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“When you look at your life, the greatest happiness's are family happiness. Activities to do with your child 1, Go te the library ~ stay for story time 2, Bakesomething, anything 3. Consruct something with blocks or Lego’s 4, Reada book 5. DrawiColor together 6. Go window shopping 7. Hosta play date with their favorite friend 8, Dress Up together 9. Go Sedding 10,Build something in the snow (Fort, snowman) 1L.Go swimming (indoor or outdoor) 12.Havea picnic (outside or on the living room floor!) 13.Listen to new music together 14. Visita museum 15. Visita Zoo 16.Visita pet store 17. Write and mail a letter to someone special 18.Play a card or board game 19.Takea walk 20.Get aut baby photos and talk about them 21.Sing Songs 22.Takea class together at local art center 23.Go raller or ice skating together 24:Tell sories about when your child was a baby 25.Hugmold your child 26.Build a blanket fort 27-Tell your child what makes them special (to you and others) 28.Teach/ell your child about your job ~ take them to work For a day if you es 29.Havea scavenger hunt (indoor or outdoor) 30.Go te a movie together 31. Visit your child at school 32.Dig cut your year book and share about your experiences, 33. Visita nursing home or hospital 34.Finger Paint 35.Take pictures 36. Visit and learn about places in your neighborhood (fire sation, police station, post office, dairy, etc.) 37.Clean out a room together (basement, attic, garage) 38. Work a puzzle together 39,Plan a vacation together ~ then GO! 40, Make S'mores 41,Build a bird house 42.Play a sport together 43. Make homemade pizza 44.Rake leaves and play/jump in them. 45.Go on a hayride 46.Visit an apple orchard / pumpkin patch 47.Plant something, 48. Have a water fight 49.Play hide and seek 530.Go to the state fair 51.Collect different fall eaves '52.Have a block party 53.Take a hike '54.Make puppets and pat on a show for each other '55.Tell stories about your childhood '56.Attend athletic event 'S7-Make homemade ice eream '58.Learn about different cultures '59.Take flowers toa friend (60.Go wading in a creek 61.Go for a train ride 62.Go horseback riding. 63.Climb a tree 64.Go camping (65.Have a family talent show (66,Draw a map and have a treasure hunt 67.Walkiplay in the rain {68.Talk about feelings/emotions 669.Paint a picture by numbers together 70.Go to a theater performance 71.Complete a DIY project together 72. Wash the car 7BPlay Frisbee 74.Pick up liter in the community 75.Fly a homemade kite 76.Jump rope TT-Exetvise together 78. Discuss nutrition and the 4 basic food groups 79.Start a savings account — talk about budgeting and saving money 80, Write a story (draw illustrations together too!) 81.Go fishing + B2Visita relative 83. Visit the neighbors 84.Go bowling 85.Dance party! 86.Play Simon Says 87. Have leter or color ofthe weck and Took for them together 88.Play “I Spy” £89, Act outa favorite story together 90. Listen to music and play homemade instruments together 91. Stara gratitude jourmal with your child ~ they ean draw what they are thankful for 92.Let your child pick out the menu for a meal 93, Start a collection 94,Practicelteach something (reading, tying shoes, zipping zipper, spors, ‘rhyming, sorting, telling time) 95, Sidewalk chalk 96.Go for a bike ride 97.Play pretend 98. Make a collage out of photos and/or clip 99,Tell jokes 100. Spend time simply LISTENING to them, 6 of their favorite things LOL, Make a lst of things you want to do together in the future!

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