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Anxiety is a natural feeling of disorder that is characterized by feelings of year or

apprehension of deep and angoing. Symptoms of anxiety both acute and chronic
nature is the main component for almost all psychiatric disorders. Immunization
is an attempt at doing that intentionally provide immunity in infants or children so
as to avoid the disease. Polio immunization is administering the polio vaccine
containing polio virus that has been inactive again. The purpose of this research is
to know the relation of mother’s knowledge about polio immunization with the
level of anxiety to side effects of administering immunizations in infants in
Clinic’s Delitua. The research was done on 16 to 17 June 2014, in Clinic Delitua
in the study using the method of correlation of deskriftif. The population of this
research totaled 201 mother who had a toddler and a sample was 35 mothers who
have babies, and sampling by means of accidental sampling. Statistical analysis
using Chi-Square test with significant values (p value) a <0,05 a the result of this
research is the p value = 0,002 and a— 0,05 so the results is the p value is 0,002,
a < 0,05 Ha in the receive and Ho is rejected, there is a significant relationship
between mother’s anxiety level of knowledge due to the side effects of
administering polio immunization. For it is in hope to midwives and other health
worker to be more diligent in providing guidance to moms about the side effects
of polio immunization.

Key Word: Mother’s knowledge, Immunization Polio, Anxiety

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