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Title no.


Strengths of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Made Using

Field-Demolished Concrete as Aggregate

by Mostafa Tavakoli and Pat-viz Soroushian

Experimental work was performed to determine the compressive, splitting the paste content of the original concrete, thus influence tk
tensile, andfiexural strengths of recycled coarse aggregate concrete and to properties of the recycled aggregate concrete.
compare them with those of concrete made using natural crushed stone.
The properties of the aggregate were also compared. Thejine aggregate for
Most researchers have made the original concrete in the
recycled and conventional concrete was 100 percent natural sand. laboratory to have control of the properties and mix propor-
Two sources of recycled aggregate (crushed concrete pavements from tions of the original concrete and to be able to study some
U.S. 23 and I-75 projects in Michigan) and one source of natural aggre- specific properties of recycled concrete under controlled
gate (crushed limestone) were used. Two maximum sizes of aggregates, two conditions. However, this will lead to results that may differ
levels of water-cement ratio, and two levels of dry mixing time of coarse from those obtained when field-demolished concrete is used
aggregate were selected to perform the experiments based on a full facto-
to produce recycled aggregate.
rial design.
The main thrust of this research was to evaluate recycled
Test results indicate that the strength characteristics of recycled aggre-
gate concrete are injluenced by key factors, such as the strength of the orig-
concrete from field demolition operations for use as coarse
inal concrete, the ratio of coarse to fine aggregate in the original concrete, aggregate in concrete; a broad basis covering wide ranges of
the ratio of top size of aggregate in the original concrete to that of the recy- experimental design and data analysis was adopted to vali-
cled aggregate, and the Los Angeles abrasion loss and water absorption of date the conclusions at a high level of confidence.
recycled aggregate. These factors also influence the effect of water-cement
ratio, aggregate top size, and dry mixing on the strength characteristics of
recycled aggregate concrete. It is also shown that the conventional rela-
Environmental and economic factors are increasingly en-
tionships between splitting tensile, flexural, and compressive strengths may
have to be modifiedfor recycled aggregate concrete. TheJLinal conclusion is couraging higher value utilization of demolition debris. The
that through proper measures high-quality concrete materials can be pro- research reported herein on recycling of demolished con-
duced using recycled concrete aggregate. For this purpose, it is needed to crete as aggregate in new concrete addresses this critical is-
determine the properties of the original concrete, based on which realistic sue. Realistic demolition conditions and broad ranges of
qualities can be targeted for recycled aggregate concrete. variables are used in this research to provide a general basis
for evaluating recycled concrete as aggregate for new con-
Keywords: aggregates; compressive strength; demolition; flexural
crete and help reach consensus regarding the potentials and
strength; recycling; splitting tensile strength.
limitations of recycled aggregates.
The depletion of the supply of quality aggregates together
with environmental, economic, and energy considerations are An experimental program based on the statistical concept
encouraging the recycling of demolished concrete structures of factorial design was devised to investigate the effects of
and pavements as aggregate in new concrete construction. Re- recycled coarse aggregate source, size, dry mixing, and wa-
searchers have tried to relate the quality of recycled aggregate ter-cement ratio of the new concrete on the properties of re-
concrete to the properties of the original concrete and paste, cycled aggregate concrete. The factorial design of ex-
deterioration condition of the old concrete, crushing proce- periments is presented in Table 1, together with the control
dure, and the new mix composition; their findings have been experiments conducted with crushed limestone. The vari-
extensively reviewed and discussed by Hansen.’ It is generally
accepted that the cement paste from original concrete that is ACI Materials Journal, V. 93. No. 2, March-April 1996.
Received March 14, 1994, and revlewed under Institute publicabon policies. Copy-
adhered to the recycled aggregate plays an important role in right 0 1996, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, mcludmg the makmg
of copies unless permissIon is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Penment dls-
determining the performance of recycled aggregate concrete. cuss~on will be published in the January-February 1997 AC2 Matennls Journal tf
The qualities of the paste and the interface zones, as well as received by October 1, 1996
Most& Tavakoli is on ussiamt pn$essor of civil engineering at Shurif Univeraiy of Dry mixing of coarse aggregates
Technolog\: Tehran. Iran. He received his BS fmm Tehmn Unrversi~, Iran. his MS Dry mixing of coarse aggregates for 20 min in a rotary
Jiom U’aww State Universi~, Detmit, Michigan, and his PhD from Michrgort State drum mixer (used for concrete mixing) was tried to investi-
University Eust L.unsing. Michigan. His resenrch interests include concrete muterials
and desi,qn
gate the possibility of partial removal of the mortar adhered
to coarse recycled aggregate. For the purpose of dry mixing,
ACI member Parviz Soroushian is on orrocinte professor qf civil engmeeriq at coarse aggregate in saturated surface dry condition was
Michigan State Unrwrsrt\: He received his BSfrom Tehran Uniwrsity und his MS und
PhD from Cornell Uniwrsrn: Ithucn. New York. He smvs on a number of ACI.
placed in the drum mixer and the mixer was run for 30 min
ASTM. und TRB technical commit&w. His rreonh mttv.sts include concrete materi- prior to the addition of other materials. These materials were
als and technolog?: added to the mixer while it was running. The dry mixing pro-
cess and time results in the evaporation of some moisture and
ables of the experimental design are discussed below. reduces the moisture content of the coarse aggregate. How-
ever, any modification of the moisture content after the dry
Source of recycled and natural coarse aggregate mixing was disregarded in this investigation.
Two different sources of recycled coarse aggregate were
selected, one from the U.S. 23 job at Fenton and the other Water-cement ratio
from the I-75 Detroit reconstruction project, both freeways Two levels of water-cement ratio (0.3 and 0.4) were con-
in Michigan. The natural aggregate was crushed limestone sidered to study the effects of water-cement ratio on recycled
from St. John, Michigan. Table 2 presents some information aggregate concrete performance while accounting for the
about these two reconstruction projects. water-cement ratio of the old concrete.


Two maximum sizes, 0.75 and 1 in. (19.0 and 25.4 mm), The size distribution of the original aggregates in the old
were tried for the recycled and natural coarse aggregates. concrete is shown in Table 3. Table 4 shows the mix propor-

Table l-Factorial design of experiments

Recycled aggregate source Control (natural) aggregate
U.S. 23 aggregate I-75 aggregate Crushed limestone
Recycled aggregate maximum Recycled aggregate maximum
size size Natural anereuate maximum size
0.75 in. 1 in. 0.75 i n . I in. 0.75 i n . 1in.
Dry mixing Dry mixing Dry mixing Dry mixing Dry mixing Dry mixing
cement _
ratio None 130min None (3Omin None 130min None 130min None 1130min None 130min
0.3 * * * * * * * * t t t t

0.4 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * * * t t t t
* Variables considered for recycled aggregate concrete.
: Variable5 considered for control (natural) aggregate
Note: I in. = 25.4 mm.

Table P-Sources of recycled aggregates

Aeerenate source I U.S. iob at Fenton 1 1-75 Detroit reconstruction
Project length About 5.5 miles About 2.5 miles
Original pavement 9-in.-thick and 24.ft-wide lo-in. -thick and 4%ft-wide
Type of reinforcement I Steel mesh I Steel mesh
Demolition method I Imoact hammer I Imoact hammer
Crusher type Jaw primary, cone secondary Jaw primary, cone secondary
Coarse aggregate in drainage and MDOT* open grade 5G: MDOT*
Existing use of recycled materials lines, steel sold 21AA
* Michigan Department of Transportation.
Note: I mile = I .6l km; 1in. = 25.4 mm: I ft = 305 mm

Table 3-Properties of original aggregates in demolished concrete

Coarse aggregate grada- Maximum
Source tion*, percent by weight aggregate size, in. Type of fine aggregate
50: 4A
U.S. 23 50: 6AA Natural sand
50: 4A
I-75 50: IOA Natural sand
* Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) gradation.
Note: I in. = 25.4 mm.

Table 4-Properties of original (demolished) concrete
Compres- Sfdidi;g
Unit sive
Slump, Age, weight, strength, strength,
Source w/c* s/c* g/c* g/s* in.* years* Ib/ft3+ psi+ psi+
U.S. 23 0.483 2.016 4.234 2.1 2.5 36 139.6 7914 398
I-75 0.436 2.588 3.236 1.25 2.5 30 147.2 6432 384
* Original concrete properties and mix proportions by weight; w, s, c. and g indicate weights of water, sand, cement,
and gravel, respectively.
’ Ptqctties of concrete at crushing (present) time.
Note: I in. = 25.4 mm; I lb/R3 = 16.02 kg/tn3; 1 psi = 6895 N/m’.

Table 5-Gradation of coarse aggregate

* Actual and exact percentage used for recycled aggregate gradation.

Note: Total percent passing, 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

Table Gradation of natural sand

No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100
Sieve size 0.375 in. 0.187 in. 0.093 in. 0.047 in. 0.024 in. 0.012 in. 0.006 in.
Total per-
cent passing 100 98 84 71 57 20 4
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

tions and the strengths of the demolished concrete. As can be passing the smallest size sieve of the corresponding grada-
seen from Table 4, the ratio of coarse to fine aggregates in the tion of the coarse aggregate. The amount of fines released
original concrete mix for the U.S. 23 recycled aggregate was from recycled aggregates from U.S. 23 and l-75 sources did
about 1.68 times that of the recycled aggregate from I-75. The not differ drastically. Size 17A U.S. 23 aggregate seemed to
original I-75 concrete had a higher cement factor than the have the smallest loss in the process. Natural aggregate was
U.S. 23 original concrete. Therefore, the I-75 recycled ag- crushed stone, and that led to a relatively large loss (com-
gregate had more mortar attached to the original aggregate pared to that of the recycled aggregates) for the natural ag-
than the U.S. 23 aggregate of the same size. gregate. However, the L.A. abrasion loss percentage for the
I-75 aggregate was about 1.5 times that of the aggregate
PROPERTIES OF AGGREGATES from U.S. 23. This may be an indication that a larger amount
The recycled aggregate concrete consisted of 100 percent of mortar was attached to the aggregate from I-75 that had a
recycled coarse aggregate and 100 percent natural sand. Two smaller coarse-to-fine aggregate ratio and higher cement fac-
aggregate gradations with two different maximum sizes tor in the original concrete when compared to aggregate
were selected (see Table 5). Table 5 also compares the gra- from U.S. 23. Therefore, under the stresses caused by the im-
dations of the aggregates used in the original concrete from pact loads applied by the L.A. abrasion machine, larger
the U.S. 23 and I-75 sources with those of the recycled ag- amounts of mortar were released from I-75 aggregate.
gregates of the two different maximum sizes. The gradation There was another major difference between aggregates
of natural sand is shown in Table 6. The specific gravity of from the two different sources. The water absorption of I-
the sand was 2.5. 75 aggregate was between 1.5 and 2.25 times that of the ag-
Table 7 shows the properties of the coarse aggregates gregate from U.S. 23, depending on the size of the aggre-
from different sources. The % hr dry mixing of aggregate gates. This further supports the assumption that I-75
was performed to study the possibility of the release of mor- recycled aggregate had more mortar attached to the surface
tar attached to the original aggregate in the recycled aggre- of the original aggregate. The aggregates were mixed in con-
gate. Aggregates were placed in the drum mixer and the crete in a saturated surface dry condition.
mixer was run for I/Z hr; the aggregates were then taken out In general, aggregate from the U.S. 23 project showed
of the mixer, received, and weighed to determine the amount properties closer to those of natural aggregate when com-
of very tine particles released in the dry mixing process and pared to aggregate from the I-75 project.
184 ACI Materials’ Journal / March-April 1998
Table 7-Properties of natural and recycled aggregates
-- -
Source of aggregate Natural aggregate U.S. 23 aggregate I-75 aggregate
MDOT gradation 6A 1 17A 6A 1 17A 6A 1 17A
Maximum aggregate size, in. 1.0 1 0.75 1.0 1 0.75 1.0 0.75

Unit weight, Ib/ft3 100.8 98.7 82.54 83.33 84.92 85.65

Unit weight, ssd, lb/ft3 99.70 96.79 79.68 79.76 79.65 79.23
Bulk specific gravity, dry 2.67 2.58 2.37 2.31 2.22 2.09
Bulk specific gravity, ssd 2.69 2.63 2.45 2.41 2.37 2.26
Apparent _
specific -_
gravitv 2.75 2.72 2.59 2.57 2.61 2.51
Voids, percent by weight 39.29 38.54 44.00 42.02 38.66 34.09
Absorption, percent by weight 1.11 1.97 3.60 4.48 6.62 8.10
Loss after 1.2 hr dry mixing,* 6.82 3.44 4.53 3.20 4.71 4.45
percent by weight
L.A. abrasion loss, percent by 22.87 22.87 28.72 26.40 42.69 41.67
* Percent smaller than #40 sieve (smallest size in Table 5) for 17A and #4 sieve (smallest size in Table 5) for 6A aggre-
gates after ‘j2 hr dry mixing in drum mixer (percent of aggregate weight before dry mixing).
Note: I in. = 25.4 mm: I lb/ft3 = 16.02 kg/m3.

Table 8-Standards for tests

Test ASTM standards
Sieve analysis of aggregate, fine and coarse C 136
Unit weight and voids in aggregate C 29
Specific gravity and absorption of aggregate, coarse and fine C 127, C 1 2 8
Total moisture content of aggregate, drying method C 566
Resistance to degradation of coarse aggregate by abrasion in L.A. machine c 131
Making and curing concrete in laboratory C 192
Compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens c 39
Splitting tensile strength of cylindrical concrete specimens C 496
Flexural strength using third-point loading C 78

Table 9-Test specimens and equipment

Displacement control,
Flexure Prism, 4 in.* 4 in., L = 12 in. 4
UlOOO = 0.012 in./min
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 lb = 4.448 N.


All test procedures conformed to ASTM standards as indi- Fig. 1 through 6 compare the mean values of the compres-
cated in Table 8.2 Table 9 shows the size of the specimens sive, splitting tensile, and flexural strengths of the natural ag-
and loading rates for different tests. gregate concrete to those of the recycled aggregate concrete
for each level of water-cement ratio, dry mixing time, and
CONCRETE MIX DESIGN aggregate top size.
Water-cement ratio was considered at two different levels: Test results for 28-day compressive, splitting tensile, and
0.3 and 0.4. The cement used was Type I portland cement, and flexural strengths are shown in Fig. 7 through 9 for all the ag-
the cement contents for lower strength concrete (water-cement gregate sources and the two levels of water-cement ratio, dry
ratio of 0.4) were 530 lb/yd3 with 0.75 in. (314 kg/m3 with 19 mixing time, and aggregate top size. The 95 percent con&
mm) and 510 lb/yd3 with 1 in. (303 kg/m3 with 25.4 mm) top dence intervals are also shown in the figures. The test data
size aggregates. The corresponding values were 700 and 675 and statistical analyses of the results for each of the three
lb/yd3 (415 and 400 kg/m3) for higher strength concrete (wa- strength types are discussed in the following.
ter-cement ratio of 0.3). Coarse (recycled or natural) aggre-
gate and natural sand were used in equal volumes. Recycled Compressive strength
concrete contained 100 percent recycled coarse and 100 per- Tables 10 and 11 show the significance of different vari-
cent natural fine aggregates. About 0.1 percent by weight of ables and their interactions in determining the 28-day corn-
cement of an air-entraining agent conforming to ASTM C pressive strength of concrete. A key observation in % i
250 was used in all mixes. tables is that various parameters (i. e., aggregate source, ag-

ACI Materials Journal / March-April 1996

0 200 A00 600 809 T@Jc)
u 2300 aoo 6ooo 8ooo loo00
Sprittmg Tens& Strength. 175 ReCyclee. OS!
Compressive Strength. US23 RecycW 6s:

Fig. l-Mean value compressive strengths of natural ver;us Fig. 4-Mean value splitting tensile strengths of natural ver-
U.S. 23 recycled aggregate concretes (I psi = 6895 N/m ) sus I-75 recycled aggregate concretes (1 psi = 6895 N/m’)


0 2 0 0 0 Loo0 6COO 6 0 0 0 10000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Cmxxessve Strength. I75 Recycled. 0s~ Fkwral Strength. US23 DSI
Fig. 2-Mean value compressive strengths of natural versus Fig. 5-Mean valuejkxural strengths of natural versus U.S. 23
” I-75 recycled aggregate concretes (I psi = 6895 N/m2) recycled aggregate concretes (I psi = 6895 N/m’)

0 200 400 600 800 loo0

Tens& Strength us23 Recvcled. 00

1 I
0 2k A00 600 800 :oQo

Fig. 3-Mean value splitting tensile strengths of natural versus Fig. 6-Mean valueflexural strengths of natural versus 1-75
U.S. 23 recycled aggregate concretes (1 psi = 6895 N/m2) recycled aggregate concretes (I psi = 6895 N/m’)

188 ACI Materials Journal / March-April 1996

* 3

. _. . _ .._ -._ ..:. ._. __.. .._ _.. .. .. .. . .

Fig. 7-Compressive si
6.895 MPa)

..-.......... ..................

_.. . . ._.................

. . . . . .
6j Recycled - US23
Ia Recycled - l-75 I

Fig. &Splitting tensile strength of concrete at 28 days (means and 95percent confidence intervals; 1 in. = 25.4 mm, f ksi
= 6.895 MPa)

ACI Materials Journal / March-April 1996 187

Flexural Strength, psi

q Recycled - US23
m Recycled - l-75

AS = Aggregste Sire, in
WC = Water - Cement Ratio
DM = Dry Mixing Time, hr

Fin. 9-Flexurul - of concrete at 28 days (means and 95 percent conjidence

strength intervals; I in. = 25.4 mm, I ksi = 6.895

Table lo-significance of different variables and Table 11-Significance of different variables and
ir interactions from statistical analysis of all their interactions of 28-day compressive strength
;; yfgregate sources in determining 28-day
Aggregate source Natural U.S. 23 1-75
* 9 * L
AS - t
Compressive Splitting tensile * * *
Variable strength strength F :lexural strength w/c

*** --* -1*

I * * * DM I * I * I *
AS - * * AS*w/c

I i
W/C * * * AS*DM
DM * t - w/c *DM
* * AS*w/c*DM - * *
* * AS = aggregate we. U/C = water-cement ratio. IA44 = dry nxw&! time
* Stgmticant at 98 percent level of confidence
I*DM * * * t Slgnthcant at 95 to 98 percent level ot confidence.
AS*w/c * * 6 Slgntlicant at 90 to 95 lebel of confidence.
AS*DM - * *
W/C *DM - * - Fig. 7 indicates that the U.S. 23 recycled aggregate con-
PAS%dC * * * crete generally had higher compressive strength than both
I*AS*DM t * - the control and I-75 recycled aggregate concretes. This was
‘*w/c*DM * $ “r particularly true when the water-cement ratio was low and
S*w/c*DM * - 9 the resulting strength was larger than the strength of the I-7.5
4S*w/c*DM * * - original concrete. The better performance of the U.S. 23 re-
- ~
Note I = $o”rce ot aggregate, AJ = aggregate \,ze: w/c = water-cement ratlo; cycled aggregate was generally confirmed statistically at a 95
DM = dry tmxing ttme
* Stgntlicant at 98 percent level of conhdence. percent level of confidence. Dry mixing does not change the
t Stgmlicant at 95 to 98 percent level of conhdence
f Slgmficant at 90 to 9.5 percent level of confidence
strength of U.S. 23 recycled concrete significantly, but it seems
to be weakening concretes made using natural or I-75 recycled
aggregates. However, the statistical level of confidence for
gate top size, water-cement ratio, and dry mixing time) the effect of dry mixing is different for different values of other
,..ierally show strong interactions. Therefore, the effect of variables. For identical water-cement ratios, the I-7.5 recycled
each of these variables would be different at different levels aggregate seems to perform more poorly than natural aggre-
of other variables. gate when the strength of control concrete is higher than that of
.i .<. 1 8 8 ACI Materials Journal / March-April 1996
the original concrete in the I-75 project, and better when the Table 12-Significance of different variables and
strength of control concrete is lower than that of the original con- their interactions of 28-day splitting tensile
crete. This conforms well to the findings of others.’ Dry mixing strength
increases the gap between the strengths of control and 1-75 recy-
cled aggregate concretes since dry mixing weakens control
concrete more at the higher water-cement ratio and weakens l-75
aggregate concrete more at the lower water-cement ratio.
The fact that recycled aggregate concrete may behave dif-
ferently has also been observed by other researchers. They
found that the strength of recycled aggregate concrete could
be lower than that of corresponding control concrete made
with natural aggregate at the same water-cement ratio when
the strength of such control concrete exceeded the strength
of the original concrete from which the recycled aggregate is
originated.” The weaker bond between the old mortar and the
actual stone particles in the recycled aggregate seems to
cause this behavior. Compared to control concrete having differently from compressive strength by the variables con-
lower strength than the original concrete, however, recycled sidered. At a 95 percent level of confidence, aggregate size
aggregate concrete performs well. This is confirmed in this does not affect the splitting tensile strength of recycled ag-
research work even when the B-day strength control con- gregate concrete, but an increased top size of natural aggre-
crete is compared with the long-term (over 30 years) strength gate leads to a higher splitting tensile strength except in the
of original concrete. case of dry mixing at low water-cement ratio. Dry mixing
The effect of aggregate size on compressive strength is not does not significantly change splitting tensile strength for
statistically significant for natural aggregate and U.S. 23 re- any of the aggregates. The two recycled aggregates produced
cycled aggregate concretes due to the fact that there is not a splitting tensile strengths that were either higher than or sta-
significant difference between the two maximum aggregate tistically comparable to that obtained using natural aggregate.
sizes. However, even at this level of difference between the For stone or gravel concrete, tests show that the splitting
two aggregate top sizes, size plays a significant role for the tensile strength can be approximated by 6(/i.‘)“’ psi,
1-75 recycled aggregate concrete at low water-cement ratio 0.5OcfJ” MPa, where ,f,.’ is the 28-day compressive
and with dry mixing. This can be attributed to the mortar strength in psi, MPa.’ Table 13 compares this relationship
paste adhered to the stone particles in the recycled aggregate. with the splitting tensile strengths obtained in the present re-
Previous research has shown that the size of recycled coarse search. The established relationship seems to work better for
aggregate is a critical factor in determining the amount of recycled aggregate concrete with lower water-cement ratios.
mortar attached to the stone particles, with the larger size The empirical relationship seems to overestimate the split-
having less adhered mortar.’ Therefore, the smaller size ting tensile strength for recycled aggregate concrete of high-
( 17A) recycled aggregate loses a larger percentage of ad- er water-cement ratio and for natural aggregate used in this
hered mortar than the bigger size (6A) recycled aggregate. investigation at all water-cement ratios.
This leads to a larger difference in the actual stone particle
size between the two sizes of recycled aggregates. On the Flexural strength
other hand. the U.S. 23 recycled aggregate had a larger Results of the factorial analysis of variance of the flexur-
amount of coarse stone particles in the original concrete than al strength test results are presented in Tables 10 and 14, in
the I-75 recycled aggregate, leading to less adhered mortar which strong interactions between different variables are
and closer actual stone particle top sizes for the two different observed again. As shown in Fig. 9, the U.S. 23 recycled
aggregate maximum sizes, and a behavior that is closer to aggregate of smaller top size generally leads to higher
natural aggregate in terms of aggregate top size insignificant strength than the I-75 recycled aggregate. Compared to the
effect on the compressive strength of the U.S. 23 recycled natural aggregate, the U.S. 23 recycled aggregate per-
and control concretes. formed better at the higher water-cement ratio, but it per-
The lower amount of coarse to fine aggregates and the formed worse at the lower water-cement ratio except when
larger cement factor in the original I-75 concrete mix leads dry mixing was applied.
to a higher amount of mortar attached to the actual stone AC1 Code 3 18’ expresses the flexural strength (modulus
particles in the I-75 recycled aggregate. This. in turn, pro- of rupture),f, by the following equation
duces higher L.A. abrasion loss and water absorption for
the I-75 recycled aggregate when compared to the U.S. 23 f,. = 7.5 Y;.‘)“2 psi,J;: in psi
recycled aggregate.

Splitting tensile strength f,. = 0.62 (f;.‘f2 MPa,f,.’ in MPa

Factorial analysis of variance of the splitting tensile
strength test results was indicative of strong interactions be- Table 13 compares the values obtained using this equation
tween different variables (see Tables 10 and 12). Fig. 8 indi- and the values obtained from the tests. The relationship is
cates that splitting tensile strength may be affected very conservative for natural aggregate concrete, especially
ACI Materials Journal / March-April 1996 189
Table 13-Splitting tensile and flexural strength versus compressive strength for concretes with
aggregates from different sources
Natural aggregate ,
U.S. 23 recvcled aggregate 1 1-75 recycled aggregate
Aggregate size, Water-cement Dry mixing Splitting tensile Flexural Splitting tensile Flexural Splitting tensile I Flexural

in. ratio time, hr strength* strength? strength* strengtht strength* strengtht
0.75 0.3 0.0 -27.9 +52.6 -6.7 -25.4 -9.0 -21.3
0.75 0.3 0.5 -32.7 +54.3 -2.4 -21.9 -4.5 -23.6
0.75 0.4 0.0 -31.4 +14.7 -37.4 -49.9 -11.7 -29.3
0.75 0.4 0.5 -17.2 +16.0 -16.2 -32.9 -28.4 -42.7
I .o 0.3 0.0 - 14.2 +37.5 -1.9 -21.5 -2.7 -22.1
1.0 0.3 0.5 -15.6 +24.4 -12.1 -29.6 -11.0 -28.9
1.0 0.4 0.0 -13.9 +13.1 -19.9 -36.0 -28.6 -42.9
1.0 0.4 0.5 -13.4 +13.4 -23.0 -38.5 -22.9 -38.3
* Measured4 (fC’)“*. percent.
t Measured-7.5 (f,-‘)I’*, percent
Note: I psi = 6895 N/m*.

Table 14-Significance of different variables and strength of natural aggregate concrete are generally uncon-
their interactions of 28-day flexural strength servative in application to recycled aggregate concrete.
Aggregate source U.S. 23 Natural I-75 6. The qualities of original concrete seem to restrict the
AS t j: t qualities achievable in recycled aggregate concrete. Howev-
er, the complex effects and interactions of various variables
make it difficult to come up with specific predictions regard-
ing the behavior of recycled aggregate in concrete without
conducting tests under applicable circumstances.
7. As far as strengths are concerned, the basic trends in be-
AS = Aggregate size: w/c = water-cement ratio; DM = dry mixing time havior of field-demolished concrete aggregate are not signif-
* Sgnilicant at 90 to 95 percent level of confidence.
t Significant at 95 to 98 percent level of confidence.
icantly different from those of the laboratory-made recycled
$ Significant at 98 percent level of confidence. concrete aggregate. The major difference between the two
cases is that many different variables such as the mix propor-
tions and the aggregate gradation in the original concrete are
at the lower water-cement ratio. For recycled aggregate con-
involved in the field-demolished concrete that cannot be
crete, the test values are less than the AC1 values, and the dif-
changed during the recycling process. In demolishing the
ference is larger at a higher water-cement ratio.
laboratory-made concrete, the properties of the original con-
crete can be controlled.
1. If the compressive strength of the original concrete that
is being recycled is higher than that of the control concrete, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The authors wish to thank David Smiley of the Michigan Department of
then the recycled aggregate concrete can also be made to Transportation, Jack Kzeski of Interstate Highway Construction, Mark
have higher compressive strength than the control concrete. Johnson of Ajax Paving, Mike Gleeson of Angela h&ate, Gerald J. McCarthy
2. Increased L.A. abrasion loss and water absorption ca- of the Michigan Concrete Paving Association, and Siavash Ravanbakbsh of
pacity of recycled aggregates, which partly reflect the in- the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Michigan State
creased amount of mortar adhered to original stone University for their technical assistance. The support of the Department of
aggregate, generally lead to reduced compressive strength of Civil Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. and the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Michigan State Uni-
recycled aggregate concrete.
versity is gratefully acknowledged.
3. Splitting tensile and flexural strengths of recycled ag-
gregate concrete can be higher or lower than those of the nat-
ural aggregate concrete, depending on water-cement ratio 1, “Recycling of Demolished Concrete and Masonry,” T. C. Hansen, ed.,
and dry mixing period. Report 6, International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for
4. Effects of dry mixing and recycled aggregate top size on Materials and Structures, 1992, 3 16 pp.
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190 ACI Materials Journal / March-April 1996

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