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Taxonomy & Classification

Taxonomy, science of classifying organisms.
Classification, in biology, identification, naming, grouping of
organisms into a formal system based on similarities such as
internal and external anatomy, physiological functions,
genetic makeup and evolutionary history.

The major categories in classification are Domain,

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and
 In addition to classifying the organisms also
scientists give it a scientific name.
 The scientific name composed of two parts
(genus and species ) separated by normal
space. Always the genus begins with capital
letter and species with small letter .
 When it written by hand you have to underline it,
and make it italic if typed .
 Such as Drosophila melanogaster (when it
write by hand).
 Drosophila melanogaster (when it typed).
 The major categories in the old classification were

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus

and Species.

 The major kingdoms were: Monera, Protista, Fungi,

Plantae, and Animalia.


The major categories in new classification are

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family,

Genus and Species.

How to write these categories
 Domain
 Kingdom
 Phylum
 Class
 Order

 Family
 Genus
 Species
 Living organisms are divided into three major
Domains including Bacteria, Archaea,
and Eukarya.

 Each domin further subdivided into separate

Domain: Archaea
 Kingdom : Archaea (Archaeabacteria)
 Unicellular.
 Prokaryotes.

 Living in extreme environment (high temperature,

acidic or deep areas).
 Examples :-
 Halobacteria sp.
Domain: Bacteria
 Kingdom: Bacteria (Eubacteria).
 Unicellular.
 Prokaryotes.
 Found in wide range of habitats on earth.
 Examples :-
 Bacteria.

 Cyanobacteria.
Domain: Eukarya

 Kingdom :Protista.

 Kingdom :Fungi.

 Kingdom :Plantae.

 Kingdom :Animalia.
Kingdom: Protista
 Eukaryotes.
 Unicellular.
 Heterotrophic (animal like protista), autotrophic
(plant like protista).
 Examples:-
 protozoa (Euglena sp., Paramecium sp., Ameoba
sp. and algae).
Ameoba sp Paramecium sp. Algae

Trypanosome sp. Euglena

Kingdom Fungi
 Eukaryotes.
 Heterotrophic nutrition.
 Rigid cell walls made of chitin.
 Multicellular .
 Examples:-
 Bread mould ,Penicillium ,yeast and mushroom.
Kingdom Plantae

 Eukaryotes.
 Multicellular.
 Autotrophic.
 e.g. all higher plants.
Classification of kingdom Plantae:
Classified into two major groups:

1- Non- vascular plants:

have no system for transporting water or nutrients (e.g. mosses) .

2- Vascular plants:
have a system through which they can transport water and
nutrient throughout the plant. This allowed the plants to be
taller and live further from water.
Kingdom Animalia
 Eukaryotes.
 Multicellular.
 Heterotrophic nutrition.
 e.g. all animal groups.
Classification of Kingdom Animalia

The two major groups within the animal kingdom are

invertebrates and vertebrates.

1- The invertebrates:
The invertebrates include animals that have no backbone.
Examples: sponges, worms, starfish, jellyfish, clams, and

2- The vertebrates:
These are animals that do possess a backbone. Examples:
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

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