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Physical Determinants of Karate


Chapter · December 2015



3 authors, including:

Ibrahim Ouergui
Research Unit "Sportive perfor…


Emerson Franchini
University of São Paulo


Available from: Helmi Chaabène

Retrieved on: 29 May 2016

Karate Kumite: How to optimize

Chapter: Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite

Edited by: Helmi Chaabane

Published Date: December, 2015

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Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite

Ibrahim Ouergui1*, Emerson Franchini2, Helmi Chaabene3,4
Research Unit “Sportive Performance and Physical Rehabilitation”Higher Institute of
Sport and Physical Education of Kef, University of Jendouba, Tunisia
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and
Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Research Unit “Sport Performance & Health” Higher Institute of Sport and Physical
Education of Ksar Said, Tunis, Tunisia
National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports (CNMSS), Tunis, Tunisia

Corresponding author: Ibrahim Ouergui, Higher Institute of Sport and Physical
Education of Kef,University of Jendouba, Tunisia,Email:

In order to prescribe a specific karate kumite training program, together with an
understanding of the physical demands of the competition, it is of importance to assess the
different physical characteristics of well succeed athletes. Thus, the objective of the present
chapter is to present the physical characteristics of karate kumite athletes and report how
these factors can contribute to the variation of these determinants (i.e., levels of practice,
gender etc...) and finally to recommend practical applications for coaches that help during
the prescription of specific karate kumite training programs.

Keywords: karate kumite; power; sparring; speed; strength

Karate is among the most popular combat sports and martial arts worldwide. After moving
from a traditional to a sportive form, and being spread due to the development of tournament
competition, physiologists and sports sciences professionals directed their attention to this
sport. They were mainly focused into investigating factors that contribute and promote
performance optimization of karateka. Although the karateka can dispute either in kumite
(i.e., combat) or in kata (i.e. forms), the scientific literature about this sport gave more
attention to the combat [1–3].
The studies into this sport showed that the karate combat is classified as a high-intensity
and acyclic event [4], composed by brief and intense actions separated by low intensity
rest periods, resulted therefore in a work to rest ratio ranging from 1:1.5 to 2:1 [1,2,5].
From a technical viewpoint, karate is composed by offensive and defensive techniques with
forward, backward and sidesteps, and hopping movements, with the kizami-guiaku-zuki
(i.e., straight punches) and mawashi-geri-chudan (i.e., roundhouse kick) being the most
used techniques during the combat [2].

It was established that from a physiological point of view; the aerobic metabolism is
the predominant source of energy during the karate kumite fighting with anaerobic
supplementation, mainly by high-energy phosphates [1] and that these responses can vary
between simulated and official karate combats [5] regardless to match outcome [2].
Similarly to other combat sports and martial arts and despite the metabolic characteristics
of karate, the main criterion to score in kumite competition is the vigorous application of
kicks and punches [6]. Thereby, technical-tactical performances during karate combat are
dependant to physical qualities such as strength, power and speed, all associated with a
well-developed flexibility to achieve a good level of execution [7,8].
Moreover, researches have tried to quantify the importance of the contribution of different
physical parameters in the karate kumite success, by comparing it regarding to match
outcome [6] and to the level of practice (i.e., elite, amateur, novice) and non-practising
controls [8–11].
Thus, the aim of the present chapter is to detail the main physical characteristics relative
to karate kumite and to present its relation to the performance success during the combat.
Physical characteristics – body fat and somatotype
As karate athletes are divided in weight categories, it is a common approach to try to
maximize lean body mass and to reduce body fat to compete in the lowest weight category
and to increase the probability of success.
Despite the relevancy of body mass control to karate competitors, only few studies tried to
verify the differences between athletes from different competitive levels concerning body
fat percentage or a similar indicator [6,9,12], but none indicated a significant difference
between more and less successful athletes. A possible explanation for these results may
be that all karate athletes present low body fat percentage and no difference is detectable
between athletes from different levels.
When somatotype components are considered, there is evidence that elite karate athletes
present a mesomorphic-ectomorphic predominance, lower endomorphic component, and
have a higher development of vertical physical build compared to lower-level competitors

Muscle Power
The karate kumite rule indicate that techniques are evaluated considering speed and power,
thus increasing these performance components seems to be essential to be successful in
competitions [15]. Many studies have investigated the upper and lower-body muscle power
of karate kumite athletes [6,11,16,17] and have showed a high muscles power recorded
among them, which is of great importance for the realization of specific movements like
displacements and pointing actions [15].
Data from Ravier et al., [11] indicated that international junior karate athletes achieved
higher vertical jump performance compared to national-level counterparts. Additionally,
Roschel et al., [6] demonstrated that titular karate athletes (i.e., team A) from the Brazilian
National Team achieved higher power values during bench press and squat exercises
compared to athletes from team B, but this result was only observed with lighter loads (30%
1RM) and not with heavier loads (60% 1RM). In this study, no difference was found between
these two groups concerning vertical jump performance. Thus, although unloaded power
can discriminate international and national level athletes [11], this difference is no longer
maintained when athletes competing for a place in a national team are compared [6].
When karate techniques are compared, few studies compared high-level athletes with lower-
level ones [8,18]. Pozo et al., [8] reported that international karate athletes performed the

mae-geri faster than their national counterparts, although no difference in the impact force
was found. Zehr et al., [18] observed that experienced karate athletes had faster peak elbow
extension, both unloaded and with 10% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction, when
compared to novice karate practitioners. A recent study [17] demonstrated that muscle
power variables in non-specific exercises (e.g., bench press and squat) predicted punch
acceleration in high-level karate athletes, providing further evidence for the relevance of
power-development for karate-specific performance. According to these authors, when karate
athletes execute a punch technique at higher velocities, the ability to transfer the linear
momentum of force from the lower to the upper limbs is critical to achieve the adversary as
fast as possible. Complementarily, this skill is directly related to the mechanical impulse
generated in the punch technique. Thus, the findings of these authors support the mechanical
principle that determines the magnitude of a body’s linear momentum. Consequently, the
athlete able of applying higher force against the ground and moving his/her body forward
faster obtain the best outcomes in punching acceleration. However, caution is needed when
considering the results from correlations, as longitudinal investigations are needed to verify
if changes in muscle power are positively transferred for karate-specific actions.

Maximal Strength
The strength is among the important basic physical quality required for the karate
performance. The scientific literature about karate did not report many studies that
investigated strength among karate practitioners. Nevertheless, the researches that
analyzed strength within karate have evaluated it during dynamic events [6,8,9,17,19]. In
fact, two studies [6,9] had both evaluated the upper and lower-body dynamic strength of
karateka using the one maximal repetition method (1RM) during bench press and squat
maximum dynamic strength tests in relation to match outcome (i.e., winners vs. losers) [6]
or to the practice levels [9].The results showed that while the dynamic strength did not differ
between winners and losers athletes [6], there were significant difference between highly
competitive and novice karate practitioners [9]. The findings of the two studies previously
reported may suggest that, in one hand, dynamic maximal strength cannot be critical to
karate performance and that other physical variables may play a more important role to
the success during the combat [6] and in the other hand can be an indicative of highly
competitive karate practitioners [9]. It is important to note that maximal dynamic strength
values reported during these aforementioned studies [6,9,17] were different, which can be
interpreted by the difference in the fitness level between subjects who participated in these
studies, reinforcing the idea that dynamic maximal strength may vary in relation to the
practice levels.
Likewise, Pozo et al., [8] evaluated the maximum impact force during the execution of a
dynamic ballistic movement [i.e., the execution of mae-geri kick (i.e., front kick)] realized
with the dominant lower limb and showed that there was no differences between national
and international karate athletes.
It is of importance to report that upper and lower-body maximal dynamic strength were
positively correlated with the punch acceleration in different punch conditions [17]
suggesting that maximal dynamic strength can be a predictive of punching acceleration and
that athletes aiming at developing their punch acceleration should improve their upper and
lower-body maximal dynamic strength [17].
Researchers have also evaluated the muscles strength among karate athletes in isokinetic
conditions [19,20] . In fact, it was found that elite athletes presented higher knee flexion
absolute torque and biceps femoris conduction velocity than amateur athletes whereas no
differences were recorded regarding to knee extension torque and vastus lateralis conduction
velocity [19].Contrarily to agonist activation, a reduced antagonistic activation of both the
vastus lateralis and biceps femoris at all angular velocities were recorded for elite athletes [19].

Furthermore, for the aim to evaluate whether regular karate training can result in strength
adaptations, Porbst et al., [20] compared the concentric and eccentric quadriceps and
hamstrings strength between karate group and non-karate controls during an isokinetic
condition and showed greater peak torque at 60°/seconds and 180°/seconds in the left and
right hamstrings in comparison to the control group.

Acceleration, Speed and Reaction Time

The modern karate is characterized by a high speed demanded during the horizontal
displacements and the techniques’ execution in addition to a good reaction time. Although
there is no specific field tests designed to evaluate specifically the speed in karate and to
permit to determine its relation to karate performance by the use of specific movements,
scientific literature about this sport reported many studies that tried to assess this physical
quality among karatekas either by using general field tests (e.g., linear speed tests) or by
measuring the speed of different techniques in addition to the measure of the reaction time
[8,16,17,21-24]. In this regard, Koropanovski et al.,[16] assessed the speed and acceleration
time using a linear speed test (20-m sprint test with first 10 m sprint for acceleration)
among kumite and kata athlete. Although the movement is not karate-specific, the test
selection was based on the presumed importance of rapid movement initiation and speed for
elite kumite competitors. Results showed that kumite athletes showed higher acceleration
than their kata counterparts and was explained by the fact that kumite competitors should
rapidly initiate the change of body position in horizontal direction during both phases of
attack and defence [16].
The acceleration was specifically evaluated in the giaku-tsuki execution under fixed and
self-selected distances aimed to attain even maximum speed or maximum impact [17]. It
was found that men achieved higher acceleration values as compared to women and that an
impact-oriented instruction and a self-selected distance to start the movement seem to be
important to reach the highest acceleration during punching execution [17].
For the speed, and specifically to karate, many studies assessed the velocity throughout
the time execution of different attack techniques [8,17,21,25,26]. In fact, Chiu and Shiang
[21] have assessed the attacking speed of the stand straight, stand reverse, forward straight
and forward reverse punches and showed that there was no difference between straight and
reverse punches. Additionally, Dworak et al., [25] evaluated the velocity of both straight
punch (gyaku-tsuki) and kick techniques (mae-geri and yoko-geri) and showed that the
highest recorded velocity was 12.4m/s recorded in the gyaku-tsuki punch while much
lower velocities were recorded in the kick techniques. Similarly, Pozo et al. [8] assessed the
time execution of the mae-geri kick and compared the results with regards to the level of
competition (international vs. national athletes) and showed that international competitors
showed faster kicks in comparison to national counterparts. This result was explained by
an activation of a great number of leg muscle motor units in a short time, explaining the
higher speed of the leg movement in the international group [8]. Furthermore, VencesBrito
et al., [26] showed that during the execution of the choku-zuki (direct back forward punch)
in comparison to non-karate subjects, karate practitioners reached the peak angular speed
of the forearm movements more near at its end. Moreover, karate group had larger peak
angular speed of forearm pronation [26].
Finally, and from a comparison between genders, Katić et al., [27] showed that female karate
athletes used speed and fine muscle tone regulation in motor functioning more than male
karate athletes, who use basic strength more.
The reaction time, especially to visual stimuli, is very important in the practice of karate
kumite. It is the elapsed time between a stimulus and the first corresponding response
which requires the perception and analysis of a stimulus, then the evaluation and
implementation of a required movement. It was shown that reaction time values are quite

different, depending on age, state of training and level of central or peripheral fatigue [28].
In fact, the simple reaction time and the choice reaction time (i.e., choose the appropriate
reaction from several alternatives as soon as possible) are investigated [28]. Karate kumite
presents an event where the reaction time plays an importance role during defensive and
offensive phases. Many studies have investigated the reaction time and compared it in
regards to practice levels [23,29–31], age categories [32] and in comparison to non-karate
controls [33]. In this regard, Chiu & Shiang [21] assessed the reaction time among karate
athletes during the execution of stand straight, stand reverse, forward straight and forward
reverse punches after receiving a visual signal (light flashing). The study showed that the
reaction time was longer in the forward punch than stand punch [(550-650 ms) vs. (350-
450 ms), respectively]. Otherwise, results from the previous studies showed reverse results
in regards to the difference between competitive levels and reported that while there were
no significant difference between experienced karate kumite practitioners [30] other [29]
reported a significant difference between 3rd and 4th black belts karatekas in comparison
to their 1st and 2nd dan counterparts. Moreover, Coşkun et al., [32] showed that athletes
competing in international level showed significantly shorter reaction time in auditory test.
Likewise, while Layton [30] showed faster reaction time within karate black belt practitioners
in comparison to novice athletes, both Williams and Elliot [31] and Mori et al.,[23].
In relation to age categories, Coşkun et al., [32] assessed the reaction time among children
(age: 10-12), cadets (age: 13-15), juniors (age16-17) and seniors (age 18 and over) karate
athletes using simple, choice and auditory reaction time tests and showed that the auditory
reaction time scores were found significantly higher in 10-12-year athletes and that the
best reaction time scores were found in 16-17-year karate athletes. A significant difference
was found between children and, juniors and seniors according to both simple and choice
reaction time tests [32].
Comparisons for reaction time between genders were not sufficiently assessed and only one
study [32] showed that choice reaction time scores were found significantly shorter in male
athletes. Finally, compared to sedentary subjects, karate athletes showed a lower reaction
time to perform ballistic finger extension movements [33] .

The flexibility is the absolute range of movement in a joint or series of joints that is
attainable in a momentary effort. The flexibility is of great importance in combat sports
and martial arts (e.g., karate).This importance appears during the execution of some karate
techniques i.e., karate competitors during combats try to reach high targets (i.e., head) to
score more points and that the achievement of these high targets requires from athletes a
well-developed flexibility. The scientific literature about karate did not report many studies
that investigated the flexibility of kumite athletes [16,20].
In this regard, Probst et al., [20] compared the level of flexibility between karate practitioners
and controls subjects and showed that karatekas have greater flexibility in right and left
hip flexion as well as in right and left knee flexion. These findings can be supported by the
training regimen effect of karate where the execution of kicks involves repeated flexion hip
muscles [34].
Furthermore, Koropanovski et al., [16] compared the level of flexibility among both karate
kumite and kata athletes and have demonstrated that kata competitors revealed 6-7°
higher flexibility of lower limbs than the kumite counterparts although the difference was
not statistically significant. This finding can be explained by the difference in techniques
execution during the two events (i.e., combat vs. forms) i.e., while the kumite requires the
movement techniques to be performed without strictly prescribed kinematic patterns, the
kata competition is based on low postures that require high flexibility of both the hamstring
and the hip abductor muscle [16].

Conclusion and Practical Applications
Karate kumite is a sportive event which presents physical stresses where the athletes
should cope with to succeed in the competition. It was shown that karate performance is
influenced by a high level of upper and lower-body muscle explosive power and dynamic
strength that can be beneficial for kumite athletes. Explosive power can condition the
execution of different offensive and defensive techniques, horizontal displacements and
foot works at the required frequency and positive correlations were found between powers
and punch acceleration. Thus, coaches and strength and conditioning professionals should
focus at developing these two qualities using exercises that are capable for increasing both
upper and lower limbs power and strength. In other regard, the development of specific
speed is importance for kumite practitioners by the use of specific exercises based on the
techniques repetition to enhance the capacity to deliver punches and kicks at a high rate
with reduced time of execution. The execution of kicks needs a good amount of flexibility to
deliver techniques and reach high targets but not as needed for kata athletes who should
execute techniques at a good kinematic patterns and slow motions.
Finally, to be performer during the combat, coaches should develop at a high level the
reaction time especially to visual stimuli by using specific tasks that put the athletes in
a situation near to those of the competition guaranteeing thereby the development of the
rapid decision-making during the real situation of sparring.

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