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Paper I

., Time Allowed : .Three Hours Maximum Marks·: 200 I


Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions.
There are EIGHT questions in all, out of which FIVE are to be attempted.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory. Out of the remaining SIX questions, THREE are to be
attempted selecting at least ONE question from each of the two Sections A and B.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential·order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall
be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left_blank in the Question-cum-
Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
. .
All questions cany equal marks. The number of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against
' it
Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
Unless otheiWise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual standard meanings.
Assume suitable data, if necessary and indicate the same clearly.
Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.

Useful Constants
Electron charge (e) = 1·602x1o- 19 c
Electron rest mass (me) = 9·109x1o- 31 kg
Proton mass (m;) = 1·672x 1o-27 kg
Vacuum permittivity (e0 ) = 8·854x lo- 12 faradlm
Vacuum permeability 0Jo) = · 1·257x 10-6 hemy/m
Velocity of light in free space (c) = 3x108.rn!s
Boltzmann constant (k) = 1·380x1o- 23 J/ K
Electron volt (eY,) = 1·602x1o- 19 J
Planck constant (h) = 6·626x1o- 34 J s
Stefan constant (a) = 5·67x1o- 8 wm- 2 K-4
Avogadro number (N) = 6·022x 1026 kmol-1
Gas constant (R) = 8·31 x103 Jkmol- 1 K- 1
exp (1) = 2·718

1 c-mns-u-pys
1. Answer all of the following : 8 x 5=40

l.(a) A force field is given by

F=·(2xy + z 3 ) i + x 2 J+3xz2 k
Is ゥセ@ a conservative field ? If so, what is the scalar potential ? 2+ 6

1. (b) · Prove that the group velocity セ@ of electromagnetic waves in a dispersive medium
is given by
v . - -- - -
= .,..-
g n + w dn/dw
where c is the velocity of light in vacuum and n is the refractive index of the
medium for the angular frequency m of the waves. 8

1. (c) What is the significance of the null result of Michelson-Morley experime1_1t? In

their ·experiment Michelson and Morley set l 1 = /2 = 11 metres .. The wavelength of
light used was 5-5 x 1Q-7 m. The orbital velocity of the earth is taken to be 30 kms/
sec. Estimate the fringe shift to be .expected. 3+ 5

1. (d) A diffraction grating has 5000 lines per em. For illumination at normal incidence,
determine the dispersive power of the grating in the second order spectrum in the
range of wavelengths around 500 n.m. 8

1. (e) The vibrations of a string fixed at both ends is represented by the equation

y = 2 sin nx cos 50 nt (m)

If the above stationary wave is produced due to the superposition of two component
waves of the same frequency, velocity and amplitude travelling in opposite
directions, find (i) the exact equations of the displacements associated with the
vibrations of the component waves and (ii) the distance between two consecutive
nodes of the stationary Wave. 5+ 3

2.(a) What are cyclic coordinates for a system of particles? Discuss the significance
of the Hamilton's principle. 5+ 5
Show how Lagrange's equations can be derived from Hamilton's principle. 15

2. (b) Using eオィ セ イGウ@ equations for a force free motion of a rigid body, show that the
Kinetic energy remains constant throughout· the motion of the rigid body. 15

3 . (a) Write the components of the velocity 4-vector of a particle in an inertial frameS.
Hqw does the four velocity transform to another inertial frame S' ? 5+5
Obtain the Einstein 's law of addition of velocities from the above transformations.

c-mns-u -pys 2
• 3. (b) State Huygen 's principle. Using ·this principle and suitable diagram, show that this
principle could lead to Snell's law of refraction. 20

4. (a) Discuss the principles of Fresnel's half period zone and explain how these are
used in the construction of a zone plate. Show how the zone plate has several foci .

4. (b) Plane polarized light of wavelength 6000 A is incidept on a thin quartz plate cut
with faces parallel to the optic axis. Given, J.lo = 1·544 and f.le = 1·553, calculate the
following quantities :

(i) The ratio of the intensities of the ordinary and the extraordinary light if the
planes of vibration of two incident lights make an angle of 30° with the optic
axts. 10

(ii) The minimum thickness of the plate for which ordinary and the extraordinary
waves will combine to produce plane polarized light. . 10


5. Answer all of the following : 8 x 5=40

5.(a) An inductor L = 0·1 H in series with a resistor R = 200 is connected across 230 V,
50 Hz a.c. voltage. Determine the following:
(i) inductive reactance (ii) impedance of the circuit (iii) 」オイセョエ@ in the circuit
(iv) voltage across R (v) voltage across L (vi) phase ·angle between the cunent and
voltage (vii) power factor (viii) power consumed in the circuit 8

5. (b) What is the volume density of charge in a region of space where electrostatic
potential is given by
V = a - b(x2 + y 2) - c Jog(x2 + y2),
where a, b, c are constants. 8
セ@ セ@ .
5. (c) If the magnetic field B, at a point with position vector r is uniform, show that the

corresponding vector potential A (r) is given by

セ@ セ@ { セ@ セ }@
A(r)= - 1 r x B . 8

5. (d) A point charge of q is held above a grounded conducting plane located at z = 0.

If the position of the charge is (0, 0, d), obtain an expression for the induced charge
density on the plane as a function of the coordinates x and y . 8

5.(e) A system of non-interacting fermions enclosed in a volume, V, is at T = 0°K. Find

an expression for the internal energy, U, of the . system. · 8

3 c-mns-u-pys
· 6.(a) Distit?-guish between diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substances. 5 ••
6. (b) (i) Show that the work done per unit volume of a ferromagnetic substance per one
complete cycle of hysteresis is given by W = j!--t セ@
H ·dB . 15

(ii) Further, show that the value of W is equal to the area of B-H loop. Which
material is preferred for the core of a transformer and why ? 10

6. (c) Show that for any ・ャ」エイッセ。ァョゥ@ wave propagating in free space, the total average
energy per unit volume is Eo E?;,ax; where Emax is the amplitude of the electric
field associated with the electromagnetic wave. 10

7.(a) (i) Derive Planck's law of Black body radiation. 10

(ii) Obtain its limiting forms for (i) very low frequency and (ii) very high
ヲイ・アオョ」セ@ 10
7. (b) Show that Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics are invariant under Lorentz
transformations. .2 0

8.(a) A quasistatic isothermal and quasistatic

adiabatic intersect in a p :_ v diagram at i

more than one point as shown in diagram.

Does it imply violation of 2nd law of
thermodynamics ? Give reasons for your

カセ@ 1+9
8.(b) Write down the expression for the Bose-Einstein distributipn function and. explain
the meaning of the symbols used. 10
. .
8. (c) The mean speed of the molecules of 。セ@ ideal monatomic gas when it contracts
(or expands) adiabatically depends on the pressure according to the law v = Kpn,
where K is a constant. Find n. 10
8.(d) Derive the expression for the specific heat of a solid based. on eゥョウエセG@ theory.
Obtain the limiting form of the specific heat at very low temperature. 10

c-mns-u-pys 4
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I.F'.S. exatセカ Q^ R P QV@ PHYSICS


ITime Allowed : Three Hours I Maximum Marks : 200


Please read each of the following instructions carefully

before attempting questions

There are EIGHT questions in all, out of which FIVE are to be

Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory. Out of the remaining
SIX questions, THREE are to be attempted selecting at least
ONE question from each of the two Sections A and B.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order.
Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even
if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank
in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck
All questions carry equal marks. The number of marks
carried by a question/part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have
their usual standard meanings.
Assume suitable data, if necessary, and indicate the same
Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.

1 [ P.T.O.
List of Useful Constants

Mass of proton -- 1 · 673 X 10- 2 7 kg

Mass of neutron - 1 · 675 x 10- 27 kg

Mass of electron -- 9 · 11 X 10 - 31 kg

Planck constant - 6·626 x lo- 34 J s

Boltzmann constant - 1 · 380 X 10-23 J K- 1

Bohr magneton (Jl8 ) - 9·273 x 10- 24 A m 2

Nuclear magneton (JlN) -- 5 · 051x10- 27 J T - 1 (A m 2 )

Electronic charge -- 1 · 602 x 10- 19 c

Atomic mass unit (u) -- 1· 660 x lo- 2 7 kg

-- 931 MeV

g.f = 5 · 5855 JlN m(p) = 1· 00727 u

m(n) = 1 · 00866 u ュHセh・I@ =4 ·002603 u

m(1gC) = 12 · 00000 u ュHセ@ Sr) = 86 · 908893 u

m(1 H) = 2·014022 u m(1H) = 3 ·0160500 u

1. Answer all of the following questions : 8x5=40

. (a) In a nuclear experiment, beams of electrons and

protons are moving with velocities c I 10 an.d c I 20
respectively. Calculate the de Broglie wavelengths
of both the particles in metre (c is the speed of light ,
= 3 x 10 m I s ).

(b) Recall the Pauli matrix representation of two-state

system of electron, O'x, cry, O'z, and show that they
do not commute.

(c) What does the uncertainty principle signify?

Consider an electron in a box of size 10- 10 m. What
will be its maximum uncertainty in momentum?

(d) Consider a two-electron system in ground state

with orbital quantum number zero (Z = 0). Use
Pauli's exclusion principle to obtain orientations of
the two electrons.

(e) Explain the phenomenon of Zeeman effect of

atomic physics.

2. (a) Obtain the solution of one-dimensiona l free

particle SchrOdinger equation. Show that it'
corresponds to plane monochromatic (constant
angular frequency) wave. 10

3 [ P.T.O.
(b) Consider a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator

V(x) = -1 m ro 02 x 2
where m represents the mass of a particle, ro 0 is the
classical frequency of the oscillator and x is the
displacement from equilibrium position. Obtain the
solution of the corresponding Schrodinger equation.
Using the normalization condition on the solution,
show that the ground-state wave function has the

a= mroo
( 1i )

3. (a) Consider a hydrogen atom in Bohr atomic model.

Outline its importance in the context of spatial
quantization and the spin of the electron. 15

(b) Outline the Stern-Gerlach experiment and discuss

its importance in the context of quantum nature of
atom. 25

4. (a) Obtain the frequency vr of the spectral line of

rotation spectra of a diatomic molecule and
discuss the characteristics of its spectrum. 20

(b) Outline elementary theory of Nuclear Magnetic

Resonance (NMR) and discuss its applications. 20

5. Answer all of the following questions : 8x5=40

(a) In a nuclear fusion process, four hydrogen nuclei

combine to form a helium nucleus. Obtain the
energy released in such a process. If the same
process is responsible for energy of a star of mass
2 X 1030 kg, each kilogram having . 6 X 10
protons, what could be the magnitude of energy
released in it?

(b) Obtain the Q-values for the following four nuclear

reactions :
iN + セh・@ --7

セP@iH +

(ii) セ@ Li + セh・@ --7

gB + Jn

(iii) セlゥ@ + iH --7 セh・K@ セh・@

(iv) セQn。@ + iH --7 I8Ne + セh・@

(c) What are the quantum numbers of u, d and s

quarks and of the corresponding antiquarks
(u, d, s )? Obtain the quark contents of proton (p),
neutron (n), positively charged pion (n+) and
negatively charged omega minus (Q-) particle.

(d) Distinguish between a normal conductor, a

superconducto r and a semiconductor. How a
p-type semiconductor differs from an n-type?

5 [ P.T.O.
(e) What are logic gates and truth tables? Obtain the
truth table of a two-input OR gate.

6. (a) Give an outline of meson theory of nuclear forces.
Describe the physical basis of short-rang e nuclear
repulsion between like nucleons : proton-pro ton
(p-p) or neutron-n eutron (n-n). Consider the
following two three-nucl eon systems : (p-p-p) and
(n-n-n). Which one is more likely to form a bound
state? 20

(b) What is parity transforma tion? Discuss the

experimen t that confirms the violation of parity in
beta decay. 20

7. (a) What are leptons? How are they different from

other baryons? Define their quantum numbers
and identify ·the forbidden ones in the following
scattering or decay processes, justifying your
conclusion s : 20
(i) ョッセ@ Y+ y

(ii) n° セ@ y + y セ@ (e+ +e- )+ (J.l- + J.l+)

(iii) n セ@ p + e- + vセ@

(iv) n + + p セ@ p + p + v 't + ve

(v) v・Kーセカョᄚ@

(b) Describe the properties of field quanta of

electro-we ak and strong interaction s of

イyM ッャヲセMozj セOY@ 6
(c) Describe the phenomen on of Meissner effect and
its importanc e in the study of supercond uctors. 15

8. (a) Give an elementary outline of high-temp erature

supercond uctors and their experimen tal status. 10

(b) Give schematic diagrams to distinguis h between

n-p-n and p-n-p transistors . 10

(c) Describe the following laws of Boolean algebra

with one application each to logic circuit 5x4=20

(i) Commutat ive law of addition

(ii) Associativ e law of addition
(iii) Associativ e law of multiplica tion
(iv) Distributiv e law


7 7BS- 25


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