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Chapter 1: My story begins

I am Ishmael, a sailor. I want to become a whaler. I go to Nantucket one night and look for a room to
sleep. The man tells me I have to share the room with Queequeg,

When Queequeg comes back at night, I realize he is a huge, ugly and weird man. However, after
talking to him the whole night, we become good friends.

Chapter 2: We find our ship

That morning I walk around Nantucket to find a good whaling ship. I see a ship called Pequod. It
looks tall and strong. The next day, I bring Queequeg to the Pequod to see Starbuck. When the men
on the ship see Queequeg, they laugh at him. To prove his worth, Queequeg asks the men to look at
a small dead bird at the water. He tells them the bird is a whale’s eye and he throws his harpoon and
hits the bird. The men are quiet now.

Before we go to the ship, we meet an old man, Elijah. Elijah tells us that Captain Ahab is a sick man,
the DEVIL, and his men are the devil’s helpers. I think this old man is crazy, so we quickly ignore him
and leave.

One night, I hear Captain Ahab shouting to Starbuck. Suddenly, I think of Elijah’s words and wonders
if the men on the ship are devil’s helpers.

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