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Steve Neale, Genre theory: I have applied this theory to my trailer as I have
used conventions of horror to make the genre instantly recognisable and fulfil the
correct emotions and felling the audience will look for when going to see the film.
One of the features in which have stuck to the genre conventions is the location in
which I will be filming my trailer as the woodland area is suitable for this type of film
and has become widely recognisable within the genre itself allowing for the audience
to realise the structure and events that might take place in the trailer and film.
However contesting to this the unique aspect of my film is the style in which the film
is filmed and portrayed as I have modernised the idea of a horror in a woodland as
my film will be from a YouTube/first person perspective. This changes the feeling
and interaction with the audience through most parts of the film as when dialogue is
used the camera will be used in a POV style making the film most intriguing and
immersive to the audience.

Roland Barthes: Five codes:

The hermeneutic code: is a way a story avoids revealing its ending to keep the
reader intrigued. My trailer will do this by only revealing certain aspects of the film
keeping the attention of the audience thought. Building up their knowledge to a
tipping point of that they have to go and what the film to find out the resolution.
The enigma/proairetic code: tension and suspense is built up leaving the audience
thinking there is more to come. I will do this in my trailer by given the audience
pieces of the narrative such as background information, exposure to characters but I
won’t reveal the antagonists motivation or reasons as well as the ending/ result of
the film to enable this intrigue to continue with my film.
The semantic code: an element of a narrative that indicates a certain meaning
through connotations. I will do this through the setting of my trailer as it is situated n
a woods meaning the audience instantly know the background and problems the
characters may face.
The cultural code: focus on the audience’s wider cultural knowledge, morality and
ideology. There will be a focus on the way in which parts of the trailer will be filmed
and presented meaning the social media side which is so prevalent in today’s society
amongst young people will be instantly relatable.
The symbolic code: this is about symbolism within the narrative creating new
meaning through opposing and conflicting ideas.

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