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Module 1 Essay

1. On average the typical prokaryotic cell is ten times smaller than that of a eukaryotic
animal cell. The HIV virus is even smaller than the typical prokaryotic cell. When it
comes to the outer structure of HIV virus and both cells, they are pretty similar. They all
three have some sort of outer membrane to offer protection to the contents inside the
cell/virus. HIV has a viral envelope. The envelope is made from modified host cell
membrane. On the surface of the of the cell there are proteins used to bind to a host cells
surface. Inside the envelope there is a capsid which houses the RNA of the virus. The
outermost layer of the prokaryotic cell is the capsule. It is made up of a layer of
polysaccharides. The prokaryotic cell also has a plasma membrane which acts as a
permeable barrier between the living and nonliving worlds. Prokaryotes also have a rigid,
thick, nonliving cell wall that protects the lifeform held inside. Also located on the
outside of this cell is a flagella which is used for movement. The outside of the cell also
contains pilus. The typical eukaryotic animal cell also has a cell membrane. There are
proteins embedded in the bilayer of the membrane. The membrane is referred to as a fluid
mosaic model.

2. The internal structure of HIV is pretty simple. The virus contains proteases and two RNA
strand along with some proteins. Like the HIV virus, prokaryotic cells also have a fairly
simple internal structure. They do not contain any membrane bound structures. All the
structures inside the cell are floating freely in the cytoplasm. They have a nucleoid which
is located in a space towards the center of the cell. The cell does not have a nucleolus
hence the name prokaryote. It contains ribosomes but they are much smaller than the
ribosomes in eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells are very organized. They are
compartmentalized. They use compartmentalization to organize the inner cell into
compartments to make the internal processes more efficient. The reason eukaryotic cells
do this is because they have very large volumes. Eukaryotes consist of a nucleus
surrounded by a nuclear envelope. It also has many membrane bound structures. Some of
these structures include; mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and

3. The genetic material of the HIV virus is located at the center of the virus and is
surrounded by its capsid. The cell only contains two RNA strands. Prokaryotic cells
contain single circular naked chromosome. Since there is no internal membrane structures
and no nucleus, the cell’s genetic material is located in the center main part of the cell
and is called the nucleoid. Eukaryotic cells contain large amounts of DNA. The DNA is
made up of linear chromosomes. Unlike the naked chromosomes in prokaryotes,
eukaryotic cell chromosomes are covered in proteins (histones). The DNA-protein
complex is compacted and housed inside the cells nucleus.

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