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Review about the peasant in the violent conflict of Colombia of Jorge Bustamante R.

Given the rural nature of Colombia the degree of concentration on the rural property played an
important role as one of the causes that explained the political violence in the country.
Unfortunately, agrarian reforms have had a very poor effect on the evolution of political violence
and little attention has been given to the impact evaluation of this type of policies

But in reality the investigator junior don’t work about that’s is the relation about the land
concentrated and the violent politic and the diverseness form that each one.

The text want goes augmented that the conflict in Colombia, is because the peasant doesn’t have
been political participation mechanisms, produced that the extreme poverty and the land
concentration, has reflated the politic violent as a mean type of answer.

concentration of power ( than Politic

Land Proverty
the concentration of the land) Violence

indication, show that the politic violence is consequentially of the land concentration, and the text,
analyzing all types of appropriation and all types of answer think that that doesn’t it.

In the Analysis, Bustamante find that the problem that the agrarian reforms is because the state,
never ensure the security opposite the insurgent forces. For (Becerra 1998) the reform doesn’t can
help the poverty “if the state doesn’t ensure other necessities. And the state across only helps to
the armed conflicted and extractive dynamic. This analysis make that reform one topic about the
conflicted been a necessary, because now how never, the narcotrafic and the forced displacement
as very involucrate. This thesis had four arguments. In this order:

For that any agrarian reform don’t have sense if the state doesn’t think in the land market; In
Colombia the principal problem of the land across the IGAC is the inadequate and insufficient
useful help it the upon and non-Utilization of the land. 12) this inconvenietics structure are
consolided thanks to land concentration. 3) the imposition for value are disactualizated and this
building that the acomulated and improductive land concentration.

This cite show how the land is part that the power because [en cuanto] the constitutional and
layer marc permit that the land made concentrated in law hands;

“La concentración de la tierra se relaciona también con el marco político-

institucional, pues el alcance de las regulaciones que se imponen sobre el
mercado pasa por los incentivos políticos y la propensión -cultural y por
búsqueda de poder de acumular tierras”2

In this order of ideas, the concentration of land is very important for understand how the poverty
is distributive. And is because

“La estructura del mercado es persistentemente ineficiente a causa de las

circunstancias en que se desenvuelve.”

For understand because the land market is so bad in the country you can see the uses and
vocations of land. According to the map of IGAC in the 2002, only the 29,3 % of the land is
potentially useful for the land market of primary sector; that’s (333,434 H) 8,4; for cultivated. 8,1
for animal husbandry; 12,8 tree agroindustry. 3

The Use; make references to the order spaces of the patrons of vegetation in a delimitate zone.

 The upon production; it went in a delimitate zone, people use the natural resources more
that the natural capacities.
 The sub production; it went in a delimitate zone people doesn’t use the land how could
be, and broken the constitution idea, that say: the end of the property is usefully the
necessaires of the nation.

6 or 78
This conflicted of bad useful of land had been coupled the state for his role how moderated of the
social relations, and this according to new problems for the ambient media. For example, in the

“La alta subdivisión de predios propicia el incremento del minifundio y micro

fundió, así como las bajas capacidades de acumulación e implementación de
tecnologías agropecuarias apropiadas que de estos se derivan”4

According to the text, we can understand the problem of the technologic improvement. In
consequence if we want any better land market first need applicated much reforms according to
change the problems in the land use.

Second problem in the land topic ¿are dynamic the land market in Colombia?

How spaces of Capital, the land take any big potential because is a stable active withal the agrarian
politics don’t has been that the market has a normal functionally because is cause of distortion in
the prices of the land. In the land markets also is important tell apart three types of cost of the land.
That has the next relation in the market.

𝑃 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 > 𝑃 𝐶𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑡 > 𝑃 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟

across Bustamante5 Else that these factors are important knowledge that the land market in
Colombia has been answer to three topics;1) valorized 2) localization 3) productive capacity for
generate rents. In search of new rents, new factors inside of the history could and should
influenced to land markets. For example, the security in this context.

According to Bustamante, the violent dynamic of the capitalism how expropriated origination,
don’t is sufficiency for understand the war and the land conflict because the empresarrial sector
take the land with better segurity , better roads and communications, so closed to big and central
cities and don’t like land in war. Every case thinking in generated new rent with a low cost of
transaction. 6

The unique applicant how can approach the violent conflict Is the state and the landers that how
could be the land without production. In this topic the history should study the comportments of
capitals accumulation for find the zone where is very important the state invervention.

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The Cost of transaction is a important topic for the institucionalism economic’s of London school of
Economics, as Norbert Elias
Into the land market dynamics in Colombia we find that, should to the forced displacement, the land
market is speculative.

The study anales 2020 “una nueva estrategia para los retos de Colombia y la región.” Was financed
for the government of USA. In synthesis that document, explain why the region had highest
instability politic, economic stagnation and social inequality. 7 Other study financed for PDUD, say
that the problem in Colombia is the land concentration. Between studies search any out for the
conflict for one hand, USA set any tax reform and for the other hand the PDUD made more emphasis
in the land retribution but so say that the tax takes in account: the land size and inversely
proportional to the productive activity.

Other study made for the Mundial Bank in 2005 prepared for DE Ferrati say that the property
law is much important as how the growing than like the inequality. According to the Mundial bank,
the better property laws let a better developed.

But moreover that this propositions, we had other see point that argument that the conflict of land
don’t have much relation with the armed conflicted. “Castaño 1999 and Offstein 20058

“In general the violent is more common in municipal with any highest
demographic density, more road distances, and little population live outside of
the capital city.”9

Into to the phenomena that the agriculture dynamics, we saw that in this market, in this
productive system, exist one process of des- scale economics, because went the land is more, the
productive is less10

¿What be the productive resources of any country in the time?

¿how acted the Lorenz curve?


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