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Ethical and legal issues

When producing a radio broadcast we need to make sure that it stays in the guidelines of the ethical
and legal issues which may form in the production. Problems that may occur are with copyright,
defamation,slander, royalty, performance rights and other material that may offend people or give a
bad representation of equality and diversity.

Copyrights is part of the intellectual property law which is where the broadcasted does not get
permission from the original source to publish the information/music it cannot be used. This is because
the ownership do not belong to the broadcaster but the source of the music/information and therefore
they worked for the money of the information/music, but if the broadcaster just published without
acnologyment it would be gaining money which is not worked for, this is why copyrights need to be
looked at to avoid any legal issues.

Defamation is a false statement about someone which is used to push back or damage there repetition
or person’s character. The issues with defamation is that once published the statement cannot be
discharged and will stay on that person which may cause ethical and legal issues depending on what
is said about the person. There are two types of defamation slander and libel. Slader is a publicly
spoken statement which would not be on any printed media or broadcasted media unless caught in
the moment. Libel is a printed or broadcast on television which is better for spreading the statement at
a fast rate which tends to get caughts in more ethical and legal issues.

Discrimination is in radio broadcasts/stations can be against age, disabilty, gender, sexuaility, religion
and ethnical orgin. Issues could occur through statements or news stories which could go over
sensitive areas or the minorities. Theses areas should be looked at closely a scripted to avoid major
problems which could depelety upset those which are discussed and cause legal problems. This is part
of defamation as well as many group may get false accusations against them which would be a legal
and ethical issue.

Data protection is needed for journalisms, this is due to the fact some information giving may need to
be guard because it is sensitive or inappropriate to be announced. Legal issues with this fits in with
defamation as this is where false news is spread to cause problems but this is the truth and may cause

Contempt of court is the privacy of those who may be in courts or jury that need to be protect by the
law. There names should be protected unless given permission. This also stops prejudice towards the
person which could be an ethical reason.

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