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Cognitive – Perception and Attention

Perception and Attention

History of the eye

 Plato – 4th century BC

 Theory of extramission
 Light emerges from the eye & “collects” objects
 Galen – 2nd century AD
 Defined features of the eye (cornea, iris, lens, retina, etc.)
 Observed binocular vision
 Al-Haytham (10th century)
 Theory of intramission
 Application of the scientific method
 Kepler – 1604
 Theory of the retinal image
 Camera / Eye analogy

The image on the retina is

 2D
 Upside down
 Reversed left-to-right
 Neurons firing in response to light

Yet we experience

 A 3D world that is not upside down… etc.

Depth – the 3rd Dimension

 Visual cliff (Gibson & cliff, 1960)

 Inner (or early) ability?
Cognitive – Perception and Attention
 Young children fearful of crossing on to the “fake” drop
 Maybe not innate, but learnt through interaction with 3D world (i.e. development of
crawling – children with greater crawling ability are less likely to cross)
 Images are 2D, yet we are able to perceive a 3D world (aka perceiving depth and the
distance of objects)
 Info regarding depth comes from movement (observer and/or objects)
 However, various cues to visual depth are available even if observer/environment is
Depth Cues

 MONOCULAR CUES – require the use of only 1 eye (but still used with both eyes opened);
aka pictorial cues.

 Linear Perspective:
 We are used to the tendency for parallel lines to
converge as they head towards the horizon

 Texture:
Cognitive – Perception and Attention

 Aerial Perspective (Haze)

 Contrast of objects can provide cue to distance
 When scattering of light blurs the outline of objects,
the object is perceived as distant
 Due to scattering of blue light in the atmosphere,
distant objects appear bluer

 Elevation:

 Height in the scene – more distant

objects are imagined higher in the
 Relative size is influential – larger
objects perceived as closer.

 Familiar/Relative Size
 Emmert’s Law: Big things far away can
look the same size as smaller things
Cognitive – Perception and Attention

 Interposition:
 A more distant
object is partially blocked by a
more proximal object
 Kanizsa’s Square
(1976) – a square is perceived
even though much of the
square’s edges are missing.

 Shading:

 Motion Parallax:
 Movement of an object’s image across the
retina: closer objects move more than
distant objects.
 The apparent motion of 2 stationery objects
at different distances due to a change in
observer position.
 If observer is moving or, if head is moving
from side to side, objects will move in
opposite directions relative to each other.
 Closer objects will appear to move more
quickly and in opposite direction to the
observer’s movement, while the one farther
way will appear to move slowly in the same
Cognitive – Perception and Attention
 BINOCULAR & OCULOMOTOR CUES (oculomotor cues) – involve both eyes being used
 Oculomotor cues – based upon contraction of the eye muscles: convergence &
 Binocular cues – each eye receives a slightly different image the same object:
stereopsis (binocular disparity)

Perceptual Consistency

 Viewing conditions may change but perception is invariant (constant).

 Aka, although images change our perception of the object, the object doesn’t.
 Many forms:
 Size – constant regardless of distance
 Location – world does not shift when head moves
 Shape – remains constant, despite changes in view
 Lightness – paper still looks white in the dark; coal still looks
dark in bright light
 Hue – colour same in shadow or not
Cognitive – Perception and Attention
 What you see is not necessarily what you perceive: your visual system is constantly
making interferences based on constraints derived from the regularities of your visual

  Ames room – size

 The room is designed so
that the room is
“incorrectly” perceived
as normal – thus
interfering with
“perceived” distance and
size constancy.
Cognitive – Perception and Attention
 Size perception and size constancy appear to be largely dependent upon
perceived distance (but there are other factors – familiarity).
Cognitive – Perception and Attention
Object recognition

 It appears effortless, but is actually extremely complex.

 Perceptual segregation and organisation
 Earliest systematic approach: Gestalt Theory
 Nativist approach – innate abilities
 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
 Recognising objects according to the organization of their elements
(e.g. pixelated images)
 It is not the individual elements but the relation of each with the
other that is important.
 Gestalt Principles:
 The organisation of perceptual information will be
the one which possesses the best, simplest and
most stable shape (Pragnanz)
 Laws (100+) that may help “organize” info more
 Proximity
 Similarity
 Good continuation
 Closure
Cognitive – Perception and Attention
Cognitive – Perception and Attention
Figure-ground segregation

 Figure has shape, whereas (back)ground lacks form

 Figure appears in the front
 Light goblet on dark background OR dark faces on a light background?

 BOTTOM-UP PROCESSING: Stimulus –> Attention –> Perception

 Direct processing of environmental stimuli
 Data driven
 Emphasized by Gestalt
 e.g.: figure-ground segregation should occur before object recognition (unlike
object recognition, figure-ground segregation does not require top-down
 However, much evidence that top-down processing also influences basic
perceptual processing.
 Object detection and categorisation can occur equally quickly.

 TOP-DOWN PROCESSING: Stimulus –> Attention + Prior knowledge –> Perception

 Processing of environmental stimuli
that is influenced by expectations
(past experience).
 i.e. prior knowledge influences
processing of input.

 Most cognitive processes probably involve a combination of BU and TD processes.

 Criticism of Gestalt:
 Mainly based on 2D drawings
 Descriptions of processes rather than explanations
 Did not describe the issue of conflicting perceptual laws
 Did not identify all perceptual laws
 Focus on BU / stimulus driven processes in figure-ground separation when in
fact TD processes (prior knowledge + attention) play an important role.


 Our ability to attend visual information is limited.

Cognitive – Perception and Attention
Inattentional blindness

 A failure to perceive an unexpected event when our attention is diverted.

 Conscious perception requires attention.

Change Blindness

 A failure to notice substantial changes to objects or scenes.

 We can be quite poor at keeping track of visual information.
 Examples: flicker method; masking method; mudsplash method.
 These examples impair local motion signals that usually accompany change – BU
properties that attract attention.
 Requires you to compare visual image with representation of earlier version stored in
visual memory
 Suggests we have a limited capacity visual short-term memory, with unstable
representations of the world.
Cognitive – Perception and Attention

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