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The Psychopathology of Donald Trump

This essay is dedicated to my beloved Sarah who has been an unfailing infuence in the creation of it...

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), mathematician, rationalistic philosopher and

winner of the 1950 Nobel Prize in Literature, authored The Conquest of
Happiness—not a “technical, professional” philosophical volume yet one
that has enjoyed numerous reprints since its initial publication in 1930. In
that tome BR distinguishes the narcissist from the megalomaniac: “The
megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be
powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved.”
BR's aphoristic-like explanation is a handy way for distinguishing the
difference between narcissism and megalomania. It might have been
serviceable to some journalists who gave Donald Trump a free pass by
describing him as a “narcissist-egotist” when, in fact, he is a bona fde
megalomaniac. It is appalling that during the 2016 presidential campaign,
no psychiatrist or psychologist of any repute, voiced his or her opinion
concerning the mental health, stability of DT who was about to embark on
one of the most demanding lines of work in the world—a stress that has left
one DisUnited States (DUS) president after another with gray hairs and the
strain of a 4-8-year marathon of senescence.
There is an “optical illusion” of sorts in our midsts. People might ask “Why
is not Donald Trump in some loony bin with others who refer to
themselves as Napoleon or Jesus Christ—drugged to the hilt and scheduled
for his daily dosage of occupational therapy?” He has called himself a
genius, he has suggested—kidding, of course—that the DUS might want to
implement a term-less reign (“shot”) for the DUS presidency such as the
one the president of China possesses, and he really believes his country
might have to “nuke” North Korea—among others of his delusions of
grandeur. I contend that DT already lives in a cuckoo's nest, and it is
known as “the Cult of the American Privileged Class. (CAPC)”
The Cult of the American Privileged Class is a network of fellow travelers
who live isolated from the rest of the American society partaking of a vast
profusion of material possessions (they hold almost 99% of the DUS's
fnancial resources) and exploiting the social and fnancial connections of
others belonging to this “enigmatic,” Masonic-like organization—this
perpetual “You scratch my back and I will scratch yours” convenience.
If we merely calculate that 1% of the DUS population, about 326,000,000
(2017) is 326,000, it is quite simple to deduce that if 326,000 people possess
99% of the nation's wealth, Americans must be a fragile sort—ones content
to be moderated at will by others. If there are 326,000 anal-hoarders
managing such a large proportion of the DUS aggregation, that means that
such a stunning disequilibrium does not bode well for a democracy for the
people, by the people. This is, rather, some type of extended oligarchy, a
system that profts the very, very few at the expense of the hoi polloi many.
(“Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs
with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are
governed by the few.” David Hume)
Let us enter into their cuckoo's nest to ascertain how this Clique of
Madmen and Madwomen functions for themselves and not for the well-
being of their fellow citizens whom they depend on to make them even
more moneyed than they might have been the last time they cheated on
their income tax. The CAPC is a close knit coterie of individuals who are
glued to each other by reason of their associations in academic societies,
clubs, religious structures, secret lodges, et alia. They favor themselves, and
are in reality content to know that they are helping one and other—always
ready to ask for a “kindness” to be later returned in kind. They are
revoltingly selfsh, and at their worst, their greed is pathological. They
know what is “best” because they have the fnancial resources to acquire
what is considered optimum—whether that be tangible or intangible
benefts. They pride themselves in owning: the superfne automobiles,
homes, properties, lawyers, doctors, dentists, infnitum. They send their
children to the prizewinning prep schools and most expensive universities.
(Yale University alumnus George W Bush: “I'm proof that a C-level student
can become president of the United States.”) At these universities,
“connections” are cultivated for future palsey-walsey business activities,
and all of these alumni and alumnae follow each one and other throughout
their lives belonging to the same network of Greed and, so often,
Corruption. The American Way!
It is not my intention to harp on the political, fnancial and social
peccadillos of the citizens of the DUS, most of whom dream of becoming as
prosperous as the cheapskates in existence in the American Dreamland.
America is a democracy and Americans are guaranteed the right to be
subservient to a pack of avaricious, incompetent top dogs not in the least
interested in other than augmenting their own teemingness—without
concern for others; these American citizens, submissive to the ideal of
being excessively, fnancially abundant, without knowing what it signifes to
be part of the Cult of the American Privileged Class—such a backwash of
highly civilized monkeys.
And, let's face it. America is a democracy, no? For more than 200 years,
Americans have been living in a state of dog-eat-dog capitalism that they
unceasingly vote for with aplomb and get happily wealthy with
notwithstanding the wars they must wage to keep, in the pink, their stock
markets, insurance companies, munitions' industries, automobile
factories, infnitum.What a ghastly way to want to live! So, let them!
Who cares? That is what they have chosen. It is their democratic right. So be
it. Anyway, who is going to be competent enough to change the minds of
these blithering idiots who have been for so long used to acting in a fxed,
deleterious manner? Superman? Spiderman? Wonder Woman?
I am more fascinated in analyzing the skanky American notion that being
affuent is more crucial than even being educated. This major affective
disorder has so taken hold of, so forcefully, the American people that they
are dazed—drugged?—among themselves, always reaching out to
accumulate more, always unsatisfed with what they have, always believing
that the more they possess, the more superior they are. What an alarming,
pathetic state to be in.
Who does not think that businesspeople and politicians are criminals? The
felonious activities of our businesspeople and politicians of great wealth
and power are now common thought. More interesting is the way these big
shots evolved to be what they are. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth,
Donald Trump grew up surrounded by all he ever needed, but still more.
The best of everything. The most expensive of everything. The “family
friends” who could get things done for him. (Trump's grandmother: “My
grandchild is not going to serve in Vietnam. Mark my words!”) He became a
little spoilt brat watching his mother and father running out of their home
to catch a fight, attend an important meeting or luncheon, and being left
by his parents in the hands of often foreign men and women helpers. (Did
Donald Trump's mother ever breastfeed him?) He was to be taken so good
care of by these assistants who had been ordered—to assuage Donnie's
parents' guilt complexes—to do what the small fry wanted, no matter what.
It is not uncommon that these parental substitutes initiate these
emotionally tortured individuals into their frst sexual experience. Donnie
was so used to having what he wanted—the best of what he wanted—he
lacked control over himself and easily burst into violent tantrums. No
wonder many of this ilk become alcoholics or drug addicts. (Donnie,
America's balding, potbelly, bully president, is a glutton for junk food.) You
do not want to be around him when he doesn't get what he clamors for.
One of his most common reactions to failure is revenge. Vendetta against
whatever and whomever he thinks failed him. (You’re fred!) His arrogance
is stultifying. When he is a guest on TV programs, you can see him
seething below with the temptation—cautiously held in check—to burst out
some unseemly, non-Christian expletive. He fashes that frozen smile I once
saw that hoodlum, Richard Nixon, constantly hold for the TV cameras at a
Miami Dolphins-San Diego Chargers football game in the Orange Bowl.
The rich and powerful are so fxated on making money, they don’t even
have time to have an affair with their secretaries or any one else. Their
lonely wives, naturally, have all the time they could ask for. No journalist
dares to comment on the presidential sex life of Donald Trump. They only
wish they could! What a loathsome spectacle this is! The president of the
DisUnited States is a psychiatric case study, and not the leader of the world
he pretends to be.
What makes an American male, of draft eligibility think, fve times, that he
deserves exemption from military service when his nation is at war? Is he in
some way superior to other Americans of his age, his fellow citizens? Did he
examine his conscience to think what might have happened to those who
went to war in his place? And, how could have more than 60,000,000
Americans, who call themselves patriots, even ever thought to vote for such
a spoilt brat exempt so often from United States military service? MONEY,
you say? (Trump got out of the draft; so can I! There is a volunteer army, no
draft, you say? Are you going to invade North Korea or Russia or China
(General Douglas MacArthur wanted to invade China) with the American
volunteer army? Get real!) Can one get crazier than this?
When I served in intelligence in the United State Army, we would have to
write up contingency plans—studies that would replace an action in motion
with another if that initial response failed to get the mission accomplished.
At the time, I thought this was a meritorious procedure thinking that staff
members were always fexible enough to switch to a different operation if
the reserve one was thought to be better than the previous. I thought my
superiors were fexible. Agile. Today, there are contingency plans for
everything. The transfer of Vatican City to the United States if the threat of
terrorism reaches the boiling over point. I'll bet there is a contingency plan
to convert the Pentagon into a Trappist monastery—the dream of Jesuits!
(Just kidding, of course!)
But what about the contingency plans for North Korea, Russia and China?
Is there some intel specialist—off the wall; out of the box (Dr StrangeLove)
—calculating how many ground troops would be needed to invade North
Korea, Russia and China, and what would the logistics requirements be to
satisfy, say, a 50,000,000 American troop force that would be needed to
wield, into the American Dream, Russia, the largest nation in the world,
and China just about the same size as the DUS? The combined population
of North Korea, Russia, and China is 1,584,621,309 people. Russia and
China's landmasses are tremendous. It would be crazy, too, to invade these
heavily fortifed countries to “take them over” for the Pentagon. Will
Pentagon planners have the luxury of building up a strong army to invade
Russia or China or North Korea when the individuals who voted for Donald
Trump themselves believe they deserve exemptions from military service
just as the ones Donnie himself received? Where is this American army
going to come from? American females? Robots?
What alternative, then, is left to swivel chair warriors in the Pentagon?
Bombing, of course! There are two bombing methods available:
conventional arms and nuclear arms. To attack North Korea with
conventional arms is a risk because the logistics needed to pull off
bombings by a multitude of attack aircraft would be enormous involving
many individuals who would have to man refueling and maintenance
stations. Also, fghter planes and bombers would have to be supported by
helicopters and other rescue aircraft—including medivacs—assigned to
save American lives. Nevertheless, arms' dealers would be jumping for joy
to get a piece of the conventional bombing business!
The use of nuclear weaponry is the worst choice of all. The dropping of
nuclear weapons upon North Korea would result in the deaths of thousands
upon thousands of women, children and North Korea's elderly, and would
effectuate a huge backlash against the DUS compromising business and
diplomatic reaction in all embassies throughout the world; condemnation
of the DUS would be harsh and quick. American tourists visiting foreign
countries would come under extreme negative harassment—worse than
what they experience today when they visit France! The DUS would be
known for committing one of the world's most horrible atrocities, and
many would begin to compare the DUS to other tyrants who tried to rule
the world with their belligerence and bombings. Already the DUS is known
as a nation that represents many fne people with fne traditions and they
might even be thought of as a wonderful people—if they are not bombing
you. Remember Nagasaki and Hiroshima? The Japanese certainly do. And
also many Asiatic people. Asia constitutes 4.3 billion individuals—60% of
the world's population. The DisUnited States constitutes 4.3% of the
world's population. Isn't it time Americans became more “real” with
themselves and others in this world?
Chinese philosophy teaches us that when a state is about to fourish, its
ruler is solemn, illustrious, sincere and correct. He is discriminating, pure,
kind, and affable. He is virtuous. When a state is about to perish, its ruler is
greedy, reckless, depraved, and perverted. He is lewd, indolent, negligent
and lazy. He is vulgar and cruel.
It will take years and years for the American people to come to the
realization that Donald Trump and his adherents have inficted upon
America a terrible evil; and, further, it will take many, many more years to
right this wrong that has made America a laughingstock and ignominy in
the eyes of the world.

Authored by Anthony St. John

21 March MMXVIII
Calenzano, Italy

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