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TQS Review: March 2018

Lesson Plan template

The TQS reviewer will observe between 20 and 30 minutes of your lesson. In order to help the reviewer, we would be grateful if you could
complete this template to help us to understand the context of your lesson. This should be no more than one page in length. Please make
sure it is available either before the lesson or given to the reviewer when they enter the class. Please let your classes know the context for
the TQS and the observations.

Teacher El Zahraa Mohamed Time & Date of class 6/3/2018 at 4.30pm

Group Adults Level Pre-intermediate 1

Overall lesson aims

By the end of the lesson students will have been introduced to the meaning, pronunciation and form of the
lexical set that collocates with “work” and been given opportunities for oral practice with specific reference to
deciding on who has got the most interesting or boring job.

Class / student considerations / issues

Pre-intermediate 1 class with 5 adult students (3 F and 2 M). Only one of the students is Russian while the rest
are Egyptians. They are reluctant to speak in English; however they have showed enthusiasm to learn in the
first lesson. At least one of them is corporate-sponsored which means he might show up later because of his
job duties that finish at 4:00 PM.

Core activities of your lesson

List the main activities (in order) of your lesson. timings are optional

Lead-in– sts discuss 2 questions about working on the board.

Set context– sts work in pairs/ small groups to brainstorm as many words relevant to “work” as they can in 3
minutes. Sts compare their lists to the list in activity 1 p. 8

Focus on vocabulary–introduce new words following MPF pattern. Handout the collocation sheet and get
students to use the wordlist on page 8 to fill in the chart given. Get them to compare answers in pairs, before
they turn to p.127 to check their work.

Controlled written practice– sts complete ex 1 on page 6 in the workbook.

Freer written/oral practice) – Sts think about 4 people they know and they jot down notes on their jobs. then
they work in pairs/small groups to share the information they have. They should find out the most
interesting/boring job and say why.

Content and language feedback– conduct OCFB on the task. Ask sts, in pairs, to correct mistakes from the
fluency task on the board.

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