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Lillian Wald and Mary Brewester-House of Henry street-most important services provided by
the nurses on the house on henry street.
a. Established house on henry street, in an area filled with homeless and unemployed
immigrants, lacking health care. Later known as the Visiting Nurse Association of New
York City. Established public health for the US.
b. Provided home visits, and patients paid carfare or a cursory fee.
c. Physicians were consultants to henry street, and visits were originated by calls to the
nurse either from the families or the doctors.
d. Focus was on meeting the health needs of the aggregates. Based on social, economic
and environmental determinants of health. Which empowered the community.
e. Role was helping people to help themselves. Through developing centers of social
action, that aimed to meet the needs of the community and the individual.
f. Lead to youth clubs, juvenile programs, sex ed for school teachers, and support
groups for immigrants. Also lead to foundation of school nursing, doing physical
assessments, minor infections treatment, and taught health to kids and parents.
g. Social care neglect was due to uninformed and uninterested public, and unaware
dept of public health.
h. Local assessments lead to physicians screening kids in school one hour a day.
i. Also created in home nursing.
j. Lead to formation of National Organization for Public Health Nursing

2. Needs assessment for a local community-best method to use when assessing water source in
a. A community forum is best as it will present cultural ideas. Let you know the
importance of the water to the people, and how they need it.
3. Know OSHA act of 1970- what it represents.

4. Which screening would be best to provide for clients in diseases in community

5. Types of study-reflective, descriptive, prospective, retrospective.
6. How does a comm nurse understand info provided will create a change.
7. Which diseases are reported to CDC.
8. Ethical value and the community nurse-where should nurse place most emphasis.
9. What are modifiable risks in community
10. Public health nurse in native american reservation -which agency does nurse report to.
a. Indian health service
11. know how to calculate the incidence rate.
12. Collaborative nursing action and its implementation
13. How does community nurse know which disease is a priority in a community
14. Type of rate, crude, incidence, prevalence, specific
15. Assessing indicators for needs of an aggregate group
16. Ten greatest public achievements in the US for safe nutrition
17. Summative evaluation data
18. identifying environmental evidence base practice in community
19, Best approach when conducting community assessment that yields accurate data.
20. Theory of reasoned action
21. Precede-Proceed model
22. Probable results
23. Methodological design- cross sectional, experimental, prospective, retrospective
24. Healthy people 2020 supports HHS efforts to create a healthier nation, includes
which goal
25. Analytic assessment skills-assessment includes what
26. Primary prevention approach, sec and teritary
27.Lillian walds teaching and discussion info at health fair
28. community health nurse focus vs. acute health nurse
29. know general aspects of medicare/medicaid-PPS. Federal welfare system, HMO's,
Private insurance system
30. Know why its important for nurse to understand PPS.
31. ANA standards of community health nursing practice- know the standards.
32. How to break the chain of disease transmission
33. MADD- what type of group is this for the community
34. Which factor has the greatest influence on community health
35. clients of different culture what action should the nurse take to care for a client
36. Needs assessment to gather data in community-what is the importance of
engaging community in planning the assessment
37. Pender's Health assessment model
38. Healthy people 2020 and diabetes
39. florence nightingale work on discipline of nursing.
40. How is community health nursing defined
41. How does nurse know in making a referral for a client based on his insurance.

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