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G�oMaestro v1.094 (24 novembre 2001)

Modifications depuis la version v1.093:


* nettoyage de bugs

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G�oMaestro sur la toile (t�l�chargement, documentation et compositions):


Historique des modifications:

v1.093 (24 novembre 2001)

* bugs en moins
* nouveau projecteur: OscBeat
* nouveaux jouets: variations sur PR235, Zoziaux
* compositeur: bouton [OP]
* extension de la biblioth�que de fonctions pour Csound

v1.091 (28 octobre 2001)

* bugs en moins
* les enregistrements persos dans lib/GUIuserreg.k ne remplacent plus ceux de la
mais les compl�tent.

v1.090 (21 octobre 2001)

* Extension du side: nouvelle classe de GUI (wGMtoy) et closures (GMclosure)
quelques Toys & TYKs sont fournis dans /toys, il y en aura bien plus dans le
Pour les d�tails, voir la doc HTML, toujours en anglais, d�sol�...
* Les projections sont visibles m�me quand NoInterInLignes vaut 0, ce qui permet
vite et sans taper trop dans la m�moire avec des grosses lignes.
(un bouton [show] apparait si n�cessaire dans la GUI principale)

v1.089 (8 octobre 2001)

* bugs corrig�s
* nouveau projecteur: PolyMorph

v1.088 (8 octobre 2001)

(correction d'un bug li� � ACPATCHES)

v1.087 (8 octobre 2001)

* ATTENTION: l'installation de GeoMaestro se fait diff�remment,
* conform�ment aux changement apparus avec KeyKit 7.1
* ... voir la doc HTML pour les d�tails:
* quelques bugs en moins
* Compositeur: nouveau format interne pour les noms de fichiers, permettant de
des r�f�rences entre diff�rentes installations de KeyKit/GeoMaestro
* Compositeur: nouveaux plug-ins EditPhrase, GroupWrap
* Nouveau projecteur: EarJump
* macros gFLIP et cFLIP pour changer la position du block de boutons des GUIS
* les menus des GUIS (plug-ins, projecteurs, fonctions de distortion) g�rent des

v1.086 (7 septembre 2001)

* bugs en moins
* nouveau projecteurs: ADrummer, ADMorph
* nouveau param�tre: ProjInLignes
* Compositeur: "autofroz" peut prendre n'importe quelle valeur; la bo�te ne sera
gel�e que
lorsuqe IterationN atteint cette valeur (utile en mode d'�valuation it�rative)
* Compositeur: la gestion interne du [UNDO] a �t� am�lior�e
* Compositeur: nouveaux plug-ins RepWithEcho, SwapBoxes, SplitBox
* nouvel outil: ArrayParameters (classe wParam)

utilisateurs d'Emacs:

* le fichier lib/tcpip.k file contient le code permettant d'interfacer KeyKit et

Emacs � travers
une connexion TCP/IP. ceci permet notamment:
- d'avoir une console KeyKit directement dans Emacs.
- d'�valuer du code directement depuis un buffer en mode keykit
... tout ceci est d�taill� (en anglais) dans la page Emacs du manuel HTML de

v1.085 (17 juillet 2001)

* -bugs
* Compositeur: il est maintenant possible de programmer ses propres repr�sentations
de phrases et de scores � l'int�rieur des boites. Voir les champs "phdisplay" et
pour une boite particuli�re, et les param�tres PhraseDisplayInBox et
ScoreDisplayInBox pour
les fonctions par d�faut.
(pour les scores, cf. StdScoreDisplay() dans lib/lib_compo.k comme exemple)

v1.084 (15 juillet 2001)

* -Bugs
* Nouveaux types de boites pour le compositeur:
(#) fichier .wav "dynamique"
(0) trou noir
(&&) �cho it�ratif
* Compositeur: plus d'effets Csound pour les boites (x)
* Compositeur: "autofreeze"
* Les pointeurs LastGMGUI, LastGMGUIf, LastGMCOMPO, LastGMCOMPOf et GMwrp
retrouvent leurs
valeurs ant�rieures quand les objets correspondant sont supprim�s.

v1.083 (30 juin 2001)

* un bug en moins
* Compositeur: "freeze box" pour geler l'�valuation d'une partie du graphe

v1.082 (29 juin 2001)

v1.081 (18 juin 2001)
v1.080 (15 juin 2001)
v1.079 (2 juin 2001)
* moins de bugs

v1.078 (1er juin 2001)

* bugs kaput
* nouveau param�tre: RealTimeProjection
* compositeur: plug-ins SyncTo, TLOffset
* syst�me de personnalisation (outil "Customization")

v1.077 (30 avril 2001)

* -bugs
* GUI: syntaxe de [display] enrichie des symboles: %, =, {{, {p, {i, {c et {s
... (voir la doc pour d�tails)
* GUI: les segments peuvent enfin �tre s�lectionn�s et manipul�s comme les autres
* nouveaux projecteurs: Segments et Circles

v1.076 (25 avril 2001)

* Compositeur: boites (x) am�lior�es
* GUI: - nouveaux plug-ins Anonymous et HideObject
* nouvelle fonction d'aide en ligne: functopic()

v1.075 (18 avril 2001)

* GUI: nouveau mode "prendre et d�placer", pour une manipulation facile des objets
et �v�nements
(aussi, les modes souris ont �t� r�organis�s)
* GUIs: le syst�me de plug-in supporte les menus flottants (code 20)
... voir CtrlEvent et EditEvent comme exemples
* Compositeur: le plug-in EditFields remplace avantageusement EditRef et EditBox
v1.074 (7 avril 2001)
* un peu moins de bugs...

v1.073 (5 avril 2001)

* moins de bugs...
* le calcul des projections est environ 5 fois plus rapides
* nouveau parametre AutoSave: si 1, sauve sous fichier MIDI le r�sultat des
projections et
�valuation, dans le r�pertoire MDOP
* nouveau parametre EvalKeyName: une bo�te nomm�e ainsi (def. "GO!") devient la
cible des boutons
[Eval], [Audio], [0], [F], [Score] et [Check], quelque soit la bo�te courante
* nouveaux projecteurs LinInv & SpirInv

v1.072 (29 mars 2001)

* moins de bugs...
* GUI: nouveau bouton, qui r�p�te la derni�re commande d'affichage
* ... et affichage des arcs de cercles impl�ment�s (voir ArcC)
* nouveaux projecteurs: Goutte et Bulle, bas�s sur ArcC
* fonctions de documentation automatique des /lib de KeyKit:
- man() et funclist() examinent les fichiers codes (#include)
exemple: man("makenote"), funclist("note")
- seecode() ouvre le fichier correspondant � la derni�re fonction/classe
trouv�e par man()

v1.071 (26 mars 2001)

* moins de bugs
* nouveau projecteur: ArcC
* Compositeur: bo�tes (&) am�lior�es
* Compositeur: nouveau plug-in CallScala (pour compositions microtonales)

v1.070 (23 mars 2001)

* bugs kaput
* nouvelles fonctions SaveVAR(), LoadVAR(), MergeVAR()
* les fonctions Mer peuvent remplacer le nodur au lieu de simplement s'y fondre
* Batteur() a �t� am�lior�
* les fonctions de distortions peuvent �tre impos�es par le projecteur, grace � son
argument optionnel df
* deux outils en extra: wctrl et wpbshaper, pour modeler les contr�leurs et
messages pitch bend

v1.069 (19 mars 2001)

* bugs kaput

v1.068 (17 mars 2001)

* - quelques bugs
* lib/cmask_utils.k
* Compositeur: meilleure gestion des UNDO; meilleur REDRAW
* boites (G) dans le compositeur
v1.067 (9 mars 2001)
* bugs tu�s
* [STO] revu et corrig� (devient une r�f�rence de travail plus solide)
* boites (x) dans le compositeur

v1.066 (7 mars 2001)

* bien meilleure gestion des param�tres de fonctions de distortion � partir de la
GUI principale
* le Compositeur peut maintenant importer des outils graphiques KeyKits dans des
bo�tes (T)
* les deux GUIs comprennent les touches de contr�le Ctrl, Shift et Ctrl-^, ce qui
permet d'avoir
8 modes disponibles simultan�ment au lieu de 2 pr�c�demment
* une fen�tre sur Snarf a �t� ajout�e aux GUIs, l� o� il y avait de la place...
(utilisez la macro tSW pour l'activer ou l'�teindre)

v1.065 (1er mars 2001)

* quelques bugs �limin�s
* Compositeur: nombreuses am�liorations (voir la doc)
nouveau param�tre CsoundOrchestra

v1.064 (26 F�vrier 2001)

* bugs en moins
* Compositeur: bo�tes de score Csound (C)
am�lioration de [HardC], qui retourne un ["ph"=...,
nouveau param�tre ScaleToTimeLine

v1.063 (24 F�vrier 2001)

* quelques fonctions en plus pour manipuler les scores Csound (voir la doc)

v1.062 (21 F�vrier 2001)

* Csound: nouvelle fonction MidiCS()
* GUI: nouveau param�tre: DisplayedText
permet de compl�ter la repr�sentation des �v�nements par un texte � droite du
d�faut: "none", (pas de texte), macro "tis0" � la console
si "nodur", affiche le nodur (macro "tisN")
si "index", affiche les index ch/n de l'�v�nement dans Ev (macro "tisI")
si "score", affiche la premi�re ligne du score (macro "tisS1")
si "score n", affiche la ligne n du score (macro "tisS(n)")
si "label", affiche le champ "label" (macro "tisL")
si "custom", affiche le r�sultat de l'appel DisplayedTextIs(ch,n), si la
fonction existe,
(macro "tisC")

v1.061 (17 F�vrier 2001)

* l'outil compositeur g�re de fa�on plus directe le score principal: il faut
simplement donner
la r�f�rence du fichier *.orc associ� dans Ev["orc"]
(auparavant, il fallait syst�matiquement utiliser des boites "score header".
Voir la doc
du compositeur pour d�tails)
* un param�tre de plus � la disposition des fonctions de distortion: l'angle da la
(permet de casser l'isotropie des �v�nements)

v1.060 (15 F�vrier 2001)

* am�liorations petites et grandes dans la gestion des partitions Csound (scores)
.. d�tails dans la doc (en page Csound, et aussi dans le tutoriel 6)
.. (le code est en lib/csound_utils.k, lib/lib_csound.k et

v1.059 (12 F�vrier 2001)

* GUI: nouveau mode de transfert "piste -> �v�n."

v1.058 (10 F�vrier 2001)

* un (gros) bug en moins
* nouveau param�tre: CheckMode (si 1, les projections ne sont pas calcul�es; utile
pour v�rifier
la structure d'une ligne avant de produire la phrase musicale correspondante,
un calcul
beaucoup plus long)

v1.057 (9 F�vrier 2001)

* nouveaux projecteurs: RBox, CBox (doc en anglais: projectors reference page)

v1.056 (7 F�vrier 2001)

* un bug en moins...
* les r�gions ont un mode relatif: leur position peut �tre attach�e au point
d'�coute sur le
support de projection.
Voir la doc pour d�tails... (anglais: functions reference page, chapter
Regions handling)
* EcouteC() et ses projecteurs d�riv�s acceptent maintenant une valeur angulaire
(float entre 0
et 2*Pi) comme param�tre de point de d�part
* nouveaux projecteurs: Polygon, TPol, MultiP (doc en anglais: projectors reference

v1.055 (5 F�vrier 2001)

* GUI: les pistes sont mieux g�r�es (on peut les selectionner et les bouger comme
des objets
ind�pendants). Voir la doc pour les d�tails (quand elle sera mise � jour...)
* GUI: nouvelle syntaxe pour afficher des tableau d'objets avec [display]: "*"

v1.054 (2 F�vrier 2001)

* deux nouveaux modes souris dans la GUI:
"Conph -> �v�nement" and "Rec -> �v�nement"

v1.053 (28 janvier 2001)

* quelques bugs en moins...
* nouveau plug-in pour la GUI: EvToSnarf
���������������������������������� � partir de l� c'est en anglais, d�sol� !

v1.052 (December 13, 2000)

* "phrase" set of distortion functions added to the ChooseDF plug-in
* new projector (a fairly complex one): Batteur, a 2D rythmic sequencer
(not documented yet, except for a basic introduction in french in

v1.051 (December 8, 2000)

* bug fixes
* new projectors: Arc, MetaPars

v1.050 (December 5, 2000)

* bug fixes

v1.049 (December 4, 2000)

* bug fixes
* Compositor: echo boxes can now accept a second source box for algorithmic
processing on phrase
(Csounds scores and audio still being echoed from the first source
* New parameter: DisplayBoxIndex (default is 1) which does what it says...

v1.048 (December 1, 2000)

* GUI: slight change in the "Snarf to event" mouse mode: if you click on an already
event, its nodur is replaced by Snarf (no new event is created).
You can switch back to the old behaviour by setting Snarf2Ev_Replace to 0
(macro: tSE)
* Compositor: new button [tc] for tagging current box
new button [0] to send evaluated phrase in current box to Midi Out
new type of box: (&) echo (to be documented soon...)

v1.047 (November 27, 2000)

* fixes for linux: some buttons were too small to be used properly, this is fixed
also, some circles (and notably points) were not displayed: this is also
(I just tried GeoMaestro on linux today :) )

v1.046 (November 26, 2000)

* bug fixes
* wrapper tool: no more macro "tt" to toggle the tools, use "gTT" instead (or click
(tt is likely to be used somewhere else in a KeyKit function, so we don't want
to make it
a macro)

v1.045 (November 24, 2000)

* bug fixes
* The wrapper tool has been improved: it now features [save] and [read] buttons
(*.gmt files)
so that compositions can be saved/read independently from KeyKit pages. It
also has a status
line providing some info about the different modes for the GUIs that were
kind of hidden
before (for the main GUI: snap mode, current channel, grouping mode, plug-in;
for the
compositor: visible tags mode).

v1.044 (November 23, 2000)

* bug fixes
* Compositor: again, a few more plug-ins... the documentation is now available in
the compositor
tool page of the manual.
* You can now change on the fly the value of NbCan (the number of channels in a
scene) with the
function UpdateNbCan()

v1.043 (November 21, 2000)

* bug fixes
* Compositor: a few more plug-ins, still not documented

v1.042 (November 20, 2000)

* bug fixes
* Compositor: a plug-in system similar to the main GUI one has been implemented
(see lib/lib_cplugs.k and lib/VolEnvlp.k for example code)
... for now, we have a couple of undocumented plug-ins for editing basic
volume envelopes
in (ph)/(�) boxes, and for checking and creating marks in any type of box.

v1.041 (November 18, 2000)

v1.040 (November 14, 2000)
* bug fixes

v1.039 (November 10, 2000)

* bug fixes
* have a look at the userlib/GUIuserreg.k file in the distribution (it is
... it makes it simpler to upgrade the system without loosing your customizations
* Compositor: set LIGNEDEPTH (default 2) to adjust the way marks are created when
a ligne box. LIGNEDEPTH = 0 will only create marks from SYSEXTEXT messages in
the phrase,
otherwise it sets the nesting depth to go through when examining the ligne

v1.038 (November 8, 2000)

* New distortion functions array: Time
... use it to create time offsets depending on distance and side
(its behaviour is exactly similar to Volume, Pit and Dur)
* Changes in the ChooseDF and DistMap plug-ins so that they manage the Time array
v1.037 (November 7, 2000)
All changes refers to the compositor tool:
* New mouse mode: "evaluation limits" to render only part of a composition
* It's now possible to mute boxes
* New parameters for audio rendering: FastMix, IgnoreMix and MIX_LOG
* MIDI parts in a composition can be rendered by alternate synthetizers, using
synth (s) boxes
(similar to score header (h) boxes)
... see the manual ("Compositor Tool" page) for details

v1.036 (October 29, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: it is now possible to define one's own permanent graphic background for the
events area,
by writing a GUIbackground() function.
See the manual (at the end of the "advanced GUI features" page) for more
* EcouteC now generates an "inter" field, so that corresponding marks appear in a
compositor box.
* Compositor: "set box length" has been merged to the "grab box" mode: it you grab
the box around
its right end, you will set its length; much more convenient than having two
* Compositor: when importing a ligne, the SYSEXTEXT "m .." messages from its "ph"
fields are
used to generate marks (previously this was only the case when importing a
* Compositor: more colors for custom marks: use "c5" for blue and "c2" for red

v1.035 (October 27, 2000)

* bug fixes
* the internal format of regions has changed (in some cases it was not compatible
with the
usage of the FastRedraw feature)
--> X_, Y_ and C_ have been replaced with Xx_, Yy_ and Cc_
if you want to use older region variables, upgrade them with the function
RegVar = NewRegF(RegVar)

v1.034 (October 25, 2000)

* bug fixes
* the Mer array has been added to the Volume, Pit, Dur, Pan ones. Its functions
return a phrase
which is merged to the distorting nodur, allowing effects that were
impossible to program
with the other arrays. It also makes it easy to use controllers in
distortions algorithms.
* "RestorePAC" is a distortion function for the Mer array. See the "Using the
channels" topic in the manual "Hints and Tips" page for more.
* GUI: new plug-in "DistMap"; see the plug-ins reference page in the manual
* GUI: new parameter RegFill (possible values 0,1,2 or 3) for different types of
region display
(default is RegFill = 0, for points, which was the display option so far)
* Compositor: new parameter SILENCEMARKS setting the maximum length for a silent
box to have
automatic marks (in earlier versions it was hard-coded to 30 seconds)
v1.033 (October 20, 2000)
* bug fixes
* ChooseDF is a plug-in giving access to a large library of distortion functions;
lots of empty
slots, for more functions in the future. No documentation yet (should be in
the forthcoming
tutorial 5 on distortion functions)

v1.032 (October 19, 2000)

* bug fixes
* New projector: EarWalk (see the reference page in the manual)
* New plug-in: SinusDF
... both should be illustrated in the forthcoming tutorial 5

v1.031 (October 16, 2000)

* bug fixes
* A new tool appears in the userlib/localtools1.lst ("-- GeoGUIs --" in the Tools1
... this is a wrapper allowing a nice integration of the main GUI and the
Compositor in one
single tool. You can toggle between the two tools by typing "tt" at the
This provides an alternative to having the tools on two different pages,
which can be
quite tedious.
* The distortion function "NoPan" now really deserves its name: no pan controller
is created.
The older version (issuing pan controller 63, at the center) has been renamed

v1.030 (October 15, 2000)

* bug fixes
* Compositor: "link offset" and "time scale" stamps are useful variations on basic
links and
time stamps.

v1.029 (October 13, 2000)

* bug fixes

v1.028 (October 12, 2000)

* the Compositor Tool is now done, with certainly a number of bugs to be
(see the manual for documentation)

v1.027 (October 8, 2000)

v1.026 (October 6, 2000)
* big developments in the Compositor Tool, but they're not documented yet..

v1.025 (September 30, 2000)

* bug fixes
* the default values for the three optional projector arguments can now be changed
... they are stored in DefDuration, DefT0 and DefRegion

v1.024 (September 30, 2000)

* bug fixes

v1.023 (September 29, 2000)

* bug fixes
* the GUI is now using a specific kind of kvalbuttons whose pull-off menus are
restored when reading a page (it was not the case up to now)
... if you want to have pull-off buttons get restored as well, it is necessary to
hack the
KeyKit distribution: see the "install" page of the manual

v1.022 (September 27, 2000)

* The GUI can be manipulated from the console with the help of macros
(see lib/macros.k)
* First introduction of the Compositor tool in a very early stage of development
* New tool (not documented): the Snarf Box
... you can use it to manage a collection of phrases
buttons usage:
[>] set Snarf to the corresponding item (phrase)
[+] add Snarf to the collection (give a name to the phrase)
[-] remove this item from the collection
[R] rename this item
[V] import a phrase variable (or a KeyKit expression) in the collection
[X] export this item to a variable
[read] .. a collection (*.sb)
[save] .. the collection (*.sb)

v1.021 (September 25, 2000)

* bug fixes
* Csound scores: see the Csound page in the manual
[operation], [active], [inactive] support the O_ keyword for events "score"

v1.020 (September 22, 2000)

* bug fixes

v1.019 (September 20, 2000)

* bug fixes
* changes in the "ModNodur" plug-in, to make it best fit to the pianoroll from
tutorial 4

v1.018 (September 17, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: new mouse modes "show distortions" and "hear distortions"

v1.017 (September 15, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: the UNDO system has been improved a lot: it is faster and much more flexible

(also, added the parameter EvUNDO and optional UNDO capabilities for plug-in

v1.016 (September 12, 2000)

* bug fixes (the GUI is much more stable and pleasant to use when things get large,
if the
correct parameters are chosen; see below...)
* GUI: you can now abort calculations when doing and redoing projections
* GUI: new button [A] for displaying the duration, volume or pitch of events
* 5 new projectors:
** RandConnect
arguments: piste, number of segments
usage: calls Ecoute() on random segments from the piste (ordering of the
points is ignored)
** SpiralAB
(see the manual, when it's updated...)
** RandTree
** FractalAB
** FractalV
(these 3 are generating fractal patterns of Ecoute() segments; see the manual
for more)
* GUI: the FullUNDO parameter has been replaced with a set of more definite
NoUNDO (if 1, the UNDO feature is not activated, so the GUI is not slown
down at all)
LigneUNDO (if 0, the lignes are not saved, you must [redo] them when UNDO-
DispUNDO (if 0, display operations can not be UNDOne, useful if big lignes
are displayed)
* A few functions have been written at the end of initialisations.k, to be used as
for example, PowerUser() sets all parameters for an intensive use of the GUI,
FastMode() simply speeds up the display, etc...

v1.015 (September 8, 2000)

* bug fixes
* new parameter: AutoSnarph, which set weither or not phrases from "hear ev/seg"
and "hear ev/cir"
are automatically Snarphed.
* new projector: EcPiste (not documented yet)
argument: a piste
usage: calls Ecoute() along the piste, linking consecutive points

v1.014 (September 7, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: two new plug-ins are provided in lib/alt_tuning_utils.k
they make it possible to use alternate names for MIDI notes
(useful in microtonal composition, for example)
... see the comments in the file itself for more
v1.013 (September 4, 2000)
* bug fixes
* drum sets are now supported by the ACPATCHES system, so the understanding of
configuration files is now comprehensive. See the manual ("advanced features"
part) for more
* new tool: wdrumpick, useful to use Kboom-like tools with alternative drum sets
* GUI: new mouse mode: "Snarf to event", makes it faster to import notes or phrases
from another
tool into the Ev scene

v1.012 (August 28, 2000)

* bug fixes

* initialisation can be completed as you like by writing a KeyKit function called

(very much like the liblocal/postrc.k of KeyKit, which you can also use, of

* easy use of TiMidity configuration files (*.cfg) for creating a patchmap

("dir", "source" and "bank" keywords are supported, "drumset" is NOT supported
usage: set ACPATCHES = n in your liblocal/prerc.k and write the corresponding
file like this:
#cfg C:/timidity/timidity.cfg
#banks 10,20,21,22

"#cfg" is followed by the filename of the .cfg file to consider

"#banks" sets the banks that will be selected in the patchmap
(if it is not present, all banks are selected)
you can combine several "#cfg" statements, but the corresponding "#banks"
statement must
live in the line following the "#cfg" one, otherwise it will be ignored

the names of the patches in the map will be looked for in that order:
- if the line preceding the patch definition start with "#n", whatever
follows is used
- if the line defining the patch contains a "#", whatever follows is used as
- otherwise, the last part of the patch filename is used

If you don't understand a single word of what is said here, please have a look at
the "install"
part of the manual, ACPATCHES is discussed there. Note that there's a bug in
KeyKit6.6b that
must be corrected in order for this feature to work properly (it's also discussed

* New global parameters:

HearWithTimidity, RenderAsWave and EditRenderedWave
These settings allow a fine interaction between GeoMaestro/KeyKit and
.. for example, it is possible to have TiMidity render a ligne as wave (or
any other
supported format) simply when clicking the [hear] button. You can also have
an audio
editor (say, Cool Edit) opens automatically at this point.
See the manual ("advanced GUI features") for more (not today ! I didn't write
it yet...)

v1.011 (August 26, 2000)

* bug fixes
* a few improvements here and there
* Notepad(): if given a second (integer) argument n, displays only the n first
of an array structure

v1.010 (August 24, 2000)

* bug fixes
* better use of the temporary Ma-Mb segment in the GUI
(see GUI documentation about "hear ev/seg" mouse mode, and also tutorial 1)
* GUI: new mouse modes "hear ev/circle" and "new circle"
* GUI: dynamic circles are now available
(syntax: "C~R" for circle with center C containing R)

v1.009 (August 17, 2000)

* bug fixes

v1.008 (August 15, 2000)

* bug fixes (and new bugs ! do not use this version please)
* GUI: it is now possible to include comments flags to the Ev scene ([C] button)
* GUI: string arguments in projector calls are now allowed
* new (not documented yet) projectors: LSeq, LCer, MetaRails, TDiam
* new function (not documented yet): AddLignes

v1.007 (August 11, 2000)

* bug fixes

v1.006 (August 10, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: a polar grid is now available
its center is the point CentrePolaire, init value (0,0)
(see tutorial 3, when it's finished (not today!))
* GUI: re-ordering of the mouse button menus
New item: "copy(r) selection" (the copy modes now reflect the move/rotate
* GUI: new button [*] for displaying stacked events aliases, see GUI page in manual

(stacked events are bunches of events having the same (x,y) coordinates)
* GUI: simpler and more powerful syntax for "phrase to segment" and "phrase to
circle" modes

v1.005 (August 5, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: the DISP array now stores history for [display]; use the ":" syntax (see
* History management: added ":?" command which shows the content of the history
So now we have:
"::" recalls last
":"n recalls index n
":?" show history array
The history arrays are:
FIF for [active] and [inactive]
FKK for [operation]
DISP for [display] (new !)
FT for Distort01() (this function is currently only available at the

v1.004 (August 4, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: bang() method implemented (at last!); the bang action is [hear]
and the new parameter TocTocToc sets the amount of time before [hear] starts

(previously it was always 1 second)

* GUI: [STO] now also displays the system settings
* GUI: parameters such as AnimInLignes, FastRedraw, TocTocToc, etc... are now
dumped with the tool
* GUI: numeric infos available at the console when moving or copying selection

v1.003 (August 3, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: regions can now be displayed (as clouds of random points)
* GUI: a new and very useful parameter in initialisations.k : FastRedraw

v1.002 (July 31, 2000)

* bug fixes
* use of Dirseparator for portability to Mac
* GUI: "rotate selection" now accept numeric parameters (just click once)
* GUI: [hear] can now also displays an animation and detailed information on
--> see the "AnimInLignes" and "FullUNDO" parameters in initialisations.k

v1.001 (July 26, 2000)

* bug fixes
* GUI: relative + absolute referencing in the RL array (x� syntax)
* GUI: grouping feature and changes in the export modes for the [RL] button

v1.0 (July 24, 2000) First public release

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