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Alhamdulillah praise be to Allh SWT who has given us health and

opportunity, the author can finish the paper with the title "EXPOSITION". In the
preparation of this paper there are some books that are used as references by the
author, as well as the author also received help from teammates.

The authors would like to thank the benefits of the mind and have taken
the time, so that this paper can be completed. With the limitations of the authors
there must be shortcomings and weaknesses of this paper, therefore it is expected
that criticism and suggestions are built from the readers in order to get this better.
The author hopes that this paper will be useful for all readers.

Padangsidimpuan, February 2018


CHAPTER I.............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
A. Background .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Formulation Of The Problem ................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER II ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
A. Defenition of Exposition .........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Anatilytical Exposition .......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
a. Definition of Analytical Exposition ..................Error! Bookmark not defined.
b. The purpose of Communicative Analytical Exposition Text . Error! Bookmark
not defined.
c. Purpose of Analytical Exposition .....................Error! Bookmark not defined.
d. Generic Structure Analytical Exposition ..........Error! Bookmark not defined.
e. Language Features Analytical Exposition ........Error! Bookmark not defined.
f. Characteristics Analytical Exposition Text Editor .......... Error! Bookmark not
2. Hortatory Exposition ..........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
a. Definition of Hortatory Exposition ...................Error! Bookmark not defined.
b. The purpose of Communicative Hortatory Exposition Text .. Error! Bookmark
not defined.
c. Generic Structure Hortatory Exposition............Error! Bookmark not defined.
d. Character Language Hortatory Exposition Text ............. Error! Bookmark not
e. Characteristics of Hortatory Expotion Text ......Error! Bookmark not defined.


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