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Topic 1-Water 10/03/2018 3:10:00 PM

Distribution and Regulation of our Body’s Water

1. ¾ of earths surface covered with water ( oceans- Challenger Deep in
Mariana Trench is little short of 11km down)
2. Makes up 50-60% of mass of human body
3. Life as we know cannot exist without water

 Most biochemical reactions take place in water

 Blood the transport system in body is a solution of substances in
 Environment inside and surrounding our cells is a watery

 In a person with normal BMI ( BODY MASS INDEX), total body

water represents:
o 55-60% of body weight in Women
o 60-65% body weigh in M
o Ie man normal BMI, 70kg –body contains 42-45.5 kg of
 Fluid compartments of the body
o Intracellular fluid (ICF)= fluid inside cell
o Extracellular fluid ( ECF)=Interstitial fluid and Plasma
 66% Intracellular (ICF)
 33% Extracellular (ECF)
o approx. 75% of ECF=interstitial
o appros23% of ECF=plasma
o Other small amounts of body fluid include joint fluid, CSF
(Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colourless
body fluid found in the brain and spinal cord
 Water content in different organs
o Blood-85%
o Bone-22%
o Skin-72%
o Adipose(fat)-10%- more fat less percentage of water- are
o Muscle-75%
 Gain water from
o Drinking-60%
o Eating-30%
o Metabolism-10%--> also produces CO2
 Lose water from
o Faeces-100mls per day
o Sweat –varies
o Urine-Adaptable-1500mls
o Insensible loss-breathing 700mls

 Regulation of body water- Thirst determines intake

o Stimulated by blood volume and blood pressure
o Behavioural responses – sweating, panting, raised hairs –
determined by hypothalamus in brain
o Urine production regulates water loss

 Transfer of water in and out of cells

o Cell membranes are selectively permeable ie they allow
unrestricted passage of water- but not necessarily large
molecules ie starch starch and iodine prac
o Large quantities of water are constantly moving in and out
of our cells
o Net movement of water is a significant cellular process
known as osmosis

Dehydration hypertension Overhydration-Hyponatremia

 Headache, dizziness, light  Low blood sodium levels
headedness- brain tissue diluted by fluids
loses water causing brain  Symptoms similar to
to shrink and pull away dehydrations-
from skull-pain receptions disorientations, confusion,
surrounding brain trigger headaches, muscle
and headache sets in, weakness, nausea and
blood volume also vomiting
decrease, decreasing flow
of blood and o2 to brain

Structure of Water
 Water is a POLAR molecule
 Polar water molecules form intermolecular bones known as
hydrogen bonds
 Molecule has a positively charged end and a negatively charged

δ+ δ+

Due to high different in electronegativity3.44-2.20=1.24  polar covalent

Can also H-bond- an intermolecular bond!
Thermal & other Properties of Water
 Considered a sticky molecule
o High surface tension- allows insect to walk on it
o Water on spider webs
o Unlike other molecules, when it freezes instead of
becoming denser the hydrogen bond keeps them expanded
and form ice crystals
 Thermal ( heat) properties of water- as a result of H-bond
o High melting and boiling points
 Both MP and BP of H20 are high compared to to
other molecules of similar mass
 Takes significant amount of heat energy to separate
polar molecules as they move from solid to liquid to
o High heat capacity
 Heat Capacity: the amount of heat energy required
to raise the temp of a defined amount of a substance
by one degree
 A high heat capacity means: water can absorb a
relatively large amount of heat without undergoing a
large change in temperature
 Implications for human body- water can absorb heat
energy without large temp change human body is
protected against the large temp changes in our
external environment
o High heat of vaporisation
 Heat of vaporisation: the amount of heat energy
necessary to vaporise a given amount of liquid
without changing its temp
 Heat of vaporisation is the energy required to
overcome the molecular forces of attraction between
the molecules of a liquid and bring them to the
vapour state where such attractions are minimal
 Implications for human body-cooling our bodies by
 We use this high heat of vaporisation to cool
off on a hot day
 High energy requirement to break multiple
hydrogen bonds
 Note: Hydrogen bonds only has around
5% the strength of a covalent bond.
However when many hydrogen bonds
can form between 2 molecules-resulting
union is quite strong and stable
 When we perspire the evaporating water
absorbs heat from the body to enable the
water to evaporate ( ie sweat)
 This transfer ( removal) of heat provides an
effective means of cooling our bodies
Liquid BP Heat Capacity Heat of
J/K Vaporisation
Benzene 80.1 1.74 436
Water 100.0 4.18 2268
Methyl Benzene 110.6 1.70 413

 Extra
o O2 doesn’t diffuse very well through water
Carbon Chemistry-Topic 2 10/03/2018 3:10:00 PM

Carbon Chemistry
 Chemistry of all living organism ( that we know of) is based on
 “ Organic chem”=chem of compounds containing compound
 Important biological molecules made of only a few elements
o Carbon
o Hydrgoen
o Oxygen
o Nitrogen
o Phosphorous
o Sulphur

 In biological compounds-carbon often bonds with hydrogen
called hydrocarbons
 Small diff in electronegativity between C and H 2.55-2.20=.35
 Suggests pair of electrons in C-H bond evenly shared therefore
non polar
 Are soluble in non-polar solvents ( ie kerosene, acetone)
 Insoluble in polar solvents ( ie water)
 Like dissolves like
 Hydrocarbon chains are important in body:
o Main reserve of energy ( lipid or fat stores) is in the form
of hydrocarbon chains
o Hydrocarbon chains form a major part of cell membrane
Functional Groups and Functional Groups in Biological Compounds
 Many biological compounds contain other atoms: Oxy, nitro,
phosphorous, Sulphur
 Atoms give hydrocarbon chains special chemical characteristics
and functions-form functional groups
 Major function groups in Biological compounds
o Hydroxyl ( or alcohol ) group
o Carbonyl group
o Carboxyl group
o Amino group

Functional Groups and Polarity

 When oxygen or nitrogen are part of a hydrocarbon molecules
they make it
o More polar
o Therefore more water soluble
 Solubility Video
Lipids and Carbohydrates-Topic 3 10/03/2018 3:10:00 PM

Lipids ( or Fats)
 Derived from Greek word lipos meaning “fat”
 Lipids, phospholipids, lipoproteins, glycolipids
 Biological molecules insoluble in water ( hydrophobic)
Function of Lipids in Body
1. Storage of energy-adipose tissue help insulate body temp
2. Source of energy after energy from carbs is used up,
2xenergy/g compared to protein or carbs- vast fat reserve
around kidney
3. Basic component of cell membranes- phospholipids key
component of cell membranes
4. Chemical messengers-steroid hormones
o Some are essential fatty acids, ie Omega 3-regulate
cardiovascular, immune and inflammatory pathways
o Body can store fats very efficiently
Types of Lipids-Structure

Fatty Acids
 Long chain hydrocarbon molecule with a single carboxyl group
( aka carboxylic acid)
 Typically contain 12-18 carbon atoms
 Insoluble in water
 Saturated ( no double bond) or unsaturated ( have double bond)
o Monosaturated-one double bond
o Polyunsaturated-many double bonds

Lect Activity 1

Heptane: C7H16
Molecular Formula : CH3-(CH2)6-CH3

Line Formula
 Each point is a carbon
 Assume H attaches
Fatty Acids-Saturated vs Unsaturated

Properties of Saturated Fatty Acids

 Contain only single C-C bonds
 Closely packed
 Strong attraction between chains
 Have high melting points
 Are solids at room temperature

 IUPAC name: Hexadecanoic acid Common name: Palmitic acid

 Functional group-carboxylic acid

Properties of Unsaturated Fatty Acids

 Contains one or more double C=C bonds
 Cis isomer puts kinds in the fatty acid chains
 Cis- denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which 2
particular atoms or groups lie on the same side of a given plane
in the molecule
o Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular

formula but have different arrangement of the aotms in

o Excludes arrangements due to rotation as a whole/ rotation
particular bonds
o Instead atoms making up molecule are joined in a different
o Stereoisomerism: Atoms making up isomers joined in
same order but still have different spatial arrangement-eg
Geometric ( cis/trans) isomers
o Geometric isomers arise when you have restricted rotation
somewhere in a molecule

o Compare this to molecules with unrestricted rotation

 Molecules can not pack closely
 Few attractions between chains
 Low melting points
 Are liquids at room temp

 Trans isomer- trans from Latin meaning across
 Cis isomer-cis from Latin meaning on this side
 Stearic acid-around steak white fatty part-solid at room temp
 Olive oil-a lot of oleic acid-liquid

Trans Fat in Processed Foods

 Produced by hydrogenation ( chemical reaction where hydrogen
molecules saturate organic compounds in the presence of a
catalyst usually) of natural ‘cis’ fats
 Often used in processed foods
o Trans fat makes crispier chips-ramping up temperature of
o Longer shelf life
 Associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease
 ‘Trans’ fats now banned for use in foods in many countries

 Main storage lipid molecule of our body
 Lipids stored in adipose tissue
 Located beneath the skin ( subcutaneous fat), around internal
organs ( visceral fat) , in bone marrow ( yellow bone marrow),
intermuscular ( muscular system) and in breast tissue-adipose
depots, serves as an endocrine organ capable of regulating
metabolic homeostasis and the synthesis and secretion of several
 Composed by glycerol and 3 fatty acids
 Often called glycerophospholipids
 Most abundant lipids on plasma ( cell) membranes
 Composed
o Glycerol
o Two fatty acids
o Phosphate group
o A small polar molecule

Lipid bilayer of the Cell Membrane ( aka Plasma membrane)

 Forms a bilayer structure
Types of Lipids
1. Lipids that include fatty acids in their structure
 Triglycerides-fat storage molecules
 Phospholipids-Cell membranes
2. Lipids that do not contain fatty acids are
 Steroids
o Cholesterol
o Sex Hormones ( eg estrogen, testosterone)
o Adrenal gland hormones ( eg cortisol, aldosterone)
 Steroids- a steroid molecule consists of a characteristic 4 ring
hydrocarbon structure

 Nucleus not cell nucleus-simply mean centre

 Eg: Cholesterol
o Most abundant steroid in the body
o A hydrocarbon with a hydroxyl group attached to the
steroid nucleus

Cholesterol in the Body

 Consumed in diet from meats, milk and eggs
 Synthesized in the liver
 Most abundant steroid lipid in body
 A key component of plasma ( cell) membrane
 Brain and nerve tissue
 Synthetic pathways of steroid hormones and Vit D
Too much Cholesterol

 Cardiovascular disease forming plaque around arteries-can

depend on genetic background and accumulation
o Reduce blood flow cells not getting oxygen-cells die within
o If vulnerable plaque, soft thin fibrous cap more likely to
rupture, causing a blood clot to form at the rupture site,
cutting off or restricting blood flow and potentially causing
a heart attack or stroke
 Gallstones=solid cholesterol remove so gall bladder can function
 Brain nearly 100% cholesterol-25% of cholesterol in your body is
found in your brain

 Insoluble carbohyrates-dietry fibre
 2:1:1 C:H
 A major energy source via our diet
 Contains element, C,H and O
 Saccharides = sugars
 Eg- Glucose, sucrose, lactose, starch, glycogen and cellulose
Key Role of Carbohydrates:
 Metabolic fuel-eg glucose is the blood sugar
 Storage form of energy as starch in plants and glycogen in
animals- store less than a 1/3 of energy-short term, long term is
adipose tissue
 Essential components of nucleic acids ribose in RNA and 2-
deoxy-ribose in DNA
o Blood type determined by type of carbohydrate outside
 Mediation of interaction between cells present on the surface of
cell membrane
Types of Carbohydrates
 Monosaccharide’s-simplest carbohydrates
 Disaccharides-consists of 2 monosaccharide’s
 Polysaccharides- many monosaccharide’s
 If breaking down using water we call hydrolysis
 Enzymes- catalysing chemical reactions, making things instant
 Specific enzyme- break down carb

 Lipids and proteins can break down into glucose- brain needs
 Monosaccharides are the simplest units of carbohydrates and the
simplest form of sugars-are the building blocks of more complex
carbohydrates such as disaccharides and polysaccharides
 Any of the class of sugars ( e.g. glucose) that cannot be
hydrolysed to give a simpler sugar
 3-6 Carbon atoms typically
 Consists of a carbonyl group ( C=O) and several hydroxyl groups
( OH)
 The number of carbons in a sugar determines which size groups
of sugars it belongs to: IUPAC naming
 5 carbons: pentose
 6 carbons: hexose
Important Monosaccharides
 Glucose
 Galactose
 Fructose
 Found in fruits, honey, vegetables
 Formual C5H12O6
 Main sugar found in our bodies-blood sugar
 Energy fuel-a key component of our cell metabolism
 Lots of hydroxyl groups
 Rely on hormone insulin released from pancreas to regulate
blood glucose levels, and enable any sugar that isn’t immediately
required to be stored-if cannot regulate or it stays high is
 Glucose tolerant tests available-done in pregnancy to test for
gestational diabetes
 Can form a ring structure- more stable

Blood Glucose Level
 Normal blood glucose level is 70.0-90.0mg/dL
 Glucose tolerance test measure blood glucose for several hours
after ingesting glucose

 Has formula C6H12O6- not found free in nature
 Obtained from lactose, a disaccharide- lactose sugar in milk
 Lactose-milk sugar broken down by lactase
 Galactose doesn’t exist as a free monosaccharide, need enzyme
to break it down
 Same molecular formula, and similar structure to glucose except
for the –OH on C4
 Has 2 hydroxyl group-same molecule formula- enzymes however
can determine change- and not metabolise galactose

 C6H12O6
 Exists as cyclic structure
 Reacts the –OH on C-5, with the C=O on C-2
 Fructose sweetest carb-found in fruit juice, honey
 Converted to glucose in tody
Important Disaccharides
 Consists of 2 monosaccharides

 Disaccharide also known as malt sugar
 2 glucose molecules, linked by a glycosidic bond
 Glycosidic bonds: covalent chemical bonds that link ring-shaped
sugar molecules to other molecules. They form by condensation
reaction between an alcohol or amine of one of the molecule and
carbon of the sugar
 Used in cereals, sweets and brewing beer
 Disaccharide of galactose & glucose
 Joined by glycosidic bond
 Found in milk and milk products
 Galactose taken pretty much from lactose
 Makes up 2-8 % of milk by weight
 Is digested by lactase enzyme, as we get older enzyme less
active therefore cause abdominal bloating, diarrhoea

 Table sugar from sugar cane
 Consists of glucose and fructose
 Joined by glycosidic bond
 Is fructose that gives it its sweetness-glucose itself is not very
sweet –why? Due to its stereoisomerism structure
 Fructose twice as sweet at glucose
 Can be extracted naturally from sugar cane and sugar beet
 Whiter the sugar the more processing it undergone removing lots
of minerals and salts
 Polymers of glucose
 Examples:
o Cellulose ( in plants and wood)
 Is a polymer of glucose units in unbranched chains
 All linked by glycosidic bonds
 Body unable to digest – requires enzymes such as
cellulase to break down which we don’t have
 Instead forms dietary fibre
 Herbivores can digest, as have different
compartmentalised stomachs, and enzymes
o Starch ( potatoes, pasta)
 Starch (70-80% amylopectin, 20-30 amylose)-
polymer of glucose molecules
 Amylopectin: water soluble polysaccharide, is broken
down rapidly and has a high GI index, meaning it can
increase blood sugar rapidly, leading to weight gain
 Amylose: difficult to digest and smaller, contains
100-10,000 glucose units, less heavily branched,
linear shape can pack tightly
 Forms a continues chain, branched and unbranched
 All linked by glycosidic bonds

o Glycogen ( in humans –main storage for of glucose)

 Mode in our bodies, the storage molecule of glucose
 Structure is a polymer of glucose ( polysaccharide)
 Is similar to starch in potatoes but is more highly
 Broken down to glucose via process glycogenesis-
part of glucose homeostasis
 Aprox. 350g of glycogen in the body ( liver and
 Glycolipids: Complex lipids that contain
carbohydrates-ie found o the outer part of the
plasma membrane
 Covalently attached, exposed on outer surface on
cell. Have a communicative role, acting as markers
for cellular recognition .
 Glycoproteins: Complex proteins that contain
carbohydrates attached to polypeptide chain-ie
mucins, secreted in mucus of respiratory and
digestive tracts. The sugars when attached to mucins
give them considerable water holding capacity and
makes them resistant to proteolysis ( break down of
proteins by enzymes) by digestive enzymes-also in
cell membrane
 Glycoproteins are found on the surface of the lipid
bilayer of cell membranes. Their hydrophilic nature
allows them to function in the aqueous environment,
where they act in cell-cell recognition and binding of
other molecules. Cell surface glycoproteins are also
important for cross-linking cells and proteins (e.g.,
collagen) to add strength and stability to a tissue.
Glycoproteins in plant cells are what allow plants to
stand upright against the force of gravity.

Proteins and Nuclei Acids 10/03/2018 3:10:00 PM

Follow Lecture Slides

Function of Proteins
 Collagen most abundant protein in the body
Essential Amino Acids
 If not synthesized in diets, must be obtained from diet eggs, fish,
almonds, walnuts  have protein but lack lysine hence eat beans
Examples of Amino Acids
 Alanine instead of H functional group, have methyl group
Types of Amino Acids ( polar , NP)
 Non polar amino acids- if the R group is NP. Predominantly
carbon and hydrogen hence NP
 Polar ( neutral), if the R group is uncharged ie OH ie serine
 Polar ( charged) – when R group is charged, is COO- ( carboxylic
acid in solution)

 Blue=peptide backbone
 Peptide bond form by losing a water-condensation polymer
 A peptide bond is a chemical bond formed between two
molecules when the carboxyl group of one molecule reacts with
the amino group of the other molecule, releasing a molecule
of water (H2O).
 Side groups in order: NP, NP, P, NP

Levels of Protein Structure

1. Primary: Amino acids in unique sequence- one change can have
massive impact on function
Structure of insulin- why so important? Once have structure, then can
remake it synthetically, crucial for those with diabetes
2. Alpha Heli-held together by hydrogen bond, where all the R groups
face outside
3. Beta-R groups above and below the sheet, held by hydrogen bonds
neighbouring each other
4. Tertiary structure
 Myoglobin-150 amino acids, and other haem groups and iron ion
Quaternary Structure
 2 or more protein ( polypeptide chains)
 Stabilized by the same interactions found in tertiary structures,
ie hydrophobic, hydrophilic, salt bridge, h-bond, disulphide bonds
 Haemoglobin 4 polypeptide chains ( subunits), 2 alpha 141
amino acids, 2 beta 146 amino acids

Causes of Denaturation
 Heat and chemicals ( detergents)- break hydrogen bonds and
disrupt hydrophobic interactions ie autoclave, or egg white
turning white upon heat
 Change in pH ( acids and bases)-disrupt ionic bonds, ie acidify
milk. When milk becomes acidic the negative charge which keeps
the casein ( main protein in milk) separate is neutralized hence
becoming precipitated
 Heavy metal ions- mercury and lead poisoning heavy metals
very toxic, because they target and disrupt S-S bonds (
disulphide bridges)  some amino acids can form disulphide
 Agitation-breaks H-bond, and peptide chains, ie milk shaken to
butter, whip eggs to meringues-disrupting bond in tertiary
structure some are reversible
1. No-not about hydrolysing bonds in between individual amino acids (
happens in digestion) pepsin breaks peptide bonds  denaturation is
unfolding molecule, losing shape
2. Core body temp 37 physiological ph is 7.4, if you have fever above
39, even few degrees above we feel unwell  denaturation of our
proteins, fever unwind proteins don’t function as well

Nucleic Acids
 Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine
 Ribose: In RNA is “ normal” sugar, with one oxygen atom
attached to each carbon atom
 Deoxyribose: Modified lacked one oxygen atom

 In RNA instead of Thymine is replaced by Uracil

From RNA to protein synthesis Video

Notes: Protein Synthesis ( Infocus Biology)

Mutations ( Infocus Biology)
Cell Membrane 10/03/2018 3:10:00 PM

Cell Membrane
 Some require proteins to transport
 Semi-permeable- allow things go through easily, normally solvent
molecule, but other thinks like phosphate, iodine, large substance,
ionic will require a carrier to cross
 Phospholipid bilayer- more like a liquid ( free to move about) than a
Membrane Fluidity
o Quasi-fluid- so things can go through it
o Cis-introduce kinks can’t pack as well
o Everyone cell membrane must have cholesterol- rigid part of
molecule, not flexible introduces rigidity, make the liquid less like
a liquid therefore packing will also be difficult
o Polar group at end of cholesterol stick out interact with water
Some terms
Membrane Transport
 Driving forces that move molecules or ions
 Concentration gradient, ie Sodium concentration higher inside than
 Things go from high concentration to low concentration
 Why? Molecules moving in random motions-collide in cell membrane
some dissolution will be successful therefor equalise
 Electric gradient require only positive and negative ion- experience
electrical gradient force
 Force can be in same direction or opposite
o Water from high concentration to low concentration
o Solute concentration lower, water is higher
o Reverse osmosis-as stopped raining as much ?
o Plants-take water and nutrients up by osmosis
Distinction between isoosomotic and isotonic
o Osmotic- refers to calculations
o Tonicity-experiment
o Results may be same or not
 Osmotic mechanism-by gaining water
 Vivo-real life, vitro-lab
Illustrating Examples
o Urea small molecule cross membrane without carrier
o All urea solutions regardless of concentration will be hypotonic
o Because urea is a small molecule able to cross cell membrane
Types of Membrane Transport
 Require carriers
 Rupter-hypertonice
 Didn’t swell or burst-isotonic solution will always be isosmotic

 Urea- small polar molecule, can cross cell membrane by passive
diffusion doesn’t require carrier
 Urea entering cell-osmolality in cell is greater inside cell, why? Because
urea is equal but then cell also has its own salt concentration
 After the urea has gone into the cell water follows cells get biggers
and ruptures

Types of Membrane Transport

Facilitated diffusion: Higher to lower concentration – similar to passive
diffusion but that doesn’t require carrier
Primary AT: Expenditure of metabolic energy, against electrochemical
gradient from lower to higher
Secondary AT: Expenditure of energy, against conc gradient

Passive or Simple Diffusion

o No plateau, starts at origin, just goes through phospholipid
Factors Affecting Diffusion
 Polar molecules ( urea)
 Can go through protein chanel
Two ways of simple diffusion
Facilitated Diffusion
 Higher to lower

 Cariers have pockets, where molecules being transported can fit in-
can be specific to things its transported
 Limited no. of carriers, once all used – “ wait in line”

Secondary Active T
 Sodium ion going down its concentration gradient, glucose is going
 Secondary for Glucose
 Na+ facilitated diffusion

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