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Briosos, Elaine R.

Where do I see myself in 5 Years?

Now that I look back at past years, it’s unbelievable how my plans for my future have changed a
lot since I entered college. When I was a 4th year high school student, taking the entrance exam for
universities was a big deal. Each of us wanted to pass and have a chance to pursue what we wanted - to
become an accountant, an engineer, a nurse.

In freshman year in college, I took up BS Pharmacy. I had perfectly laid plans for myself: to
graduate on time, pass the board exam and finding that perfect job. But now, those plans have
unavoidable deteriorated. Who would have known that 2 years from that time, I have changed my
course to nursing and is now in the second year and hopefully, waiting to become a 3rd year student?

My goal one day is to own a home, with a nice backyard. In five years’ time, I have passed all my
subjects in the university and have finally graduated. I have taken the board exam and already become a
registered nurse with a well-paying job, enough to provide for myself and help with house expenses
with my parents. I practice my skills and give proper care to the patients in a hospital setting. Currently
in graduate school, studying once again to earn another title. I continue to discover myself, see what I
could and could not do.

Thinking about where I’ll be years from now, I haven’t really given much thought until now. The
thing is, I don’t really know what the future holds for myself, but what matters most is the present. I
want to concentrate more on my education to be able to reach these goals that I have in mind. I want to
be satisfied with my decisions, to be able to accept and forgive, and most of all to be able to live up to
the expectations I have for myself.

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