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(No ModeL)" ’ 4 Sheets-Sheet 1.

'NO. 348,912. ~ Patented Sept. 7, 1886.
Jj'yf .

N, PETERS. Pholo-Uihographcr. Wanhinswn. [7,6,

(No Model.) 4 Sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 348,912.’ Patented-Sept. 7, 1886.

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N, PETERS. Phoio‘Lilhuinphur. wamingtcn. Dv C.

(No Model.) ’ 4 Sheets-Shéet 3.

No. 348,912‘ ' Patented Sept. '7, 1886.’

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17291 \\
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N ETERS. Photo-Lithographer. Walhingbn. D.C~
(No Model.) 4 Sheets Sheet 4.
No. 348,912. Patented Sept. 7, 1886.

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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 348,912, dated September '7, 1886.
Application filed June 13, 1885. Serial No. 168,613. (No model.) Patented in Germany February 4, 1883, No. 23,187; in Belgium
May 18, 1885, No. 68,900, and in Italy January 16, 1886, XXXVIII, 159.

T0 aZZ whom it may concern. since both the horizontal and radial pressures
Be it known that I, OTTO INTZE, a subject exerted by the weight of the reservoir and its
of the King of Prussia, residing at Aachen, contents is transferred through said ring to
Prussia, German Empire, have invented cer the supporting-walls. To attain this, sheet
tain new and useful Improvements in Reser metal, cast metal, and masonry are combined
voirs, (for which I have obtained Letters Pat under most unfavorable conditions when it is
ent in the following countries, dated and num desired to apply a hemispherical or convex
bered as follows: Belgium, May 18, 1885, N0. bottom to such reservoirs.
68,900B ; Germany, February 4, 1883, No. The object of my invention is to avoid the
23,187 ; Italy,January 16,1886,XXXVIII,159;) detrimental effect of the lateral pressure ex
and I do hereby declare the following to be a erted by the weight of the reservoir and its
‘ full, clear, and exact description of the inven contents upon its supports, in that I provide
tion, such as will enable others skilled in the at the bottom of the reservoir an intermediate
art to which it appertains to make and use annular seat by forming the outer portion of 65
the bottom conical,while the inner concave or
.15 the same, reference being had to the accom
panying drawings, and to letters or ?gures of convex or hemispherical or cone-shaped por
reference marked thereon, which form a part tion of the bottom forms a counter-bottom for
of this specification. the outer one. ‘
In the construction of ?uid~reservoirs of The further object of my invention is to 70
great capacity—-as, for instance, such as are support the water-tank fo_r gas-holders at such
used as service or storage tanks for water or a distance from the ground as to afford ready
the large storage-tanks for storing hydrocar access to the entire exterior surface of the bot
bons, or the tanks for gas-holders and other tom thereof, so that the said bottom may be
purposes——in order to effect economy in mate readily protected from corrosion by suitably 75
coating the same with a protective agent, and
25 rial and cost of construction it has lately been
so that any leakage may be readily detected
proposed to avoid the heavy ?at or horizontal
bottoms, which necessitates costly and strong and located. By means of the described c011
supports and columns to impart to them the struction and by a judicious selection of at—
necessary resistance to the pressure of the tendant conditions or circumstances, the lat—
fluid. To this end the cylindrical reservoirs eral pressure exerted by the weight of the
have been constructed with hemispherical or cylinder and its contents upon the seat~ring
convex bottoms supported by mason ry at their or other support is entirely avoided, in that
peripheral edges. ‘ the combined pressures are exerted in a ver
In the construction of gas‘holdcrs ithas also tical direction upon the supporting -walls. 85
35 been proposed to employ sheet metal for the Inasmuch as there is no lateral pressure ex
water tank or cylinder thereof, and these have erted upon the support for the reservoir, foun
heretofore been constructed with a flat or con dation or supporting, walls of considerablyless
veX bottom seated on a solid foundation of strength than those necessary heretofore may
masonry, so that no access can be had to the be employed, and the mounting of the reser
under side of the bottom to trace a leakage or voir is simplified, while access to the bottom
to protect the bottom from corrosion. To of the latter is greatly facilitated; and, lastly,
support such a reservoir from a seat-ring, and the walls that support the reservoir are en
tirely disconnected from the outer masonry
to provide the desired room ‘for supervision,
that constitutes or supports the iuclosing‘walls 95
it is necessary to surround the cylinder with
of said reservoir, so that sagging or other
45 inclosingwalls of great dimensions, which re changes or displacements in the latter or in
quire very careful construction, and which
entail necessarily a great expense. On the the ground can in nowisc affect the reservoir
other hand the seat'ring in large reservoirs itself.
should not only be very strong and carefully In the accompanying drawings, forming a
50 built or constructed, but must be bolted to
part of -this specification, I have illustrated
flanges or extensions of the cylinder-walls, various constructions of reservoirs, showing

the manner in which my invention may be The outer conical bottom, B, is connected
carried into practical effect, and in these draw with the cylinder H and bottom 0.
ings—— ‘
As shown in Fig. 7, the reservoir is support 70
Figures 1 and 2 are vertical and horizontal ed from atubular column, B, upon which rests
sections, respectively, of a reservoir with outer the bearing edge or seat at, formed at the point
conical sectional and inner hemispherical coun of connection or intersection between the con
ter~bottoms. Figs. 3 and 5 show by like views vex counter-bottom O and the conical outer
a reservoir with an outer conical bottom and bottom, B.
an inner conical countenbottom. Fig. 5 is a 75
In Fig. 8 the reservoir H is shown with an
10 vertical section of a reservoir provided with outer conical bottom, B, connected with the
an outer conical bottom formed of conical over cylindrical Wall of the reservoir, and to this
lapping and in wardly-bent sections and inner bottom is connected an inner conical bottom,
sectional conical bottom. Fig. 6 is a like view G, the upper portion of which is concave, as 80
of a reservoir, from the conical counter-bottom shown at c.
of which projects a tubular extension. Figs. The reservoir shown in Fig. 9 is provided
7 and 8 show further modi?cations of the res with an inner convex bottom, 0, provided with
ervoir, the counter-bottom in the latter ?gure a tubular extension, I), which extends verti—
being shown concave. Fig. 9 shows a ‘reser cally therefrom, nearly through the upper 85
voir for storing oil and analogous liquids. closed end of the reservoir, and in which a
20 Figs. 10 and 11 are like views illustrating my
?ight of stairs or ladder, L, is arranged, by
invention in its application to the water-tank means of which access may be had to the res
of gas-holders. Fig. 12 showsa portion of the ervoir H. To the inner bottom, 0, is connect
tank shown in Fig. 11 in horizontal section, ed the outer conical bottom, B, and the latter 90
and Fig. 13 is a section on line at x of Fig. 12. is connected to the walls of the cylinder H.
25 Fig. 14 shows a portion of the bottom shown A. reservoir of this construction is more es‘
in Fig. 11, the apex of the cone being concave. pecially designed for storing hydrocarbons
In carrying out my invention various forms and other like ?uids.
may be given to the bottom of the ?uid-reser In Figs. 10 and 11 I have shown the inven
voir or the tank of a gas~holder; but whatever tion applied to the water-tank of gas-holders, 975
the form of such bottom may be it should al and it is to be remarked that whatever the
ways be such that the weight of the load car surface of the ground upon which the gas
ried by the support for the reservoir or tank holder or reservoir may be established, the
will be exerted upon said support in a vertical bottom of the tank thereof may be construct I00
direction. Thus, for instance, the conical bot ed so as to approximately conform to such sur
tom B of the cylinder H, Figs. 1 and 2, may be face, so as to reduce the labor of ?rst leveling
formed of cone-sections I), and connected to the the ground to provide an even surface for the
inner or hemispherical or convex counter-bot reception of a foundation for the tank. Fur
tom 0, through which passes the central over ther than this, the supports for the tank or
?ow-pipe, d. reservoir are in each case of such a height
40 The line of junction or intersection x, that above the surface of the ground as to afford
forms the bearing-edges of the two bottoms B ready access to the entire exterior surface of
and O——that is to say, the lines at which “the the bottom of the tank or reservoir, a feature
bottoms abut against each other, (which is like heretofore not known, so far as I am aware, in
wise indicated byoc in all the ?gures)—consti the construction of gas-holders, and the ad
45 tutes the seat for the reservoir, and rests upon vantages of which will be readily understood
the base or foundation wall, or on a seat-ring by those conversant with these structures.
applied thereto, in such manner that the entire Figs. 12 and 13 illustrate one mode of con
weight is exerted thereon or transmitted there structing the inner or counter bottom, 0. In I15
to in a vertical direction only. tanks or reservoirs of great capacity it is de
The modi?ed construction shown in Figs. 3 sirable to brace' or re~enforce theinner or
and 4 differs from that shown in Figs. 1 and 2, counter bottom, 0, which may be effected by
in that instead of a hemispherical or convex struts or braces f and tie~rods g. If desired,
counter-bottom, a conical inner counter-bot the single plates of the bottom 0 may be con I20
tom, 0, is employed, which is connected with structed with curved edges, so as to produce
the outer conical bottom, B, ofthe cylinder H. undulating circumferential joints of the bot
As shown in Fig. 5, the outer conical bot tom section, as shown in said Figs. 12 and 13.
tom, B, is bent inwardly on curved lines to The above-described construction of the bot
illustrate that it is not absolutely necessary tom of the reservoirs, and the mode of seating 125
that the convex or conical form should be or supporting the same, is applicable to res
strictly adhered to. This bottom 13 is con ervoirs or tanks of cylindrical as well as other
nected on the one hand with the cylinder H, form in cross~section, as will be readily un
and on the other with the inner counter-bot derstood.
tom, 0. Having thus described my invention, what
As shown in Fig. 6, the inner conical bot I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Pat
65 tom, 0, has a tubular extension, D, that ex ent, is—
tends through the reservoir in which tubular 1. 'A reservoir for ?uids having a bottom
extension is arranged a stairway or ladder, L. comprising the conical bottom B and the
348,912 ' 'f 3

counter-bottom 0, together forming a seat, :10, I port or bearing for said seat w, to support the In
in combination with a support or hearing for tank above the surface of the ground, sub
said seat w. substantially as and for the pur- stantially as and for the purpose speci?ed.
pose speci?ed. In testimony whereof I affix my signature in
2. In gas-holders, the combinatiomwith the I presence of two witnesses. /
bell of the holder and its supports, of a ?uid I OTTO INTZE.
reservoir or tank having a bottom compris- Witnesses: '
ing the conical bottom B and the counter-bot- FR. CLoDIUs SLUDARTH,
tom 0, together forming a seat, av, and a sup- , ' GEO. F. LINCOLN.

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