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Name:Sarah Glover

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title:​ Introduction to History ​Grade:​ 7/8 ​Date:​ November 15, 2017

Subject​: History ​Strand:​ 7: New France and British North America, 1713-1800. 8: Creating Canada, 1850-1890

Location:​ Room 9 ​Time: ​(​length in minutes​):​ ​60 minutes

Lesson Plan Description ​– ​(one/two paragraphs with general details about what you will do and how you will do it)
We will be starting the lesson with a Kahoot on Canadian history, including some current facts. The quiz will include
some of the basic information that students should have an idea about both from personal knowledge as well as
previous classes. Most of the questions will be based on information from the first strands of both the grade 7 and 8
curriculum documents
Secondary, the students will be given an event, person, or its description to match with the student that has the
correction description. Together these students will use the textbook, winbooks, ipads, etc. to research their assigned
topic/person and the information they research will be made into timeline cards in a later class

Ontario Curricular ​Overall Expectations​ that this lesson builds towards​ ​(numbers from documents and details)
Grade 7:
A2. Inquiry: use the historical inquiry process to investigate perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or
issues related to the shift in power in colonial Canada from France to Britain
A3. Understanding Historical Context: describe various significant events, developments, and people in Canada between 1713 and 1800, explain
their impact

Grade 8:
A2. Inquiry: use the historical inquiry process to investigate perspective of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or
issues that affected Canada and/or Canadians between 1850-1890
A3. Understanding Historical Context: describe the various significant events, developments, and people in Canada between 1850-1890, and
explain their impact

Ontario Curricular ​Specific Expectations​ that this lesson addresses​ ​(numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3) have expectations that match
assessment. Should coincide with Overall Expectations.
Grade 7:
A2.4 interpret and analyse information and evidence relevant to their investigations, using a variety of tools
A2.6 communicate the results of their inquiries using appropriate vocabulary and formats appropriate for specific audiences
A3.1 identify factors leading to some key events that occurred in and/or affected Canada between 1713-1800 and describe the historical
significance of some of these events for different individuals, groups, and/or communities

Grade 8:
A2.4 interpret and analyse information and evidence relevant to their investigations, using a variety of tools
A2.6 communicate the results of their inquiries using appropriate vocabulary and formats appropriate for specific audiences
A3.identify factors leading to some key events or developments that occurred in and/or affected Canada between 1850 and 1890, and explain
the historical significance of some of those events for different individuals, groups, and/or communities

Learning Goals ​Discuss with students: ​What will we be learning today?​ ​(clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language
that students can readily understand)

Today we will learn…

● How to research historical events/people using a variety of texts
● How the events or person selected impacted colonial Canada
● How to effectively share what I have learned with my peers
Success Criteria ​Discuss with students: ​How will I know I have learned what I need to learn?​ ​(clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning, as
well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand)

I can: find trusted facts and information on a topic

I can: explain how the event or person selected impact colonial Canada
I can: share what I have learned with my peers
Assessment – ​how will I know students have learned what I intended? How will they know if they've met the learning goals?
Achievement Chart Categories ​(highlight/circle the ones that apply): Knowledge and Understanding; ​Thinking​; ​Communication​; Application

Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Complete the chart below)

Assessment Mode: Assessment Strategies: Assessment Tools:

Written Matching game, self-assessment Self-assessment rubric on hand outs


Prior Learning: ​Prior to this lesson, students will have
*​experience researching significant people
*​completed write ups on significant people/events

Learning Skills/Work Habits

Highlight/circle ones that are​ addressed​: ​responsibility​, organization, independent work, ​collaboration​, initiative, ​self-regulation

Highlight/circle ones that are ​assessed:​ responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, ​self-regulation

New Vocabulary ​(for word wall and/or to develop schema)

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration

● Kahoot
● History textbooks (if necessary)
● 5W’s chart w/ self-assessment
● Significant Person Sheet w/ self-assessment
Learning Environment
-History textbooks will be brought into the room along with the winbooks/laptops if students require additional research. The current classroom set up is optimal
for group work. We have a conference table, as well as high tops, and regular desks. There is no seating plan, students are free to sit where they please, this is
optimal for group work, it leaves a lot of open spaces in the classroom.

Cross Curricular Links ​(especially important for gr 7/8 lesson plans. Don't agonize over this)
-Literacy/language: literacy blocks will be optimized to continue with the timeline write ups if needed; this is a pre-assessment based lesson, grammar and spelling
will not be assessed for this lesson, but further into the unit when we transition to formal assessments, literacy will be assessed

Lesson – Delivery Format

Write the lesson description with enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a personal discussion.
What Teachers Do: What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction ​(5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson
Time: 9:20-9:40 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
-Intro to Kahoot; explain the rules and responsibilities -​participate in the Kahoot, asking questions, etc.
students have (i.e. proper names on kahoot, do not
misuse the device, etc.)
-Kahoot: basic history of Canada, some strand specific
but also general (new and old); monitor what the
students are putting as their names
-After each question if there is a large amount of
incorrect answers, briefly go over the correct answers
and why, plus explaining how we will be looking further
into the topics later on

Action: During /working on it ​(time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice & application of learning
Time: 9:40-10:05 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
-​distribute the matching game cards, instruct the -students will find their partner that matches with their
students that they must find their matching card card (i.e. John A. Macdonald=first Prime Minister of
(circulate to help if there are difficulties in matching) Canada)
-have the students sit down once they find their partner -students will then use the textbooks or the internet to
-Hand out either 5Ws chart or significant person sheet to find facts about their event/peron and complete the
the matching term/person self-assessment
-Instruct students to research (either through textbook or -complete a legible write up that can be shared with the
online) to fill in the information for their sheets for a class
timeline card
-explain that the the information they provide will be
used for a class timeline and shared with their peers

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect)​ (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection
Time: 10:05-10:10 (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
-explain to students that we will have time later on to
finish the write ups if there was not enough time for
them to completely finish
-briefly touch on the class timeline again, reiterate the
expectations of write-ups and that we will be sharing
them next calss

Extension Activities/Next Steps ​(where will this lesson lead to next)

-Basic introduction to the events/people that we will be learning about in the following classes
-Establishing a timeline to reference to throughout the unit

Personal Reflection​ (​what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:

The Teacher:
Significant Historical Person


Date of Birth: Date of Death:

Place of Birth:

Early Life:

Accomplishments (What is s/he known for?):

How has s/he impacted Canadian history:

Interesting Facts:
Self-Assessment (how did you do?)

Found clear, Super Effectively Effectively Mostly A little bit Not at all
detailed facts from
trusted sources

Had facts and Super Effectively Effectively Mostly A little bit Not at all
information from
three or more

Information can be Super Effectively Effectively Mostly A little bit Not at all
understood by my
Five W’s Chart

Fill in each row with details that answer the question

Significant Event:

What ​happened?

Who ​was there?

Why​ did it happen?

When​ did it happen?

Where ​did it happen?

Self-Assessment (how did you do?)

Found clear, Super Effectively Effectively Mostly A little bit Not at all
detailed facts from
trusted sources

Had facts and Super Effectively Effectively Mostly A little bit Not at all
information from
three or more

Information can be Super Effectively Effectively Mostly A little bit Not at all
understood by my

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