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nicco recasata (order #5882952)

nicco recasata (order #5882952)

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nicco recasata (order #5882952)

he rules for the Aspyrias Adventuring System The Game Master either establishes a target number
provide an effortless environment for innova- that measures the difficulty of a task or consults the fate
tive gameplay, yet possesses depth in its subtle deck by drawing one or more fate cards. The higher the
mechanics. This guide explores the core con- target number, the more difficult the task. There are six
cepts of the system and provides a brief explanation of how standard degrees of difficulty, each associated with a target
to play the game. The forthcoming Quick Start Rules and number. To succeed at a task, you must achieve a result
Core Rulebook offers greater detail. equal to the target number or higher.

CARDS The Aspyrias System uses cards instead of dice. TASK DIFFICULTY
A majority of these cards form your character deck and aid
Easy 0 + the number of players
you in task resolution. There are nines types of cards in the
basic set: Routine 3 + the number of players
Moderate 6 + the number of players
 Ability
 Challenge Difficult 9 + the number of players
 Experience
Challenging 12 + the number of players
 Fate
 Feat Hard 15 + the number of players
 Monster
 Quest
 Spell PLAYING CARDS When you play a card, take the card
 Wound from your hand and place it face up into your immediate
play area. Further game mechanics may instruct you to
CHARACTER DECK In the Aspyrias Adventuring Sys- perform one of the following:
tem you have a character deck, unique to you, that only
 Discard: Unless an action is specific, you discard
you draw from. A character deck serves as your potential to
from your hand, the top of your character deck, or
overcome foes and obstacles during an adventure.
play area. When you discard a card, place it face up
All players begin with a starting basic deck developed
onto the fatigue pile of your own character deck,
during character creation. You customize your character
unless an action dictates a different destination.
deck as you adventure and complete quests. The discard
pile of your character deck is called the fatigue pile.
 Exhaust: You temporarily lose the use of a card or
resource. Remove the card from your hand, fatigue
DRAWING CARDS pile, or play area as instructed. You regain the card
When the Game Master or situation requires you to after you meet certain conditions or at the discre-
draw cards from your character deck, unless stated tion of the Game Master.
otherwise, do the following:
 Draw a number of cards from your character deck  Forsake: You permanently lose the use of a card
until you have enough cards in hand equal to your or resource. Remove the card from your hand,
hand limit. discard pile, or play area as instructed.
 If there are not enough cards in the character
deck, draw as many as possible, shuffle the fatigue  Prepare: Place a card face up in your immediate
pile to form a new character deck, then draw the play area for use at a later time.
remainder to satisfy the action or effect.
 Replenish: Place the card face down at the bottom
of your character deck.
TASK RESOLUTION Ability scores, accom-
panied by ability cards, determine the out-
 Reveal: When you reveal a card, you show the
come of most tasks while feat and experi-
Game Master and other players the card and return
ence cards allow you and other players to
it to its proper place, unless an effect instructs you
further modify the result. to place it elsewhere.

nicco recasata (order #5882952)

ABILITY CARDS When you initiate an
undertaking, whether it is a single endeavor PREPARING AND
or a series of actions performed for a greater PLAYING FEAT CARDS
purpose, you play one or more ability cards. Prepare a feat card as follows:
Each represents an effort toward achieving a  Whenever you draw a feat card into
goal or task. your hand, immediately prepare the
 You can use as many prepared feat
PLAYING ABILITY CARDS cards as you have available.
Whenever you play one or more ability You can take advantage of a prepared
cards, perform the following: feat card to perform the following gen-
 Describe the actions of your charac- eral feats:
ter and how it relates to the situa-  Ability Surge: Discard a feat card
tion. to play one or more ability cards for
 If the actions and ability cards are a fate or ability action of another
appropriate, add your corresponding character. For each appropriate abil-
ability scores. ity card played, add your corre-
 If the result is equal or greater than sponding ability score to the result.
the difficulty revealed by the Game  Skill Surge: Discard a feat card to
Master, the task is a success. add the appropriate skill rank to the
result of an ability or fate action.
EXPERIENCE CARDS In the Aspyrias Character themes also possess a number
Adventuring System, characters adapt and of talents that require a feat card as well
learn by overcoming challenges, defeating as normal feats gained through advance-
monsters, and roleplay. In essence, experi- ment and character creation.
ence cards act as wild cards.

PLAYING EXPERIENCE CARDS stance. Most adventurers claim they make

Play an experience card as follows: their own luck and many do with willful
 When you play an experience card, consideration, planning, and agile reflexes.
name an ability card. The experience Your Fortune score is a combination of all
card becomes a duplicate of the these things — to help you when you
named ability card. Afterward, forsake need it the most.
the experience card.
SKILLS A skill reflects an area of expertise
and knowledge a character develops over
FEAT CARDS When you use a feat card, time. In the Aspyrias Adventuring System,
you perform a notable or remarkable act of skills augment actions rather than being ac-
achievement, displaying an assured boldness tions in and of themselves.
or expertise in a skill. Your character usually For instance, if a character possesses 5
begins with three feat cards and can earn ranks in stealth and attempts to slip past a
more through advancement. guard unnoticed, she may discard a feat
card to increase her result by 5. If she does
FURTHER RESOURCES In addition to a not have a feat card readily available, she
character deck and feat cards, players pos- may have to just rely on her ability scores
sess several other resources: and her companions.
You are proficient in a skill if you pos-
 Resolve: The foundation of any adventur- sess one or more ranks. Further training in a
ing company is mutual respect, ambition, skill allows you to instead replenish a feat
companionship, determination, and mo- card rather than discard it. If you are neither
rale. Resolve encompasses all these as- proficient or trained, or wish to exert a bit of
pects. effort, you can spend resolve to temporarily
increase skill ranks.
 Stamina: Stamina is a measure of physi-
cal constitution, the power to overcome COMBAT Attacking a foul beast or defend-
disease, endure hardship, as well as the ing against a vile underworld denizen be-
ability to exert beyond bodily limitations. haves like any other task. Although, the
Game Master determines the difficulty by
 Fortune: Fortune favors the bold! For- drawing one or more fate cards rather than
tune is more than just luck and happen- assigning a target number.

nicco recasata (order #5882952)

The difficulty of your attack, counterat-
tack, or defense depends on the attributes of EXAMPLE EXPLOITS
the adversary you face. In the same manner A few basic exploits are listed below.
as characters, creatures possess a set of abil- While all characters know each of the
ity scores. basic combat exploits, all character
Each fate card has a number of icons, themes has its own unique set.
each associated with a specific ability score. Exploits marked with an R require
For each fate icon present on a fate card, you to suffer an amount of fatigue loss
add the corresponding ability score of the equal to your armor rank. This is in
creature to establish a target number. addition to any fatigue loss the exploit
demands. Exploits marked with a M
ARMS AND ARMOR Weapons have a re- apply to your threshold for the round.
action and power rating, each based on an
ability score of the wielder. Along with ar- AIM
mor, the result provides a character with a You take your time to hone in on your target
combat rank (or CR). The combat rank de- before a ranged assault.
termines whether you gain advantage over a
foe when you attack, counterattack, or de- Effect: While wielding a ranged weapon,
fend. for each insight card revealed from your
If you have an advantage, you draw an hand, add your Perception skill rank to
extra card from your character deck. If you your ranged combat rank.
are at a disadvantage, you lose fatigue
equivalent to the difference. CHARGE RM
You rush toward a foe to deliver a melee
When a player attacks, for the most part Effect: While wielding a melee weapon,
he or she also defends against a counter- for each agility card revealed from your
attack. When a creature attacks, a player hand, add your Athletics skill rank to
has two choices: counterattack or de- your melee combat rank.
With an attack or counterattack, a FEINT R
player places themselves at risk for an Your distraction deceived your foe from your
opportunity to inflict damage upon a foe. intended attack.
Should an attack or counterattack fail,
the table turns and the player instead Effect: While wielding a melee weapon,
suffers a wound. Whereas, a player for each charm card revealed from your
choosing to defend themselves is better hand, add your Influence skill rank to
protected against injury. your melee combat rank.
Regardless of who initiates the at-
tack, the player performs the fate action
to determine the outcome. Therefore, even a ferocious dragon, recoils or falls to a
the player performs all the actions during fatal wound with one triumphant strike.
combat. Nevertheless, do not become a fool to
think that slaying such a horrific beast is
simple. While wolves, highwaymen, and
EXPLOITS You also know a number of other lesser creatures may fall to a quick
basic martial talents, known as exploits. thrust or sting of an arrow, true monstrosities
These maneuvers allow you to increase your present an endeavor.
combat rank (CR) to help gain advantage To strike a mortal wound against such a
over a foe, but you first must replenish a creature, you may first need to overcome a
feat card or spend a resolve. Furthermore, challenge or gain the advantage. It may re-
should an exploit indicate it requires move- quire you to wield a weapon made of ex-
ment, you also lose fatigue equal to your traordinary materials; wear down its resolve
armor rank. or stamina; or combat it over several separate
engagements. Regardless, it will be a memo-
DAMAGE For the most part, damage dealt rable and enduring task.
by an attack or counterattack inflicts one
wound. While an adventurer can tolerate FATIGUE In addition to wounds, a charac-
several wounds before yielding, a monster, ter can also suffer fatigue. There are two

nicco recasata (order #5882952)

types of fatigue: fatigue loss and fatigue tune, or consolidate power.
damage. Armor protects against fatigue Those dedicated to the devoted charac-
damage by reducing it an amount equal to ter theme evokes magic called miracles
its armor rank, while fatigue loss is unavoid- while savants weave incantations. Whether
able. a character conjures an incantation or a mira-
When you suffer fatigue, discard a cle, all must evoke energy to cast a spell.
number of cards from the top of your charac- On the whole, evoking mystical trap-
ter deck equivalent to the fatigue loss or pings to weave a spell requires the expendi-
damage. Should the fatigue deplete your ture of a prepared spell card, similar to per-
character deck, reshuffle your fatigue pile to forming a feat. When the spell card is once
form a new character deck, then discard the again accessible, so too is the ability to cast
remainder to satisfy the action or effect. If another spell.
fatigue forces you to form a new character Practitioners of the magical arts can
deck, you also lose 1 stamina and if it is your further augment incantations and miracles
turn, it ends immediately. with their own life force through loss of fa-
DEATH If your hand consists of an amount
of wound cards equivalent to your hand QUESTS Quests are the foundation of a
limit and your current stamina is 0 or the journey; the elements of the story that drive
amount of wound cards in hand is greater adventurers toward a solution; the very pur-
than your hand limit, you are dead. pose of an undertaking; the force that leads
to adventure.
MOVEMENT AND DISTANCE The As- As adventurers complete a quest, the
pyrias Adventuring System does not rely on Game Master rewards them with one or
terrain tiles for tactical movement while re- more quest cards. Once earned, you can
solving combat. Instead, general terms for unlock special quest abilities, place them in
distance, range, and position aid in keeping reserve, or redeem them to advance your
the focus on the drama and action. character.
The following six categories define
distance: visual, extreme, long, medium, EXAMPLE OF GAMEPLAY Two adven-
close, and skirmish. turers witness an assassination attempt
Adventures accomplish movement against a prominent merchant and seek to
from one range increment to another by per- chase the assassin down to answer for his
forming a fatigue action. The amount re- crimes. The two other adventurers are else-
quired is 6 fatigue loss per range increment where, enjoying the festivities of the Sum-
+ your armor rank. You can break up this mer Fair. The Game Master decides to make
movement over several turns. this a cinematic scene and establishes a chal-
Once within the desired range, charac- lenging target number (16; 12 + 4 players).
ters can move freely unless the Game Master Although two of the characters are not
or situation dictates otherwise. present, they are still included when deter-
mining a target number. Furthermore, since
THRESHOLD Each character also has a this is a group action, players can freely aid
threshold, which is the amount of fatigue a one another without the need to first spend a
character can devote to movement in a feat card.
round. Generally, the threshold for a charac-
ter is his or her speed attribute. Game Master: You see the assassin take to
Although, this depends on the mode of the rooftops.
movement. A character climbing a cliff face
or swimming has a threshold equivalent to The player controlling Elwes draws his hand
his or her fitness attribute. size of five cards: 1 Agility, 1 Charm, 2 In-
sight, and 1 Willpower.
MAGIC AND MIRACLES Priests pray and
preach, revering gods or saints. Magicians Player (Elwes): Damn! I'm going to have a
spout ancient words into the air. Witches hard time following him up there with what
homage demonic entities. Druids commune I just drew.
with nature spirits.
Regardless of the method, many try to Player (Amandis): Well, we can't let him
contain the supernatural and harness such get away. I begin running down the street
energy to create mystical love potions, di- parallel to the rooftops. I only stop momen-
vine the future, thwart enemies, bring for- tarily to shoot a few arrows as he jumps be-

nicco recasata (order #5882952)

tween the buildings.
Game Master: You try to talk to a few peo-
The player controlling Amandis places two ple in the streets, but most are drunk and
agility cards in her play area to represent find your insistent questioning a bit over-
her running and shooting a few arrows. bearing. A few brutish dockhands, looking
for any reason to rumble, begin pushing you
Game Master: Very well. What is your around.
Agility score?
Player (Elwes): I don't have time for this.
Player (Amandis): Three - so, a total of six. How many are there?

Game Master: Alright, the chase begins. Game Master: Three.

Boisterous drunkards and foreign merchants
crowd the cobblestone streets ever since the Player (Elwes): Wonderful. I have an Ath-
ABOUT letics skill rank of two. I discard a feat card
Summer Fair began early this morning. Now
that it is nightfall and the lord lifted the cur- to kick one in the groin, then I grab the mug
Joshua Raynack is a
few, many seek to spend their hard earned from his hand as he falls and I break it across
game designer and co-
founder of Alea Publish-
coin. the face of the other. I look at the third and
ing Group. He and Amandis sprints along the street. You spend a resolve to use my presence attribute
Cameron Guill entered manage to keep up as the assassin leaps to intimidate him, telling the thug to "back
the game design arena across from one building to another. You let away."
with a simple concept: loose a few arrows and believe one stung his
bring innovative rules to left shoulder as he ducks from sight. The Game Master feels the loss of a feat
the game table by going card is enough since the reasoning behind
outside the box. Bring Player (Elwes): I take to the streets as well, playing the charm card was almost palat-
living, breathing worlds running parallel to his perceived path. I try able.
for Players to explore to anticipate his route.
and Game Masters to Game Master: No need to spend the re-
build upon. Player (Elwes) plays his only agility card solve. Your quick reaction sobers the remain-
His game design (agility score of 2) followed by an insight ing dockhand and cowers as he slowly backs
credits include a variety card (insight score of 3) for a total result of away with his hands raised.
of products designed to 5. The Game Master tallies this result with
enhance both OGL and the previous 6 scored by Amandis for a sum The Game Master, remembering the extra
GSL editions of the of 11. He subtlety informs the players that insight card, increases the total to 14, and
world's premier role- their effort is not enough: continues:
playing game. His de-
gree in History proved Game Master: You manage to keep up for a Game Master: As you glare down the
fundamental in develop- few blocks until you lose sight of him against drunkard, a quick shadow darts overhead
ing Medieval Life and the black backdrop of a cloudy night. from the edge of one building to the other
Laws, Player Options: before leaping from the rooftop and safely
Flaws and Merits, and Player (Elwes): Although I slow down, I into a pile of hay.
the Feudal Lords Cam- move through the streets and alleyways
paign Setting. quickly keeping constant vigil on the roof- Player (Silas): The chase continues - I call
Joshua also dab- tops. out to Amandis, "I see him. Over there."
bles in graphic design.
He worked with pub- Player (Elwes) plays an additional insight Player (Amandis): Alright! Let's finish
lisher Dias Ex Machina card . . . this. I rush to the haystack and as he
and Goodman Games emerges, I crack my bow across his skull.
to develop the layout Player (Elwes): I also start asking bystand- Since I don't have a strength card in hand, I
and cover design for ers if they saw anyone leaping from rooftop will discard a feat card to add my Athletics
the Amethyst Campaign to rooftop. skill rank of three to the result.
Setting and various
other products. . . . followed by a charm card. With the final tally of 17, the Game Master
informs the players of their success.
The Game Master accepts the second in-
sight card and briefly considers the use of Game Master: The assassin is caught, but
the charm card. The Game Master finally unconscious. With an arrow in his arm, feint
settles that the charm card does not fit the from a lack of blood, along with the wallop
mood of the chase and will instead devise a across the back of his head, it may be a while
minor setback. before you can question him.

nicco recasata (order #5882952)






nicco recasata (order #5882952)

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