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Chapter 5


In this chapter, the summary of findings is presented. The conclusion is

also shown which gives answers to the problems of this research.

Recommendations are formulated to assist seasoned librarians in Caraga

Region in their professional journey in terms of Social Styles, Technological

Competencies, and Performance.

Summary of Findings

Most of the respondents were expressive social styles followed by

driving styles and then amiable and analytical social styles respectively. In terms

of Length of Service, majority of the participants had 20 years and above

experience, followed by 15 to 19years, then 10 to 14 years and there were no

participants under 5 to 9 years. Most of the participants had a Bachelor’s degree

with Master‘s units followed by full-fledged Master’s degree holder then Master’s

degree with Doctorate units, and next to it is Bachelor’s degree holder only and

lastly is full-fledged Doctorate degree.

Out of seven technological core competencies, four are qualitatively

described as very competent namely core E-mail, core internet, core operating

system, and Core software application while three of its namely Core hardware,

Core web tools and Core applications of information Tools and Technologies are

Competent. In general, the technological competencies of librarians were

described as Competent.

Sixteen out of seventeen duties and responsibilities were categorized as

very effective namely Selection and acquisition, Collection management,

Preservation, Reader’s advisory, Reference/ information, Patron training,

Information literacy, Technology assistance, Policy formulations/ Strategic

planning, Financial management/ Budgeting and funding, Project management/

Research, Personnel management, Public relations/ Marketing and promotion,

Collaboration/ networking, and Facilities management. On the other hand, only

E-Resources management got a qualitative description of Effective.

Social styles, educational attainment and length of service are not

significantly related to Performance but between performance and technological

competencies this study shows that they are significantly related. Among the

seven (7) technological core competencies, only two (2) are significantly related

to the performance of the seasoned librarians namely Core web tools and Core

applications of Information Tools & Technologies. The competencies on Core

web tools and Core applications of information tools and technologies have

influenced the performance of seasoned librarians because the majority of their

professional duties and responsibilities benefit more on these competencies.

Seven out of seventeen duties and responsibilities of librarians are

considered significantly related to the technological competencies of the

seasoned librarians in Caraga region namely Selection and Acquisition,

Cataloguing, Collection management, Preservation, Technology assistance and

Collaboration/ Networking because these particular duties and responsibilities

greatly need the assistance of technological competencies.


The seasoned librarians in Caraga region are still effective in performing

their duties and responsibilities regardless of their age that is because they have

the edge that other ages did not possess it yet and that is the wisdom of old (the

older, the wiser) that is why it is considered as their strength in the profession

and in their status as “seasoned."


The social styles of seasoned librarians in Caraga regions prevailed that

they are expressive. It means they are friendly and easy-going however, they

tend to be unpredictable in time of conflict and feeling is the basis in their

decision making. They are not also flexible in dealing with others which is the

reason why sometimes they get misinterpreted. Technological competencies

show that they have enough knowledge and skill to handle the basic

technological aspects of the profession. The performance prevailed that even

they are seasoned they are still effective in performing their professional duties

and responsibilities as librarian in Caraga region.


Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations are

hereby given:

1. Since the respondents have been skilled already in technological aspect of

the job, it is recommended that they will still continue in updating these

competencies, regardless of age, knowing that every now and then there is

always new in technological undertakings.

2. It is recommended to let the seasoned librarians attend training on Core

Applications of Information that is to learn more about assessing, selecting

and applying new tools in information retrieval, database management and

even creating access to information.

3. It is recommended to let the seasoned librarians attend training on Web

tools to learn more about RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple

Syndication) and feed readers. This is also to learn and demonstrate instant

messaging tools, photo-sharing, online file-sharing and web conferencing.

4. Another training to enrich the technological aspect of duties and

responsibilities of seasoned librarians in terms of Selection and Acquisition,

Cataloguing, Collection Management, Preservation, Technology Assistance

and Collaboration or Networking.

5. Researches for further studies:

a) A Comparative Study of Librarian’s Social Styles in Caraga Region.

b) The Social Styles of Librarians Who Handle Customer Service Duties

as Behavioral Preferences of Library Users.

c) A Comparative Study of Librarian and Library Staff’s Social Style in

Surigao del Norte Province.

d) Surigaonon Librarians: Competence and Performance.

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