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DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 1

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport
Department of Roads
Western Regional Road Directorate
Division Road Office




Construction of Bridge over Danav River at

Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar
Road in Rupandehi District (2x40m pre-
stressed concrete with Pile Foundation)

Price Bid Documents

Two Envelope Bidding
Issued on: January 2017
Issued to:
Invitation for Bids No.: 37-073/074
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 2

NCB No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245

Table of Contents

Letter of Price
Bid ................................................................................................................
Table of Price Adjustment
Data ..............................................................................................4
Preamble of Bill of
Quantities ..................................................................................................6
Bill of
Quantities .....................................................................................................
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 3

Letter of Price Bid

The Bidder must accomplish the Letter of Price Bid in its letterhead clearly
showing the Bidder’s complete name and address.


Name of the contract:

Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in
Rupandehi District (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation)
Contract no. DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245

Invitation for Bid No.: 37-073/074

To: Division Chief

Division Road Office, Butwal, Rupandehi
We, the undersigned, declare that:
(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including Addenda issued
in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Clause 8;
(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following Works: Construction
of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi
District (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation)

(c) The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (d) below is:

(d) The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:

(e) Our bid shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline
in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be
accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;
(f) If our bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security in accordance with the
Bidding Document;
(g) We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your
notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is
prepared and executed;
(h) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you
may receive;
(i) We agree to permit the Employer/DP or its representative to inspect our accounts and records and
other documents relating to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by
the Employer; and

(j) If awarded the contract, the person named below shall act as our Representative:
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 4

Name: .................................................................................................
In the capacity of .............................................................................
Signed …………………………………………………………
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of ……………
Date …………………………………………………………..

Table of Price Adjustment Data

[To be used if Price Adjustment is applicable as per GCC 45.1]

Index Base Value Proposed
Code Source of Index Weighting
Description and Date Weighting
1 2 3 4 5 6
Non -
- 0.15 0.15
adjustable (A)
"National Salary and Wage 0.15 -0.25
Labor (b) Rate Index"- "Construction
Labor" of Nepal Rastra Bank
:"National Wholesale Price
Index" - Construction 0.30 -0.40
Materials (c)
Materials" of Nepal Rastra
"National Wholesale Price
Equipment Index"- "Transport Vehicles
0.20 -0.30
usage (d) and Machinery Goods" of
Nepal Rastra Bank
Total 1.00

*Bidders proposed weightings should be within the range specified by the Employer in column - 5

1. Base value and date in column - 4 and Bidder's proposed weighting coefficient in column - 6
should be filled by the bidder.
2. Bidder's proposed weightings (coefficient) should be within the range specified by the Employer in
column - 5.
3. Sum of weightings (coefficient) in column -6 should be one.
4. Base value and Bidder’s proposed weighting coefficient to be filled as per “Bid Form of Table of
Price Adjustment Data” in Bidding Forms (Section-IV) after verification by the Employer in case
of the alternative provision of Bidder proposed value and weighting coefficient.
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DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 6

Preamble of Bill of Quantities

A. General
1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders, General and
Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and Drawings.

2. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to
provide a common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work
ordered and carried out, as measured by the Contractor and verified by the Project Manager and
valued at the rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities, where applicable, and
otherwise at such rates and prices as the Project Manager may fix within the terms of the Contract.

3. For any item for which measurement is based on records made before or during construction the
records shall be prepared and agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor. Should the Contractor
carry out such work without the prior agreement of the Engineer, the Engineer may request the
Contractor to carry out investigations to confirm the extent of the work and the quantity of work
certified for payment shall be solely at the Engineer's discretion. The cost of any such investigation
shall be borne by the Contractor.

4. The rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except as otherwise provided under
the Contract, include all construction equipment, labor, supervision, materials, erection,
maintenance, insurance, profit, taxes, and duties, together with all general risks, liabilities, and
obligations set out or implied in the Contract.

5. A rate or price shall be entered against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities, whether
quantities are stated or not. The cost of items against which the Contractor has failed to enter a rate
or price shall be deemed to be covered by other rates and prices entered in the Bill of Quantities.

6. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the Items
provided in the priced Bill of Quantities, and where no Items are provided, the cost shall be
deemed to be distributed among the rates and prices entered for the related Items of Work.

7. General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily repeated nor
summarized in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the Contract
documentation shall be made before entering prices against each item in the priced Bill of
Quantities. The Specification Clause references where given in the item description of the Bills of
Quantities are for the convenience of bidders and generally refer to the principal relevant-
specification clause but do not necessarily represent the whole of the specification requirements for
the work required within the item. The presence of a Specification clause reference shall not in any
way reduce the Bidders obligation to complete work in accordance with all the requirements of the

8. Provisional Sums included and so designated in the Bill of Quantities shall be expended in whole
or in part at the direction and discretion of the Project Manager in accordance with the Conditions
of Contract.

9. The method of measurement of completed work for payment shall be in accordance with the

10. The abbreviations and symbols used in this Bill of Quantities are:
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 7

Unit Abbreviation
cubic metre cum. or m3
day day
hectare ha
hour hr
kilogram kg
kilometre km
linear metre lin.m. or Rm
litre Ltr.
lump sum LS
metre m
metric ton (1000 kg) mt or ton
millimetre mm
month mth
number No.
provisional sum PS
square metre sq.m. or m2
week wk
Emulsion E
Aggregate Mix AM

B. Day work Schedule

a) General
1. Work shall not be executed on a day work basis except by written order of the Project Manager.
Bidders shall enter basic rates for day work items in the Schedules. These rates shall apply to any
quantity of day work ordered by the Project Manager. Nominal quantities have been indicated against
each item of day work, and the extended total for day work shall, be carried forward as a Provisional
Sum to the Summary Total Bid Amount. Unless otherwise adjusted, payments for day work shall be
subject to price adjustment in accordance with the provisions in the Conditions of Contract.
b) Day work Labor
1. In calculating payments due to the Contractor for the execution of day works, the hours for labor will
be reckoned from the time of arrival of the labor at the job site to execute the particular item of day
work to the time of departure from the job site, but excluding meal breaks and rest periods. Only the
time of classes of labor directly doing work ordered by the Project Manager and are competent to
perform such work will be measured. The time of gangers (charge hands) actually doing work with
the gangs will also be measured but not the time of foremen or other supervisory personnel.
2. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the total time that labor is employed on day
work, calculated at the basis rates entered by it in the " SCHEDULE OF DAY WORK RATES: 1.
LABOR". The rates for labor shall be deemed to cover all costs to the Contractor including (but not
limited to) i) the amount of wages paid to such labor, transportation time, overtime, subsistence
allowances, ii) any sums paid to or on behalf of such labor for social benefits in accordance with
Nepal law, iii) Contractor's profit, overheads, superintendence, liabilities and insurance and iv) charges
incidental to the foregoing.
c) Day work Equipment
1. The Contractor shall be entitled to payments in respect of Constructional Plant already on site and
employed on day work at the basis rental rates entered by him in the “SCHEDULE OF DAY WORK
RATES:2 EQUIPMENT ”. The said rates shall be deemed to include due and complete allowance for
depreciation, interest, indemnity and insurance, repairs, maintenance, supplies, fuel, lubricant, and
other consumables and all overhead, profit and administrative costs related to the use of such
equipment. The cost of drivers, operators and assistants also shall be included in the rate of the
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 8

equipment and no separately payment shall be made for it.

2. In calculating the payment due to the Contractor for Constructional Plant employed on day work, only
the actual number of working hours will be eligible for payment, except that where applicable and
agreed with the Project Manager, the travelling time from the part of the Site where the Construction
Plant was located when ordered by the Project Manager to be employed on day work and the time for
return journey there to shall be included for payment.
d) Day work Materials
1. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of materials used for day work (except for
materials for which the cost is included in the percentage addition to labor costs as detailed
heretofore), at the rates entered by him in the "SCHEDULE OF DAY WORK RATES: 3
MATERIALS" and shall be deemed to include overhead charges and profit as follows;
i. the rates for materials shall be calculated on the basis of the invoiced price, freight,
insurance, handling expenses, damage, losses, etc. and shall provide for delivery to store for
stockpiling at the Site.
ii. the cost of hauling materials for use on work ordered to be carried out as day work, from the
store or stockpile on the Site to the place where it is to be used also shall be include in the
same rate.

Provisional Sums
A general provision for physical contingencies (quantity overruns) may be made by including a
provisional sum in the Summary Bill of Quantities. Similarly, a contingency allowance for possible price
increases should be provided as a provisional sum in the Summary Bill of Quantities. The inclusion of
such provisional sums often facilitates budgetary approval by avoiding the need to request periodic
supplementary approvals as the future need arises. Where such provisional sums or contingency
allowances are used, the SCC should state the manner in which they will be used, and under whose
authority (usually the Project Manager’s).

The estimated cost of specialized work to be carried out, or of special goods to be supplied, by other
contractors should be indicated in the relevant part of the Bill of Quantities as a particular provisional
sum with an appropriate brief description. A separate procurement procedure is normally carried out by
the Employer to select such specialized contractors. To provide an element of competition among the
Bidders in respect of any facilities, amenities, attendance, etc., to be provided by the successful Bidder as
prime Contractor for the use and convenience of the specialist contractors, each related provisional sum
should be followed by an item in the Bill of Quantities inviting the Bidder to quote a sum for such
amenities, facilities, attendance, etc.

Provisional Sums included and so designated in the Bill of Quantities shall be expended in whole or
in part at the direction and discretion of the Project Manager in accordance with the Conditions of

Works under this Item are to be carried out as per written instructions from the Engineer. The payment
against Provisional Sum shall be based on the net cost as supported by original invoices plus 10% of the
total amount to cover all costs of handling, transportation, storage, ancillary works, contractor's overheads
and profit.
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 9

Bill of Quantities
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 10

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
1 General
Insurance for the damage and loss of works, plants,
materials and equipments, personal injury, death of
1.1 Job 1
labour, Employee & third party insurance as per
conditions of contract.
1.2 Photography of Bridge construction activities. Job 1
Provisional Sum for relocation of services and repairing
for existing infrastructure(Telephone wire, Electric poles &
wires, water supply pipes,kulos,Temple,Foot
staircase,Foot trail etc).Reconstruction of public
1.3 PS 1 5,00,000/- Rupees Five Lakh Only 5,00,000/-
infrastructure, Environmental mitigation, Social works and
Maintenance of office & site camp buildings/laboratory
equipment including other relevant unforeseen work items
as instructed by Engineer.
2 Foundation Works
Site Clearance works including cutting bushes and
2.1 disposal all complete. (before and after completion of m2 500.00
works) [200]
Earthwork in excavation for foundation for the abutments,
pier and wing wall in all type of soil including cofferdam
2.2 m3 2687.58
construction, river flow diversion, shoring, shuttering,
dewatering all complete. [900]
Providing and laying dry stone soling in foundation all
2.3 m3 91.36
complete. [Spc 2403]
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 11

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
2.4 M15/40 for levelling course including compaction, curing, m3 62.10
testing and lead as required etc. all complete. [2000]
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
2.5 M30/20 for foundation including compaction, curing, m3 2322.08
testing and lead as required etc. all complete. [2000]
Boring, providing and installing bored cast-in-situ RCC
2.6 piles of 1000mm diameter including Bentonite as per Rm 1296.00
specification and drawing etc. all complete. [1612]
Providing and laying Fe 500 reinforcement bars including
cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position and lead as
2.7 mt 159.34
required etc. all complete as per specification and
drawings. [2000]
Providing, preparing and installing from work including
necessary supports and removing after completion for
2.8 m2 363.20
foundation and footings all complete. (Class F1 finish)
[1804, 1805]
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc
2.9 m3 1075.03
including compaction all complete. [908]
Loading tests including integrity test on piles including
installation of platform, loading arrangements etc. and
2.10 No. 4.00
necessary measurements and plotting all complete (at
least one at each pile group) all complete [1614]
3 Sub-structure Works
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 12

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M30/20 for the abutment stem, back wall, wing walls,
3.1 abutment cap, bearing stopper including compaction, m3 494.65
curing, testing and lead as required etc. all complete.
Providing and laying Fe 500 reinforcement bars including
cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position and lead as
3.2 mt 51.95
required etc. all complete as per specification and
drawings. [2000]
Providing, preparing and installing from work including
3.3 necessary supports and removing after completion for m2 846.10
sub-structure all complete. (Class F2 finish) [1804, 1805]
Providing and laying random rubble stone masonry in
cement mortar (1:4 cement:sand) including scaffolding,
3.4 curing, cement Pointing (1:3 Cement:Sand) with supply of m3 229.50
materials preparation of mortar etc. all complete. (manual
mixing) mortar 35% [2600]
Providing, laying and fixing of geotextile (filter fabric), all
3.5 m2 150.00
complete. [627]
Backfilling with graded filter materials in layer with
3.6 necessary watering and compaction all complete. [SS/SP- m3 39.60
2400, 3100]
Backfilling to structure, foundation pits, side drain, etc.
3.7 from excavated materials including compaction all m3 385.00
complete. [900]
Providing & placing 160mm dia. HDPE perforated pipe
3.8 (2.5kg/cm2) for subsurface drainage works all complete rm 28.00
as directed by engineer.
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 13

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
4 Super-structure Works
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M35/20 including compaction, curing, testing and lead as
4.1 m3 116.88
required etc. all complete as per specification and
drawings. [2000]
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M45/20 for the super structure in PSC deckslab, girder
4.2 etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead as m3 803.19
required etc. all complete as per specification and
drawings. [2000]
Providing, preparing and installing form work and
removing after completion for prestressing girder and slab
4.3 m2 3383.40
structure including falsework for the construction of RCC
structure all complete. (Class F2 finish) [1800]
Providing, preparing and installing formwork including
necessary supports and removing after completion for
4.4 m2 966.21
precast RC footpath slabs, parapet posts, road kerbs etc.
all complete. (Class F2 finish) [1800]
Providing and laying Fe 500 reinforcement bars including
cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position and lead as
4.5 mt 118.04
required etc. all complete as per specification and
drawings. [2000]
Providing and installing prestressing multistranded cables,
each comprising 19 mono-strands, each mono-strand of
4.6 12.7 mm dia. 7-ply low relaxation Class-II HTS including mt 27.30
prestressing, anchoring etc. all complete as per
specifications and drawings. [2100]
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 14

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
Providing and installing sheathing (ducting for housing 19-
multistranded cables) corrugated "HDPE" type, 90mm
4.7 internal dia. with necessary supports including removal of rm 2025.00
extractable ones and grouting of ducts etc. all complete
as per specification and drawings. [2100]
Providing and installing Anchorage Assembly in position
4.8 sets 96.00
as shown in the drawings etc. all complete [2100]
Providing and installing Pot Bearing including all
4.9 necessary axillary and incidental works etc. all complete
POT-PTFE Free Type
a. No. 6.00

POT-Fixed Type
b. No. 6.00

Providing and installing Armour Angles ISA 100x100x8

each duly anchored back into concrete with 200mm long
V-type 12mm dia. bars @ 500mm c/c transversely for
4.10 strengthening the facing concrete edges (of deck slab and rm 7.50
dirt wall) over abutments with fixed bearings including all
necessary axilliary and incidental works etc. complete as
per specification and drawing. [1900]
Providing and installing WABO Strip Seal SE-200 or
WABOFLEX SR 2A type Expansion Joints including all
4.11 rm 22.50
necessary axilliary and incidental works etc. complete as
per specification and drawing. [1900]
Supply and fixing 100mm dia. G.I. Pipe, medium class for
4.12 drainage spouts with necessary accessory all complete. no. 48.00
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 15

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
Supply and fixing of 75mm G.I. Pipe, medium class for
4.13 rm 759.00
parapet railing as per drawings all complete. [3100]
Providing and spraying bituminious tack coat MC30/MC70
including cleaning the bridge deck surface using wire,
4.14 Ltr. 1040.44
brushes, broom etc. before applying tack coat for wearing
course all complete as per specification. [Spc 1301, 1302]
Providing, mixing, laying and compaction of premix
4.15 bituminious carpet for wearing course all complete as per m3 62.03
specification and drawing. [Spc 1307, 1308]
Painting by enamel paint application in two coats in
4.16 m2 281.13
addition to one base coat with primer all complete. [1500]
5 Approach Road
Formation of embankment including compaction in layers
5.1 not exceeding 150mm compacted depth, watering and m3 1460.00
haulage etc. all complete as per specification. [909]
Preparation of sub-grade (filling or cutting depth of 10 to
5.2 20 cm) in all types of soil all complete as per specification. m2 1200.00
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and
compaction of natural sand gravel subbase works
5.3 (grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification) at m3 240.00
carriage way with relevant lead and lift all complete.
Earthwork in excavation for foundation in all types of soil
5.4 m3 320.00
for gabion retaining wall. [900]
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 16

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
Supply and fabrication of gabion boxes/ matress with
diapharagms, size as directed by the engineer, in
hexagonal mesh size 100mm x 120mm using heavy zinc
5.5 m2 5840.00
coated gabion wire with mesh wire 10 swg, selvedge wire
8 swg including rolling, cutting, weaving and necessary
haulage all complete as per specification. [Spc 2401]
Assembling of gabion boxes/ matress, size as directed by
the engineer, placing in position including stretching,
forming compartments, tying the sides and diapharagms
with binding wire 12 swg in each mesh, tying with bracing
5.6 m3 1,040.00
wires and tie wires; providing and filling stone/boulder
including dressing, beding, bonding, all necessary
transportation and tying down the lid all complete as per
specification. [Spc 2401]
Providing, laying and fixing of Geo-textile (filter fabrics),
5.7 m2 720.00
lead 30m all complete. [Spc 2403]
6 River Training & Protection Works
Earthwork in excavation for foundation for all types of soil
including cofferdam construction, river flow diversion,
6.1 m3 630.00
shoring, shuttering and necessary dewatering etc. all
complete. [900]
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc
6.2 m3 378.00
including compaction all complete. [900]
Supply and fabrication of gabion boxes/ matress with
diapharagms, size as directed by the engineer, in
hexagonal mesh size 100mm x 120mm using heavy zinc
6.3 m2 5880.00
coated gabion wire with mesh wire 10 swg, selvedge wire
8 swg including rolling, cutting, weaving and necessary
haulage all complete as per specification. [Spc 2401]
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 17

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
Assembling of gabion boxes/ matress, size as directed by
the engineer, placing in position including stretching,
forming compartments, tying the sides and diapharagms
with binding wire 12 swg in each mesh, tying with bracing
6.4 m3 980.00
wires and tie wires; providing and filling stone/boulder
including dressing, beding, bonding, all necessary
transportation and tying down the lid all complete as per
specification. [Spc 2401]
Providing, laying and fixing of Geo-textile (filter fabrics),
6.5 m2 700.00
lead 30m all complete. [Spc 2403]

7 Miscellaneous Works
Providing & installation of bridge sign board of size
1.5mx0.75m including 50mm dia. steel tube, 2mm. thick
7.1 no. 2.00
steel plate, cement concrete, painting, writing and
supporting steel angle nut and bolt etc. complete. [1501]
Providing & supplying delineator posts including erection
7.2 at site with two coats of enamel paint including primer all no. 100.00
complete. [1504]
Total (1 to 7)
Less PS 5,00,000.00
Total without PS

13 % VAT

Total including VAT & PS

DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 18

Bill of Quantities
Contract No.: DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245 F.Y.: 073/74
Name of Work: Construction of Bridge over Danav River at Karsaghat along Sainamaina-1 to Semlar Road in Rupandehi District
Type of Work: (2x40m pre-stressed concrete with Pile Foundation) Tender Notice : 37/073/074
Item Rate in figure,
Description of Works Unit Quantity Rate in Words (NRs.) Amount, NRs.
no. NRs.
Authorized Signature Of the Bidder Seal of the Bidder

Name of firm:

Name: Designation: Date:

Notes 1 The numbers enclosed in the bracket in the particulars represent DOR Standard Specifications Section Number.
2 Rates quoted are considered exclusive of VAT.
3 Rates shall include all costs incurred for testing as per Standard Specification and QAP.
DROBTL/3371574/073-074/245| 19

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