons in order to finalize which organization I want

the money made to go to.

3. Meet with Dr. Aquino to discuss progress as well as set up a meeting with Children’s

fundraising if that is the organization I select. This will help me see other options

4. Outline a clear plan of how I will be raising money, how much raffle tickets will be worth

if I will be making shirts if there will be more than one price for the winner. I will also

research restaurants that would be willing to host a “spirit night” were part of profits

made can be donated to fundraising.

5. Contact cousin and tell him to progress as well as how we will be willing to help with a

free stay in a hotel. Or if it will be more beneficial for him to allow people to donate or

have a menu created by me and profits go for a fundraiser.

6. Meet again with Mr. Mimms and discuss the plan in order to discuss logistics.

7. Contact restaurants to see is willing to host my spirit night.

8. Start making shirt designs if applicable.

9. Host spirit night and have the fundraiser at school. During both events, I will be taking

pictures in order to add to my website, portfolio and original work binder.

10. Create talking points about what I will be discussing for this part of original work during

final presentation night.

11. Practice for final presentation night and present.


● A personal laptop in order to do research, create flyers, send emails, make

presentation/powerpoint, and create pre and post quizzes.

○ This will be no cost since I already have one.

● Supplies for making big posters during spirit week

● Butcher paper- $10

● Markers and Paint- $15-$20

● Tape- no cost (already owned)

○ Total: $25-$30

● Portfolio for original work

● 2 inch Binder- $7

● Resume paper, printing and sheet protectors (unsure but most likely around $30).

○ Total: $37

● Fundraiser materials

● Raffle tickets- $5

● Shirts -unsure of the amount because haven’t decided if selling.

○ Total: $5

● Current estimated total: $72


I have clearly taken on a big workload, however, I believe if I stay on top of everything

and maintain good time management skills I will be able to do it. Not only this but the results

will be magnanimous all the long night, hard work and dedication will pay off. Not only will I be

able to learn more about pediatric cancers which interest me but I will also be educating and

helping out the community. I believe kids are not being informed at all about cancer and how big

of an impact it has on the world. Although it is understandable for parents and teachers to shield

their children from horrible disease, informing our future is crucial to our success in preventing

the death this unforgiving disease. I know starting with middle schoolers specifically, 7 graders

is a perfect time because by this age they are able to comprehend the concept of death. Also at

this time students are “mature” enough to be taught about diseases that are affecting millions of

kids the same age group. I also want to educate high schoolers because at this age students are

even more mature which will allow me to take my research more in depth. This could also

potentially benefit students, athletes and save lives because people will be more educated about

cancer, the symptoms, and actions to take. Lately, by sharing this information and my passion

for Pediatric Oncology in the process I could inspire other students to go into this field. I will be

able to showcase my commitment to this field and involvement.

Although the fundraiser is going to take hours of planning and meetings it is something I

am willing to do. This original work will benefit the whole community. As a community, we have

to support each other and especially young kids who should not be having to go through such

hard times at a young age. I also think society needs to spend more of its resources on

investigating cancer research in order to give kids a better chance at survival and living

conditions. Although cancer research has definitely improved there is still a lot of room for
improvement. Not only this but when I found how few new cancer medicines have been

approved it was very disappointing. In order to give kids the best chances at a future, we have to

invest more money. By having a fundraiser I will be helping either cancer research or making a

kid’s wish come true.


Week One (3/11-3/17)

● Do research on cancers, organizations (Make-A-Wish, Children’s, St. Judes) and

restaurants that do spirit nights.

● Email principal of Maus, Mrs. Powell asking for a meeting date to discuss the plan for

educating middle schoolers. As well as make an outline of speaking points in order to

ensure approval and overall success.

● Read at least 10 articles about cancers and make a sheet of things I have learned and

want to discuss cancers with middle schoolers.

● Read up on Ewing’s Sarcoma, Leukemia (as well as differences between AML and ALL),

Neuroblastoma, Medulloblastoma, and Lymphoma.

● This week I will be Italy which will limit some of the progress I could have made.

Week Two (3/18-3/24)

● Meet with Dr. Aquino (Wednesday the 21st)

● Discuss progress on original work

● Set up a meeting with Children’s if I selected that organization.

● Follow up with Mrs. Powell if no response received during the break.

● Set up meeting Mrs. Bagwell to she is willing on doing coverage on awareness.

Week Three (3/25-3/31)

● If approval for broadcast begins creating an outline of talking points in order to be ready.

● Meet with restaurants willing to host spit night.

● Meet with Mr. Mimms to discuss progress and how spirit week and fundraising will take


● Meet with Mrs. Powell to see the best date for me to come in.

● Begin working on powerpoint for middle school education.

● Create pre and post quizzes for students to take.

● Have peers critic quizzes and get input on things to change or keep.

● Meet with at least 2 other doctors to further knowledge of cancer and new treatments

● Meet with science teachers and health teachers to see if they believe presentation will be

appropriate as well as discuss what time will be the best to come in.

Week Four (4/1—4/7)

● Create flyers for spirit week as well as big posters. If possible students who help can

receive service hours for cord or NHS hours.

● Begin announcing spirit week through social media

● Prepare for speaking on the broadcast.

● Acquire one new interview with professional.

● Finish powerpoint and get peers to criticize it

● Practice presentation during class.

● Print quizzes in order to ensure they are ready for presentation

Week Five (4/8-4/14)

● Continue practicing presentation

● Practice answering questions that could come up

● Hopefully, by this week or next week, I can go to Maus to educate middle schoolers.
● Week 6 or 7 is most likely when spirit week and fundraising will take place.

● Begin preparing for a fundraiser

● Speak with my cousin and Mr. Mimms/Mr. Pirtle about fundraiser progress

● Meet with Dr. Aquino to show him presentation and get input on details I could fix or

explain better for kids to comprehend.

Week Six (4/15-4/21)

● Continue practicing presentation

● Add last minute details as well as purchase candy to pass out to kids who show they paid

attention and learned during my presentation

● Have presentation at Maus and take pictures of success.

Week Seven (4/22-4/28)

● Organize pre and post quizzes into portfolio, website and original work binder,

● Have spirit week and fundraising.

Week Eight (4/29-5/5)

● Revise portfolio

● Have spirit week and fundraising if did not happen during week 7.

● Begin rehearsing for final presentation night.

● Finish organizing quizzes as well as begin sending money from the fundraiser to set


Week Nine (5/6-5/12)

● Continue practicing for final presentation night

● Perfect last-minute details

● Week Ten (5/13-5/19)

● Final Presentation Night

○ May 18, 2018

○ At HHS

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