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Displacement-pile behaviour in a soft marine


Article in Canadian Geotechnical Journal · January 2011

DOI: 10.1139/t94-024


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2 authors:

Barry Michael Lehane Richard Jardine

University of Western Australia Imperial College London


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I i

Displacement-pile behaviour in a soft marine clay h


Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BU, England
Received January 22, 1993
Accepted November 4, 1993

The paper presents the results of field experiments performed using the Imperial College instrumented displace-
ment pile in a soft, sensitive marine clay at Bothkennar, Scotland. These results are compared with data from sim-
ilar programmes of experiments performed in other clay types with this pile so that some of the major factors con-
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Western Australia on 12/05/13

trolling displacement-pile performance may be identified.

Key words: displacement pile, instrumentation, sensitive clay, effective stress design.

Cet article prCsente les rtsultats dlexpCriences rkalisCes en nature dans une argile marine molle sensible au
remaniement, B Bothkennar, Ecosse, avec le pieu B dkplacement instrument6 de 1'Imperial College. Ces rksultats sont
comparCs avec les donnkes de programmes semblables d'expkriences realiskes avec ce pieu dans d'autres types
d'argile de sorte que certains des facteurs majeurs contrblant la performance en dkplacement du pieu peuvent &tre
Mots cle's : pieu de dkplacement, instrumentation, argile sensible, calcul en contraintes effectives.
[Traduit par la rkdaction]
Can. Geotech. 1. 31, 181-191 (1994)

This paper presents the results from a programme of
Imperial College (IC) instrumented pile tests performed in a
For personal use only.

soft clay deposit at Bothkennar, Scotland. Radial effective

stresses and shear stresses were monitored at a number of
locations along the pile shafts during installation, equalization,
and load testing. The testing programme was designed to
investigate factors affecting pile performance such as pile
length, equalization period, loading direction, and drainage
conditions during loading.
The Bothkennar results are compared in the final part of
the paper with those found in a parallel series of experi-
ments performed in a glacial clay site at Cowden, north-
east England (Lehane and Jardine 1994), and in an earlier IC
test series in London clay (Bond and Jardine 1991).

Site conditions and test procedures

Site and soil description
The UK Science and Engineering Research Council have
set up a soft clay test bed site at Bothkennar, Scotland, on the
southern bank of the Forth estuary (see Fig. 1). The ground FIG. 1. Site location.
conditions have been investigated thoroughly using state of
the art sampling, laboratory testing, and in situ test tech-
niques. Details of these investigations a r e reported by The clay fraction increases from -15% at 2 m to -40% at
Hawkins et al. (1989), Hight et al. (1992), Smith e t al. 6 m and consists of rock flour, kaolinites, and illites; quartz
(1992), and others. i s t h e principal mineral in t h e silt fraction (50-75%).
The Bothkennar clay was deposited in an estuarine or Postdepositional chemical alterations have led to some local
shallow-marine environment. The soil, within the depths haematite bonding between silt particles (Paul et al. 1992).
penetrated by the instrumented piles (1-6 m), comprises a soft The soil has a typical vane sensitivity of 5 and a liquidity
black silty mottled clay with some local silt laminae; this index between 0.5 and 0.9.
is overlain by a 1 m thick weathered firm crust. Plasticity T h e profiles o b t a i n e d in p i e z o c o n e tests a n d q u i c k
indices (PI) increase from -25% at 1.5 m to -50% between undrained triaxial compression tests are shown in Fig. 2.
4 and 6 m. Paul et al. (1992) have shown that these indices Below 2 m, both the piezocone end resistance (9,) and pore
are enhanced by the moderate proportion (-3%) of organic pressure (u,) increase slowly with depth in a way similar
residues bound to the clay minerals and that the PI reduces to that of the undrained shear strength (c,) profiles. The
to between 20 and 25% when the residues are extracted. peak values of c, vary with the sample type; 200 mm diam-
eter Lava1 samples (La Rochelle et al. 1981) gave strengths
'present address: University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin typically 40% greater than those of 100 mm diameter piston
2, Ireland. samples; Sherbrooke "block" samples (Lefebvre and Poulin
Printcd in Canada / Imprime nu Canada
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Cu (kPa1,UU tests
10 20 30

piston samples

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FIG.2. Bothkennar geotechnical profile.

TABLE1. Primary load tests at Bothkennar

te, L Test Tavp d, Base pressure

Pile (days) (m) condition Drainage (kPa) ci (mm) q, (MPa)
BKlT 0.8 6.0 Tension Undrained 15.3 0.90 12.0 ; -
BK2C 4.2 6.0 Compression Undrained 16.7 0.98 3.8 0.35 at 6 mm
BK3C/l 0.1 3.2 Compression Undrained 9.2 0.61 2.0 0.27 at 10 mm
BK3C/2 3.9 6.0 Compression Drained 17.4 1.02 5.0 0.51 at 13 mm
For personal use only.

BK4C 4.2 3.2 Compression Undrained 17.8 1.19 3.7 " 0.25 at 6 mm
NOTES: L, pile embedment; r,,,, equalization time prior to testing; d,, displacement at peak shaft capacity; a,adhe-
sion factor based on c, values from unconsolidated, undrained tests on 100 mm diameter piston samples.

1979) gave even higher strengths than Lava1 samples. This Postpeak reductions in friction angles were observed in
dependence on sample quality is typical of lightly over- about one third of all tests, whereas little or no loss of
consolidated clays. strength was recorded in the remainder. This unstable
The apparent overconsolidation ratio (OCR) (or vertical response led to ultimate residual angles that ranged from
yield stress ratio, YSR) at Bothkennar was estimated from 25 to 32".
oedometer tests, which followed the standard, 24 h, incre- Experiments in which rates of shearing were varied showed
mental load procedure (Fig. 2). These showed that the OCR peak resistances increasing by -6% per log cycle f o r
reduces from -1.9 at 2 m to -1.5 at 6 m. In situ horizontal velocities up to -100 mmlmin. Above this limit, the rate
stress (KO) measurements using the self-boring pressure- effects were negative, giving a 50% reduction in shear resis-
meter and standard relationships between OCR and KOsug- tance for a fivefold increase in velocity. This response con-
gested that KOreduces from -0.65 at 2 m to -0.5 at 6 m. trasts sharply with that seen in equivalent tests on Cowden
Comprehensive research into the stress-strain, yielding, and till (Lehane and Jardine 1994).
strength properties of Bothkennar clay was reported by
Smith et al. (1992), Hight et al. (1992), and others. We note Pile testing programme
here that triaxial compression tests on the clay indicated The pile instrumentation and site procedures employed
large strain friction angles (+Lv) of between 35 and 38". at Bothkennar were generally the same as those described by
Such high angles are thought to be primarily due to the pro- Lehane and Jardine (1994) for the earlier tests at Cowden.
portions of rock flour and colloidal organic material found The testing programme is summarized in Table 1, and the pile
in the soil's clay fraction. configurations are shown in Fig. 3.
Four instrumented 102 mm diameter cone-ended steel,
Behaviour in interjace shear tubular piles were jacked at a typical rate of 500 mmlmin
Soil-soil and soil-steel interface ring shear tests have from the base of a 1 m deep cased hole to final depths of
particular relevance to the behaviour of displacement piles. either 3.2 or 6 m. The piles were load tested after allowing
L e h a n e and Jardine (1992) describe experiments on an equalization period (t,,) of -4 days, with two exceptions:
Bothkennar clay which used interfaces of the same material ( i ) Pile BK3 was installed first to 3.2 m and load tested
and roughness as those of the instrumented piles. The tests after just 2 h (BK3Cl1) to assess the short-term capacity.
also attempted to model the shearing history of soil elements The pile was then jacked on to a final penetration of 6 m and
adjacent to the shaft during installation and load testing. retested after a period of 4 days (BK3Cl2). (ii) Pile B K l T
All samples were first subjected to fast preshearing (at experienced a minor leak and was load tested after a short-
500 mmlmin) before being tested in slow (drained) shear. ened equalization period of 20 h.
The peak drained resistances corresponded to friction angles All piles, except BK3Cl2, were load tested to failure by
of 3 2 & 2" i n both soil o n soil and soil to steel shear. applying 12 load increments over a period of about 1 h.

Piles BKx BK3CI1
Top load cell 8
displacement transducers

- r)-
Pressuremeter limit
pressure(PI )
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Steel tubular piles

R = 50.8mm


I Efl Lagging I - 1 - [ 77 1
FIG.3. Pile configurations.
For personal use only.

Avemge shaft shear stress Tav ( k k ) FIG.5. Installation radial total stresses.

s o m e d a m a g e caused by the leakage in pile B K l T , all

remained completely stable throughout the field programme.
Note that in the following instruments are referred to by
their distance from the pile tip (h) normalized by the pile
radius (R) (see Fig. 3).

Field data from Bothkennar

The results of the field experiments are separated below
into those obtained (i) during pile jacking, (ii) after instal-
lation, as the stresses surrounding the pile equalized with
the new boundary conditions and (iii) during loading to

Pile installation
The piles were jacked into the ground at 500 mmlmin in
a series of 200 mm pushes that were separated by pause
periods. A period of about 3 min was generally required to
reset the jacks, but longer pauses of up to 3 0 min were
FIG.4.Average shaft shear stresses during installation. Numbers required on occasions when extra sections of pile were
denote pause period (min) before each jacking stage. added.
The excess pore pressures generated by loading did not Shaft resistance
decrease appreciably between application of the increments, The variations with penetration depth of the average shaft
indicating that the conditions at the pile shaft were essentially shear stress (T,,) recorded during a typical pile installation
undrained. After attaining peak capacity, attempts were made are shown in Fig. 4. The resistance is seen to reduce from a
to maintain the maximum load by pumping the loading ram maximum at the start of a pile push to a minimum at the
continuously; this led to a maximum penetration rate of end of the stroke. This trend was also observed during fast
-5 mrnlmin. For the special case of pile BK3Cl2, loading was shearing tests in the ring shear apparatus (Lehane and Jardine
slowed down to ensure that all excess pore pressures dis- 1992). Although each peak value varied with the length of
sipated between load increments; the maximum pile pene- the preceding pause period, the minimum resistances, in all
tration rate measured in this test was 0.02 mmlmin. cases, tended towards a consistent lower bound envelope
The instruments, which included radial-stress, shear-stress, of -5 kPa. It appears that T,, would remain on this enve-
pore-pressure, and axial-load sensors, were monitored con- lope if the piles were pushed continuously (i.e., with no
tinuously during all stages of the experiments. Except for pause in jacking) to their final penetration depth. Such a
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Pore pressure (kPa1 Pore pressure ( k P d

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Time ( m i d

FIG.6. Installation pore pressures.

condition of steady penetration is assumed in strain path

analyses of the installation process (Baligh 1985).
Further tests at Bothkennar (see Lehane 1992) indicated
that shaft resistances were relatively insensitive to the pile Time (min)
displacement rate at velocities up to 500 mmlmin: the neg-
ative rate effect seen in ring shear tests was not evident in the
Radial total stress
Envelopes to the radial total stresses (ori) recorded for
all four pile installations are shown in Fig. 5. Values of ori
For personal use only.

are seen to lie between the initial undisturbed horizontal

stress (uhO)and the limit pressure measured in self-boring
pressuremeter tests (p,). The pressures recorded by instru-
ments at eight radii from the pile tip (i.e., at hlR = 8) were
typically - 0 . 8 ~but
~ reduced, within a given soil horizon, O1
10 100 1000 10000
~ the pile tip penetrated farther to hlR = 28.
to - 0 . 6 ~when Time (min)
The tendency for uri (as measured at fixed depths) to reduce
with hlR stabilized when hlR exceeded 28. Comparable FIG.7. Equalization measurements.
reductions of stresses with hlR were shown by the local
shear stress measurements (7,). zero and well b e l ~ wthe initial undisturbed horizontal effec-
tive stress (o;,).
Pore pressure
The installation pore pressures are summarized in Fig. 6. Interface friction angles (6)
It is significant that pressures recorded while the piles were Interface friction angles (6) mobilized during jacking may
moving (u,) were always less than the stationary values be calculated as
(us) measured during the installation pause periods. The
same phenomenon has been observed in other instrumented
pile tests (e.g., see Coop and Wroth 1989 or Lehane and
Jardine 1994) but occurs only at fast rates of displacement
and when pore-pressure sensors are located within material
that has been presheared in a previous jacking stage (Lehane This equation leads to 6 angles (12-18") that are consider-
1992). ably less than the ultimate residual angles (S,,,) measured
As with the orimeasurements, pore pressures (u,,, and us) during slow shear in pile-load and ring-shear tests. The
increased with depth and reduced with hlR. At fixed depths, anomaly is thought to be due to differences, at high pile
us values measured at hlR = 3 0 were only about 70% of velocities, between pore pressures acting on the pile shaft sen-
those recorded at hlR = 5 and approximately 35% of pore sors (u,) and those acting on the principal displacement
pressures measured by piezocones with elements located at shear surface, which probably lies a short radial distance
hlR = 1. from the shaft. The pore pressures acting on this surface
were assessed to lie between the recorded values of u, and
Radial effective stress (cr;) us; this assessment was based on the evaluation of pore
Whereas similar radial total stresses were measured in pressures from [ I ] , assuming the slow shear 6 value (S,,,)
the moving and stationary conditions, the discrepancies and the local measurements of oriand T,,.
between 11, and us led to relatively large differences between
the radial effective stresses c: computed during jacking and Equalization
in pause periods. Radial effective stress u i appeared to fall Radial total stress
rapidly during the first minute after jacking (as pore pressures The changes in radial total stress (or) which took place
rose), reaching values that were close to (but greater than) during equalization are summarized in Fig. 7. Here the data
from all instrument levels are expressed using the nondi-
mensional ratio

where ariis the measurement made at the end of installa-

tion, and u, is the hydrostatic (ambient) water pressure.
A consistent pattern is seen: HIH, remained constant for the
first few minutes, but then reduced steadily, reaching an
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ultimate value of less than 0.5. If the material adjacent to the

pile was elastic (and isotropic) throughout the equalization
process, no such reduction would occur (Sills 1975). The
observed behaviour reflects the interaction of a yielding
zone close to the pile with the surrounding zone of (unyield-
ing) high stiffness clay.
Pore pressure
As witnessed during installation pause periods, pore pres-
sures rose rapidly to reach maxima (urnax)approximately FIG.8. Equalized radial effective stress profiles.
1 min after the end of installation. The subsequent varia-
tion of pore pressures (u) is shown in Fig. 7 in terms of the Load testing
pore-pressure dissipation factor U,, where Overall pile response
The overall pile response obseryed in first-time load tests
at Bothkennar is summarized in Ta6le 1 and described below.
(1) Excluding the short-term test (BK3C/1), the peak aver-
age shaft resistances (T,,,) fall within 10% of the mean
The typical times for 50 and 85% excess pressure dissipation
For personal use only.

value of 16.8 kPa. a values (=T,,~C,) depend on the c, value

are 12 h and 4 days, respectively. A clear trend was found selected for their computation. For example, an average a of
within the data spread for pressures to dissipate more rapidly -0.7 is calculated using the peak triaxial compression
near the pile tip (due to the more three-dimensional drainage undrained strengths of (high quality) 200 mm diameter Laval
conditions). Dissipation at hlR = 5 3 was consistently twice samples, whereas a value of -1.0 is obtained if c, is taken as
as slow as that at hlR = 5, and about seven times slower the equivalent strength shown by (conventional) 100 mm
than rates inferred from piezocone dissipation measurements diameter Laval samples.
in which the sensor was located at hlR = 1. (2) The length of the equalization period has little effect
Dissipation curves obtained for the same hlR ratio, but on capacity after 1 day has elapsed. It has, however, a crit-
at different soil depths, were closely comparable, showing that ical influence over the first few hours, when capacities
local variations in soil parameters were not important. Two- increase to about three times those measured during com-
dimensional uncoupled consolidation analyses of the dissi- pletion of installation (see Fig. 4).
pation process indicated a mean radial coefficient of con- (3) The shaft load displacement curves showed nonlinear
solidation (c,) of -1 mm2/s. characteristics from the earliest stages of loading. All com-
Radial effective stress (a:) pression piles followed similar curves until they had mobi-
The variations of a: during equalization are summarized lized -85% of their peak capacity. However, the tension
in Fig. 7 by normalising the a: values recorded at each pile (BKlT) exhibited only half the stiffness of the com-
instrument position by their respective final equilibrium pression piles.
value (a:,). After about 2 min, a: values increased rapidly (4) The ultimate base capacities (q,) measured in load
with time, reaching 85% of fully equalized values after tests were comparable to the base resistances recorded dur-
1000 min; near equilibrium was attained after 4 days. The ing the final stages of installation. However, the base loads
rate of a: equalization exceeded that for pore-pressure decay were -15% short of their ultimate values when the peak
because pore-pressure and radial-stress changes were prac- overall capacity was attained. Both the short- and long-term
tically equal during the latter stages of dissipation. The final values of q, were similar to the cone resistances (q,) mea-
a:, values were between three and five times the minima sured at similar depths in piezocone tests.
measured shortly after installation. Loading effective stress paths
Summary profiles of a:, for the two pile lengths inves- The variations of local stresses during the load tests are
tigated are shown in Fig. 8. In both cases, a:, increases described most concisely by plotting T,, against a: at each
with depth and falls between 0.8 and 1.4 times the free field instrument position. These "stress paths" are shown in Fig. 9
vertical effective stress (a:,). However, the magnitudes of and indicate that, as at Cowden (see Lehane and Jardine
stresses acting on the shorter pile are about 50% greater 1994), the peak local shear stress (7,) can be described by the
than those developed at the same depths by the longer piles, simple Coulomb equation T, = a:, tan a,, or alternatively as
proving that, as for the records, a:, reduces as the rela-
tive depth of the pile tip (hlR) increases. This feature has [4] T, = f, a:, tan 6,
been observed in all soils tested with the IC instrumented pile where a:, is the preloading radial effective stress; a:, and
(e.g., see Lehane and Jardine 1994). 6, are the radial effective stress and obliquity at local shaft
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FIG. 10. Comparison of DSS and pile test data.

investigate the postpeak behaviour more fully. The com-

plete, pre- and post-peak, stress paths are given in Fig. 9
(up to a postpeak displacement of 8 mm). Note that the pre-
failure portions resemble closely those of the undrained pile
tests: reductions in radial total stress (a,) occurred in the
drained experiment which compensated almost exactly for the
pore-pressure increases seen under undrained conditions,
when a, remained virtually const3nt. It may be surmised
from this that the soil adjacent to'the pile is sheared under
nearly constant volume condit.ions in both drained and
undrained tests. Postpeak, the drained test showed only a
slight reduction in 6 and little variation in a:.
Comparison of load test dnta with laboratory tests
For personal use only.

The kinematic boundary constraints associated with an

incompressible pile undergoing undrained loading impose
FIG.9. T,, VS.u: variations during load tests. a constant-volume, simple shear mode of deformation on
the soil elements close to the shaft. With this in mind, and
failure, respectively; and f L is the load test coefficient through numerical analyses of the complex consolidation
(= u:~/u:,). stress histories experienced by these elements, Azzouz et al.
In all cases, radial effective stresses reduce during pile (1990) proposed that undrained (constant volume) direct
loading, giving f, values of -0.85 when peak local shear simple shear (DSS) tests performed on samples KO consol-
stresses are developed. The peak obliquities (6,) lie within idated at OCR ~ 1 . should
2 provide a reasonable model for
the narrow range of 25-30", and have a mean value of 28.5". pile loading in all lightly overconsolidated clays.
These relatively constant values of 6, and fL suggest that Figure 10 shows the typical normalized constant-volume
both parameters are insensitive to the rate and direction of DSS stress paths for Bothkennar clay at OCRs of 1 and 1.2.
loading and to the length of the equalization period: differ- The mean trend stress path established for the drained and
ences in capacity are associated primarily with variations undrained pile tests is plotted in the same diagram. It i s
in the preloading radial effective stresses. The shaft shear apparent that ( i ) the pile tests show smaller reductions in
stresses derived from the axial load distributions (f,) were in a: up to peak than would DSS tests on soil at OCR S 1.2;
excellent agreement with the direct measurements made by (ii) the peak obliquity (710:) coincides with the peak shear
the shear-stress sensors (T,,) showing that, unlike the glacial stress in the pile tests (this is not true in DSS tests); and
till at Cowden (see Lehane and Jardine 1994), 6, values (iii) the dramatic postpeak reductions in shear and normal
were insensitive to minor variations in the surface properties effective stresses seen in DSS tests were not evident in the
of the pile. pile experiments.
The postpeak data from standard "undrained" pile tests It thus seems that, although pile loading involves a sim-
are not shown in Fig. 9. In these tests, the piles accelerated ple shear mode of deformation up to peak shear stress, DSS
from -0.2 mm/min to -5 mm/min as attempts were made tests on KO consolidated samples (at OCR I 1.2) overestimate
to maintain the maximum applied load after the shaft had the changes in a: and underestimate 6. There appears to be
failed. Anomalously low postpeak pore pressures were a departure from continuum behaviour when peak local
recorded (as during installation) which led to apparent ulti- shear stresses are mobilized. Under these conditions, ring
mate obliquities of only -15". However, these low pore shear interface tests yield 6 values (30 rt 2") that agree well
pressures (and 6 values) disappeared when the displacement with the typical peak angle recorded in all pile tests, and
rate was reduced to below -1 mmlmin. Furthermore, when also match the ultimate angle measured under drained load-
a pile was reloaded, the 6, value recovered to match that ing conditions.
seen in the first test, proving that no permanent change in soil
fabric had taken place adjacent to the pile. A similar phe- General trends
nomenon was observed in the IC pile tests at Cowden This third section summarizes and compares the results
(Lehane and Jardine 1994). from the Imperial College (IC) displacement pile tests in
The slow (drained) pile test (BK3Cl2) was performed to Bothkennar clay and Cowden till (Lehane and Jardine 1994).
\ \

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oril qb
FIG. 1 1. Normalized installation radial total stresses.
For personal use only.

Results are also presented from the IC pile test programme Pore pressure
in London clay, described by Bond and Jardine (1991), so that The pore pressures measured during installation showed a
some of the main factors controlling pile performance in comparable dependence on soil consistency and hlR. Three
clay soils may be identified. Lehane et al. (1994) synthe- further common features were observed:
size these data with other high-quality instrumented pile (1) Pressures reduced at the beginning of a jacking stage
test data and propose a general effective stress approach and remained at lower values (u,) as the pile penetrated
for the design of displacement piles in clay soils. the ground. This reduction suggests that there is a tendency
for the presheared, partially equalized material adjacent to the
Installation pile shaft to dilate when sheared. Values of u,,, were always
Radial total stress positive in the low-OCR Bothkennar clay, but were nega-
The radial total stresses developed on a displacement pile tive close to the pile tip at Cowden and negative along the
during installation (a,,) in clay depend primarily on (i) the entire shaft in the very heavily overconsolidated London
initial stresses in the ground, (ii) the clay's genesis and clay (OCR = 30).
stress history (which determine its consistency and state), (2) On the completion of a jacking stage, pressures rose to
and (iii) the complex series of strain paths imposed on the relatively steady large positive values (LL,),suggesting that
clay as the pile advances (including the load cycling asso- higher positive excess pore pressures existed farther away
ciated with driving or jacking). from the shaft and a small volume of water flowed radially
These effects are illustrated in Fig. 11, which plots the towards the pile when it came to rest.
mean ratios of urito the pile end bearing capacity (qb) mea- (3) Local measurements of shear and radial stresses sug-
sured at all depths against the relative depth of the pile tip gested that the pore pressures on the principal displacement
(hlR) at which these ratios were recorded (q, values were, in shear surface, which probably existed a short distance from
all cases, closely comparable to the piezocone end resis- the pile, were roughly midway between u, and the station-
tance 9,). During steady penetration, conditions at the pile tip ary maxima us.
are comparable to those near an expanding spherical cav-
ity and, to a first approximation, a, = q,. As the tip advances Radial effective stress
below any given soil horizon (and the relative tip depth IzlR The large shear strains imposed by pile installation caused
increases), the stress concentration focused at the tip becomes significant destructuration of the sensitive Bothkennar Clay,
more remote and the soil unloads radially. The radial total leading to large reductions in the radial effective stresses
stress uri reduces to match the limit pressure for a cylin- from the initial undisturbed values (a;,). In contrast, instal-
drical cavity (or pressuremeter test p, value) when IzlR = lation in the insensitive Cowden till and London clay caused
3, and by the time the pile has penetrated farther to give a the radial effective stresses to increase to values far greater
hlR value of 50, uri has fallen to between 10 and 30% of than ubo.
its maximum value (9,). Lehane (1992) showed that, in Equalization
addition to soil type, the rate of reduction of ariwith hlR Radial total stress
is also affected by the number and type of load cycles The radial stress changes observed during equalization
imparted to the soil during installation. at each site are compared in Fig. 12 by plotting the mean
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Time ( m i d
FIG. 12. Relative reductions in radial total stresses during equalization.
For personal use only.


Bothkennar .


Time ( m i d
FIG. 13. Normalized variations of cr: during equalization.

variations of HIH, (defined in eq. [2]) with time. It is evident Pore-press~~re dissipation
that HIH, generally reduced at all instrument positions, with Pore pressures rose immediately after installation, giving
the greatest relative reductions taking place in the low-OCR, pronounced short-term maxima before pressures decayed
sensitive Bothkennar clay. A wider ranging review by Lehane towards hydrostatic values. Drainage was clearly more rapid
(1992) showed that equalized values of HIH, decrease with and three-dimensional near the pile tip. Analyses of the dis-
increasing clay sensitivity and reducing OCR. sipation curves showed that, when they were modelled using
linear consolidation theory, the best fitting radial coeffi-
cients of consolidation (c,,) fell between 0.5 and 1.5 mm2/s.
This range is compatible with coefficients measured in small-
strain swelling or recompression laboratory tests.

Radial effective stress

The radial total stress and pore-pressure changes observed
during equalization led to the variations of the radial effec-
tive stress (ui) with time shown in Fig. 13. In this figure, the
o: values recorded at all instrument levels are normalized
by the corresponding a: values measured after full equal- Fast-jacked p ~ l e s
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ization (u:,); the installation values of u:, plotted at t = "/R = 8

Depth = 5.5m
1 min, have been corrected for the anomalous pore pres-
sures recorded at high velocities (to values between u, and
us, as discussed earlier) so that this plot might be consid-
01 I I I I I I I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ered as representative of u: conditions on the principal dis- Displacement (mrn)
placement shear surface. Two important features to note are
(i) the pronounced short-term minimum of u: in the dila- FIG. 14. Normalized T,, variations with displacement during
tant Cowden till; (ii) the large overall increases in u: during load tests.
equalization at Bothkennar, the relatively neutral effect at
Cowden, and the net reduction of a: in the London clay. The test piles generally tended to fail progressively from
Taken together, these data show that the degree of setup the top downwards. Comparisons are made in Fig. 1 4
decreases with increasing OCR. between curves of normalized local shtar stresses [T,/(T,)~,,~]
against local2 displacement (d) for<fast-jackedpiles tested in
Equalized radial effective stress compression.
The radial effective stress after full equalization (IT:,) is a It is apparent that
critical parameter affecting displacement-pile capacity in (1) The Bothkennar tests showed a greater degree of pre-
clays. The data presented in this paper and a detailed review
For personal use only.

peak nonlinearity than did the piles at Cowden or in the

of other high-quality instrumented pile tests in clays (Lehane London clay.
et al. 1994) indicate the following: (2) The value of d at which local shear stresses reach
(1) The equalized lateral effective stress ratio (Kc), defined their peak clearly varies with soil type (and loading direction).
as U : ~ / U ~ increases
,, systematically with OCR, e.g., at an (3) Very significant postpeak losses in local shaft capac-
hlR value of 8, Kc values increased from 1.35 at Bothkennar ity were seen in the London clay, with 8 reducing as the
(OCR = 1.5) to 4 at Cowden (OCR = 6) and to 12 in the soil fabric reordered. Such reductions have a marked influ-
London clay (OCR = 30). ence on the overall peak capacity of long, compressible
(2) Kc reduces significantly as the relative depth of the piles. Only minor postpeak reductions in 6 were seen at
pile tip (hlR) increases, but the rate of reduction depends Cowden and Bothkennar.
on the soil type and the installation method; most pro-
nounced reductions occur close to the pile tip (hlR < 20). Loading effective stress paths
(3) Clay sensitivity is an important parameter. The Kc val- Typical loading effective stress paths for the three soil
ues expected in a sensitive, low-OCR clay are less than half types are presented in normalized form on Fig. 15. These
those expected in a comparable, but insensitive, soil. and other data show that the load test coefficient, f, = $,/oic,
(4) Piles installed in low-plasticity clay-silts (PI < 20%), is only weakly dependent on the soil type and d ~ r e c t ~ oofn
such as those reported by Karlsrud et al. (1993), mobilize far loading, falling between about 0.8 and 1.0 in all cases.
lower Kc values than "typical" clays and are more comparable However, the obliquities at peak shear stress (8,) are much
to the values recorded by Lehane et al. (1993) in loose to more sensitive to the soil and pile types, varying from
medium-dense sand. between -13" (reducing to 8" postpeak) for London clay to
These trends are broadly compatible with predictions a constant angle of -28" for Bothkennar clay. The shapes
made using the strain path method and the MIT-E3 soil of the stress paths, and studies of the fabric developed adja-
model (Baligh 1985; Whittle et al. 1988). However, this cent to piles (e.g., see Bond and Jardine 1991), suggest that
approach may underpredict Kc and the rates of reduction of these obliquities are controlled by the residual sliding char-
Kc with hlR under some circumstances (see Lehane 1992). acteristics of the soil-interface system. "Pile-modelling"
The cylindrical cavity expansion method (Wroth et al. 1979) ring shear tests appear to provide the best means of assess-
overpredicts Kc values greatly at hlR values in excess of 5. ing such characteristics: it is suggested that they should
become standard tests for guiding the design of displace-
Load testing ment piles.
Shaft shear stress - displacement behaviour
The most striking feature of the load-displacement curves Conclusions
obtained from pile tests at Cowden and Bothkennar was the The most conclusive trends to emerge from the IC instru-
distinctly softer response seen in tension; this feature was also mented pile tests at Bothkennar and Cowden are listed below.
evident in the IC sand tests reported by Lehane et al. (1993). These features have been found to be compatible with data
Notably, tension and compression tests gave practically the from the earlier IC London clay pile tests.
same curves in the London clay, indicating that directional
dependence is not a general feature of displacement piles. 'with corrections being made for compression of the pile.
C A N GEOTECH J VOL. 3 1, 1994 ! \

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Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Western Australia on 12/05/13
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FIG. 15. Mean effective stress paths followed during load tests. (Note T,, =f,for Bothkenner and London clay).

(1) The radial total stresses (a,,) and shear stresses (T,,) at Cowden, a:, was comparable to and, in the London
developed on the shaft of a displacement pile during installa- clay, u:, was less than
tion (at fixed distances from the tip) reflect directly the (8) The equalized lateral stress ratios Kc (= u~,/cr:,) depend
initial consistency of the soil. Their profiles follow a similar primarily on the OCR and sensitivity of the clay and reduce
trend with depth to the piezocone test end resistance q,. as the relative depth of the pile tip increases.
(2) The uri and T,, values acting at fixed depths reduce (9) In most cases, local shaft failure appears to be con-
as the pile penetrates to deeper levels (and the distance from trolled by the simple Coulomb criterion: T~ = @:, tan s,,
the pile tip, h , increases). T h e rates of stress reduction where a:, and 6, are the radial effective stress and obliq-
depend on the soil type and the installation method. uity at peak local shear stress (T,),respectively; a:, is typi-
(3) The rate dependence of shaft installation resistances cally about 90% of c:, in first-time load tests performed
varies significantly between clay types. Fast shearing ring after full equalization.
shear soil-interface experiments predict these rate effects (10) The angles of friction, 6,, are very sensitive to the soil
with at least partial success. and pile type, but may be predicted accurately by appro-
(4) Pore pressures rise to reach maxima shortly after priate ring shear interface experiments.
installation, and then reduce monotonically to ambient val-
ues. The pore-pressure dissipation process can be modelled
approximately using linear radial consolidation theory. Acknowledgements
(5) Radial total stresses reduce throughout equalization. The research reported in this paper was funded by the
The greatest relative reductions take place in soft, sensitive UK Science and Engineering Research Council (through
clays such as those found at Bothkennar. M T D Ltd.), A M O C O ( U K ) Exploration Co., Building
(6) The radial effective stresses (a:) show temporary min- Research Establishment, C O N O C O ( U K ) Ltd., E x x o n
ima shortly after installation. These were most pronounced Production Research Co., Health and Safety Executive,
in the stiff, dilatant till at Cowden. Mobil Research and Development Corp., and Shell (UK)
(7) The degree of setup depends on the OCR of the clay. Ltd. The support of the sponsors and the efforts of all the
At Bothkennar, a: values after equalization (a:,) were three staff at Imperial College, especially Mr. Alan Bolsher, are
times those measured just after installation (a:,). However, gratefully acknowledged.
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