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Formation Recruitment Campaign

1 June 2017
FRC for Malaysia
Campaign Period : CW10 – CW 17
17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17

• Active status with AMP
• Recruit minimum 2 New Direct (level 1) BA or BA
Upgrade with Formation package
• 1 FRC point = Silver/Gold + AMP360
• Accumulate FRC point must be in the same CW
Formation Recruitment Campaign
Within Same CW Active with AMP

Formation Package Formation Package

FRC Point 2 BAs with Formation Package

Cash -
Special Buy Elfahex 30s x 2 boxes
@ RM 1 product value : RM 528
e-SAC : RM 527
Total RM 528
Formation Recruitment Campaign
Within Same CW Active with AMP

FRC Point 3 BAs with Formation Package

Cash RM 450
Special Buy Elfahex 30s + Detox DT
@ RM 1 product value : RM 591
e-SAC : RM 590
Total RM 1,041
Formation Recruitment Campaign
Within Same CW Active with AMP

FRC Point 4 – 5 BAs with Formation Package

Cash RM 600
Special Buy Elfahex 30s x 4 boxes
@ RM 1 product value : RM 1,056
e-SAC : RM 1,055
Total RM 1,656
Formation Recruitment Campaign
Within Same CW Active with AMP

FRC point 6 BAs and above with Formation Package

Cash RM 1,200
Special Buy Elfahex 30s x 4 boxes +
@ RM 1 Detox DT x 3 boxes
product value : RM 2,037
e-SAC : RM 2,036
Total RM 3,237
PFP - ElfaHex
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,448 (AEON RM180/18mths)

WB RM 185 x 2 = RM 370
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 634.60 → RM 1,162.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP - ElfaHex
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,448 (AEON RM180/18mths)

WB RM 185 x 3 = RM 555
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM450 (Cash) + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 819.60 → RM 1,860.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP - ElfaHex
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,448 (AEON RM180/18mths)
WB RM 185 x 4 = RM 740
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,269.20 → RM 2,925.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP - ElfaHex
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,448 (AEON RM180/18mths)
WB RM 185 x 6 = RM 1,110
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 1,903.80 → RM 5,140.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC - ElfaHex
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

Total Cash +
RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,640 RM 3,237
WB +TB RM 634.60 RM 819.60 RM 1,269.20 RM 1,903.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,162.60 RM 1,860.60 RM2,925.20 RM 5,140.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
11x Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 2,738 (AEON RM201/18mths)

WB RM 207 x 2 = RM 414
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 678.60 → RM 1,206.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
11x Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 2,738 (AEON RM201/18mths)

WB RM 207 x 3 = RM 621
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM450 (Cash) + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 885.60 → RM 1,926.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
11x Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 2,738 (AEON RM201/18mths)
WB RM 207 x 4 = RM 828
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,357.20 → RM 3,013.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
11x Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 2,738 (AEON RM201/18mths)
WB RM 207 x 6 = RM 1,242
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 2,035.80 → RM 5,272.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC – El Marino Blanc
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 678.60 RM 885.60 RM 1,357.20 RM 2,035.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,206.60 RM 1,926.60 RM 3,013.20 RM 5,272.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Laktoze + Spirulina
Within Same CW

MYWPD314 – RM894 MYAMP074 – RM 2,541

Platinum Formation RM 3,435 (AEON RM234/18mths)

WB RM 126 x 2 = RM 252
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 516.60 → RM 1,044.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Laktoze + Spirulina
Within Same CW

MYWPD314 – RM894 MYAMP074 – RM 2,541

Platinum Formation RM 3,435 (AEON RM234/18mths)

WB RM 126 x 3 = RM 378
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 450 + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 642.60 → RM 1,683.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Laktoze + Spirulina
Within Same CW

MYWPD314 – RM894 MYAMP074 – RM 2,541

Platinum Formation RM 3,435 (AEON RM234/18mths)
WB RM 126 x 4 = RM 504
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,033.20 → RM 2,689.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Laktoze + Spirulina
Within Same CW

MYWPD314 – RM894 MYAMP074 – RM 2,541

Platinum Formation RM 3,435 (AEON RM234/18mths)
WB RM 126 x 6 = RM 756
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 1,549.80 → RM 4,786.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC – Laktoze + Spirulina
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 516.60 RM 642.60 RM 1,033.20 RM 1,549.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,044.60 RM 1,683.60 RM 2,689.20 RM 4,786.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – DX Verve WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,931 (AEON RM117/36mths)

WB RM 221 x 2 = RM 442
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 706.60 → RM 1,234.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – DX Verve WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,931 (AEON RM117/36mths)

WB RM 221 x 3 = RM 663
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM450 (Cash) + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 927.60 → RM 1,968.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – DX Verve WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,931 (AEON RM117/36mths)
WB RM 221 x 4 = RM 884
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,413.20 → RM 3,069.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – DX Verve WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 2,931 (AEON RM117/36mths)

WB RM 221 x 6 = RM 1,326
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 2,119.80 → RM 5,356.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – DX Verve WN
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 706.60 RM 927.60 RM 1,413.20 RM 2,119.80
TOTAL Income * RM 1,234.60 RM1,968.60 RM 3,069.20 RM 5,356.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Charms WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,288 (AEON RM131/36mths)

WB RM 248 x 2 = RM 496
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 760.60 → RM 1,288.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Charms WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,288 (AEON RM131/36mths)

WB RM 248 x 3 = RM 744
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM450 (Cash) + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 1,008.60 → RM 2,049.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Charms WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,288 (AEON RM131/36mths)

WB RM 248 x 4 = RM 992
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,521.20 → RM 3,177.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Charms WN
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,288 (AEON RM131/36mths)

WB RM 248 x 6 = RM 1,488
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 2,281.80 → RM 5,518.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC – DX Verve WN
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 760.60 RM 1,008.60 RM 1,521.20 RM 2,281.80
TOTAL Income * RM 1,288.60 RM 2,049.60 RM 3,177.20 RM 5,518.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – K200
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 4,052 (AEON RM160/36mths)
WB RM 306 x 2 = RM 612
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 876.60 → RM 1,404.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – K200
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 4,052 (AEON RM160/36mths)
WB RM 306 x 3 = RM 918
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM450 (Cash) + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 1,182.60 → RM 2,223.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – K200
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 4,052 (AEON RM160/36mths)
WB RM 306 x 4 = RM 1,224
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,753.20 → RM 3,409.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – K200
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 4,052 (AEON RM160/36mths)
WB RM 306 x 6 = RM 1,836
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 2,629.80 → RM 5,866.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC – K200
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value 528 591 1,056 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 876.60 RM 1,182.60 RM 1,753.20 RM 2,629.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,404.60 RM 2,223.60 RM 3,409.20 RM 5,866.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 3,144 (AEON RM215/18mths)

WB RM 233 x 2 = RM 466
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 730.60 → RM 1,258.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 3,144 (AEON RM215/18mths)

WB RM 233 x 3 = RM 699
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM450 (Cash) + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 963.60 → RM 2,004.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 3,144 (AEON RM215/18mths)
WB RM 233 x 4 = RM 932
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,461.20 → RM 3,117.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP –El Marino Blanc
Within Same CW


Platinum Formation RM 3,144 (AEON RM215/18mths)
WB RM 233 x 6 = RM 1,398
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 2,191.80 → RM 5,428.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC – El Marino Blanc
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 730.60 RM 963.60 RM 1,461.20 RM 2,191.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,258.60 RM 2,004.60 RM 3,117.20 RM 5,428.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – EB + Derma Hydra
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,199 (AEON RM127/36mths)

WB RM 241 x 2 = RM 482
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 746.60 → RM 1,274.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – EB + Derma Hydra
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,199 (AEON RM127/36mths)

WB RM 241 x 3 = RM 723
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM450 (Cash) + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 987.60 → RM 2,028.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – EB + Derma Hydra
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,199 (AEON RM127/36mths)

WB RM 241 x 4 = RM 964
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,493.20 → RM 3,149.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – EB + Derma Hydra
Within Same CW

Platinum Formation RM 3,199 (AEON RM127/36mths)

WB RM 241 x 6 = RM 1,446
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 2,239.80 → RM 5,476.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC – EB & Derma Hydra
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 746.60 RM 987.60 RM 1,493.20 RM 2,239.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,274.60 RM 2,028.60 RM 3,149.20 RM 5,476.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Sensualite + Laktoze
Within Same CW

MYFPP038 (Cho)/ MYFPP039 (Van) / MYFPP

(Chox5+Van x5)

Platinum Formation RM 3,536 (AEON RM241/18mths)

WB RM 267 x 2 = RM 534
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 798.60 → RM 1,326.60
Travel 8 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Sensualite + Laktoze
Within Same CW

MYFPP038 (Cho)/ MYFPP039 (Van) / MYFPP

(Chox5+Van x5)

Platinum Formation RM 3,536 (AEON RM241/18mths)

WB RM 267 x 3 = RM 801
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 450+ RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 1,065.60 → RM 2,106.60
Travel 12 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Sensualite + Laktoze
Within Same CW

MYFPP038 (Cho)/ MYFPP039 (Van) / MYFPP

(Chox5+Van x5)
Platinum Formation RM 3,536 (AEON RM241/18mths)
WB RM 267 x 4 = RM 1,068
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,597.20 → RM 3,253.20
Travel 16 points
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Sensualite + Laktoze
Within Same CW

MYFPP038 (Cho)/ MYFPP039 (Van) / MYFPP

(Chox5+Van x5)
Platinum Formation RM 3,536 (AEON RM241/18mths)
WB RM 267 x 6 = RM 1,602
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 2,395.80 → RM 5,632.80
Travel 24 points
Effective 1/6/17
FRC – Sensualite & Lactoze
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,057 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB RM 798.60 RM 1,065.60 RM 1,597.20 RM 2,395.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,326.60 RM 2,106.60 RM 3,253.20 RM 5,632.80
Effective 1/6/17
PFP – Livextra + Spirulina + Laktoze

Within Same CW

Livextra x3 60s x1

HLXT15-WP RM867 MYAMP081 –RM 2,635

Platinum Formation RM 3,503 (AEON RM239/18mths)

WB RM 122 x 2 = RM 244
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 528 (Product)
Total RM 508.60 → RM 1,036.60
Travel 8 points
Valid until 31/5/17
PFP – Livextra + Spirulina + Laktoze

Within Same CW

Livextra x3 60s x1

HLXT15-WP RM867 MYAMP081 –RM 2,635

Platinum Formation RM 3,503 (AEON RM239/18mths)

WB RM 122 x 3 = RM 366
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 15% * 4.2 = RM 264.60
FRC RM 450 + RM 591 (Product)
Total RM 630.60 → RM 1,671.60
Travel 12 points
Valid until 31/5/17
PFP – Livextra + Spirulina + Laktoze

Within Same CW

Livextra x3 60s x1

HLXT15-WP RM867 MYAMP081 –RM 2,635

Platinum Formation RM 3,503 (AEON RM239/18mths)
WB RM 122 x 4 = RM 488
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 2 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 529.20
FRC RM 600 (Cash) + RM 1,056 (Product)
Total RM 1,017.20 → RM 2,673.20
Travel 16 points
Valid until 31/5/17
PFP – Livextra + Spirulina + Laktoze

Within Same CW

Livextra x3 60s x1

HLXT15-WP RM867 MYAMP081 –RM 2,635

Platinum Formation RM 3,503 (AEON RM239/18mths)
WB RM 122 x 6 = RM 732
TB (60CV + 360CV) * 3 * 15% * 4.2 = RM 793.80
FRC RM 1,200 (Cash) + RM 2,037 (Product)
Total RM 1,525.80 → RM 4,762.80
Travel 24 points
Valid until 31/5/17
FRC – Livextra + Spirulina + Laktoze
Period : CW10 to CW17 (17-May-17 to 5-Sep-17)
You - Must be Accumulate FRC points in same CW
Active with AMP
New recruit &
Upgrade (Level 1
Sponsor Tree)
with Formation

FRC point 2 3 4–5 6 and above

Cash - RM 450 RM 600 RM 1,200

Special Buy @ Elfahex x 1 + Elfahex x 4 + Detox
Elfahex x 2 Elfahex x 4
RM 1 Detox DT x 1 DT x 3

Product value RM 528 RM 591 RM 1,056 RM 2,037

FRC RM 528 RM 1,041 RM 1,656 RM 3,237

WB + TB (Livextra +
Laktozze) RM 508.60 RM 630.60 RM 1,017.20 RM 1,525.80
TOTAL Income RM 1,036.60 RM 1,671.60 RM 2,673.20 RM 4,762.80

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