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1. In the diagram below h is 15 mm Hg.

A. What is the pressure of the gas sample in mm Hg?
B. What is the pressure of the gas sample in kPa?


h = 15 mm Hg PGas Sample = ?

This is a close-ended manometer problem. ∴ The height of the Hg is the gas pressure:
PressureGas Sample = Height of the Hg

A. What is the pressure of the gas sample in mm Hg?

PGas Sample = 15 mm Hg

B. What is the pressure of the gas sample in kPa?

! 101 kPa $
PressureGas Sample = 15 mm Hg # )
" 760 mm Hg &%

PGas Sample = 2.0 kPa

- OR -

760 mm Hg 15 mm Hg
101 kPa x

PGas Sample = 2.0 kPa

- OR -

760 mm Hg 101 kPa

15 mm Hg x

PGas Sample = 2.0 kPa

2. In the diagram below h is 20.0 mm Hg and air pressure is 760 mm Hg.
A. What is the pressure of the gas sample in mm Hg?
B. What is the pressure of the gas sample in atm?


h = 20.0 mm Hg PAtmosphere= 760 mm Hg

PGas Sample = ?

This is an open-ended manometer problem in which

the Hg is higher on the side open to the atmosphere.
∴ The gas sample pressure is greater than the atmospheric pressure:
PressureGas Sample = Atmospheric Pressure + Height of the Hg

A. What is the pressure of the gas sample in mm Hg?

PGas Sample = 760 mm Hg + 20.0 mm Hg

PGas Sample = 780. mm Hg

B. What is the pressure of the gas sample in atm?

! 1 atm $
PressureGas Sample = 780. mm Hg #)
" 760 mm Hg &%

PGas Sample = 1.03 atm

- OR -

760 mm Hg 780. mm Hg
1.00 atm x

PGas Sample = 1.03 atm

- OR -

760 mm Hg 1.00 atm

780. mm Hg x

PGas Sample = 1.03 atm

2 - AHC - Chapter 13 - Manometer Problems Worksheet - Answers - V5

3. In the diagram below h is 10.0 mm Hg and air pressure is 745 mm Hg.
A. What is the pressure of the gas sample in mm Hg?
B. What is the pressure of the gas sample in kPa?


h = 10.0 mm Hg PAtmosphere= 745 mm Hg

PGas Sample = ?

This is an open-ended manometer problem

in which the Hg is higher on the gas sample side.
∴ The gas sample pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure:
PressureGas Sample = Atmospheric Pressure - Height of the Hg

A. What is the pressure of the gas sample in mm Hg?

PGas Sample = 745 mm Hg - 10.0 mm Hg

PGas Sample = 735 mm

B. What is the pressure of the gas sample in kPa?

! 101 kPa $
PressureGas Sample = 735 mm Hg # )
" 760 mm Hg &%

PGas Sample = 97.7 kPa

- OR -

760 mm Hg 735 mm Hg
101 kPa x

PGas Sample = 97.7 kPa

- OR -

760 mm Hg 101 kPa

735 mm Hg x

PGas Sample = 97.7 kPa

3 - AHC - Chapter 13 - Manometer Problems Worksheet - Answers - V5

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