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(CNN) � The lawyer handling the Stormy Daniels scandal for President Donald Trump's

corporate and personal representative, Michael Cohen, comes from the same small New
York law firm that earned thousands of dollars from the Trump campaign at the end
of last year.

Cohen's use of a law firm connected to Trump's campaign and his company further
blurs the line that Cohen is trying to draw in arguing that his payments to Stormy
have no involvement of the president.

The law firm LaRocca Hornik Rosen Greenberg & Blaha has worked for the Trump
campaign since fall 2016, and the Trump Organization for years. The law firm earned
roughly $30,500 from Trump's presidential campaign fund in October and November

That was a jump from the previous payment it received from the campaign in
September 2017, when it took in about $2,400, according to Federal Election
Commission records.

A year earlier, in the weeks around the presidential election, the law firm
received five total payments from the Trump campaign, totaling about $81,000.

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