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EZEKIEL Bible Study No.

9 Paphos 2 March 2006

Ezekiel chapters 9 -11 Idolatry in the Temple, the glory departs and Israel’s
leaders are judged

Questions on Ezekiel 9 The glory of God defended and idolaters killed

1. Ezekiel 9:1-2. Ezekiel’s vision continues – on one level of reality swords would be
in the hands of Babylonians but on another level it is the sword of divine justice in the
hands of God’s angels. How should we understand the 6 executioners and one angel
or priest with a writing kit?

2. Ezekiel 9:3. What did the movement of the glory of God indicate?

3. Ezekiel 9:4-6. What did the ‘mark’ signify? Why were the executioners told to
begin at God’s sanctuary? 1 Peter 4:17.

4. Ezekiel 9:7-11. What do we learn about the remnant from this passage?

Questions on Ezekiel Chapter 10 The glory departs from the Temple

5. What are two differences between the Ezekiel’s vision in chapter 1 and this one in
chapter 10. What dangers arise from living on past blessings? See 10:4 and 18.

6. In what new place and new way did God continue his work? Give a modern
example of this.

7. What light does 1 Samuel 4:12-22 cast on Ezekiel chapter 10?

8.What was the purpose of the burning coals?. See 10:2 and 6-7. What was the extent
of their sin? Why was it worse than that of Sodom and worse than that of their

Questions on Ezekiel Chapter 11 Judgment on Israel’s leaders

9. Ezekiel is suddenly shifted to another location – to the East gate of Jerusalem.
Who is gathered? What are they doing? What is ironical about the situation and
location? “To reassure the unrepentant is to share in their wickedness.” Wright p.121.

10. Ezekiel 11:3. Explanation: “This city is a cooking pot and we are the meat.” Who
were the offal? Ezekiel 11:6-7. The new leaders thought that the offal was the exiles,
the poor, the ordinary people of the city and the countryside. God reverses both
prejudices in 11:16-21 and 11:7. How were the leaders of Jerusalem profiting from the
situation? What was God’s view? The exiles are scattered. How will they be kept
safe? Did God intend to annihilate the remnant completely? Would the glory return?
Where had it stopped?

11. Ezekiel 11:24-25. How does the story end? What choice arises for them and us
because of this conclusion? Psalm 95:7-8.

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