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amuse – bore blunt – sharp

500 Word List

ancient – modern body – soul
of Synonyms and
Antonyms.pdf. annoy – soothe bold – timid

answer – question bottom – top

above – below
apparent – obscure brave – cowardly
absent – present
argue – agree break – repair
accident – intent
arrive – depart brief – long
accomplishment – failure
arrogant – humble bright – dull
achieve – fail
ascend – descend bring – remove
add – subtract
attack – defend boy – girl
adjacent – distant
attract – repel busy – idle
admire – detest
awake – asleep buy – sell
admit – reject
awkward – graceful capture – release
adore – hate
back – front cause – effect
advance – retreat
bad – good cautious – careless
affirm – deny
bare – covered center – edge
afraid – confident
beautiful – ugly change – remain
after – before
before – after cheap – expensive
aid – hinder
bent – straight child – adult
alarm – comfort
better – worse chilly – warm
alert – asleep
big – little clean – dirty
alive – dead
birth – death close – open
allow – forbid
bitter – sweet cold – hot
alone – together
black – white command – obey
amateur – professional

complex – simple dumb – smart forgive – blame

compliment – insult earth – sky forward – backward

constant – variable east – west free – restricted

continue – interrupt easy – hard fresh – stale

cool – warm elementary – advanced friend – enemy

copy – original end – begin funny – sad

countrymen – foreigner even – odd full – empty

crazy – sane evening – morning gain – lose

crooked – straight evil – good generous – stingy

cruel – kind exceptional – common gentle – harsh

cry – laugh expand – shrink get – give

curse – bless give – receive

fail – pass

damage – improve failure – success glad – sad

dark – light false – true gloomy – cheerful

dawn – sunset famous – unknown glossy – dull

day – night fancy – plain go – come

deep – shallow fast – slow gorgeous – ugly

destroy – create fat – thin great – small

difficult – easy fiction – fact greed – generous

dim – bright find – lose grief – joy

divide – unite finish – start ground – sky

doubt – trust firm – flabby guard – attack

drunk – sober fix – break guess – know

dull – sharp follow – lead handsome – ugly

happy – sad individual – group lively – inactive

hard – soft innocent – guilty lonely – crowded

hate – love inside – outside long – short

he – she intelligent – stupid loose – tight

head – foot jolly – serious lost – found

heal – infect joy – sadness loud – soft

healthy – sick love – hate

keep – lose

heaven – hell maintain – discontinue

kind – cruel

heavy – light major – minor

knowledge – ignorance

height – depth make – destroy

large – small
help – hinder male – female
last – first
hero – coward man – woman
laugh – cry
high – low many – few
leading – following
hill – valley marvelous – terrible
leave – arrive
him – her mature – immature
left – right
hire – fire melt – freeze
less – more
his – hers mess – tidiness
let – prevent
hot – cold miscellaneous – specific
level – uneven
horrible – pleasant mistake – accuracy
lie – truth
huge – tiny mix – separate
life – death
hurry – slow moist – dry
like – dislike
hurt – help more – less
likely – unlikely

idle – active most – least

liquid – solid

in – out mother – father

little – big

move – stay over – under positive – negative

naive – sophisticated pacify – agitate powerful – weak

nasty – nice pain – pleasure praise – criticism

near – far panic – calm preceding – following

never – always part – whole present – absent

new – old partial – complete pretty – ugly

no – yes particular – general prevent – encourage

nobody – everybody pass – fail pride – modesty

noise – quiet passive – active private – public

none – all peace – disturbance problem – solution

north – south perceive – ignore profit – loss

nothing – something permanent – unstable prohibit – allow

now – then permit – refuse pupil – teacher

pessimistic – optimistic push – pull

obese – thin

obvious – hidden physical – spiritual quality – inferiority

odd – even place – misplace quick – slow

offend – please plain – fancy quiet – noisy

offer – refuse play – work quit – start

often – seldom plentiful – sparse raise – lower

old – young plump – thin random – specific

on – off polish – dull rapid – slow

one – several polite – rude rare – common

ordinary – uncommon pollute – purify raw – cooked

other – same poor – rich ready – unprepared

rear – front shack – palace spend – earn

reduce – increase shade – light stale – fresh

regret – rejoice shame – honor start – stop

relax – tighten sharp – dull started – finished

remember – forget she – he stay – leave

repair – destroy short – long steal – provide

retain – lose show – hide sterile – fertile

revenge – forgiveness shy – trusting stiff – flexible

ridiculous – sensible sick – healthy still – moving

right – wrong silence – sound stingy – generous

rigid – flexible single – married stop – go

rise – sink single – plural stranger – friend

rough – smooth sit – stand strength – weakness

rude – polite slave – master student – teacher

sad – happy slender – fat sturdy – weak

same – different slow – fast sunrise – sunset

satisfy – displease small – large superb – inferior

secluded – public soak – dry supple – rigid

segregate – integrate sober – drunk survive – die

seldom – often some – none suspect – trust

sell – buy something – nothing take – give

send – receive sorrow – gladness tall – short

sensational – dull sour – sweet tame – wild

servant – master speechless – talkative teach – learn

temporary – permanent transparent – opaque visitor – host/hostess

thaw – freeze triumph – defeat waive – require

there – here true – false wake – sleep

thin – thick truth – lie wealth – poverty

thorough – incomplete ultimate – primary weep – laugh

thrifty – wasteful union – separation well – badly

tidy – messy unique – common wet – dry

tie – loosen up – down white – black

timid – bold upset – stabilize wild – tame

to – from urge – deter win – lose

together – apart with – without

vacant – full

told – asked worship – detest

vague – definite

top – bottom worth – uselessness

vanish – appear

toward – away wreck – create

vast – limited

tragic – comic
vertical – horizontal

transform – retain
villain – hero

Basilica: church
Arcade: a series of arches resting on
Belfry: bell tower
Belvedere: open, roofed gallery
Atrium: a sky lighted center area in
commanding a view
a building
Buttress: masonry work supporting
Attic: space between ceiling and
an arch
Capital: upper portion of a column
Banister: handrail along the
Canopy: decorative roof covering an

altar or tomb Pedestal: support at the bottom of a
Capstone: key stone of an arch
Pylon: monumental temple
Colonnade: a series of columns gateway: a steel tower supporting
high tension electric wires
Cornice: projecting top level of
building Shingles: a thin oblong piece of
material, such as wood or slate that
Cupola: a small, rounded structure is laid to cover the roof
above a roof
Spire: a tall, tapering tower
Dormer: an upright window on a
sloping roof Steeple: a tall, narrow, conical
Frieze: a decorative horizontal band
on the upper part of a wall Tabernacle: a highly decorated
Gazebo: belvedere
Tomb: a structure housing a grave
Gargoyle: waterspout projecting
from the gutter in the form of an
elaborate carving Vocabulary : Arts

Keystone: center stone of an arch

Kiln: oven for firing pottery

Since Many Analogy Questions feature
technical terms from Arts, which even
Lintel: horizontal beam over a door students with strong general vocabulary,
may not be aware of, this chapter gives
or a window such a list of words for the benefit of all
the students.
Mansard: a roof with an almost Appliqué: cut-out decorative design
horizontal slope sewn on a cloth

Batik: hand-dyed patterns on fabric

Mosaic: a decorative design made
with small colored pieces of stone or Calligraphy: highly decorative hand-
tile on a surface
Cartoon: humorous sketch or drawing
Niche: a recessed area in a wall Collage: artwork using various

Ceramics: manufacturing of work of Logo: a name, symbol or a trademark
arts by firing of earth ware, porcelain or
brick Montage: a single pictorial composition
made by juxtaposing many pictures or
Chase (v): to decorate metal by designs
Origami: Japanese decorative art of
China: delicate porcelain ware such as creating shapes by folding paper
cups and plates
Papier-Mâché: decorative object made
Crocheting: knitting with a hooked from pulped paper
Parquet: art work on floor made with
Crockery: earth ware plates, cups etc. an inlay of wood of different colors

Damascening: craft of making gold Pottery: clay objects hardened by heat

Rebus: a representation of words in the
Daguerreotype: early form of silver form of pictures
plate photography which is now obsolete
Refractory: having high heat resistance
Decoupage: decorating surfaces with
paper cut outs Sampler: cloth with decorative
Embossing: decorating surfaces with
raised ornamentation Serigraphy: screen printing on silks

Engraving: cutting of designs into hard Silhouette: an out line that appears
surface dark against a light back ground

Etching: making designs on a metal Still-life: photo graph of inanimate

plate or glass by the corrosive action of objects
Stone ware: high fired clay pottery
Filigree: ornamental work of delicate,
intricate design with thin metal wire Tapestry: heavy decorative cloth hung
on a wall
Firing: baking ceramic objects in hot
oven Terra cotta: hard, brown-red unglazed
earthen ware
Gild (v): to cover a surface with a thin
layer of gold Veneer: a thin layer of finely grained
wood over another surface
Holography: three-dimensional
photography using split laser beam

Ikebana: Japanese art of arranging

flowers in artistic designs
Intaglio: Engraved design on a plate

Lapidary: gem cutting Since Many Analogy Questions feature

technical terms from Atmosphere, which
Lace: a delicate fabric made of yarn: even students with strong general
gold or silver ornamental braid vocabulary, may not be aware of, this

chapter gives such a list of words for the vocabulary, may not be aware of, this
benefit of all the students. chapter gives such a list of words from
Geography for the benefit of all the

Acclivity: upward slope of ground

Declivity: downward slope of ground Atoll: coral island

Doldrums: region with low atmospheric Boulder: a large mass of rock

pressure near equator
Cave: hollow area in earth with opening
Equinox: date in spring and autumn on at the surface
which the day and night of equal length
Cavern: a large roofed-over cave in a
Estuary: the part where the waves of rock
the river meet the tides of the sea
Cone: peak of volcano
Fallow: relating to the cultivable land
left unsown Continent: a large landmass on the
surface of earth
Littoral: relating to coastal area
Crater: round pit at the summit of a
Maritime: near the sea volcano

Peninsula: land area surrounded by the Crevasse: deep crack in glacial ice
sea on three sides
Dune: a small hillock formed by wind-
Ridge: long, narrow crest of elevated blown sand
Delta: triangular alluvial deposit at the
Solstice: one of the two days when the mouth of a river
sun is at the longest distance from the
equator (June-21 & Dec.21) Detritus: loose fragments of rock

Tributary: a stream feeding a main Flint: quartz that produces spark when
river struck by steel

Watershed: a ridge separating the Fossil: skeleton of dead animal or plant

runoff of rain water to two different river preserved in petrified rock form
Glacier: massive, moving ice layer

Geyser: a natural hot spring that

intermittently ejects a column of water
and stream into the air

Gravel: loose, rounded fragments of

Geography rock

Lignite: low grade brown coal

Loam: rich soil of clay, sand and organic

Since Many Analogy Questions feature
technical terms from Geography, which Lodestone: magnetic rock
even students with strong general

Meteorite: a stony or metallic mass of
matter that has fallen to the earth’s
surface from outer surface Archipelago: a group of islands

Monolith: single large block of stone Atoll: ring-shaped coral reef enclosing a
Pebble: a small stone that has become
smooth through erosion Basin: depression in earth’s surface
with a lake or pond at the bottom
Plateau: flat, broad area of at least
2000ft. above sea level Bay: small sea

Range: system of connected mountains Boca: river mouth

Reef: strip, ridge of rocks, sand or coral Bog: wet spongy ground, swamp
that rises near the surface of a body of
water Brook: small stream of fresh water

Rubble: rough, irregular, loose Canal: man made navigable water way
fragments broken from a large mass of
rock Canyon: deep, narrow valet with steep
sides, carved by a river
Sediment: material deposited by water
or wind Cascade: small waterfall

Shale: fissile rock composed of layers of Chasm: deep cleft in earth, gorge
clay like, fine grained sediments
Cove: sheltered recess on the coast line
Silt: loose sedimentary material lines
consisting of very fine particles
Crater: bowl shaped depression at the
Slurry: water mixture of insoluble mud mouth of a volcano
and lime
Creek: small, slow moving stream
Trench: long and deep trough in ocean
floor bordering few continents Delta: flat, alluvial plain at the mouth of
the river
Volcano: cone shaped mountain that
vents hot, molten lava from the earth’s Eddy: circular movement of water in a
interior river

Floe: large, flat mass of ice floating in a

Landscape Ford: shallow part of a stream through
which one can walk across

Glacier: large mass of moving ice

Glade: open, grassy area within forest

Since Many Analogy Questions feature
technical terms from Landscape, which Gorge: narrow, steep ravine with rocky
even students with strong general walls
vocabulary, may not be aware of, this
chapter gives such a list of words from Grove: small wood
Landscape for the benefit of all the
students. Headland: high point of land projecting

10 | P a g e
into the sea, promontory
Summit: highest point of a mountain
Heath: open wasteland with shrubs,
moor Surf: waves breaking against the beach

Hedge: row of shrubs forming a Tableland: flat, elevated track of land

Thicket: dense growth of shrubs
Iceberg: large mass of ice floating on
sea Tide: rise and fall of sea level at a place
due to the gravitational pull of the moon
Isthmus: narrow strip of land with and the sun
water on both sides and connecting two
large bodies of lands Torrent: stream with a strong current

Knoll: small, rounded hill Tributary: stream leading to a larger

Lagoon: shallow body of water cut off
from the sea by sandbar Tundra: level, treeless plain in the
arctic region
Marsh: wet, boggy land: swamp
Valley: long depression between two
Moor: open wasteland with shrubs, hills
Vineyard: field of grapevines
Orchard: grove with fruit trees
Vista: height allowing view over a large
Peninsula: large land area with sea on expanse of land
three sides
Vortex: whirlpool
Prairie: large track of rolling grassland
Whirlpool: water spinning rapidly in a
Precipice: near vertical face of a hill circle with a downward sucking force

Quagmire: marsh, bog Wood: dense growth of trees

Quicksand: bed of loose and wet sand

that yields underfoot
Ravine: narrow, steep depression
formed by running water

Rivulet: small stream Since Many Analogy Questions feature

technical terms from Weather, which
Savanna: grassy plain even students with strong general
vocabulary, may not be aware of, this
Scrub: growth of low trees and shrubs chapter gives such a list of words from
Weather for the benefit of all the
Shingle: coarse alluvial material along students.
sea shore

Shoal: shallow place in river, sand bar

Avalanche: large mass of snow moving
Shrub: short multi-stemmed plants rapidly down a mountain

Strait: narrow water way connecting Breeze: gentle wind

two large bodies of water

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Blizzard: violent snow storm
Smog: fog augmented by smog
Cirrus: wispy white cloud at high
altitude Squall: sudden, violent windstorm
accompanied by rain
Cloudburst: sudden, intense rainfall
Thunderbolt: lightning accompanied by
Cumulus: a dense, white, fluffy, flat thunder
based cloud with a multiple rounded top
and well defined out line Tornado: a rotating and moving column
of air along with a funnel shaped cloud
Cyclone: violent, rotating wind storm
Zephyr: gentle breeze from the west
Deluge: heavy rain fall causing a flood

Dew: moisture condensed at night on

surfaces of cool objects
Drizzle: Very light rain

Drought: prolonged period without rain

Eye: a calm region at the center of

storm or cyclone or hurricane Since Many Analogy Questions feature
technical terms from Theater, which
Flux: continuous flow of water resulting even students with strong general
in flood vocabulary, may not be aware of, this
chapter gives such a list of words from
Fog: thick moist Theater for the benefit of all the
Frost: minute ice crystals that form on

Gale: moderate wind storm Acrobat: expert performer of physical

Gust: sudden, sharp burst of wind
Act: a major division of a play
Hail: precipitation in the form of pellets
of ice and hard snow Amphitheater: a round, outdoor space
with raised steps around a stage
Hurricane: intense, violent, rotating
wind storm or tropical cyclone at sea Apron: section of stage floor closest to
Inundation: flood
Aside: actor’s lines spoken to audience,
Lava: molten rock that issues forth from not to other actors
the volcano
Audition: brief trial performance held to
Maelstrom: powerful, turbulent appraise an actor’s musician’s talent or
whirlpool suitability

Monsoon: seasonal wind storm that Auditorium: room, hall or building used
brings heavy rains to the Indian coast for performances
Nimbus: rain cloud of uniform gray that
covers the entire sky Backdrop: curtain painted as scenery
hung at the rear of the stage
Sleet: frozen or partly frozen rain

12 | P a g e
Backstage: wings, dressing rooms and Finale: final scene or musical number of
other areas out of the audience view a performance

Barnstormer: traveling actor Harlequin: masked, comic character

Bill: performance or piece shown in the Histrionic: acting in a highly theatrical

theater and in a exaggerated style

Burlesque: satire, a variety Impresario: manage or director of a

entertainment featuring comic skits, theater company
striptease or magic
Improvisation: unrehearsed or
Cabaret: dancing, skits performed in a impromptu performance
bar or a café
Intermission: interval between acts
Cameo: small role played by a famous
actor Masque: elaborate costume play

Cast: a set of actors in a play Melodrama: dramatic form that

exaggerate emotions
Chorus: a group of singers
Mime: actor who uses gesture and
Circuit: locations at which a touring bodily movements to silently portray a
company gives dramatically character
Monologue: speech delivered at length
Circus: traveling troupe of acrobats, by one actor
clowns and trained animals
Mug: to make exaggerated, often
Contortionist: circus acrobat capable of comic, facial expression while acting
assuming unnatural positions
Musical: light dramatic entertainment
Costume: an actor’s dress featuring musical interludes

Cue: a word or phrase or action Pantomime: performance without

signaling an actor’s line, entrance or exit spoken words

Debut: an actor’s first performance Plot: arrangement of narrative events in

a play
Denouement: final resolution of a
story’s plot Premiere: first performance of a play

Diva: leading woman singer in a grant Preview: performance of a play before

opera its official opening

Ensemble: a group of actors performing Prima Donna: principal woman singer

Prompt: to supply an actor with a
Epilogue: brief section at the conclusion forgotten line
of a play
Repertoire: stock of plays performed
Extra: an actor in a minor, non- by a company
speaking role
Revue: series of comic kits, songs,
Farce: low comedy based on absurd dances
Scenario: outline of a play’s action

13 | P a g e
Scene: uninterrupted action within a
Anthem: highly emotional or
Skit: short, informal comic piece dramatic song

Slapstick: low comedy dependant ob

physical humor
Arabesque: short, ornamented
Soliloquy: monologue expressing a composition for piano
character’s inner thoughts addressed to
the audience

Stooge: comic foil Aria: a solo song in an opera

Tableau: stage pictures created by

actors posing motionless Bagatelle: a short, simple

Thespian: an actor composition for piano

Troubadour: wandering medieval

Ballad: a song narrating story
Understudy: actor versed in another’s
part, ready to step in if needed
Bar: measure of a set t number of
Usher: theater attendant who guides
audience members to their seats beats

Vaudeville: theatrical entertainment

that features a variety of performance Bass: male voice from low to high

Vaudevillian: performer of comic roles pitch in that order

Baritone: male voice from low to high

pitch in that order


Since Many Analogy Questions Baton: music conductors light rod

feature technical terms from Music ,

which even students with strong Bravura: impressive virtuoso

general vocabulary, may not be performance

aware of, this chapter gives such a

list of words for the benefit of all the Cadenza: virtuoso passage at the end

students. of a solo

Alto: male voice from low to high Cantata: vocal composition with

pitch in that order instrumental accompaniment

14 | P a g e
Dirge: slow, mournful music for

Canto: part of choral work with funeral


Ditty: simple. Often humorous song

Choir: a group of singers especially

in church services Duet: composition for two

instruments or two voices

Chord: two or more notes sounded

together Dulcet: melodious

Chorus: organized group of singers Ensemble: several musicians who

singing in unison perform together

Composer: person who creates and Evensong: music for evening prayer

writes down musical composition

Falsetto: artificial method of singing

Concert: live performance of music used by males to obtain notes above

before audience their normal vocal ranges

Concerto: composition for a solo Fanfare: trumpet flourish at dramatic

instrument entrance

Conductor: leader of an orchestra Finale: closing part of a composition

Contralto: female voice from low to Fusion: combination of jazz and

high pitch in that order electric rock

Crescendo: gradual, steady increase Hymn: religious or sacred song

in volume

Interlude: brief musical passage

Diminuendo: gradual, steady between parts of a larger piece or

decrease in volume drama

15 | P a g e
Jazz: major modern popular music opera


Orchestra: group of instrumentalists

Libretto: words or text of an opera playing together

Lullaby: song sung to lull a child to Overtone: acoustical frequency

sleep higher in frequency than the


Maestro: respected composer or

conductor Overture: musical introduction to an

opera or a ballet

Minim: half note

Philharmonic: symphony orchestra

Monody: elegy or dirge sung by one

person Pit: sunken area in front of a stage in

which the orchestra sit

Motif: recurring subject or theme

Pitch: frequency of tonal vibrations

Notation: standardized system of per second

characters or symbols used to

represent musical composition Prelude: a musical introduction

Octave: interval of eight diatonic Quartet: ensemble of four

tones instruments of four singers

Octet: composition for eight Rap: dance oriented pop music

instruments or eight voices

Refrain: regularly occurring music

Opera: drama in which the text is figure

entirely sung and acted to the

accompaniment of orchestra Reprise: repetition of a musical


Operetta: light, romantic, comic

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Requiem: composition for a funeral sound produced by an instrument


Tonic: first note of a scale

Rhythm: relationship of successive

notes Tremolo: prominent vocal vibrato

Scale: series of notes arranged in Trio: composition for three

equal intervals instruments or voices

Solo: composition for single Virtuoso: performer with great

instrument of single voice technical skills

Sonata: composition for contrasting Waltz: music for German dance

notes or keys
Soprano: female voice from low to

high pitch in that order Since Many Analogy Questions feature

technical terms from Maps, which even
students with strong general vocabulary,
Staccato: with abrupt, distinct break may not be aware of, this chapter gives
such a list of words for the benefit of all
between notes
the students.

Strain: melody
Altitude: height above sea water
Symphony: composition for an Compass: magnetic needle pointing north
orchestra that helps to find direction

Globe: spherical model of the earth

Tenor: male voice from low to high showing physical features

pitch in that order Isobar: line on the map joining places of

equal atmospheric pressure

Threnody: dirge, a song of Isotherm: line on the map joining places

lamentation at funeral of equal temperature

Legend: key to a map

Timbre: characteristic quality of

17 | P a g e
Longitude: east/west position of place
measured in degrees from 0 to 180 along
equator with reference to the prime
meridian passing through Greenwich in

Meridian: imaginary semi circular line

joining two poles and perpendicular to the

Nadir: point on the celestial sphere

opposite to the zenith and directly below
the observer

Parallel: line of latitude parallel to the


Tropics: area of earth closest to the

equator between the tropic of Cancer and
the tropic of Capricorn

Zenith: point directly above the head of

the observer

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