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Globis VSF Business Pan Discussion Place: Globis

Participants+ Raj, Makiko, Steven and TAD

Agenda: Business plan growth and strategy

What strategies can be used to grow and not Move fast, So fast
get copied? Dop too much promotions to accumulate user base. ($24 billion
Invest heavily

Is market attractive? Tad: Yes. your team’s is really good snd you my get copied.

Cam we win? Yes, but we need to invest heavily.

What is appropriate #number of users around 1~2 million but if you:ve paid users then we can small than that.

Can we patent our software and business Yes, but don:t rely on patent. And Patents can be easily broken.

Investment stages? We can have three stages.

Angel around 1-5 minion with 500% IRR
2nd VC with 100% IRR
3rd: Other VC with 50% IRR

- Because there is Business risk and uncertainty

- We'd be the first unicorn from Globis.
- First unicorn from Globis.

We also need to think why competitors not Videos might not be feasible for Q&A’s.
doing videos? We need to answer this question to defend ourselves

VC’s? We can have to VC's

- 1 angel
- 2 VC's
- We can set any share price.
- Set as small as possible.
- From angel- 2-3 yen
- 2nd stage might be 100 yen

Talent and how to attract best talent? Don’t focus on # of engineers.

Quality of engineer matters.
We may need to give stock options.

Term Sheet - Only create terms sheet fro round A (Series A)

- Put rounding term sheet.

Slides - Add sumpliments

- Sensei need actual excel sheet.
- P/L, B/S, Accumulated Net negative cash flow.
- Keep it simple.
- 20 mins.
- If we can't persuda within 20 mins, it is difficultt to

Keu questions? Is market attrative

Can we win?
Frist mover
Can we continue?

Net Income In order to have NI of 200 million

- We need to have huge users base.

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