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Geological Mapping Introduction was held to apply the knowledge gained during the
lecture. Preliminary Geological Mapping was held in Sawahlunto Town of Sumaterabarat
Province. Administratively the research area is located at Talago Gunung Village Barangin
Subdistrict, Sawahlunto Town and West Sumatera Province.
From the geophysical aspect the research area has a parallel river drainage pattern (Van
zuidam 1985) controlled by the folding structure with the northwest-south-eastward
direction. Geomorphological units are Geomorphological Units of Landy Hills,
Geomorphological Units of Roughly Steep and Geomorphological Units of Severity. The
alignment of the Research area is controlled by a solid geological structure, normal faults
and northwest-northwest and northeast-south-trending folds.
Research Area consists of four rock units from old to young; Andesite Frozen Rock Unit,
Limestone Unit, Conglomerate Unit and Shale Clay Unit. Andesite Frozen Rock Unit
scattered in the north-west to the research area with andesit lava lithology, sandstones have
an unconformity relationship with Conglomerate Units. Andesite Frozen Rock Unit is
deposited on the volcanic environment - marine Permo - Carbon aged. Regional
Comparison with Silungkang Formation (PH Silitonga and Kastowo 1995). Limestone
units scattered in the south and deposited not in tune with Andesite Frozen Units with the
direction of West-East spread of research areas with limestone lithology and deposited on
Permo-Carbon aged Sea environment. Regional Comparison with Silungkang Formation
(PH Silitonga and Kastowo 1995). The conglomerate unit scattered in the west of the study
area is deposited uncrossed over the Limestone Unit with the lithology of Polymic
Conglomerate of sandstone fragments, andesite, and limestone with the deposition
environment of the Alluvial Fan aged Eocene - Middle Oligocene. Regional compatibility
with Brani Formation (PH Silitongan and Kastowo 1995). Scattered Shale Units that are
scattered east of the research area with northeast-southwest deployment are deposited in
tune with Conglomerate Unit Units with sandstone lithology, claystone, clay flakes and
conglomerates deposited in the late-Oligocene Delta-early marine Delta environment.
Regional Comparison with Lower Members of Ombilin Formation (1995).
The research area has potential as a geo-tourism area with many caves formed from
limestone that memiuliki features such as stalactite and stalakmit. The research area also
has the potential of coal mining materials and oilseeds

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