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The Role of the Materials Engineer in Design

 Introduction

Modern engineered materials are now available that have attractive but complex properties.
Therefore, it is becoming essential to develop a much closer working relationship between those
who design a component and those who advise the designer on materials selection. In fact, the most
efficient structural designs are now generated by incorporating, from the beginning, the complex
properties of modern engineered materials into the design synthesis step (matching form to

The selection process can range from simply re-specifying a previously used material (or one used by
a competitor) through finite element analyses or modeling routines to precisely identify property

the selection of the material and its processing, product design, cost, availability, recycleability, and
performance in final product form have become inseparable. However, for high-performance
products, where understanding the subtleties of materials performance can be the defining
difference, this practice can lead to a less than optimal result. The emergence of agile manufacturing
and rapid response scenarios, coupled with ongoing developments in new and tailored materials,
further specializes the critical function of materials selection.

 The Design Process (This section offers insights into the several roles that must be played
by the materials selection expert. It also reviews the process and methods that may be
applied to enhance and improve the effectiveness of the design process)

Obviously, this is a much more complex task and requires knowledge of loads, load distributions,
environmental conditions, and a host of other performance factors (including customer
expectations) and manufacturing-related factors.

In addition to a knowledge of the required performance characteristics, the materials selector must
be able to define and account for manufacturing-induced changes in material properties. Different
production methods, as well as controlled and uncontrolled thermal and mechanical treatments, will
have varying effects on the performance properties and the cost of the final part or assembly.

In fact, by the time the concept and initial configuration of a design is committed to paper, or to a
computer-aided design (CAD) system, the manufacturing processes and sequence of processes
required to produce a product cost effectively are normally fixed. They are no longer variables that
can be controlled without redesign.

Unfortunately, it has been common for designers, inadvertently, to create parts with geometric
features that place severe restrictions on the selection of manufacturing rzxc=processes, with even
less freedom remaining for material selection

Table 2 summarizes many common specialties required to define materials, processes, and
manufacturing methods for making cost effective parts and assemblies that meet the customer's
expectations.These decisions are not, by themselves, sufficient to ensure a successful design, but the
use of cross-functional teams to concurrently consider design, materials, manufacturing processes,
and final cost provides superior customer value.

Table 2 Typical specialties involved during an "ideal" materials selection process

Materials science : Metals, Plastics, Ceramics, Coatings, Chemistry, Electrochemistry

Processing : Forging, Casting, Welding, Hot forming, Cold forming, Molding, Machining, Sintering,
Heat treatment

Cost analysis : Purchasing (supply management), Process engineering, Industrial engineering, Life
cycle costing

Design Quality assurance : Inspection, Statistics, Reliability, Field test, Customer

Other : Marketing, Legal, Environmental

 Criteria and Concepts in Design (This section goes into detail on many of the "soft" issues
related to design, process, safety, manufacturability, and quality. These issues are not
historically a part of the design and material selection process, because they do not relate
to the quantifiable properties (e.g., strength or toughness) or attributes (e.g., wear or
corrosion resistance) that determine the ability of a material to perform the desired
function. Nevertheless, they are of critical importance, because parts and assemblies must
be made with well understood variance, consistent processing, and the expectation that
the part will perform safely and reliably in the ultimate customer's application)

Material selection involves more than meeting minimum property requirements for strength,
fatigue, toughness, corrosion resistance, or wear resistance. There are numerous options for product
design and materials selection, and frequently they cannot be quantified.

Designing to minimize the total costs to the consumer during the expected product life (the life cycle
cost) is yet another challenge. These costs include raw material, production, use, maintenance
(scheduled or otherwise), and disposal or recycling costs.

Similar issues arise when the safety, product liability, and warranty cost exposure aspects of product
design and material selection are concerned.

Product success requires that the appearance and function of the product must meet the customer's
approval. Normally these are design factors, but material selection and surface finish can be equally

The growing environmental and regulatory demand to consider the entire life cycle of a product
could require the manufacturer to recover and recycle the product and process waste materials.

 Design Tools (This section details the tools associated with a state-of-the-art design
process. Included are discussions on paper and paperless drawings, adding tolerances,
computer-aided drafting and computer-aided design, rapid prototyping, modeling, finite
element methods, optimization methods, and documenting and communicating the design
to others)

Once the concept and geometry of a part or assembly have been determined, the designer proceeds
to the detailed manufacturing design phase. This output contains input for the materials engineer in
the form of material selection and processing notes that will guide the manufacturing activity and
ultimately may evolve into formal material and processing specifications.

 The Materials Selection Process (This section begins the details of what steps and methods
are actually required to properly select a material and its corresponding manufacturing
process. Topics included are an overview of the process, technical and economic issues,
the Ashby materials selection charts, use of decision matrices, computer-aided materials
selection, the relationship between materials properties and processing, and the use of
value analysis and failure analysis)

During the conceptual design stage, only general data were required about materials properties,
materials processing effects, and performance parameters. These broad descriptions need to be
refined into specific performance requirements, including the processing steps that will ensure this
performance. The materials engineer's knowledge of the processes available within the
manufacturing facility and the property changes due to the mechanical or thermomechanical
processes can simplify the choices between cost, manufacture, environment, and many other issues.

 Effects of Composition, Processing, and Structure on Materials Properties (The science of

materials selection is introduced in this section as the relationships between different
families of materials (e.g., metals, ceramics, plastics) are discussed. Additionally the
effects of thermal and mechanical processing on performance properties of materials are
discussed. Sources of materials data are also listed in this section)

 Properties versus Performance of Materials (This section details and discusses the actual
properties needed for specific general types of design (e.g., structural, optical, magnetic,
electronic) as well as accepted design processes and methodology for prevention of
several common performance needs (e.g., corrosion, fatigue, fracture toughness,
hightemperature, wear, oxidation). Additionally there is discussion relating to design with
brittle materials, plastics, and composite materials, and for surface treatments)

 Manufacturing Aspects of Design (This section discusses what may be the most important
aspects of a successful design: how the conceptual ideas are cost effectively converted
into hardware. The majority of commonly used manufacturing processes are discussed in
detail in a series of separate chapters, but ultimately, the designer and materials selection
expert must merge these thermal and mechanical processes into a description of the
properties and attributes of the final part. Techniques for computer-based modeling and
costing are also discussed. Additionally, there is discussion about the effect of processing
on several of the common nonmetallic materials and the control of residual stresses
resulting from manufacturing. Finally, this section includes a discussion on designing for
ease of assembly of the many parts that may be involved in a final product, ready for
delivery to the ultimate customer)

Combine this with the fact that, for most parts, costs are related to manufacturing and assembly,
and it becomes apparent that choosing the "best" design is highly dependent on choosing the "best"
manufacturing method. Since this decision is made early in the process, it becomes important for
designers to avail themselves of the manufacturing expertise provided by the materials engineer.

Once the manufacturing process has been identified, there is still the need to optimize the process,
determine its capability, and understand the effect(s) that the process will have on a material and its
properties. Computer modeling is making significant contributions to our understanding of the
effects of processing on properties, as well as which steps in the processing sequence are most
important to control in order to consistently produce high-quality parts that meet the design intent.
It is worth noting that, in almost every example, quality improvements also lead to cost reductions
by reducing rejections, downstream rework, inventory requirements, warranty costs, and
disappointed customers.
The Role of the Materials Engineer in Design

 Introduction
Oleh karena itu, dalam merancang komponen dan pemilihan material perlu mengembangkan
hubungan kerja yang lebih dekat. Sebenarnya, desain struktural yang paling efisien sekarang
dihasilkan dengan menggabungkan dari awal. Sifat kompleks dari material rekayasa modern ke
dalam tahap sintesis desain (bentuk pencocokan ke fungsi).

Proses seleksi bertujuan untuk menentukan ulang material yang sebelumnya digunakan melalui
analisis elemen hingga atau pemodelan untuk mengidentifikasi persyaratan properti suatu material.

Pemilihan material dan prosesnya, desain produk, biaya, ketersediaan, daur ulang, dan kinerja dalam
bentuk produk akhir menjadi tidak terpisahkan. Namun, untuk produk berkinerja tinggi, di mana
pemahaman mengenai kinerja material bisa menjadi perbedaan yang menentukan, praktik ini dapat
menghasilkan hasil yang kurang optimal. Adanya manufaktur yang cepat dan respons yang cepat,
ditambah dengan perkembangan material baru dan disesuaikan secara terus-menerus, selanjutnya
mengkhususkan fungsi kritis pemilihan material.

 The Design Process Proses Desain (Bagian ini merupakan pengetahuan tentang beberapa
peran yang harus dijalankan oleh pakar pemilihan material. Ia juga meninjau proses dan
metode yang dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan dan meningkatkan keefektifan proses

Jelas, ini adalah tugas yang jauh lebih kompleks dan membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang beban,
distribusi beban, kondisi lingkungan, dan sejumlah faktor kinerja lainnya (termasuk keinginan
pelanggan) dan faktor terkait manufaktur.

Selain pengetahuan tentang karakteristik kinerja yang diperlukan, pemilih material harus dapat
menentukan dan memperhitungkan manufaktur dalam sifat material. Metode produksi yang
berbeda, serta perlakuan termal dan mekanik yang dikendalikan dan tidak terkontrol, akan memiliki
efek yang berbeda terhadap sifat kinerja dan biaya pada bagian akhir atau perakitan.

Kenyataannya, pada saat konsep dan konfigurasi awal desain berkomitmen terhadap kertas, atau ke
sistem perancangan dibantu komputer (CAD), proses pembuatan dan urutan proses yang diperlukan
untuk menghasilkan biaya produk secara efektif. Hal itu bukan lagi variabel yang bisa dikendalikan
tanpa didesain ulang.

Sayangnya, sudah biasa bagi perancang, secara tidak sengaja, untuk menciptakan komponen dengan
fitur geometris yang membatasi pembatasan pemilihan proses dengan kebebasan dalam pemilihan

Tabel 2 merangkum banyak spesialisasi umum yang diperlukan untuk mendefinisikan material,
proses, dan metode pembuatan untuk membuat bagian dan rakitan biaya yang efektif yang
memenuhi keinginan pelanggan. Keputusan ini sendiri tidak cukup untuk memastikan desain yang
berhasil, namun menurut nilai fungsional secara bersamaan mempertimbangkan desain, material,
proses manufaktur, dan biaya akhir memberikan kepuasan pelanggan.

Materials science : Metals, Plastics, Ceramics, Coatings, Chemistry, Electrochemistry

Processing : Forging, Casting, Welding, Hot forming, Cold forming, Molding, Machining, Sintering,
Heat treatment
Cost analysis : Purchasing (supply management), Process engineering, Industrial engineering, Life
cycle costing

Design Quality assurance : Inspection, Statistics, Reliability, Field test, Customer

Other : Marketing, Legal, Environmental

 Criteria and Concepts in Design (Bagian ini menjelaskan desain, proses, keamanan,
kemampuan manufaktur, dan kualitas. Isu-isu ini tidak secara historis merupakan bagian
dari proses perancangan dan pemilihan material, karena mereka berhubungan dengan
sifat terukur (misalnya, kekuatan atau ketangguhan) atau karakteristiknya (misalnya
ketahanan aus atau korosi) yang menentukan kemampuan material untuk melakukan
fungsi yang diinginkan. Namun demikian, ini sangat penting, karena bagian dan rakitan
harus dibuat dengan variasi yang dipahami dengan baik, pemrosesan yang konsisten, dan
harapan bahwa bagian tersebut akan berjalan dengan aman dan andal dalam aplikasi

Pemilihan material melibatkan lebih dari sekedar memenuhi persyaratan properti minimum untuk
kekuatan, kelelahan, ketangguhan, ketahanan terhadap korosi, atau ketahanan aus. Ada banyak
pilihan untuk desain produk dan pemilihan material, dan seringkali tidak dapat dihitung.

Merancang untuk meminimalkan biaya total kepada konsumen selama masa pakai produk yang
diharapkan (biaya siklus hidup) merupakan tantangan lain. Biaya ini termasuk material baku,
produksi, penggunaan, perawatan (terjadwal atau lainnya), dan biaya pembuangan atau daur ulang.

Masalah serupa muncul saat aspek keamanan, pertanggungjawaban produk, dan aspek biaya garansi
dari desain produk dan pemilihan material perlu diperhatikan.

Keberhasilan produk mensyaratkan bahwa penampilan dan fungsi produk harus memenuhi
persetujuan pelanggan. Biasanya ini adalah faktor desain, namun pemilihan material dan finnishing
sama pentingnya.

Meningkatnya tuntutan lingkungan dan peraturan untuk mempertimbangkan keseluruhan siklus

hidup sebuah produk dapat meminta produsen untuk memulihkan dan mendaur ulang produk dan
memproses limbah.

 Design Tools (Bagian ini merinci alat-alat yang terkait dengan proses desain mutakhir.
Termasuk dalam diskusi di atas kertas dan gambar tanpa kertas, menambahkan toleransi,
perancangan dibantu komputer dan desain dibantu komputer, prototyping cepat,
pemodelan, metode elemen hingga, metode pengoptimalan, dan pendokumentasian dan
pengomunikasian desain kepada orang lain)

Begitu konsep dan geometri dari suatu bagian atau perakitan telah ditentukan, perancang
melanjutkan ke fase desain manufaktur yang terperinci. Output ini berisi masukan dalam bentuk
seleksi material dan catatan proses yang akan memandu aktivitas pembuatan dan pada akhirnya
dapat berkembang menjadi spesifikasi material dan pengolahan formal.

 The Materials Selection Process (Bagian ini memulai rincian langkah dan metode apa yang
sebenarnya diperlukan untuk memilih material dan proses pembuatannya dengan tepat.
Topik yang dibahas adalah ikhtisar proses, masalah teknis dan ekonomi, bagan seleksi
material, penggunaan matriks keputusan, pilihan material bantu komputer, hubungan
antara sifat dan pengolahan material, dan penggunaan analisis nilai dan analisis
Selama tahap desain konseptual, hanya data umum yang diperlukan mengenai sifat material, efek
pengolahan material, dan parameter kinerja. Uraian luas ini perlu disempurnakan menjadi
persyaratan kinerja spesifik, termasuk langkah-langkah pemrosesan yang akan memastikan kinerja
ini. Pengetahuan insinyur material tentang proses yang tersedia di dalam fasilitas manufaktur dan
karakteristik karena proses mekanis atau termomekanis dapat menyederhanakan pilihan antara
biaya, manufaktur, lingkungan, dan banyak masalah lainnya.

 Effects of Composition, Processing, and Structure on Materials Properties (Ilmu pemilihan

material diperkenalkan di bagian ini karena hubungan antara jenis material yang berbeda
(misalnya logam, keramik, plastik) dibahas. Selain efek thermal dan mekanis. pengolahan
pada sifat kinerja material dibahas. Sumber sumber data juga tercantum dalam bagian ini)

 Properties versus Performance of Materials (Bagian ini merinci dan membahas sifat
sebenarnya yang diperlukan untuk jenis desain umum tertentu (misalnya, struktural,
optik, magnetik, elektronik) serta proses dan metodologi desain yang diterima untuk
pencegahan beberapa kebutuhan kinerja umum (mis. , korosi, kelelahan, ketangguhan
retak, hightemperature, keausan, oksidasi) .Selain itu ada diskusi berkaitan dengan disain
dengan material rapuh, plastik, dan material komposit, dan untuk perawatan permukaan)

 Manufacturing Aspects of Design (Bagian ini membahas aspek utama dari desain:
bagaimana ide konseptual dapat diubah secara efektif menjadi perangkat keras) Sebagian
besar proses manufaktur yang umum digunakan dibahas secara rinci dalam serangkaian
bab terpisah, namun pada akhirnya, perancang dan ahli pemilihan material harus
menggabungkan proses termal dan mekanis ini ke dalam deskripsi sifat dan karakteristik
dari bagian akhir. Teknik pemodelan dan penetapan biaya berbasis komputer juga
dibahas. Selain itu, ada diskusi tentang efek dari pengolahan pada beberapa material
nonmetalik yang umum dan pengendalian tegangan residu yang dihasilkan dari
manufaktur Akhirnya, bagian ini mencakup diskusi tentang perancangan untuk
kemudahan perakitan berbagai bagian yang mungkin terlibat dalam produk akhir, siap
untuk dikirim ke pelanggan)

Dengan begitu dapat diketahui bahwa sebagian besar biaya terkait dengan manufaktur dan
perakitan, dan memilih desain "terbaik" sangat bergantung pada pemilihan metode manufaktur
"terbaik". Karena keputusan ini dibuat di awal proses, menjadi penting bagi perancang untuk
memanfaatkan keahlian manufaktur yang disediakan oleh insinyur material.

Setelah proses pembuatan telah diidentifikasi, masih perlu mengoptimalkan proses, menentukan
kemampuannya, dan memahami efek yang akan dihasilkan pada material dan propertinya.
Pemodelan komputer membuat kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman kita tentang efek
pengolahan pada karakteristik dan juga langkah-langkah dalam urutan pemrosesan yang paling
penting untuk dikendalikan agar dapat menghasilkan bagian berkualitas tinggi secara konsisten yang
sesuai dengan maksud desain.

Perlu dicatat bahwa, di hampir setiap contoh, peningkatan kualitas juga menyebabkan pengurangan
biaya dengan mengurangi penolakan, pengerjaan ulang di hilir, persyaratan persediaan, biaya
garansi, dan pelanggan.
Overview of the Design Process


The role of engineering design in a manufacturing firm is to transform relatively vague marketing
goals into the specific information needed to manufacture a product or machine that will make the
firm a profit. This information is in the form of drawings, computer-aided design (CAD) data, notes,
instructions, and so forth.

a requirement that has generated a body of knowledge called design for manufacturing (DFM).
Another obvious requirement is that to obtain a final product, parts must be assembled. This has
fostered the special field of design for assembly (DFA). Though it is not so obvious, a consideration
overriding both DFM and DFA is that assemblies and parts should be designed in a way that results in
the minimum total number of parts possible (Ref 1). A smaller part count almost always will result in
lower total product cost when all costs are considered, including costs of materials, tooling,
processing, assembly, inventory, overhead, and so forth.

Of course, engineering designers must design products that not only can be economically
manufactured and assembled, but they also must function as intended. This requires selecting and
understanding the physical principles. Moreover, proper function requires special attention to
tolerances. These two considerations are called designing for function and fit. However, designers
must consider a myriad of other issues as well: installation, maintenance, service, environment,
disposal, product life, reliability, safety, and others.

Designing for DFM, DFA, minimum parts, function, fit, and DFX is still not all that is required of the
engineering designer. Products also must be designed for marketing and profit, that is, for the
customer and for the nature of the marketplace. Designers, therefore, must be aware of what
features customers want, and what customers consider to be quality in a product. In addition,
marketing considerations must include cost, quality, and, increasingly important, time that is, when
the product will reach the marketplace.

Designers also should recognize that the processes by which parts and products are made, and the
conditions under which they are used, are variable.

From Marketing Goals to Engineering Requirements

Conceptual and Configuration Design of Products and Assemblies

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