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Table Analyzed Latencia de sedación

Data sets analyzed A : IP B : Sub C : IM D : Oral

ANOVA summary
F 115.2
P value <0.0001
P value summary ****
Significant diff. among means (P < 0.05)? Yes
R square 0.9453

Brown-Forsythe test
F (DFn, DFd) 3.444 (3, 20)
P value 0.0363
P value summary *
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)? Yes

Bartlett's test
Bartlett's statistic (corrected) 7.735
P value 0.0518
P value summary ns
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)? No

ANOVA table SS DF MS F (DFn, DFd) P value

Treatment (between columns) 723.1 3 241 F (3, 20) = 115.2 P<0.0001
Residual (within columns) 41.83 20 2.092
Total 765 23

Data summary
Number of treatments (columns) 4
Number of values (total) 24
Number of families 1
Number of comparisons per family 6
Alpha 0.05

Tukey's multiple comparisons test Mean Diff. 95.00% CI of diff. Significant? Summary

IP vs. Sub -1.5 -3.837 to 0.8371 No ns

IP vs. IM -1.167 -3.504 to 1.17 No ns
IP vs. Oral -13.5 -15.84 to -11.16 Yes ****
Sub vs. IM 0.3333 -2.004 to 2.67 No ns
Sub vs. Oral -12 -14.34 to -9.663 Yes ****
IM vs. Oral -12.33 -14.67 to -9.996 Yes ****

Test details Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean Diff. SE of diff.

IP vs. Sub 1.667 3.167 -1.5 0.835

IP vs. IM 1.667 2.833 -1.167 0.835
IP vs. Oral 1.667 15.17 -13.5 0.835
Sub vs. IM 3.167 2.833 0.3333 0.835
Sub vs. Oral 3.167 15.17 -12 0.835
IM vs. Oral 2.833 15.17 -12.33 0.835
Adjusted P Value

0.3041 A-B
0.5154 A-C
<0.0001 A-D
0.9779 B-C
<0.0001 B-D
<0.0001 C-D

n1 n2 q DF

6 6 2.541 20
6 6 1.976 20
6 6 22.86 20
6 6 0.5646 20
6 6 20.32 20
6 6 20.89 20
Table Analyzed Duración de la sedación
Data sets analyzed A : IP B : Sub C : IM D : Oral

ANOVA summary
F 2.652
P value 0.0865
P value summary ns
Significant diff. among means (P < 0.05)? No
R square 0.3466

Brown-Forsythe test
F (DFn, DFd) 2.533 (3, 15)
P value 0.0962
P value summary ns
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)? No

Bartlett's test
Bartlett's statistic (corrected)
P value
P value summary
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)?

ANOVA table SS DF MS F (DFn, DFd)

Treatment (between columns) 1700 3 566.5 F (3, 15) = 2.652
Residual (within columns) 3205 15 213.6
Total 4904 18

Data summary
Number of treatments (columns) 4
Number of values (total) 19
Number of families 1
Number of comparisons per family 6
Alpha 0.05

Tukey's multiple comparisons test Mean Diff. 95.00% CI of diff. Significant?

IP vs. Sub 11.33 -12.99 to 35.65 No

IP vs. IM 24.6 -0.9087 to 50.11 No
IP vs. Oral 6 -28.4 to 40.4 No
Sub vs. IM 13.27 -12.24 to 38.78 No
Sub vs. Oral -5.333 -39.73 to 29.06 No
IM vs. Oral -18.6 -53.85 to 16.65 No

Test details Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean Diff.

IP vs. Sub 35 23.67 11.33

IP vs. IM 35 10.4 24.6
IP vs. Oral 35 29 6
Sub vs. IM 23.67 10.4 13.27
Sub vs. Oral 23.67 29 -5.333
IM vs. Oral 10.4 29 -18.6
P value
Summary Adjusted P Value

ns 0.5515 A-B
ns 0.0606 A-C
ns 0.9572 A-D
ns 0.4623 B-C
ns 0.9692 B-D
ns 0.4501 C-D

SE of diff. n1 n2 q DF

8.439 6 6 1.899 15
8.851 6 5 3.931 15
11.93 6 2 0.711 15
8.851 6 5 2.12 15
11.93 6 2 0.632 15
12.23 5 2 2.151 15
Table Analyzed Duración de la hip
Data sets analyzed A : IP B : Sub C : IM

ANOVA summary
F 0.5354
P value 0.6076
P value summary ns
Significant diff. among means (P < 0.05)? No
R square 0.1327

Brown-Forsythe test
F (DFn, DFd) 0.6134 (2, 7)
P value 0.5683
P value summary ns
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)? No

Bartlett's test
Bartlett's statistic (corrected)
P value
P value summary
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)?

ANOVA table SS DF MS F (DFn, DFd) P value

Treatment (between columns) 438.2 2 219.1 F (2, 7) = 0.5354 P=0.6076
Residual (within columns) 2865 7 409.2
Total 3303 9

Data summary
Number of treatments (columns) 3
Number of values (total) 10
Number of families 1
Number of comparisons per family 3
Alpha 0.05

Tukey's multiple comparisons test Mean Diff. 95.00% CI of diff. Significant? Summary

IP vs. Sub 17 -32.85 to 66.85 No ns

IP vs. IM 8.333 -35.18 to 51.84 No ns
Sub vs. IM -8.667 -63.05 to 45.72 No ns

Test details Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean Diff. SE of diff.

IP vs. Sub 35 18 17 16.93

IP vs. IM 35 26.67 8.333 14.77
Sub vs. IM 18 26.67 -8.667 18.47
Adjusted P Value

0.5975 A-B
0.8428 A-C
0.8875 B-C

n1 n2 q DF

5 2 1.42 7
5 3 0.7977 7
2 3 0.6637 7
Table Analyzed Latencia de rec
Data sets analyzed A : IP B : Sub C : IM

ANOVA summary
F 8.409
P value 0.0138
P value summary *
Significant diff. among means (P < 0.05)? Yes
R square 0.7061

Brown-Forsythe test
F (DFn, DFd) 1.136 (2, 7)
P value 0.374
P value summary ns
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)? No

Bartlett's test
Bartlett's statistic (corrected)
P value
P value summary
Are SDs significantly different (P < 0.05)?

ANOVA table SS DF MS F (DFn, DFd) P value

Treatment (between columns) 1518 2 759.2 F (2, 7) = 8.409 P=0.0138
Residual (within columns) 632 7 90.29
Total 2150 9

Data summary
Number of treatments (columns) 3
Number of values (total) 10
Number of families 1
Number of comparisons per family 3
Alpha 0.05

Tukey's multiple comparisons test Mean Diff. 95.00% CI of diff. Significant? Summary

IP vs. Sub 16 -7.413 to 39.41 No ns

IP vs. IM 28 7.564 to 48.44 Yes *
Sub vs. IM 12 -13.55 to 37.55 No ns

Test details Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean Diff. SE of diff.

IP vs. Sub 76 60 16 7.95

IP vs. IM 76 48 28 6.939
Sub vs. IM 60 48 12 8.674
Adjusted P Value

0.1793 A-B
0.012 A-C
0.3989 B-C

n1 n2 q DF

5 2 2.846 7
5 3 5.706 7
2 3 1.956 7

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