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Area of Scaled Circles Shapes

A circular pie has a radius of 5 inches. What is
the area of the pie, to the nearest tenth of a
square inch?

A = πr2
= π(5)2
= π(25)
= 78.539816339744831...
= 78.5 in2
The pie has an area of 78.5 in2
Solving Circle Real-World Scenarios
Given a real-world scenario:
1.  Determine what measurement(s) you are given
2.  Determine what you are being asked to find
3.  Determine which formula to use
Area = πr2
Circumference = πd
Circumference = 2πr
4. Substitute your values and solve
5. Answer with units

A clock has a diameter of 16 centimeters.
What is the area of the clock, to the nearest
square centimeter?
Radius: d/2 = 8 cm

A = πr2
= π(8)2
= π(64)
= 201.06…
= 201 cm2

The clock has an area of 201 cm2

Finding the Area and Circumference of Scaled Circles:
1.  Find the dimensions of the object
2.  Adjust the dimensions, based on the scale
3.  Plug your values into the necessary formula
(C = πd, C = 2πr, A = πr2)
3. Solve
4. Add in units
A circular building has a distance of 32 meters from one
side to the other. If a drawing of the building was created
using a scale of 1 cm : 2 meters, what is the area of the
building on the drawing? Round to the nearest tenth.
A circular garden with a fence has a blueprint
drawing with a scale of 1 inch : 3 feet. If the distance
from the center of the garden to the fence is 3 inches
on the drawing, what is the area of the actual
garden? Round to the nearest tenth.

Radius: 3 inches (model)

Radius (real-life): 9 feet
Area = πr2
Area = π(9)2
Area = 81 π
Area = 254.46900…
The actual area of the garden is 254.5 square feet
A circular building has a distance of 32 meters from one
side to the other. If a drawing of the building was created
using a scale of 1 cm : 2 meters, what is the area of the
building on the drawing? Round to the nearest tenth.

1 cm = x Diameter (real-life): 32 m
2 m. 32 m.f Diameter (model): 16 cm
Radius (model): 8 cm
A = πr2
A = π(8)2
A = π(64)
A = 201.0619…
The area of the building in the drawing is 201.1 cm2

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