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The purpose of this research was to explore student endorsement of an environmental

worldview during the college years through a sampling of freshmen and seniors. Nine
independent samples of freshman and senior class undergraduates (N=779) were surveyed
over a five year period in a small, independent liberal arts college. The survey instrument
included the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale, demographic items, and other measures,
such as knowledge of, and worry over, climate change, and perceived priority for
environmental issues

Class status had no effect on either NEP endorsement or responses to two questions
assessing knowledge of global warming. Knowledge of climate change was comparable to
that shown in samples of the public taken by other researchers.

Keywords: new ecological paradigm (NEP), climate change, college curriculum,

environmental attitudes, environmental knowledge

The Liberal Arts and Environmental Awareness: Exploring Endorsement of an

Environmental Worldview in College Students. While greenhouse gasses continue their
relentless buildup in the atmosphere, policies that might mitigate climate change and all its
risks to planetary ecosystems are, at best, inching forward. The public meanwhile shows
limited support for mitigation, and a similarly limited awareness of the mechanisms and risks
associated with this issue (Weber & Stern, 2011)

Although awareness of environmental issues is only one determinant of this

behavioral change, a better public understanding of climate science should increase support
for those mitigating policies, by at least increasing public acceptance of scientific consensus
and the need for these policies. However, educating the electorate on the topic of climate
change is made difficult in several ways: first, by the questions of what message and what
media are best for informing people; second, by the inherent complexity of the topic,
particularly for those without a scientific orientation; and finally by the presence of
significant political and economic interests that promote doubts in the public about the
present and future effects of climate change (Stern, 2011). In the United States the result has
been a public that is increasingly polarized on energy policies designed to mitigate climate
change (Weber & Stern, 2011). One strategy for reducing these educational difficulties in
part of the public is to incorporate environmental issues into elementary and secondary
education, which can provide a developmentally early, more systematic, and less confusing
presentation of these societal problems.

Summary of Results NEP data showed patterns consistent with prior research and
demonstrated a weakly pro-environmental level of endorsement among the sampled
undergraduates. Women showed higher NEP scores, and the year of sampling had a
significant effect that was restricted to one year and appeared to represent a negative effect of
the recession on environmental concern. This effect was correlated with the belief that during
recessions environmental issues should be placed on a lower priority, and was also parallel to
a decrease in worry about climate change. NEP was not influenced by class status, indicating
no significant impact of the core curriculum. NEP scores varied with academic major, but this
effect appeared to result from self-selection of respondents for particular majors, rather than a
causal influence on NEP endorsement from course experience within a major.Knowledge of
the cause of global warming was at a relatively low level, partly due to confusion over the
role of ozone loss in the atmosphere, and both of these patterns in the data were consistent
with research by others using public opinion polls. This measure of knowledge was correlated
with NEP scores, but a second measure, dealing with the definition of carbon footprint,
showed higher levels of understanding (or was an easier question to guess correctly) and was
not related to NEP endorsement. Despite higher levels of NEP scores, women showed
paradoxically lower levels of performance on these two knowledge questions.

In a previous paper (Rideout, 2005), I reported on the outcomes of a brief

environmental problems module in an undergraduate Psychology course on research design.
In that case, I examined the effects of a 2-3 week exposure to readings, discussion, and a
writing exercise covering various environmental problems (with an emphasis on global
warming/climate change and mitigating technologies). The influence of the module was
assessed by looking at changes in knowledge and also environmental worldview, as measured
by the New Ecological Paradigm scale (NEP; Dunlap, Van Liere, M)

While these effects on NEP endorsement are of interest, and are consistent with
expectation, students naturally select their own courses, usually on the basis of interest, so
concluding a causal influence of the courses on NEP is premature. Repeating the analysis
with performance on the two knowledge variables as dependent measures instead of NEP
showed no effect of coursework (or of either academic year or gender) on the two knowledge
variables in these samples of seniors. Since one would expect relevant coursework to increase
knowledge and therefore performance on these two rather basic questions, these results are
somewhat puzzling

that earlier study, after a three semester delay following the module, only 60% of
students correctly identified the cause of global warming. In the present study, a comparable
54.5% of students reporting previous coursework answered the question correctly.

Another factor that may increase the error rate on the knowledge question in the
present analysis is that in responding to the coursework question, students may have used
varied criteria for what course has a "focus on environmental problems/issues," as mentioned
in the question. For example, a course on environmental literature in the English department
or on environmental ethics in the Philosophy department may carry an Environmental Studies
label and may seem to

Women showed higher NEP scores, and the year of sampling had a significant effect
that was restricted to one year and appeared to represent a negative effect of the recession on
environmental concern. This effect was correlated with the belief that during recessions
environmental issues should be placed on a lower priority, and was also parallel to a decrease
in worry about climate change. NEP was not influenced by class status, indicating no
significant impact of the core curriculum. NEP scores varied with academic major, but this
effect appeared to result from self-selection of respondents for particular majors, rather than a
causal influence on NEP endorsement from course experience within a major.

Knowledge of the cause of global warming was at a relatively low level, partly due to
confusion over the role of ozone loss in the atmosphere, and both of these patterns in the data
were consistent with research by others using public opinion polls

cause of global warming also appeared to decrease over the years of the study, with
no influence of class status on this puzzling decline. Prior coursework dealing with
environmental issues also had no significant impact on the two knowledge variables used
here. Taking an environmental course was, however, statistically related to NEP scores. As
was seen with the effect of academic major, this influence of coursework on NEP may be due
to self-selection of students with high NEP scores for those courses. Comparison of the
present data with data from public opinion polls gave some evidence of higher concern over
climate change among the students in more recent samples, but otherwise yielded apparently
comparable patterns on knowledge and climate change denial. In the absence of influence
from the curriculum, changes in attitudes of students are likely reflective of the same forces
affecting the public at large. Two other items considered here assessed student attitudes on
the lack of an environmental component in the [required] core curriculum. Students in
general felt that the lack of an environmental component did not indicate that the college
thought these issues were unimportant, but more than half felt that if there were such a
component, it would increase their belief in the importance of these issues. Both these
measures showed reliable correlations with NEP endorsement.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi dukungan siswa dari pandangan lingk
ungan selama kuliah tahun melalui contoh dari mahasiswa dan senior. Contoh independen se
mbilan mahasiswa tahun pertama kelas sarjana (N779) yang disurvei selama lima tahun
di sebuah perguruan tinggi seni liberal, kecil independen. Alat survey termasuk skala
ekologi paradigma baru (NEP), item demografis, dan langkah langkah lain, seperti
pengetahuan, dan khawatir atas, perubahan iklim,dan dianggap prioritas terhadap masalah lin

Status kelas tidak berpengaruh pada NEP pengesahan atau tanggapan dua pertanyaan
menilai pengetahuan tentang pemanasan global. Pengetahuan tentang perubahan iklim adalah
sebanding dengan yang ditampilkan dalam contoh umum yangdiambil oleh peneliti lain.
Seni Liberal dan kesadaran lingkungan: menjelajahi dukungan dari pandangan lingku
ngan di mahasiswa. Sementara gas rumah kaca terus penumpukan mereka tanpa
henti di atmosfer, kebijakan yang mungkin mengurangi perubahan iklim dan semua risiko unt
uk ekosistem planet adalah, di terbaik, Dekati. Sementara
itu Umum menunjukkan dukungan terbatas untuk mitigasi, dan kesadaran yang sama terbatas
mekanisme dan risiko yang terkait dengan masalah ini (Weber & Stern, 2011).
Meskipun kepedulian terhadap lingkungan penentu hanya satu perubahan perilakuini,
pemahaman umum terhadap ilmu iklim harus meningkatkan dukungan bagi mereka mengura
ngi kebijakan, dengan setidaknya meningkatkan penerimaan umum konsensus ilmiah dan keb
utuhan untuk kebijakan tersebut. Namun, mendidik para pemilih mengenai perubahan iklim
dibuat sulit dalam beberapa cara: pertama-tama, dengan pertanyaan apa pesan dan media apa
terbaik untuk memberitahukan kepada
masyarakat; kedua, oleh kompleksitas melekat topik, terutama bagi mereka tanpa orientasi
yang ilmiah; dan akhirnya dengan adanya kepentingan politik dan ekonomi yang signifikan y
ang mempromosikan keraguan di masyarakat tentang sekarang dan masa depan dampak
perubahan iklim (Stern, 2011). Di Amerika Serikathasilnya telah publik yang semakin
terpolarisasi pada kebijakan energi yang dirancang untuk mengurangi perubahan iklim (Webe
r & Stern, 2011). Salah satu strategiuntuk mengurangi kesulitan-
kesulitan ini pendidikan dalam bentuk umum adalah untuk memasukkan lingkungan masalah
kedalam pendidikan dasar dan menengah,yang dapat memberikan awal perkembangannya, pr
esentasi yang lebih sistematis,dan kurang membingungkan masalah sosial ini.
Ringkasan data hasil NEP menunjukkan pola-
pola yang konsisten dengan penelitian sebelumnya dan menunjukkan tingkat pro-
lingkungan yang lemah pengesahan antara sarjana sampel. Wanita menunjukkan nilai NEP ya
ng lebih
tinggi, dan tahun sampling memiliki efek signifikan yang terbatas satu tahun dan muncul
untuk mewakili efek negatif dari resesi pada kepedulian lingkungan. Efek ini berkorelasi
dengan keyakinan bahwa selama resesi isuisu lingkungan harus ditempatkan pada prioritas
yang lebih rendah, dan juga paralel penurunan khawatir tentang perubahan iklim. NEP
tidak dipengaruhi oleh status kelas, menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh yangsignifikan dari
kurikulum inti. NEP nilai bervariasi dengan Mayor akademik, tetapi efek ini muncul
untuk hasil dari pemilihan diri sendiri responden untuk jurusan tertentu,dari pada pengaruh
kausal NEP pengesahan dari pengalaman lapangan besar.Pengetahuan tentang penyebab pem
anasan global adalah pada tingkat yang relatif rendah, sebagian disebabkan kebingungan atas
peran hilangnya ozon di atmosfer, dan kedua pola ini dalam data yang konsisten dengan pene
litian oleh orang lain menggunakan jajak pendapat umum. Ukuran ini pengetahuan
berkorelasi dengan nilai NEP, tapi ukuran kedua, berurusan dengan definisi dari karbon, men
unjukkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi pemahaman (atau pertanyaan lebih
mudah untuk menebak dengan benar) dan tidak berhubungan dengan dukungan NEP.
Meskipun tingkat yang lebih tinggi Skor NEP, wanita menunjukkan paradoks lebih
rendah tingkatkinerja pada dua pertanyaan pengetahuan ini.
Dalam tulisan sebelumnya (Rideout, 2005), saya melaporkan pada hasil dari masalah l
ingkungan singkat modul dalam program studi tingkat sarjana psikologi di desain riset.
Dalam hal itu, aku meneliti efek dari paparan 23 minggu bacaan, diskusi,dan latihan menulis
yang meliputi berbagai masalah lingkungan (dengan penekanan pada teknologi global peman
asan/iklim perubahan dan mitigasi). Pengaruh modul dinilai dengan melihat perubahan dalam
pengetahuan dan juga lingkungan worldview, diukur dengan paradigma baru ekologi skala (
NEP; Dunlap, Van Liere, M)
Sementara efek pada dukungan NEP menarik, dan sesuai dengan harapan, siswa secar
alami memilih program mereka sendiri, biasanya berdasarkan minat, jadi menyimpulkan pen
garuh kausal kursus NEP prematur. Mengulangi analisis dengan kinerja pada dua variabel

pengetahuan sebagai langkah langkah yang tergantung daripada NEP menunjukkan tidak
ada efek dari kursus (atau tahun akademik atau jenis kelamin) pada dua variabel

pengetahuan dalam contohcontoh ini senior. Karena orang akan berharapa relevan kursus
untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan karena itu kinerja pada dua pertanyaan agak dasar ini,
hasil ini agak membingungkan penelitian sebelumnya yaitu kinerja pada dua pertanyaan agak

membingungkan penelitian sebelumnya, setelah penundaan tiga semester mengikuti modul,

hanya60% dari siswa denganbenar mengidentifikasi penyebab dari pemanasan global.

Dalam studi, sebanding 54,5% siswa melaporkan sebelumnya coursework menjawab pertany
aan dengan benar.

Faktor lain yang dapat meningkatkan tingkat kesalahan pada pertanyaan pengetahuan
dalam analisis sekarang adalah bahwa dalam menanggapi pertanyaan kursus,siswa mungkin d
igunakan bervariasi kriteria untuk apa saja telah "fokus pada masalah/isu lingkungan," sebaga
imana dimaksud dalam pertanyaan. Sebagai contoh, sebuah lapangan di lingkungan sastra di
Departemen bahasa Inggris atau etika lingkungan di Departemen filsafat mungkin membawa
label studi lingkungan dan mungkin tampak Wanita menunjukkan nilai NEP yang lebih
tinggi, dan tahun sampling memiliki efeksignifikan yang terbatas satu tahun dan muncul untu
k mewakili efek negatif dari resesi pada kepedulian lingkungan. Efek ini berkorelasi dengan k
eyakinan bahwa selama resesi isu-isu lingkungan harus ditempatkan pada prioritas yang lebih
rendah,dan juga paralel penurunan khawatir tentang perubahan iklim. NEP tidak dipengaruhi
oleh status kelas, menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari kurikulum inti.
NEP nilai bervariasi dengan Mayor akademik, tetapi efek ini muncul untuk hasil dari pemilih
an dirisendiri responden untuk jurusan tertentu, daripada pengaruh kausal NEP pengesahan
dari pengalaman lapangan besar.
Pengetahuan tentang penyebab pemanasan global adalah pada tingkat yang relatif ren
dah, sebagian disebabkan kebingungan atas peran hilangnya ozon di atmosfer, dan kedua pola
ini dalam data yang konsisten dengan penelitian oleh orang
lain menggunakan jajak pendapat umum penyebab dari pemanasan global juga muncul
untuk mengurangi selama bertahun tahun penelitian, dengan tidak mempengaruhi status
kelas penurunan ini membingungkan. Sebelumnya coursework berurusan dengan isuisu
lingkungan juga mempunyai dampak signifikan tidak ada dua variabel pengetahuan yang
digunakan disini. Mengambil kursus lingkungan, namun, statistik berkaitan NEP Partitur. Sep
erti yang terlihat dengan efek utama akademik, ini pengaruh kursus NEP mungkin karena pili
han diri siswa dengan Skor NEP tinggi untuk program tersebut. Perbandingandata hadir
dengan data dari jajak pendapat publik memberikan beberapa bukti dari perhatian yang lebih
tinggi atas perubahan iklim kalangan mahasiswa dalam sampel yang lebih baru, tapi jika
tidak menghasilkan pola rupanya sebanding padapengetahuan dan iklim perubahan penyangk
Tanpa adanya pengaruh dari kurikulum, perubahan dalam sikap siswa mungkin
mencerminkan kekuatan yang samayang mempengaruhi masyarakat luas. Dua item lainnya
dipertimbangkan disini dinilai sikap siswa pada kurangnya komponen lingkungan dalam kuri
kulum inti [diperlukan]. Siswa pada umumnya merasa bahwa kurangnya komponen lingkung
an tidak menunjukkan bahwa perguruan tinggi berpikir masalah ini adalah penting,tetapi
lebih dari setengah merasa bahwa jika adasebuah komponen, itu akan meningkatkan
kepercayaan mereka dalam pentingnya isu-isu ini. Kedua langkah langkah ini
menunjukkan korelasi yang handal dengan dukungan NEP.

1. Ecology is the study of the interaction of organisms with their environment and
more. Greece comes from the word oikos ("habitat") and logos
("Science"). Ecology is defined as the study of good interactions between living
beings as well as the interactions between living things and their environment.
2. Climate change is literally changing climate due to global
temperature average increases. The increase in the greenhouse gas emissions in
the atmosphere, especially CO2, has been trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere.
3. The environment is a combination of physical conditions that include the State
of natural resources such as land, water, solar energy, minerals, as well as the flora
and fauna that grow above ground or in the oceans,
with institutional covering human creation as decisions on how to use the physical
4. The ecosystem is an ecological system formed by the indissoluble relationship of
reciprocity between the living beings with their environment.


1. What’s the complete name of the journal?

 The liberal arts and environmental awareness: Exploring endorsement of an
environmental worldview in college students.
2. What’s the purpose of the research?
 The purpose of this research was to explore student endorsement of an
environmental worldview during the college years through a sampling of
freshmen and seniors.
3. What’s the special structure of the journal article?
 Result
4. What’s the research instrument used in these researches?
 This researches used instrument :
1. The NEP scale : was consistently the first page of the instrument, thereby
limiting any contextual influence on NEP responses from the other survey
2. Ancillary questions : a variety of other questions were used across the
different samples.
5. What’s the result of the researches?
 Summary of Results NEP data showed patterns consistent with prior research and
demonstrated a weakly pro-environmental level of endorsement among the
sampled undergraduates. Women showed higher NEP scores, and the year of
sampling had a significant effect that was restricted to one year and appeared to
represent a negative effect of the recession on environmental concern. This effect
was correlated with the belief that during recessions environmental issues should
be placed on a lower priority, and was also parallel to a decrease in worry about
climate change. NEP was not influenced by class status, indicating no significant
impact of the core curriculum. NEP scores varied with academic major, but this
effect appeared to result from self-selection of respondents for particular majors,
rather than a causal influence on NEP endorsement from course experience within
a major.Knowledge of the cause of global warming was at a relatively low level,
partly due to confusion over the role of ozone loss in the atmosphere, and both of
these patterns in the data were consistent with research by others using public
opinion polls. This measure of knowledge was correlated with NEP scores, but a
second measure, dealing with the definition of carbon footprint, showed higher
levels of understanding (or was an easier question to guess correctly) and was not
related to NEP endorsement. Despite higher levels of NEP scores, women showed
paradoxically lower levels of performance on these two knowledge questions.
6. What’s the answer of the problems of the researches?
 In summary, if the NEP scale is taken as a valid measure of endorsement of a
perspective that is correct and, indeed, needed in the education of an informed
public (as assumed in the present study), the data reported here suggest that a
typical college curriculum may have little impact on the development of that
perspective. More research is needed to clarify the best educational methods for
enhancing the readiness of college students for future ecological challenges.

7. What’s the sugestion of the author of the researches?

 Within the context of societal sustainability challenges, academic institutions
should perhaps reassess their responsibilities in the preparation of students to be
enlightened consumers and voters in a democratic society.
8. Why must we read and study journal articles?
 Because to increase the knowledge and insight we can inspire us and make the
correct article

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