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Elizabeth C.

Garcia 1

Professional Learning

Goal: Teachers will complete modules on Schoology to discover various ways of utilizing diverse tools to differentiate
learning for their students and therefore improve student engagement.

Method: In the microcredentials professional learning, teachers earn badges (microcredentials) for completing
challenges or learning pathways that have been created ahead of time.

Participants: The people participating in this professional learning are the teachers at our campus. Whether they are
technology gurus or beginners, there will be modules that everyone can learn from and take the tools from each module
directly back into their classrooms.

Resources: Everything will be housed and conducted through Schoology. All of the tools addressed in the modules will
somehow be available on Schoology, whether it’s through installing a Schoology app, embedding videos, inserting
media, creating assessments, etc.

 Significant & Ongoing

o Online:
 Modules will be housed on Schoology.
 These modules will be available 24/7 from the first day of school to the last day of school.
 The modules will be self-paced.
 Teachers will earn badges after completing the modules.
o Face to Face:
 Sessions will be held monthly in place of a faculty meeting.
 These sessions will focus on areas of growth and areas of success for specific tools.
 A survey will be sent out a week prior to this session to determine which 4 tools will be
 Teachers will get to choose which 2 sessions to attend that day.
 Sessions will also be held monthly during a PLC meeting.
 These sessions will focus on content specific integration of the tools discovered.
 Support
o The following people will offer support:
 PLC members
 Tech Liaison*
 Peer Facilitator*
 Assistant Principal**
 Curriculum/Technology Integration Specialists from the District (I had no idea these positions
even existed. We need to bring them to our campus and make use of them!) *

With the exception of the PLC members, all of the other positions have integration of technology in
their responsibilities to some extent.

o These individuals can observe lessons, offer feedback, model, provide examples, and engage in
discussions that will lead to a deeper understanding of integration.

* Denotes the people that will lead the face to face sessions. Teachers may also volunteer to lead these
sessions if they feel strong in the execution and implementation of the tools addressed.
Elizabeth C. Garcia 2

** Denotes the person that will monitor the course which will house all of the modules. This person will also
be responsible for awarding credit once teachers have submitted proof of completing each module.

 Engaging
o The initial exposure will occur at the beginning of the school year. Teachers will be introduced to the
concept of microcredentials via a 5-10 minute presentation. The remainder of the time will be spent
with teachers exploring the Schoology course that will be housing all of these modules to see what will
be available.
o During the first face to face session, teachers will be expected to choose one module and start
navigating through it.
o The modules will all be self-paced. Modules will include:
 How-To section which will cover the logistics of each tool
 Examples section which will contain content-specific examples of how this tool can be used to
enhance student learning. As teachers complete the modules, their work will be added to this
 Application section which will contain an assignment for teachers to complete in which they
prove that they are not only capable of utilizing this tool, but also purposefully integrating it into
their lessons.
 Discussions section in which teachers will reflect on their learning throughout the module and
what takeaways they have.
 Modeling
o The individuals that will provide the support will also be the ones modeling not only how to complete
the modules, but also how to purposefully integrate these tools into their lessons.
o Administrators will model what it is like to be a life-long learner by also completing modules. The
content specific portion could be applied toward the subjects of the teachers they formally evaluate.
o There will be a public leaderboard which will display which people have earned which badges; this way
teachers know who to ask questions is they are struggling with a certain module. Additionally everyone
can quickly identify which tools the majority of the staff is familiar with.
 Specific
o Each module will contain content-specific suggestions and examples of how that tool can be used to
enhance student learning.
o All of the modules will contain tools appropriate for 7th and 8th grade students.
o PLCs (which are determined by content area) will discuss their progress with the modules and classroom
implementation at least on a monthly basis.

Additional Information:

Teachers will be able to redeem the badges in Eduphoria-Workshop for “off-duty” credit. Eduphoria-Workshop is an
online professional development management platform through which teachers can register for professional learning
sessions and see a portfolio of all sessions they have earned credit for. The credits are needed in order to renew
teaching certificates.

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