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Prepositional Phrase
Suatu susunan kata yang di awali oleh preposition dan diikuti oleh objeck of preposition.
1) this song is dedicate for budi
2) tina is sitting beside ani
3) all of the students is wearing and uniform except budi
4) the meeting was presented by manager via videocam
5) budi goes to bali with andre
6) dina is waiting in the carpot
7) the cat is below the chair
8) the book is inside of the bag
9) the bromo mountain is about 3000 mdpl
10) the library is between the supermarket and the school
11) the supermarket is next to library
12) andini is the manager in quality control department
13) sepuy got her new car with a boombastic audio
14) finka got her new dress from her bestfriend
15) i got new car from my father

2. Present progressive with always

always biasanya digunakan untuk menggambarkan kebiasaan atau aktivitas sehari-hari.
dalam situasi khusus seorang pembaca dapat menggunakan present progressive with always
untuk mengeluh
1) he losing my pen
2) i’m not losing my bag
3) he iscomplaining about something
4) it is raining
5) i don’t like them because they are complaining
6) you are coming late
7) Jhon is smoking
8) you leave for school at 06.15 Am
9) her husband is complaining about is health
10) that company is selling some cheap gadget
11) The phone is not singing when there is a call
12) i’m constantlypicking up brittany’s dirty shocks
13) sam and patty are arguing about their roomates
14) my father is cooking water
15) he is eating bananas
3. To infinitive
infinitive adala suatu verbal yang terdiri dari particle to dan bentuk simple dari verb (hare infinitive)
dimana dapat berfungsi sebagai noun, adjective atau adverb singkatnya infinitive adalah kata dasar
sebuah verb R: To + Verb
Example :
1) To play outside in the season is a bad idea
2) She wants to watch a movie tomorrow
3) The students love to study in a fun way
4) her dream is to be an ambassador
5) his aim is to run his father’s company
6) he told me the rigthg wayto ask a question politely
7) To visit turkey in this season is a bad idea
8) To travel in This season is a bad idea
9) To suvive in the big ath is my hope
10) he wants to come tomorrow
11) the children learned to write letters
12) his dream is to win the tender
13) he asked me to call you
14) you need IDR so to buy it
15) The best time to talk with him is at right

4.Adjective clause
suatu klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri (dependent clause) yang berfunsi untuk
memodifikasi noun atau pronoun pada kalimat kompleks
1) the book i has is on the table is mine
2) i don’t like soft drink i hat countains soda
3) do you know who he bought i hat neclase for
4) i want meet the kid who wins the speec compelition
5) the contact that was signed last year is no longer
6) i lost the book whom / borrowed from her
7) eco friendly cars that run on electricity save gas
8) i will donate my money to whom ask for it first
9) fruit that is grown organically is expensive
10) the man whose hat is white is my uncle
11) students who are intelligent get good grades
12) tom which is very fauth full is my cat
13) the man whose car is antique works as a rectures
14) the woman whom you saw last night is my sister
15) he is the man who works hard to support their daily need
5.Simple present tense
suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.
1) i will go swimming if i have free time
2) he arrives from osaka at 1 pm
3) god is always be with us
4) i always pray five times a day
5) julio and romeo love each other
6) )ou got straight a head then turn left
7) the ceremony starts at nine
8) my brother owns a new house
9) we agree wit^ the speaker’s opinion
10) i see tears in your eyes
11) she lovers swimming
12) er is so handsome
13) i live in jakarta
14) water bolls at 100 degress celcius
15) he always consumes low rice

6.adverb clause
anak kalimat yang memiliki fungsi sebagai kata keterangan (adverb) dan memberikan informasi
mengenai kata kerja ,kata sifat dan kata keterangan yang berada pada anak kalimat dengan kemampuan
menjawab pertanyaan dengan kata tanya.
1) she’ll come to my party only if you accompany her
2) the woman cooks by herself in order that her family get
3) because she had free time during last holiday , she rearcanged her house
4) thoug^ i’m annoyed ,i try to drink positively
5) although manyfriends confronted her ambition , yulia went forward
6) where many strawberries grow , you will see hungry birds
7) while i was studying in my room , i didn’t let someone else to disturb
8) he was cleaning the kitchen when he found so much expired food
9) after i change the apn name , i unpluged my modem
10) the carnaval show will start after the sun goes down
11) we can swim in the beach as soon as we put on plenty of sunscreen
12)because she loved his, she didn’t believe he had an affair
13) unless you run slow , you will miss the bus
14) we she cleaned the badroom , she found a lol paper
15) i was sleeping when my sister arrived
jenis auxiliary verb yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kemampuan kemungkinan ,izin,larangan
dan keharusan.
1)I must go buy some greceries
2)I must go home now
3) you must be exhausted after driving for 8 hours straigh
4)may go now?
5) you must try genki sushi in shi buya
6)may i take your chair?
7) you must not take stuft that is not yours
8)i may go to the docter with mom
9) you must not be late
10)she may not come to night
11)I can close the door
12)I can speak English
13)Can I help you ?
14)Can I go out until past midnight ?
15)Can you pass me te salt and pepper ?

Meaning Forms Of Modal Auxilianes

Present Past Future
ABILITY -Can Speak -Could speak -can speak
-Am able To Speak -was able to speak -shall be able to speak
-Are able to speak -were able to speak
-Is able to speak -was able to speak -will be able to speak
PERMISSION -May speak -Might speak -may speak
-Might speak -might speak
-Can speak -Could speak -can speak
-Could speak -could speak
OPLIGATION/ -Should speak -Should have sport -should speak
ADVISIBILITY -Oligh to speak Dought to have -Oligh to speak
NECESITY -must speak -had to speak -must speak
-have / has to speak -had to speak -shall/ will have to
POSIBILITY -may speak -may hole spoken -may speak
-might speak -might hole spoken -might speak
Kemungkinan sesuatu yang akan terjadi
1)Maybe she is still angry with you
2)tuni maylate come to school
3) my teacher might know what i am feeling
4) she maybe at home now
5) the may come too early
6)possibly be he will not come
7)may be he was tired
8)Perhaps ,you will not let to go
9) she might know what I am doing
10) he might stay at home
11)possibly she is driving clone
12) The may got to your home
13)may be I can fix this problem
14)may be you need to talk to manager to solve this
15) it’s possible for you to meet you girlfriend before she goes

Sebuah kata benda yang terbentuk dari kata kerja yang diberi akhiran “ing” sedangkan
infinitive adalah “to” yang ditambahkan kata kerja (verb).
1) the most important thing in our lives is learning
2) the most important thing in our lives is to learn
3) The Learn is so important for everyone
4) Learning is so important for everyone
5)He enjoys reading
6) They decided not to go last ninght
7)The most important thing in life is not to give up
8)Reading makes me happs
9) Hera’s hobby is singing
10) My father really likes reading
11) Henry enjoys not working
12) The best thing for our hearts is not smoking
13) henry always wants to learn
14) The most important thing in the world is to learn
15) To learn is so important for everyone
10.Future Tense
Suatu bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/peristiwa
di masa mendatang.
1)I believe this is not her fault
2)Joni will buy a new house next week
3)I will finish my homework after i take a bath
4)I will go to medan next month
5) they will contact you soon
6) we shall visit my parent after we visit your parent
7)I shall not come to hear house tomorrow
8) wil be earn enough money to pay his bills ?
9) will e explode the whole building ?
10) They will not clean the room because they are busy
11)I will go to market
12)I will follow him go to thourgh the forest to find our lovely dog
13)They will contact you friend
14)She will buy some clothes and skiet tomorrow with me
15)he willnot watch his favorite movie

kata atau kelompok kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan frasa (prhase),klause(clause) dan
1)i have started gaining weight because i haven’t exercised lately
2) i will pick you up at 9 o’clock after i finish mu job
3) risma was shocked after seeing her exams result
4) ardi id being punished because he didn’t do his homework
5) i love you because you are kind
6) we are healthy because we always do the exercise
7) we can do this because of you
8) since it is ran , we are at home
9) i have lived in this town since lat month
10) we have studied this leasson since lest meeting
11) risma was shocked after seeing her exams result
12) you have to take your breakfast before going to school
13) persib bandung was founded since 1993
14) my baby is sick at home so i have to come homefast
15) i went to supermarket then the salon
12.Using so that
digunakan untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari sesuatu,juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan hasil
dari sesuatu
1) i planned to trip early so that i can see sunerse
2) i learn english so that ifi go to england, i can speak english well
3) i buy you a phone so that you can communicate with me
4) i turned of the tv so that my roomate could study in peace and quiet
5) he studied hard so that he could pass text
6) please turn down the volume so that you can hear me
7) i will tell you the best route so that you will arive on time
8) she didn’t repliced my text so that i tried to call her
9) i’m going to cash a check so that i can buy my textbooks
10) i will take my umbrella so that i won’t get wet
11) we left a message with his neighbor so that he would know we’d called
12) i’ll go by car so that i can take more luggage
13) i’ve made some sandwiches so that we can have a snack otw
14) i put the milk in the refrigerator so that it won;t spoil
15) i’am going to leave the party early so that i get agood nigh’s sleep tonight

kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan orang pertama menyebab kan orang kedua melakukan
sesuatu untuk orang pertama ,causative juga berarti pernyatan bahwa kita menyuruh orang
1) my mom got her bicycle prepared
2) mira lets me come to her house on Monday with salsa
3) my dad lets me join you on that vacation but only one day
4) sinta made henry do her homework
5) andry makes yogar join him on the football team
6) i let you drive my car but you have to be carefull
7) i make my little sister eat her lunch
8) i have rani do her duty carefully on this event
9) my mom gets me to sweep the floor
10) salma got me to bring her a cup of tea
11) i get herman to teach his friend about mathematic
12) i get the yable cleaned
13) you had your phone fixed
14) i have this noodle cooked
15) my sister has the flower
14.Comporison degree
kata sifat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tingkat perbandingan menggunakan 3 bentuk
perbandingan , yaitu:positive,comporative,supercative
1) mgazine is were interesting than newspaper
2) pan eazier to forget a problem than she is
3) the warker seemed moretired than the other
4) this parks looks more beatiful than the otherpark
5) my brother is more patient than i’am
6) he is as brilliant as his sister
7) her money is not as much as your money
8) he is more interested in gardening than i’am
9) this dress is prettier than the one
10) today is clondier than yesterday
11) he is as tall as his uncle
12) mr.white is richer than
13) my house is large than doni’s house
14) rina is bigger than widia
15) najwa is a smart as rani

15.Eliptical sentences
penggabungan 2 buah kalimat yang memiliki unsur sama dengan tujuan untuk membuat kalimat
majemuk dan menghilangkan pengulangan kata yang tidak diperlukan

1) amel is clever but her sister isn’t
2) linda can swimming but rina cannot
3) he does not have a bag but i do
4) they never comes here and neither does he
5) she is not a doctor and i am not either
6) he like playing football and so do i
7) she is a student and her siste is too
8) they can play guitar and the girl can too
9) a bird can fly and so can a butterfly
10) they will watch the movie and i will to
11) i go to school this morning and so does he
12) i like my coffe sweet and black and so is rio
13) he don’t go to school and neither does he
14) natalie read a novel and risma did too
15) i like coffe but rio don’t
16.Conditional sentences
kalimat yang berisi situasi yang kemungkinan akan terjadi ,tidak mungkin terjadi , atau tidak akan
pernah terjadi

type 1A >if (present),future
future if (present)
1) if i have money ,i will buy house for mu parents
2) if raina study hard,she will get a for the tests
3) if i pass the exam , my fathe will by me a car
4) if the driver arrive at time,she will not be late
5) if the weather is nice , she will go to the beach
type 2B >if (past),past future
past future ,if (past)
6) if jane did not come you would go find her
7) if the admission fee were cheap ,we could get inside
8) if i won the competition ,lily would be envious of me
9) if i were you ,i would slap john
10) if i were a plant ,i would love the sun
type 3C >if (past future),past future perfect
past future perfect ,if (past perfect)
11) if i had eaten your dinner ,you would not have felt hungry
12) if i had arrived earlier , i would not have gotten scolded by teacher
13) i would have visited you if i had finished my worl earlier
14) i would not buy a new one if my old gadget had not been broken
15) if i hade your phone number ,i would have invited you

17.Verb sensation
*smell *sound
*taste *look
*look *feel

1) can you taste that ?
2) irma looks like her sister ana
3) that ice cream taste like the one we bought in italy
4) oh no! It feels like i’m getting a cold
5) those clouds look like this going to rain
6) mm ,it smells like summer
7) please ,don’t touch my phone
8) i feel happy when my parents apperciate me
9) the cake smeel nice
10) those earrings looks expensive are the real platinum ?
11) that drawing looks great

12) i think the milk is of it tastes horrible

13) rina feel lonely ,because she don’t know anyone
14) it smeel of flowers in here
15) can you smeel that ?
18.Past continious tense
suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi
pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.aksi tersebut telah dimulai tapi belum selesai pada saat itu
R: S + was / were + V. Ing
1) you were so cutewhen you were a baby
2) the color of this hotel was dork
3) this car was very fast when i was a child
4) john was a very nice person ,but he allready changed
5) this house were mine ,but i sold it last year
6) i was sleeping when the car crashed my home last night
7) judika and aliya were singing together in a tv show at 9 o’clock
8) the rain was puring heavy when i arrived at hom this morning
9) she was reading a book while the library was closed
10) the building was being built last year when i passed last year
11) the music stopped when the dancers were dancing on the stage
12) i was here waiting for you all day yesterday
13) she was the girl i ever talked about
14) the passenggers were screaming when the pilot reported that the plane
15) while i was writng the email ,the computer suddenly went off

19.Question word Question

kumpulan kata tanya yang digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu hal tertentu untuk mendapatkan
sebuah informasi
1)who is writng the letter ?
2)whom is the woman cau ?
3) whom did you see ?
4) why do you love me ?
5)why are you leaving me ?
6)how does she go to school ?
7)how was your healthy ?
8)what is your name ?
9)what is main idea paragraph one of the text ?
10) when will the oarty held ?
11) when did she came ?
12) where do you go ?
13) where is she play football ?
14) which one orange juice or avocado juice ?
15) which size do you buy ?
16) who borrowed my ruler ?
20.Noun clause
dependen clause yang berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda) karena berfungsi sebagai noun ,noun
clause diganti dengan pronoun “it”
1) what the cooked was delicious
2) that today is his birthday is not right
3) the fact is that she is smart and diligent
4) a teacher mus he who ever allows students to ask
5) diana believes that her life will be happier
6) i want to know how einstein throught
7) the girls comes from where many peaple there live in poverly
8) the class listened to what the teacher said
9) the kitten followed where ever the woman went
10) many peaple imagine how many times the man was failed before success
11) i wonder if the lives in west jakarta
12) many people proved that the man was a big liar
13) i think that the group will arrive in an hour
14) she wanted to know if i lived on dewi sartika street
15) i don’t know whether or not he lives on dewi sartika street

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