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1, FEBRUARY 2003 381

Customer Characterization Options for Improving

the Tariff Offer
Gianfranco Chicco, Member, IEEE, Roberto Napoli, Member, IEEE, Petru Postolache, Member, IEEE,
Mircea Scutariu, Member, IEEE, and Cornel Toader, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper deals with the classification of electricity codes for developing electricity tariffs. In the liberalized elec-
customers on the basis of their electrical behavior. Starting from tricity market scenario, sellers may formulate their own char-
an extensive field measurement-based database of customer daily acterizations of customers by defining customer classes on the
load diagrams, we searched for the most appropriate indices or sets
of indices to be used for customer classification. We propose two basis of the electrical behavior of customers. The tariff offer
original measures to quantify the degree of adequacy of each index. may then be formulated by identifying the contribution of the
Using the indices as distinguishing features, we adopt an automatic different customer classes to the total aggregated load.
clustering algorithm to form customer classes. Each customer class Efforts are in progress to investigate the tools used to form
is then represented by its load profile. We use the load profiles to
study the margins left to a distribution company for fixing dedi- customer classes. Load profiling [2], [3] has emerged as one of
cated tariffs to each customer class. We take into account new de- the most suitable methods to deal with the effective shape of
grees of freedom available in the competitive electricity markets, customers’ load diagrams. Different techniques, ranging from
which increase flexibility in the tariff definition under imposed rev- clustering methods to neural networks and data mining, have
enue caps. Results of a case study performed on a set of customers been used for load profile modeling. Details can be found in [4]
of a large distribution company are presented.
and [5].
Index Terms—Clustering, electricity markets, customer classes,
load curve indices, load diagrams.
In the systematic approach used in the U.K. [2], [3], several
subclasses are defined within each major class of customers
and each of them is assigned a different tariff. This approach is
I. INTRODUCTION backed by some extensive field measurement campaigns that
span over two decades. A similar approach has been imple-
A FTER the introduction of electricity market liberalization,
the distribution business has been given a greater degree of
freedom in fixing tariff rates, respecting a set of regulatory rules
mented in Taipei [6], together with a comprehensive survey
system that makes use of the stratified sampling concept [7].
and possible revenue caps. The distribution companies are now Indices derived from representative daily load curves have been
playing in a profit-oriented context and are interested in devel- employed in [8], and their fitting within some clearly stated
oping suitable market strategies for tariff formulation. Detailed domains of variation certifies the inclusion of the consumer in
knowledge of the behavior of supplied customers is thus essen- a given customer class.
tial for designing specific tariff options, in which the tariff rates This paper presents a comprehensive approach aimed at
are in line with the effective use of electricity from the various customer load pattern characterizations and at developing im-
types of customers. As such, adequate information on the con- proved tariff offers of possible interest for distribution and retail
sumption patterns of electricity customers represents a major market players. The core of such an approach is represented
asset. Customer perception and satisfaction issues [1] can also by its ability to organize the customer set into well-defined
be taken into account when fixing tariff rates. and nonoverlapping customer classes. For this purpose, we
Customer characterizations can also be used for an integrated consider several options, extending the approaches reported in
planning system, by considering the load-management alterna- [8] and [9]. We make a distinction between a priori indices (i.e.,
tives that can be implemented to effectively meet the system contractual and historical data stored in the utility database,
demand. and field indices) extracted from measurement campaigns. In
Information on customer consumption patterns is available Section II, we discuss the use of a priori and field indices and
by means of daily load diagrams, which were extensively used propose some original measures for evaluating the adequacy
for years. However, traditionally the regulators used some non- of selected indices. Furthermore, we investigate the possible
electric indicators such as the type of activity or commercial use of a composite index for the customer’s load diagram
characterizations by using a linear combination of field indices.
Manuscript received February 11, 2002; revised July 5, 2002. We use an automatic clustering procedure, based on the
G. Chicco and R. Napoli are with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica model shown in [10], to organize customers into a set of auto-
Industriale, Politecnico di Torino, Torino I-10129, Italy (e-mail: gian- matically formed customer classes so that customers exhibiting;
M. Scutariu is with Electrica Muntenia Sud Distribution and Supply Com- sufficiently similar electrical behavior are grouped together.
pany, RO-782091, Romania (e-mail: The details are given in Section III. We then define a repre-
P. Postolache and C. Toader are with the University Politehnica of sentative customer for each customer class. The load diagram
Bucharest, Power Engineering Faculty, Bucharest RO-79590, Romania
(e-mail: associated to each representative customer is the load profile of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2002.807085 the corresponding customer class. An example of computation
0085-8950/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

of the load profiles based on actual data on customers supplied d) the infraset mean distance, defined as the geometric mean
by a large distribution company is presented in Section IV. of the distances over the members of the set
In Section V, we investigate the possibility of a tariff diversi-
fication for the various customer classes, by using the load pro-
files in order to provide suggestions on possible market strate- (4)
gies seen from the distribution and retail market players point of
view. A case study is presented to compute the margins left to a Implicit or explicit use of these distances and of the related
distribution company in setting up dedicated tariffs for different indices in classifying customers may vary from country to
classes of customers, according to a set of general rules and to country. Some indications are reported below.
specified revenue caps. Section VI contains the concluding re-
marks. A. A Priori Indices
A priori indices are of a contractual nature (i.e., type of
II. INDICES TO CHARACTERIZE THE ELECTRICITY economic activity, contracted power, supply voltage level, etc.).
CUSTOMERS’ BEHAVIOR Customers with different indices may have different tariffs.
Grouping electricity customers into classes generally requires These types of indices are totally unrelated to the load diagram,
defining and using specific indices related to daily load dia- leading to some inconsistencies in customer classification, as
grams. These indices are calculated by using information con- shown in Section IV.
tained in the utility database and/or obtained from extensive
field measurement campaigns. B. Field Indices
Let be the set of data characterizing Field indices are derived from the daily load diagrams. Sev-
a load diagram, and let be the set eral indices have been proposed, including [8] the nonunifor-
of load diagrams for a selected group of customers. We con- mity coefficient , the fill-up coefficient
sider a classification process operating the partitioning of the , the modulation coefficient at peak hours
initial customers into customer classes corresponding to , and the modulation coefficient at offpeak hours
the subsets . Each subset contains load diagrams, , where ( is the minimum
for . Each customer is allocated to a single cus- (maximum) power demand of the representative day, is the
tomer class. For each customer class, the representative load di- average power demand, based on the ratio of the electricity con-
agram is derived from the load diagrams in by an aver- sumption to the monthly hours, ( ) is the average
aging process, resulting in the set power demand during daily peak (offpeak) hours. The modu-
of class representative load diagrams. lation coefficients at peak and offpeak hours are available for
Customer classification should somehow be related to the most customers and have been used for classification, with a
shape of the load diagram. It is thus useful to define two-step procedure: a preliminary classification with ,
a) the distance between two load diagrams (e.g., between two followed by an inner partition with the index. This ap-
members of the set ) proach resulted as being well tuned to the French system, but
our experience showed that it does not appear generally appli-
cable to other situations.
At this point, we consider another approach, based on unsu-
(1) pervised clustering of the daily load diagrams using a selected
set of discriminating indices. This approach was applied to
customers, whose daily load diagrams resulted from an exten-
b) the distance between a representative load diagram sive measurement campaign, after detection and elimination of
and the subset , defined as the geometric mean of the bad data [8], [9]. Starting from the hourly values of the daily load
distances between and each member of diagrams, several discriminating indices were considered. For
each customer , the expected load diagram was
identified and then normalized to its expected peak power, re-
(2) sulting in the representative load diagram . Use of expected
values avoids the effects of occasional behavior.
A set of normalized shape indicators (Table I), each of them
c) the distance between a load diagram and a flat belonging to the (0,1) range, was used as index vector
load diagram with constant load level . The choice of the indicators requires intuition
and investigation and is the basis for running the clustering pro-
cedure, as detailed in Section III.
C. Index Adequacy
We now need to define a performance measure to rank the
When this distance is minimal, the flat profile is the best possible indices. We use to denote the generic vector of in-
interpolation of in the squared mean error sense. dices, composed of one or more indices or a function of them.

TABLE I After performing the clustering process with , the com-

NORMALIZED SHAPE INDICATORS FOR CHARACTERIZING THE LOAD CURVES posite index performance is evaluated by using (5) and (6).
The approaches presented in this section are discussed in Sec-
tion IV on an illustrative case study.


An automatic clustering procedure has been used to group the
load diagrams on the basis of their distinguishing features. The
procedure is based on the one proposed in [10], which does not
require initialization of the number of clusters and computes the
cluster centers automatically. The Euclidean metric used in the
original algorithm has been modified by introducing for each
index a weighting factor , where is the variance of
the th index computed from all of the load diagrams in the
Conceptually, the best is the one leading to well-separated initial population and is the average value of the variance
classes (distinct class representative load diagrams) and com- for . As such, the impact of the indices having
pact ones (the load diagrams of the customers included in each a high variance is amplified in the computation of the weighted
class are very similar to their representative ones). We assume Euclidean distance.
the clustering process performed by using the index vector has The clustering procedure (Fig. 1) is composed of several cy-
formed customer classes, the subsets with the load dia- cles . The first cycle ( ) sets the number
gram partitioning for and the set of the class of clusters and the number of patterns belonging to each
representative load diagrams. cluster by using a “follow the leader” approach
We introduce two performance measures depending on a distance threshold . All load patterns are pre-
a) the mean index adequacy ( ) sented sequentially. If the minimum weighted Euclidean dis-
tance from the center of an existing cluster is lower than , each
pattern is assigned to the closest cluster and the cluster center
(5) is updated; otherwise, the pattern
defines the center of a new cluster. The successive cycles ( )
may change the number of clusters by reassigning the patterns
b) the clustering dispersion indicator (CDI), depending on to the closest cluster and updating the cluster centers until the
the distance between the load diagrams in the same cluster number of patterns changing clusters in a single cycle is zero.
and on the distance between the class representative load
At the th cycle, the th customer belongs to the cluster .
The maximum number of cycles should be set to a number
large enough to allow for clustering stabilization before the th
Index vectors with smaller and values are con- In order to assess the adequacy of the indices discussed in
sidered to have sharper discriminating properties. Section II, a detailed study has been performed on several cus-
tomers of a distribution system exhibiting various daily load di-
D. Composite Index agrams. The customer set is based on a population of
Each index has some portion of discriminating power. To nonresidential customers supplied by the Romanian national
avoid loss or overlapping of information, we may consider var- electricity distribution company (Table II). For each customer
ious combinations of single indices. We consider indices , the expected load diagram of weekdays was
extracted from the initial ones and build built by averaging the load diagram data related to field mea-
the single composite index as the linear combination surements for all the weekdays over a period of three weeks in
the winter season of 1999. The vector was computed for
(7) each load diagram.

where . Identification of a suitable coeffi- A. A Priori Indices

cient vector is not immediate and can be justified on the basis The policies of several distribution companies define cus-
of extensive testing. We searched for the coefficient vector tomer classes by using contractual data, including the type of
that minimizes the sum of the square distances of the composite customer according to a predetermined industrial classification
index to the members of the customer population (i.e., type of activity, tariff type assigned to the customer, and
voltage level at the supply point).
(8) We searched for a possible correlation between contractual
data and resultant clusters. For the type of activity (Table III),



contractual data. As such, grouping the customers on the basis

of contractual data is highly ineffective for the purpose of char-
acterizing the behavior of customers in terms of their electricity

B. Field Indices
The characteristics of the clustering procedure illustrated in
Section III have been tested for different distance thresholds,
using the individual normalized shape indicators and their whole
package. Fig. 2 clearly shows the reduction in the number of
clusters by using the individual normalized shape indicators,
which tend to level the differences between the consumption
patterns. This reduction corresponds to a decreased accuracy of
the classification process, quantified in higher values of the pro-
posed measure (Fig. 3).

C. Composite Index
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the clustering procedure. According to the procedure described in Section II, we looked
after the construction of a composite index and the evaluation of
the results clearly show a poor correlation between main clusters its ability to improve the discriminatory property of the single
and type of activity. Similar results have been obtained for other indices [11]. We created the hierarchy that allows the selection

Fig. 4. Cluster representative load diagrams using the normalized shape

indicators (uncommon behavior clusters were skipped).

Fig. 2. Number of clusters in function of the distance threshold.

Fig. 5. Cluster representative load diagrams by using the composite index c

(uncommon behavior clusters were skipped).

Fig. 3. MIA evolution depending on the resulting number of clusters. values of and , namely, Fig. 4 to a good discrimina-
tion between the representative load diagrams. Fig. 5 shows the
TABLE IV results for .
MIA AND CDI VALUES FOR DIFFERENT NUMBER OF RESULTING CLUSTERS The indices used in the definition of the composite index may
vary from company to company. The determination of the co-
efficients is sensitive to the selection of customers
in the representative set for the surveyed population. As such, a
careful design of the selection of representative samples within
the overall customer population is required. The application of
techniques such as the stratified sampling [6], [7], [12] may be
helpful for this purpose.


of indices to be included in the composite index (2) by checking The effectiveness of the distinction between customer classes
out the performance of each individual normalized shape indi- spurs on the association of a specified tariff to each customer
cator. Two options emerged (Fig. 3): the composite indices class. We show how the results of the above customer classifi-
created by using and with all of the indices cation could be used to modify existing tariffs by properly fixing
taken into account. The performance of rate coefficients for each customer class. Currently, for elec-
these composite indices emerges from the comparison between tricity billing, the various packages of tariffs can be generally
the , on the one hand, and on the other (Table IV), split into single rate (independent of the instant of consump-
obtained by using the all-indices package , the individual in- tion) and multiple rate (with different rates for peak hours and
dices, and the two composite indices, respectively. For nine and offpeak periods). We use a simple illustrative case study, con-
seven clusters, considered to be an adequate choice as a final sidering a real-life case where customers are billed according
number of classes for nonresidential customers, the improve- to three different tariffs, namely A, B, and D. Tariffs A and B
ment in the values reaches approximately 7–9%, while are multiple rate type with rates differentiated on the basis of
the average improvement in the values goes up to 16%. the hour of consumption, while D is single rate. Tariffs A and
It can also be noticed that actually amplifies the discrep- B differ for additional taxes on the requested power only. In our
ancies among various individual indicators or packages and, as study, these taxes have been neglected since they do not signifi-
such, it may better assist the process of index adequacy eval- cantly relate to the way customers consume power. For the sake
uation. In addition, using the composite indices leads to lower of simplicity, we assume that the rate components independent

Fig. 6. Typical energy price variations for existing class A and B tariffs and
the proposed one (m.u. monetary unit).
Fig. 7. Locus of the rate coefficients for constant total revenues.

of energy provision are constant, and we focus on the variation

of energy rates only. It is assumed that we operate under revenue VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS
caps, for which the total revenues with the new tariff should not In this paper, we used an efficient clustering technique to
exceed the total revenues with the initial tariff. These hypotheses classify electricity customers on the basis of their electricity
can be easily removed to build more general cases. consumption patterns. We investigated the adequacy of various
We consider the customer class defined by cluster 6 in Fig. 5, indices for classifying customers, by means of two originally
with 33 members, obtained by using the composite index . developed accuracy measures ( and ) and checked
According to distribution company policy, its customers were the effectiveness of new composite indices. We provided an ex-
initially billed on the basis of their type of activity. This ap- ample of misleading billing practices due to poor correlation be-
proach, as shown in Table III, has little to do with the actual tween discriminatory factors and actual load patterns. Finally,
consumption pattern. We focused our efforts on determining the we showed an example of defining new tariffs for each of the
margins left to the distribution company to readjust the tariff new customer classes under imposed revenue caps.
offer based on the new customer classification results. Suitable metering technologies are required for implementing
Before reclassification, customers belonging to the new cus- the proposed approach. The digital-signal-processing-based
tomer class were billed according to tariff A (21 subjects), tariff technology is proposing a new generation of interval meters,
B (seven subjects), and tariff D (five subjects). We calculated the with extended capabilities of data management and com-
total revenues with the existing tariffs for a period of one day. munication, and with the possibility of remote reading from
We now intend to offer the same multiple-rate tariff to all of a control center. In many countries, this new technology is
them. Therefore, we assume a two-rate tariff with rate in the rapidly entering the electricity market and will greatly improve
period from to and rate elsewhere (Fig. 6). By fixing consumer-supplier interaction.
one of the rate coefficients or , it is possible to calculate The proposed approach is generally applicable to any set of
the other one by using the load profile of the customer class, customers. However, at this stage of liberalization process in
under the hypothesis that the total revenues obtained from this most European electricity markets, industrial, and commercial
class are the same as the total revenues computed with the ex- customers do not represent a major share of the customer pop-
isting tariffs. Fig. 7 presents the locus of the resulting ulation of distribution companies, compared with residential
pairs, when different time periods define the peak hours. This customers.
locus is the upper boundary of the region inside which the dis- A preliminary partitioning of customers into residential and
tribution company has some degree of freedom to modulate the nonresidential could be useful, in order to avoid the explicit
rate coefficients without increasing its revenues for the same set study of the electricity consumption of single residential cus-
of customers. This is a “static” view of the assessment of pos- tomers, which strongly depends on social and behavioral data
sible revenues, used to formally respect the revenue cap con- of the consumers [13]. In addition, the adoption of an electricity
straint. A more “dynamic” view makes the choice of new price pattern-based classification of residential customers would re-
coefficients also dependent on the forecast effects of the pos- quire replacement of the existing metering units with new in-
sible new tariff structure on customers’ load patterns. In such terval meters. This replacement is already in progress in some
a way, a tariff-driven variation of load patterns with respect to countries (e.g., in Italy) and will take some years, running in
the load profiles used in the analysis may increase the profits of parallel with the consolidation of the electricity markets. As
the market player. These profits can be assessed for each of the such, in a first application, the proposed approach could be lim-
pairs by modifying the load profiles to reproduce some ited to nonresidential customers, reducing the size of the cus-
expected tariff-induced global effects, giving some insights on tomer set. In this case, residential customers could be consid-
the adoption of a profit-effective market strategy. Results on this ered with their aggregated loads, to take advantage of the sim-
issue and on the comparative analysis of the tariff offers will be ilarities among the shape of residential aggregated loads seen
reported in a future paper. from supply substations.

Any mechanism used to form customer classes and define tar- [13] A. Capasso, W. Grattieri, R. Lamedica, and A. Prudenzi, “A bottom-up
iffs must be clear, transparent, and easily understood, but flex- approach to residential load modeling,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 9,
pp. 957–964, May 1994.
ible enough to follow customer load pattern variations induced
by dedicated tariffs.
In order to apply the proposed approach to tariff formulation,
a possible new scenario of the interactions between customer
and supplier could be Gianfranco Chicco (M’98) was born in Carmagnola, Italy, on April 22, 1963.
He received the electrotechnical engineering degree from the Politecnico di
a) the customer contacts the supplier, states its type of ac- Torino, Italy, in 1987, and received the Ph.D. degree in electrotechnical engi-
tivity, and is assigned/free to choose a starting tariff; neering, Italy, in 1992.
b) the supplier monitors the customer for a specified period Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, where
he has been since 1995. In 1999, he visited the University of Illinois at Ur-
(e.g., three to six months) and establishes a reference load bana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. His research activities include power systems
pattern; and distribution systems analysis, competitive electricity markets, load man-
c) the supplier fits the reference pattern to one of the existing agement, artificial intelligence application, and power quality.
customer classes and identifies the appropriate tariff;
d) the supplier periodically monitors the daily load curves
of all customers, updates reference patterns and customer
classes by automatic clustering, and adjusts the tariffs ap-
Roberto Napoli (M’74) was born in Palermo, Italy, on June 11, 1945. He re-
plied to each customer class to maximize its foreseeable ceived the electrotechnical engineering degree from Politecnico di Torino, Italy,
profits, respecting the imposed revenue caps. in 1969.
Currently, he is Full Professor of Electric Power Systems at the Politecnico
The proposed mechanism for tariff formulation overrides the di Torino, Italy, Chairman of the Italian Electric Power Systems National Re-
concept of a unique tariff for the same kind of activity, which search staff, and President of the Academic Planning Councils at the Politecnico
is adopted in many national regulations. As such, its practical di Torino. His research activities include power system analysis, planning and
control, artificial intelligence applications, and competitive electricity markets.
implementation requires the existence of a legal framework to Dr. Napoli is a member of AEI and CIGRE.
accommodate changes in contractual provisions.

[1] R. A. Slavickas, R. T. H. Alden, and M. A. El-Kady, “Managing cus-
tomer and distribution utility costs,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. Petru Postolache (M’01) was born in Romania in 1940. He received the M.Sc.
14, pp. 205–210, Jan. 1999. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from University Politech-
[2] P. Stephenson and M. Paun, “Consumer advantages from half-hourly nica of Bucharest (UPB), Romania.
metering and load profiles in the UK competitive electricity market,” in Currently, he is Professor with the Electric Engineering Department at UPB,
Proc. Int. Conf. Elect. Utility Deregulation Restructuring Power Tech- where he has been since 1966. From 1974 to 1978, he was a Lecturer in electrical
nologies 2000. London, U.K.: City Univ., Apr. 4–7, 2000, pp. 35–40. engineering at the National University of Zaire at Bukavu and Kinshasa. His
[3] S. V. Allera and A. G. Horsburgh, “Load profiling for the energy trading main research interests include electrical energy efficiency, power distribution,
and settlements in the UK electricity markets,” in Proc. DistribuTECH electrical disturbances and power quality analysis.
Europe DA/DSM Conf., London, U.K., Oct. 27–29, 1998. Dr. Postolache is a member of the National Romanian Committee of CIRED
[4] B. D. Pitt and D. S. Kirschen, “Application of data mining techniques and is the chairman of its SC4.
to load profiling,” in Proc. IEEE PICA, Santa Clara, CA, May 16–21,
1999, pp. 131–136.
[5] A. Nazarko and Z. A. Styczynski, “Application of statistical and neural
approaches to the daily load profile modeling in power distribution sys-
tems,” in Proc. IEEE Transm. and Distrib. Conf., vol. 1, New Orleans,
LA, Apr. 11–16, 1999, pp. 320–325. Mircea Scutariu (M’99) was born in Resita, Romania, on July 7, 1966. He re-
[6] C. S. Chen, J. C. Hwang, and C. W. Huang, “Application of load ceived the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electric power engineering from Univer-
survey to proper tariff design,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 12, pp. sity Politechnica of Bucharest (UPB), Romania in 1990 and 1997, respectively.
1746–1751, Nov. 1997. Currently, he is the head of the Technical Bureau of the Electrica Muntenia
[7] J. Neyman, “On the two different aspects of the representative method: Sud Distribution Company, Bucharest, Romania, and his assignments involve
The method of stratified sampling and the method of purposive selec- technical support related to all electricity distribution issues. He has also been
tion,” J. R. Statist. Soc., pt. IV, pp. 558–606, 1934. with the Research and Modernizing Institute for Energetics, the Electric Power
[8] M. Ernoult and F. Meslier, “Analysis and forecast of electrical energy Department at UPB. His areas of scientific interest cover the probabilistic
demand,” Revue Générale de l’Électricité, no. 4, 1982. methods applied to power systems, power quality, load management, and
[9] G. Chicco, R. Napoli, P. Postolache, M. Scutariu, and C. Toader, distribution network optimization.
“Electric energy customer characterization for developing dedicated
market strategies,” in Proc. IEEE Porto PowerTech, Porto, Portugal,
Sept. 10–13, 2001, POM5-378.
[10] Y.-H. Pao and D. J. Sobajic, “Combined use of unsupervised and su-
pervised learning for dynamic security assessment,” IEEE Trans. Power
Syst., vol. 7, pp. 878–884, May 1992. Cornel Toader (M’01) was born in Bucharest, Romania, in 1945. He received
[11] M. Scutariu, C. Toader, and P. Postolache, “Investigations on Daily Load the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from University Politechnica from Bucharest
Curve Characterization,” in Proc. 2nd RIMAPS, Porto, Portugal, Sept. (UPB) in 1968 and 1988, respectively.
10–13, 2001, MRM-04. Currently, he is Full Professor of Electric Energy Utilization and Head of
[12] E. Bompard, E. Carpaneto, G. Chicco, R. Napoli, F. Piglione, P. Posto- the Electric Energy Utilization Group of the Electric Power Engineering De-
lache, and M. Scutariu, “Stratified sampling of the electricity customers partment. He has also been involved in the fields of electric power systems and
for setting up a load profile survey,” in Proc. RIMAPS 2000. Madeira, electricity transmission and distribution with UPB. His research interests in-
Portugal, Sept. 25–28, 2000, RUR-017. clude power quality issues analysis, network modeling, and electrotechnologies.

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