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The relevant of research by Atia Rahmah a student from State Islamic University of

Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, through journal publication on 2011 by the title “Factors

influencing students’ interest in learning English at the first year students of SMUN 3

Rumbai”. The subject of this research are the first year students of SMUN 3 Rumbai, The

object of this research is the factor that influence students’ interest in learning English. The

population and sample of this research were all first year students of SMUN 3 Rumbai. They

consisted of eight classes. The total were number of the population was 56 students. The

technique of collecting data, the researcher use questionnaire. Based on result of the research,

the researcher found there are some factors that influence students’ interest in learning

English. They are: internal factors (come from the students themselves such as physical

condition, intelligence, attaining, and readiness) and external factors such us family, teacher,

school, and peer. The dominant factors that influence students interest is school factors.

The relevant of research by Desmita a student from Dayanu Ikhsanuddin University

Baubau, through thesis of legalization on Tuesday, 25 Agustus 2015 by the title “The effort to

increase students’ interest in learning English at the first grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga

Raya”. The subject of this research are the first grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga Raya. The

object of this research is to find out whether or not the teacher’s effort in teaching English at

the first grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga Raya. The population of this research was all of

the students class X SMAN 1 Talaga Raya in academic year 2015/2016 with the total number

of population were 156 students. It consist of 6 classes. The sample of this research was the

first grade students of SMAN 1 Talaga Raya, because the total number of population were

156. So the sample in this research took 30 students. The technique of collecting data, the

researcher use observation, questionnaire, and interview. Based on result of the research, the

researcher found that the efforts of the teacher to increase the students’ interest in learning

English by opening the class with something unique. The teacher give the question about the

topic that will be studied through game or guessing the meant material. Why? Basically,

everyone likes playing game. By applying the suitable game, of course the students will be

comfortable in learning. In addition, the students will get the points of the material easily. For

example, in learning descriptive text, the teacher can describe the features or appearances of
something. At the end, the teacher ask them about what the thing that he/she meant. In the

middle of learning process, teacher can give the relaxation for the students even though only

for a few minutes. In this moment, the teacher can create something interesting. For example,

creating the funny things, and so on. In the last of learning process the teacher guided the

students to make lesson summary according to the lesson indicator. Then before going home

the teacher gave homework to the students which would be collected in the next meeting. In

addition the effort of teacher to increase students’ interest in learning English such as build a

harmonious relationship with the students and the teacher should use some method in teaching

learning process. The students interest were in high interest category which could be seen by

the numbers of students’ interest that there were 1 student got very high interest and 22

students got high interest. The suggestion of the research that to the teacher should use some

method in teaching learning process to make the teacher brought the material easier and also

the students were more easier for understanding the lesson and also the teacher should be

more creative in teaching learning process to increase the students interest and they would be

happy for studying.

From the findings that have been given above, the researher concludes that there are

many method to make students’ interest in learning English, one of them is the teacher should

be more creative in teaching learning process like creating the funny things and insert the

game into learning process so the students will be interested in learning English.

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